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Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
El Loro Thank you Roger [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by El Loro: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Originally Posted by El Loro: I've added Adidas to the moderation rule as some some spam threads are being posted for them. Thanks for sweeping up the forum for us El Loro. Your post had got sent to moderation as soon as you posted it 30 minutes ago which is why you didn't see it as it picked up the Adidas in the quote. I've OKd it a few moments ago and it's showing the time I OKd it rather than the time you posted it I... [ more ]
Jen-Star ❤️
See all 21 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
New forum features
El Loro Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*: yeah but this thread is called 'new' forum features so any newbies won't know what it was like before. . so why is this still here? any newbies joining will probably get the info in the locked thread upon joining. . and we get it in that irritating pop up that occurs every couple of weeks .. get rid of the unnecessary stickies Done [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* yeah but this thread is called 'new' forum features so any newbies won't know what it was like before. . so why is this still here? any newbies joining will probably get the info in the locked thread upon joining. . and we get it in that irritating pop up that occurs every couple of weeks .. get rid of the unnecessary stickies [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Presumably so that peeps (especially new ones) read it. [ more ]
See all 189 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
Temporary Holiday Theme
Jen-Star Hi Ted, it's bad luck to have your Christmas decorations up after the 12th night [ more ]
squiggle Originally Posted by Lori: I like it!! Me too! [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Not keen. Even on here I get christmas rammed down my throat. Sorry everyone who likes Christmas, I'm not one of them. Would be good if you had the choice to display or not display. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
New Premium Membership
Ted O'Neill Hi everyone- We do not expect everyone (or even most) to purchase a premium membership and we've tried to configure it so that it does not inhibit the primary functions. That said, there are real costs to maintaining a community and the premium membership is one way for active users to help support it. I want to take this opportunity to thank all of the amazing moderators who volunteered here as well. The time and effort they put in to support your community is awesome and without their... [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Originally Posted by Pengy: Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: Blimey ...................are PM's used that much? I can live without it - we did on Ch4 for many years. we certainly use them a lot when we do our murder mysteries - that's gonna buga that up no end That crossed my mind last night Pengy [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: Blimey ...................are PM's used that much? I can live without it - we did on Ch4 for many years. we certainly use them a lot when we do our murder mysteries - that's gonna buga that up no end [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
New social network options
Yellow Rose Originally Posted by Lori: The issue with the unresponsive script has been fixed. Hi Lori I just saw the message from Jonmark and thanked him for resolving the issue Thanks also to Brian and El Loro...El Loro without you pointing me in the direction of Strata I probably wouldn't have found them as I've not been there before, many thanks [ more ]
Lori The issue with the unresponsive script has been fixed. [ more ]
Ted O'Neill We are investigating the issue. [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
Wanted: Moderators!
Aimee Originally Posted by Supes: Originally Posted by Aimee: Cupcake has deregged as well, she was in my trivial thread but is now listed as a guest Yes, I noticed that too Aims, but didn't want to be the first one to be banned by the new mods for suggesting that anyone might have multi ids I'd better fetch me coat then [ more ]
Ted O'Neill ❤️
Former Member Originally Posted by Aimee: Cupcake has deregged as well, she was in my trivial thread but is now listed as a guest Yes, I noticed that too Aims, but didn't want to be the first one to be banned by the new mods for suggesting that anyone might have multi ids [ more ]
See all 622 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
Maintenance outage expected early morning
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Aha! Looks like I've missed all the Weeping and Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth then, as I'm only just up. Thanks for interrupting your holiday to tell us this Lori. Enjoy the rest of it. However, I'm just getting cogs when I try to post (8:30 BST) so maybe not, or maybe it's the Infernal Server Error rearing its ugly head! [ more ]
El Loro Thanks Lori for letting us know. I see you are having a great holiday as I've popped in to see your blog. [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
A little warning would help
Lori That's why you (as an Admin) should subscribe to the blog, James. You'll see notices about updates and other information that way. [ more ]
James The Sinking Ship was a not bad compared to GaGa Lori. I just saw a lot of troubled people. Is there no way to message Admin people on individual channels to alert them? They could pass the message on if they think it's needed. [ more ]
Lori Hi, James: I meant to post on Gaga that there would be an update today....and I forgot. I'm sorry about that. However, I'm guessing it's not Gaga that you are worried about. You can keep up with updates and announcements in future by following the company blog . Ted made the announcement earlier today. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
Warning- Testing Themes
Former Member Bet that was a load of pants [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Ted O'Neill: Hi everyone- You may notice some rapid theme changes here over the next hour. I'm just testing something. The current theme will be back in place soon! Sorry for the brief theme confusion. There was a brief theme? ! [ more ]
Ted O'Neill ok.. test completed. Now back to your normal theme... [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
Feedback needed
El Loro This is a copy of a thread I've just created: As you know, there are problems with either not being able to quote in replies at all, or having to open the reply box, then scroll back to the text you want to quote and highlight, then scroll back to the reply box and click on the quote icon, which can be a bit of a hassle. I thought I would ask on the Social Strata help forum pages what was being done and I have had a reply from Brian Lenz, one of their software engineers. This is a copy of... [ more ]
Marguerita I still cant quote I am on safari.. [ more ]
El Loro Reference: I can no longer quote on Firefox...used to ...hummph! The method we used before the recent change no longer works, but you still can quote in Firefox. What you have to do is first open the Post Reply box, secondly highlight the text you want to quote from, thirdly return to the open Post Reply box and click on the quote icon (the one with 2 quote upside-down commas which is near the right end row of icons). It's messier then the old method as it potentially involves 3 scrolling... [ more ]
See all 904 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
A list of links to all existing (previously Livecloud) channels
SuBe Thanks soooooooooooo much for doing this list...I would never be able to find the groups (now Channels) if not for this list and for Lori directing me to this list... THANKS to both!!!! [ more ]
El Loro I wasn't ignoring Low's question, as I'm just another user here, and know nothing about private channels. If Low means a private message or a blog, then if he goes to the Livecloud site (the link to that is at the top of the first post here), he will find the old ones still there. [ more ]
I am Sam You haven't missed any so far Low [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
New Profile Fields Added
El Loro Thanks for letting us know. [ more ]
Rosemary O'Neill Okay, the word is that right now, custom profile fields don't auto-link. However, we've got a suggestion under consideration now to add that as a function. [ more ]
Rosemary O'Neill's weird that they're not auto-linking already...that's normal URL behavior here. Let me go look into that and report back Thanks for letting me know. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
Attn: Data Center Move - should be NO downtime
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Reference: One hump or two? Two would be best. Then they can secure the servers/data files between the two humps. Much more secure than dangling from one! [ more ]
Lori Well, how is everyone today? Any bumps or bruises? It's all over! [ more ]
Demantoid Reference: Dave Camel, not dromedary. Dromedaries are the one-humpers. The two-humpers are bactrians [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
To all users of Firefox 3.6
kattymieoww Ahh fluff! [ more ]
El Loro muf, usage can depend on which version of Windows (if you are using Windows) you have. I suspect that single core, dual core and quad core processors will have different effects on usage. As you have Youtube running ay the same time, then if you have loaded a clip, but you don't leave that page after having played the clip before sswitching to say here, I think that clip remains loaded in your pc memory. [ more ]
Ensign Muf Thanx Loro I did as You and monitored FF with a few tabs open (LC, RB, FB, Utoob, google desktop) and it was using 227,000k. Opened FF up in safemode (thanks Mozilla )and the number dropped to 75,000k with exactly the same tabs open just gotta figure out whats causing it [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
T-Shirt Design Contest Finalists
Dirtyprettygirlthing Reference: Soops (Forgive me if I'm wrong Ditty you are right Soops.... I was only messing... and whilst Ducky & I are desperate for ninja t-shirts now... I would have felt really bad if it had won... cos I put zero effort into it. Whereas Brisket & the Blizzie/YR collaborative were proper designs. [ more ]
Hyperupdate Has to be the [ more ]
Rocking Ros Rose aww - enjoyed this - well done brisket and well done everybody else - they were all good [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
It's Time to Play...New Design Contest for GaGa!
Rosemary O'Neill Thanks everyone for participating! We'll be posting the top selections in a poll tomorrow, and you guys can have a week to vote up your favorite design. We can work with the winner to make the design "work" on a t-shirt. [ more ]
Lori Oooh, the deadline is almost upon us! I hope you guys are hard at work with your designs! [ more ]
Former Member Reference: like the 'nudity...I'd' in the top, middle. The " cursing eternal" is worrying.. [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
Blacklisting people from groups
Lori I MEANT to close this afterwards, so I'll close now, since rosgirl's question has been answered (thanks, Croc!) [ more ]
Croctacus Reference: but is it possible to blacklist somebody simply because you don't like them You can blacklist someone so they cannot post on your wall or blog if you do one... Go to Manage - Permissions - and its at the bottom...don't forget to hit update after, [ more ]
Aimee awwwww rosgirl, this is locked [ more ]
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