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TV ShowsCSI (All Shows)
CSI has been cancelled
El Loro Final 2 hour episode to be shown on channel 5 next Tuesday. [ more ]
El Loro In the UK, channel 5 will show the final 2 episodes this Saturday 16th and next Saturday 23rd. I don't know if Channel 5 will show the 2 hour finale at some time. Channel 5 has acquired the rights to show CSI: Cyber but no dates announced as to when they will start showing it. Patricia Arquette is the lead. Mixed reviews on IMDB with some people thinks it's good, and others dreadful. 13 episodes in the first series. CBS have confirmed a second series. [ more ]
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TV ShowsCSI (All Shows)
CSI Miami
El Loro The current UK Government advert promoting superfast broadband. They must be either fans of CSI Miami or The Who. [ more ]
machel and that's the end just watched the last of csi miami, noooooooooooooo [ more ]
Toffeekins No but he smacks people on the back of the head and always is standing behind someone when they are talking about him. [ more ]
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TV ShowsCSI (All Shows)
Another CSI spin-off series announced
Lori I like NCIS, too, and if I had more time for TV, I'd watch that one. My parents like it a lot. [ more ]
El Loro Lori, I agree that the CSI original is the best of them though I like NCIS (again the original series, not the spin off) more than CSI. In the UK on Channel 5 we are coming to the end of series 10 so you are two years ahead of us. It's because of the strength of the team in NCIS and it's rare to have such continuity of main cast over 12 years with 4 of them from day 1 to the present. [ more ]
Lori I'd give it a...7. This version (the original, right?) is my favorite version. I never got into any of the others. [ more ]
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TV ShowsCSI (All Shows)
CSI (vegas)
machel looked in tv paper yesterday and put a reminder on tv, [ more ]
El Loro Dallas hasn't been doing very well in the ratings so Channel 5 decided to shift it to 11pm as from Tuesday just gone. Next Tuesday at 9 they are repeating the final episode of series 12. [ more ]
El Loro Machel, today's trailer on Channel 5 confirms it's Tuesday 26th February at 9pm. [ more ]
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TV ShowsCSI (All Shows)
crime/detective shows
El Loro Thanks machel. No, Universal isn't available on Freeview. [ more ]
machel sorry el loro, i should have said, it's on the universal channel (don't know if that is on freeview) it is the aussie one, only 5 series were made and the last is on now every morning at 10.00 (i record it!) i am hoping they repeat it all as i missed the first two series. We tend to watch universal quite a bit as Harry's Law is on that station too, another good law/crime series [ more ]
El Loro I'm not sure I've come across Sea Patrol - is it on Freeview or not? I'm assuming you are referring to the Australian drama series rather than the UK documentary series shown on Channel 5. [ more ]
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