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TV ShowsDexter
kattymieoww I liked the housemate Dexter ,not watched the tv shows.. [ more ]
Videostar Originally Posted by Katerina: Originally Posted by Videostar: The new season is on as soon as the end of september? In America, yes.....I watched the last series at U.S. speed(but I also bought the boxset this year when it came out, so I wasn't too naughty ) not sure when it comes to FX in the UK though, probably not until next Spring. Thats what I thought, it wont be out on UK TV until next spring. [ more ]
Katerina Originally Posted by Videostar: The new season is on as soon as the end of september? In America, yes.....I watched the last series at U.S. speed(but I also bought the boxset this year when it came out, so I wasn't too naughty ) not sure when it comes to FX in the UK though, probably not until next Spring. [ more ]
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TV ShowsDexter
Favourite Season?
pasty22 Hey Guys my favorite season is spring followed carefully by autumn.Spring because its time of revival and wish.Thanks a lot!! [ more ]
Videostar I never read the books, I wish I had now. [ more ]
Katerina That first season was pretty much perfect, as an introduction to the characters, and the story with Brian was so gripping. The first season follows the first book quite closely, but after that the scriptwriters started branching out(I think mainly because some of the stuff in the books is so gruesome, you couldn't put it on TV for a mainstream audience). [ more ]
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