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Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
BBC clips which could be embedded here no longer work
El Loro again [ more ]
El Loro Testing only [ more ]
El Loro Whether the BBC will reply to me is a different matter as it reflects poorly on them. It may be down to the government restricting the BBC's income by freezing the licence fee which people have to pay so there is a political aspect to this. In the UK people have to pay a licence fee to watch television and that fee goes to the BBC as its main source of income. Although the BBC isn't directly controlled by the government, the government does control it to some extent by "negotiating" a... [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
Community Management InfoTips and Tricks
Embedding BBC clips
Baz Ummmm.....ok , its a bit too technical for me ....I need the Noddy Does version .....but I'll take you word for it El [ more ]
El Loro Please note that when embedding a BBC clip, it's part of the BBC terms and condtions that you don't remove any of the content and that there should be a link to the article and where it's from on the BBC site. So that's why in the clip above I've made sure that the Read the full article | BBC News website is showing and also I think it's best to show the BBC logo at the bottom. [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
Community Management InfoTips and Tricks
How to split a quoted reply
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Lucky you! I got no info directly from them. It just stopped working in the normal fashion. I then had to go and dig out stuff for myself to find out what was going on.......and eventually find the necessary info to sort it out. [ more ]
El Loro BBC changed its privacy and cookies policy 4 days ago - I had an email from them about this which is when I changed my settings. Link to their revised policy statement: [ more ]
Eugene's Lair El Loro posted: You may want to keep an eye on those settings... I turned off personalisation, plus all the cookies they allow me to, a couple of weeks ago. However I just took a look at my settings after reading this thread, and they'd all been turned back on... [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
Community Management InfoTips and Tricks
New forum ability - mentioning forum members
Lori Oh, well, he'll be back. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Lori, if I read his post correctly he only typed the @ symbol, no letters. But as he doesn't seem to have responded to me, I can't be sure. [ more ]
Lori I know I'm WAAAAY late to the party, and everyone's gone home... But, @Enthusiastic Contrafibularities , did you get it to work on the Android? We specifically tested on that, and it worked. [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
Community Management InfoTips and Tricks
New forum posting etc
Lori OK, sprout: I can't find anything specific to that issue, but I do wonder if it's an extension on your Chrome. I found this list of troubleshooting steps to take: You would start at #4, because you've done everything before that, already. An easy way to see if you even HAVE any extensions is to go here (apologies if you already know this...) [ more ]
Former Member It started off with Windows 8 but now upgraded (a good while ago) to 8.1 [ more ]
Former Member I'm on a 17.3 inch Toshiba Satellite C70 [ more ]
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Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
Summer/Sweet cannot post pictures on her iPhone
~Sparkling Summer~ P.S. I hope you enjoyed the holidays happy new year [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ Hi Lori, I'm using the regular size iPhone 6, which is the smaller one [ more ]
Lori I'm sorry I've not responded sooner, but we were on break for the holiday, and I didn't want to bug anyone about this until we all came back, I wanted to confirm my suspicion about this issue: you won't see the editing toolbar on your phone - it doesn't fit very well, without wrapping. Sweet, do you have a 6+ (the larger size) phone? That's the only explanation I can think of for you being able to get the toolbar when you turn it to landscape. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
Forum problems
El Loro Lori, I haven't noticed anything but I'll let moonie know that you've posted, thanks [ more ]
Lori Sorry, all, I've been traveling. There were no reports of server issues...although it could have coincided with a brief update or something. Anyone still having issues? [ more ]
El Loro Lori, it was Baz who noticed cogs besides moonie. That might help pin down the timimg. [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
Iphone help please
El Loro Originally Posted by Lori: Wow, I didn't even know you could DO that! In iphone/ipad: Select the Settings application/icon on the iPhone home screen. Select Safari on the following screen. Select Advanced , located near the bottom of the following screen. Move the JavaScript toggle to the left to enable (opposite way to disable) [ more ]
Lori Wow, I didn't even know you could DO that! [ more ]
El Loro Yogi, I'm glad that your iPhone problem has been sorted out Your information about Javascript could be helpful in future if others have a simiar problem. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
Avatar change
El Loro Originally Posted by Lori: Well, I can't get the error to happen no matter what I do... But I'll take your word for it. If you want to get an error just select a non-graphics file such as a word document though you have to choose all files from the file selector. I've also just made a false graphics file by changing the suffix on a word document file to jpg to make it look as if it's a graphics file. Not surprsingly that produced an error with the popup message Bad Request but as before no link. [ more ]
Lori Well, I can't get the error to happen no matter what I do... But I'll take your word for it. [ more ]
El Loro Lori, as EC says when you hover over the error a pop up screen message appears which you could screen shot but it didn't seem to be a link (the message vanished as soon as I moved the pointer away from Error). [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
El Loro Thank you Roger [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by El Loro: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Originally Posted by El Loro: I've added Adidas to the moderation rule as some some spam threads are being posted for them. Thanks for sweeping up the forum for us El Loro. Your post had got sent to moderation as soon as you posted it 30 minutes ago which is why you didn't see it as it picked up the Adidas in the quote. I've OKd it a few moments ago and it's showing the time I OKd it rather than the time you posted it I... [ more ]
Jen-Star ❀️
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Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
23 minutes past
Lori Woo-hoo!! [ more ]
El Loro Thank you Brian. I've just posted at 8.23.00 UK time and it went through without any delays. [ more ]
Brian Hi all, This issue should be fixed now! Please let us know if you continue to experience further issues. Thanks for the information and for your patience while we got it sorted Brian [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
Email notifications
Triggers Hi El Loro. I have followed your instructions and hopefully won't receive any more email notifications from this site. Thank you ever so much, your help is very much appreciated. [ more ]
El Loro Triggers, I don't think maccihinamak is a member of the Goagajoyjoy forum or of the site (which is where our old dialogs and blogs were in the early days of this forum). If you are able to identify which forum the email notifications are coming from, you should log on to that forum, edit profile (from the little cog icon at the top right next to your avatar, select Your notifications,. You should then see a screen listing various types of notifications and I'm guessing that there will... [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
For erinp to test
Lori Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Do you have any add-ons, erin (that you know of)? Seems like this might be a fairly recent issue, although I'm aware that you've just come back to us after being gone for awhile. Have you done anything with your browser to add any capabilities to it? [ more ]
El Loro It could be something like an add on which is causing the problem. That would explain why erinp has this problem and others don't, [ more ]
Lori I wonder what all this means? I have to think it's a setting in your browser, erin, or something like that. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
Thread booting me out
Lori And we are happy to have you here! [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ Thanks Lori as long as there's nothing sinister lurking in there, that's all that matters I'll miss the app but will switch to the mobile version on safari, I'm just happy to still be here [ more ]
Lori I deleted the app from my phone last night--it's only a matter of days, probably, before it quits working completely, Summer. So, yes, we're unlikely to try to fix something on it. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
Mouse pad not working
Former Member Originally Posted by scatterby: At the time I posted that, I was doing a 'restore factory settings' thingy. Mouse still wouldn't work and I did that Fn and F6 and it worked - yayyyyyy Thank you again Well done Scatts - glad its sorted PCs are a pain... especially laptops! [ more ]
scatterby Thanks Loro - I'm grateful for the help [ more ]
scatterby Originally Posted by El Loro: Originally Posted by scatterby: At the time I posted that, I was doing a 'restore factory settings' thingy. Mouse still wouldn't work and I did that Fn and F6 and it worked - yayyyyyy Thank you again Glad it's sorted though according to my Google searches for Toshiba laptops, F6 controls the brightness of the screen and F9 the touchpad. I actually did both - so it could have been It was hit and hope by that point! [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
Crash dump!
scatterby Hi Rosie and Loro - that's very helpful thank you [ more ]
scatterby Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~: *resists the urge* Noooo - you dare [ more ]
El Loro Sounds like there is a faulty driver or device which is malfunctioning. System restore may sort the problem out if it's caused by a faulty driver but not if it's a device. Almost certainly something which needs the laptop being checked by a computer technician. The standard method of working out what the problem is to run the laptop in safe mode to see if it works OK. Then each device is disabled in turn to check if it's that which is causing the problem. I found this on a microsoft page... [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
New forum features
El Loro Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*: yeah but this thread is called 'new' forum features so any newbies won't know what it was like before. . so why is this still here? any newbies joining will probably get the info in the locked thread upon joining. . and we get it in that irritating pop up that occurs every couple of weeks .. get rid of the unnecessary stickies Done [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* yeah but this thread is called 'new' forum features so any newbies won't know what it was like before. . so why is this still here? any newbies joining will probably get the info in the locked thread upon joining. . and we get it in that irritating pop up that occurs every couple of weeks .. get rid of the unnecessary stickies [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Presumably so that peeps (especially new ones) read it. [ more ]
See all 189 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
Temporary Holiday Theme
Jen-Star Hi Ted, it's bad luck to have your Christmas decorations up after the 12th night [ more ]
squiggle Originally Posted by Lori: I like it!! Me too! [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Not keen. Even on here I get christmas rammed down my throat. Sorry everyone who likes Christmas, I'm not one of them. Would be good if you had the choice to display or not display. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
Lori Originally Posted by scatterby: Originally Posted by Lori: I'm just glad it was that easy! I only pretend to be technical. Well, you pretend very well if I may say! Well, that's ONE person I have fooled! [ more ]
scatterby Originally Posted by Lori: I'm just glad it was that easy! I only pretend to be technical. Well, you pretend very well if I may say! [ more ]
Lori I'm just glad it was that easy! I only pretend to be technical. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
New Premium Membership
Ted O'Neill Hi everyone- We do not expect everyone (or even most) to purchase a premium membership and we've tried to configure it so that it does not inhibit the primary functions. That said, there are real costs to maintaining a community and the premium membership is one way for active users to help support it. I want to take this opportunity to thank all of the amazing moderators who volunteered here as well. The time and effort they put in to support your community is awesome and without their... [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Originally Posted by Pengy: Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: Blimey ...................are PM's used that much? I can live without it - we did on Ch4 for many years. we certainly use them a lot when we do our murder mysteries - that's gonna buga that up no end That crossed my mind last night Pengy [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: Blimey ...................are PM's used that much? I can live without it - we did on Ch4 for many years. we certainly use them a lot when we do our murder mysteries - that's gonna buga that up no end [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
New social network options
Yellow Rose Originally Posted by Lori: The issue with the unresponsive script has been fixed. Hi Lori I just saw the message from Jonmark and thanked him for resolving the issue Thanks also to Brian and El Loro...El Loro without you pointing me in the direction of Strata I probably wouldn't have found them as I've not been there before, many thanks [ more ]
Lori The issue with the unresponsive script has been fixed. [ more ]
Ted O'Neill We are investigating the issue. [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
Error message appearing on some menu links here
El Loro I have discovered that clearing my browser cache seems to have sorted out the problem. I also reset my browser to its default state (I use Firefox). [ more ]
El Loro Ted has confirmed on the Social Strata help forum they are looking into this. It is probable that it is the activity streaming widget which is causing the problem. [ more ]
El Loro I have just tried this again on the first 2 links and was able to get through though it took longer than normal. Still error message on the activity stream one. I have created a thread on the Social Strata help forum for this. I think the problem may be with the activity stream as the first 2 pages (which are the same) now includes a summary of the stream. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
Community Management InfoTips and Tricks
Tip on posting Youtube clips
Ensign Muf Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Utood- never heard of them- is it a site, or a format, or a typo? Possibly all three [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by Ensign Muf: Does anyone know how to stop Utood vids from covering the reply box in chrome? If you are asking what I think you are asking, then I just move the reply box. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Utood- never heard of them- is it a site, or a format, or a typo? [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
El Loro If the administrators here that this is a good idea, people would need to have some idea as to height and width limits as some graemlins/gremlins/smileys/emoticons are rather large. Also there is a potential copyright issue on some of these - we mustn't build into the available pool of graemlins here any which are copyrighted to another website or owner. [ more ]
See 1 reply...
Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
Problems loading threads
Lori OK, thanks, El Loro. I'll pass it on. [ more ]
El Loro Lori, after several days where there hasn't been a problem, I have noticed myself that the slow connection to some threads such as the Buddies has reappeared over the past few hours. I'm still able to get through but it is taking much longer than normal. [ more ]
El Loro Thanks, Lori - it just seems as if it's got a lot worse for Sweet today. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
Wanted: Moderators!
Aimee Originally Posted by Supes: Originally Posted by Aimee: Cupcake has deregged as well, she was in my trivial thread but is now listed as a guest Yes, I noticed that too Aims, but didn't want to be the first one to be banned by the new mods for suggesting that anyone might have multi ids I'd better fetch me coat then [ more ]
Ted O'Neill ❀️
Former Member Originally Posted by Aimee: Cupcake has deregged as well, she was in my trivial thread but is now listed as a guest Yes, I noticed that too Aims, but didn't want to be the first one to be banned by the new mods for suggesting that anyone might have multi ids [ more ]
See all 622 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
Maintenance outage expected early morning
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Aha! Looks like I've missed all the Weeping and Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth then, as I'm only just up. Thanks for interrupting your holiday to tell us this Lori. Enjoy the rest of it. However, I'm just getting cogs when I try to post (8:30 BST) so maybe not, or maybe it's the Infernal Server Error rearing its ugly head! [ more ]
El Loro Thanks Lori for letting us know. I see you are having a great holiday as I've popped in to see your blog. [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
Password problem
Lori As I said in the other thread, El Loro's post enabled me to find the bug report in our system, and I've added these issues to that report. Still would like to know which version of IE Aquarius and cologne are using. [ more ]
El Loro Someone posted a problem similar to this on the Social Strata help forum some time ago - it doesn't seem as if it has been resolved yet. [ more ]
Lori How weird. That one browser won't let you in, and another will. Makes me think it's something to do with the browser itself (although that doesn't explain the TV, does it? ) I can tell you that the changes we made the other day had nothing to do with logins or passwords. I'll ask around, though. Maybe someone here has an idea.... [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
Our old personal sites.
Lori I think it'd be great if folks started using it again. It's not connected to Gaga, though, so might not be top of mind. It was so fun when you guys discovered it! [ more ]
Triggers Aww thanks Lori! I was remembering how we all started our lives here. It was a wonderful time as we regrouped, bonded and got to know new people and those already in Livecloud's wider community. How cute was it to ask a friend to be a buddy or be invited to be someone else's?! Thanks for my link - it was nice to go back - and how brilliant that I can visit my buddies' sites as well through my own page! I hope all is well with you and your loved ones, take care, and thanks again. x [ more ]
Lori Hi, Triggers! Yours is here . Would be fun if you started using it again! [ more ]
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