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Just For FunUK Lounge
Hicky's Chat Room
*mollie* both xx Baz Enjoyed our Tea time club this week. So good to see Ant being his usual bonkers self, even if we had seen it before. It still made me laugh... I won't be watching the Olympics, I am not sporty at all. But am looking forward to MAFS in Sept and BB, whenever that starts, (hopefully soon after). Sorry you had a bad night last night. Hope you fare better tonight. That is good your garden has been done. Do you sit out in the garden at all? I love sitting out in the garden. (when I get... [ more ]
Hicky Evening Mollie & Baz. I wonder why you had such a bad night Baz, at least you got a good walk in, i still just toss and turn. The mash i saw had 2 sizes, i chose the small one, will try it tomorrow, the brekkie that i froze i had yesterday, it was fine. I have tried both types of Pork Crackling now, the: Awfully Posh Sea Salt Pork Crackling : is by far superior, loved it. I've got F1 today and all weekend so fine with that. I wont be ordering too much food on my next order as i have... [ more ]
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Just For FunUK Lounge
Does my cat have a broken bone?
lowerback I'm really sorry to hear about your cat. It's heartening to know that he was able to recover from his initial injuries, but this new issue definitely sounds worrisome. Although it's a good sign that he doesn't seem to be in pain and is acting normally, any unusual changes in your pet's physical condition should be checked by a professional. Please consult with a veterinarian as soon as you can. They have the necessary training and expertise to determine what this protrusion could be and... [ more ]
Baz Awww how cruel some people are I’d take him to the vets if I was you Cats [ more ]
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