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General InterestNews/Current Events
May 2015 election manifestos
El Loro Arthur Scargill launched the Socialist Labour Party's manifesto yesterday: http://www.socialist-labour-pa...sto%202015%20pdf.pdf [ more ]
El Loro DUP's manifesto published today: [ more ]
El Loro Sinn Fein's manifesto published today: SNP's manifesto launched today: [ more ]
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General InterestNews/Current Events
Why aren't the SNP Branded Racist the same way UKIP are wrongly accused?
marc kelly Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Dianne Abbott now says UKIP are racist because of today's little Fandango from Farage. So, putting aside the 'racist/not racist' you REALLY want to be associated with such a bunch of 'foot-in-mouth'ers? Fluffy, all the other party's are guilty of far more serious crimes than Mr Farage not making it clear that what he meant is - would we want a family of romanian (gypsies or criminals) etc which there are (undeniably) many of,... [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Dianne Abbott now says UKIP are racist because of today's little Fandango from Farage. So, putting aside the 'racist/not racist' you REALLY want to be associated with such a bunch of 'foot-in-mouth'ers? [ more ]
marc kelly Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: There have been one or two calls to brand Ukip a racist party, and some media debate about whether it is. But what’s become clear during the last fortnight is that there is a strong, cross-party consensus both that Ukip isn’t a ‘racist party’ – and that it must get better at keeping out individuals that hold racist views. On debates such as the BBC’s Question Time, you can clearly see that this consensus has extended across the front and... [ more ]
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General InterestNews/Current Events
It's been a quiet 6 weeks for news
El Loro Originally Posted by Greggs: Do you know where exactly on the moon this happened? I own an acre of the moo n (birthday gift), I may be owed ground rent... Every penny counts so I look forward to hearing from you EL when you find out. In the crater Tycho. [ more ]
Greggs Do you know where exactly on the moon this happened? I own an acre of the moo n (birthday gift), I may be owed ground rent... Every penny counts so I look forward to hearing from you EL when you find out. [ more ]
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General InterestNews/Current Events
Live Near Northern Ireland? Ride Horses? Get on an HBO production!
Ensign Muf Watched the first two episodes on sky+ today and it is looking mighty fine [ more ]
Heatseek A starring role for Sean Bean should ensure its success over here, with the ladies at least [ more ]
Paul Gude Indeed I do! From the information I have, that's exactly what's happening. If the series moves forward, the BBC will be providing some of the financing. The good news that's related to this is that at the time of this writing all of the actors (with the exception of Peter Dinklage) are from the UK. They're producing it at Paint Hall, and NI is giving them a great deal if they keep most of the production crew from the area. [ more ]
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General InterestNews/Current Events
US warns it may 'push BP aside' on Gulf oil clean-up
El Loro The figures I quoted on 6 June of the total daily leakage at up uo 19,000 barrels is now proving to be hopelessly too small, with the scientists today increasing this upwards to between 35,000 to 60,000 barrels. At least, this has made Obama in his speech to the American people give a very strong indication of the need to reduce their dependency on oil and embark on a future of clean energy. [ more ]
Ensign Muf Tbh Loro, if all[or at least some] of the money raised in taxes from oil had been ploughed into H&S and R&D, then this wouldn't [probably] have happened We always[nearly] reap what we sow [ more ]
El Loro Reference: muf Hurricane season is coming too Loro That should make things interesting! I hope not too interesting. Today's news is an improvement in that BP reckon that the amount has increased to 10,000 barrels. It's not clear as to how much oil has been leaking though - estinates vary between 12,000 barrels (which would be 83% is now being picked up) to 19,000 barrels a day (which would only be 52%). BP has a second containment system to install which they say should be in place by next... [ more ]
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General InterestNews/Current Events
Obama, AIPAC and Iran
Lord Atiladhun One remembered Barrack Obama's speech to the AIPAC faithful at a conference, prior to his election. Boy, it was cringe worthy of the 3rd kind. It was then I knew that Obama wasn't going to depart from previous US policy regarding Isreal ie occupation of Palestine, Golan Heights and its treatment of preventing Aids being delivered to the Palestianians. My take on the above is purely based on humanity values, nothing to do with organised religion or race. Apparently, Saudi arabia (remember... [ more ]
Kev Exactly. seeing as AIPAC funded him into office I dont think he'll be pissing them off anytime soon. [ more ]
Ensign Muf Obama will do exactly what his tell him to do, and I don't think that his bosses are the US electorate. [ more ]
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General InterestNews/Current Events
Who are the Fabians?
Cariad LOL..Gideons/Fabians...same diff. I'm with Karl Marx on religion... [ more ]
bigdaddyostrich I once caught one. Sneaking a Bible into my hotel room drawer Nasty, crepuscular little fellow [ more ]
Greying Blondie Since T.S. Eliot is being promoted in the media now,let's look at where the Culture Creationists originate: http://www.blackwell-compass.c...lico_articles_bpl445 [ more ]
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General InterestNews/Current Events
Nu Labour
bigdaddyostrich I'll leave today's update to Mr Fawkes Democratic renewal [ more ]
Garage Joe I think that we can allow the good people of London to sort out their own domestic sexual matters. We shall dismiss this headline as too much information. [ more ]
bigdaddyostrich Sounds delightful! Now that NuLabour are one big happy family again, let's have a bit of Red Flag nostalgia. How's about, oh, I dunno.... A TUBE STRIKE!!! [ more ]
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General InterestNews/Current Events
Poll: Local/Euro elections - Who will you vote for?
Proggers I wouldn't really bet on anything as far as politics is concerned...I only have a moderate grasp of politics, tbh. All I can say is 'bring on the by-election - or General Election if GB resigns as PM. Gibson standing as an independant is an option but at 70 he could retire I guess. [ more ]
Tourista Well, according to the poll here, NuLab would have smiles all over their faces, instead of the egg that is there now. The Lib Dem vote in many areas has collapsed, and in Devon, the Lib Dem's lost more than half their councillors. Obviously, the conurbations will be radically different, and that will show in the Euro vote, and may just give Broon a boost. [ more ]
Tourista Whats your take on the By-Election?. Will Gibson stand as an independant, and split the NuLab vote?. As it stands, they have a 5,000+ majority to play with. [ more ]
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General InterestNews/Current Events
BNP leader Nick Griffon is set to attend the Queen's up-coming Lawn Party
SpiderMonkey Intolerant of intolerant people. Oh the irony. [ more ]
Neil3841 He is not allowed to go [ more ]
HyacinthB I agree spider. He is, after all, a member of the London Assembly and as all the other members have been issued with an invite, it wouldn't be very democratic if he was refused I guess. [ more ]
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General InterestNews/Current Events
Telegraph's reports on ministers' personal spending
brisket I am very surprised that many of the expense claims which are seen to be fraudulent, or at least inappropriate, have been approved by the Commons Fees Office. Is the Commons Fees Office incompetent to have allowed such claims? Or is the Fees Office itself corrupt? [ more ]
HyacinthB Absolutely. [ more ]
SpiderMonkey Tomorrow morning's Telegraph Headline concerns a Tory MP who spent £1600 of tax payer cash on the construction of an island in the middle of his pond for ducks to live on. [ more ]
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General InterestNews/Current Events
party political broadcasts
Greying Blondie Political "charadery"? A game where public schoolboys (if one is chosen for the right school)are indoctrinated into,and learn in "debating" classes,the reason why some of the best liars are seen high up in the political arena. [ more ]
neil3842 yes it is but it shows action the party are taking now and he actually says sorry for the behavior of some of his MP's where as the labour one does nothing but attack David Cameron it doesn't even mention labour let alone anything they are doing. Gordon Brown is not even in it. Its a sad state when the only thing they can put in a broadcast designed to speak to the people is a attack on the leader of the opposition [ more ]
SpiderMonkey I saw a tory broadcast yesterday. It was all about the recent spending scandels. [ more ]
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General InterestNews/Current Events
Paedophile case in Scotland.
neil3842 Well done to the police on this case [ more ]
El Loro Here's a link to the Internet Watch Foundation which is where you go if you need to report any sites with child abuse material. [ more ]
Former Member See CEOP (Child Expoitation and Online Protection Centre) were involved- they really are doing a fantastic job. Take a look at their website CEOP and the link to thinkuknow Thinkuknow [ more ]
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General InterestNews/Current Events
UK house prices down again
bozzimacoo prices are still too high. cash buyers and prop.developers market. to get mortgage in 80/90's = 20/80% dep/mortgage = house prices comparable level to wages. apply same criteria to todays prices, including stricter lending and squeeky clean credit scoring... [ more ]
Proggers I'm already a member! I love laughing at the overpiced 'slaveboxes' [ more ]
Heatseek This is a useful rescource... [ more ]
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