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Just For FunUK Lounge
Hicky's Chat Room
*mollie* both xx Baz Enjoyed our Tea time club this week. So good to see Ant being his usual bonkers self, even if we had seen it before. It still made me laugh... I won't be watching the Olympics, I am not sporty at all. But am looking forward to MAFS in Sept and BB, whenever that starts, (hopefully soon after). Sorry you had a bad night last night. Hope you fare better tonight. That is good your garden has been done. Do you sit out in the garden at all? I love sitting out in the garden. (when I get... [ more ]
Hicky Evening Mollie & Baz. I wonder why you had such a bad night Baz, at least you got a good walk in, i still just toss and turn. The mash i saw had 2 sizes, i chose the small one, will try it tomorrow, the brekkie that i froze i had yesterday, it was fine. I have tried both types of Pork Crackling now, the: Awfully Posh Sea Salt Pork Crackling : is by far superior, loved it. I've got F1 today and all weekend so fine with that. I wont be ordering too much food on my next order as i have... [ more ]
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Just For FunUK Lounge
Does my cat have a broken bone?
lowerback I'm really sorry to hear about your cat. It's heartening to know that he was able to recover from his initial injuries, but this new issue definitely sounds worrisome. Although it's a good sign that he doesn't seem to be in pain and is acting normally, any unusual changes in your pet's physical condition should be checked by a professional. Please consult with a veterinarian as soon as you can. They have the necessary training and expertise to determine what this protrusion could be and... [ more ]
Baz Awww how cruel some people are I’d take him to the vets if I was you Cats [ more ]
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Just For FunUK Lounge
Angel and Zaphod's Archaeological Retreat for Weary Gin Swillers and.. Caravanners
electric shepherd Lawks! It's amazing what you find when you're mooching around the links on an old PC �� Hello to any old bbgf people, and of course Zaphod. And I can vouch for you Extremely fluffy fluffy thing �� [ more ]
Moonie Re: Angel and Zaphod's Archaeological Retreat for Weary Gin Swillers and.. Caravanners [ more ]
Ensign Muf ❤️
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Just For FunUK Lounge
Bon Scott's perpetual wake..
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x: Just saw this too.. I've been there, seen it for real. My gran used to live in Kirriemuir. [ more ]
MikeOxlong I have around 60 albums worth of AC/DC recordings. Rare stuff. Bootlegs, outtakes, etc etc. Anyone who wants a list - let me know. I now have around 84,500 albums - and counting. Life without music is..... Existence. [ more ]
Heatseek ❤️
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Just For FunUK Lounge
a marriage proposal Shazia Mirza
ihatepoetry thanks for that - sticking with govenment one now - [ more ]
El Loro You will remember that I referred you to the site on your Stephen Fry mental health thread. That was because your poem was aimed at persuading the government to help promote understanding of mental health issues. The epetions site is specifically for petitions aimed at the government. As a result your marriage proposal to Shazia Mirza petition may have a better chance on the site you had been using. [ more ]
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Just For FunUK Lounge
mental illness - Stephen Fry - Paris Jackson Read more:
ihatepoetry thank you very much my friend - this link has been a great help to me- thank you. [ more ]
El Loro You may wish to consider starting a petition on the government petition website: If sufficient numbers of people signed (100,000) then the petition would be considered for debate in the House of Commons. [ more ]
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Just For FunUK Lounge
The Bird Sanctuary
El Loro Electrode vest gives hope to heart rhythm patients By Jane Dreaper Health correspondent, BBC News Doctors are using special vests to precisely diagnose abnormal heart rhythms, in the first UK tests of their kind. Cardiologists from Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust in west London say the vests have enabled them to successfully treat more patients. They hope the technology could eventually help more people suffering from heart palpitations. The Arrythmia Alliance described the tests as a... [ more ]
El Loro From the BBC: Government warned over 'them and us' online services The government is in danger of creating a "them and us" situation by digitising public services, a report warns. Ministers say 82% of "transactions" can be carried out online, as that is roughly the proportion of the population which uses the internet. But the National Audit Office argued that the percentage of people able to access some services, such as those used by elderly people, was lower. It called for "continued... [ more ]
El Loro From the BBC: A Canadian accountant has managed to create a basic video game using only Excel spreadsheets. The game, called Arena.Xlsm, is a turn-based fantasy game in which players fight monsters and gather loot to make their character more powerful. Much of Arena is regenerated every time the game is played to lend variety to the way it is completed. It was created using macros - simple programs and shortcuts that users create to speed up use of the program. Chartered accountant Cary... [ more ]
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Just For FunUK Lounge
Happy Birthday Beer Belle
Baz Very belated birthday Belle , but hope it was a good one and a very happy Christmas to you and all who use the Lounge [ more ]
grannyg Originally Posted by Belle: Thank you!! My first was born on 2nd April 2009, my second was born on 2nd April 2012!! Oh it just shows how time goes by. Two little belles and always having the same Birthday Good for you [ more ]
machel Originally Posted by Belle: Thank you!! My first was born on 2nd April 2009, my second was born on 2nd April 2012!! you must be looking forward to christmas morning! [ more ]
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Just For FunUK Lounge
Beetroot.... Gah!!!
El Loro On Nigel Slater's programme yesterday evening: Beetroot chocolate cake Ingredients 200g/7oz butter , plus extra for greasing 250g/9oz cooked and peeled beetroot 200g/7oz dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids) 4 tbsp hot espresso 135g/5oz plain flour 1 heaped tsp baking powder 3 tsp cocoa powder 5 free-range eggs , separated 190g/6½oz golden caster sugar crème fraîche or double cream , to serve Preparation method Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4. Grease a 20cm/8in cake tin with a little butter... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Originally Posted by Pengy: apparently if I mix a bit of beetroot juice in a little water it will keep my hair luscious and red Fine and dandy Pengy, but only if you wanted red hair in the first place! I do have red hair [ more ]
Ensign Muf << click [ more ]
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Just For FunUK Lounge
Forum weight lose support network
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Well, here I am a two years later and I'm still 10 stones! I suppose one positive thing to say about it is that I haven't put anything ON! [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing bumping for posterity! [ more ]
Jet Blue Originally Posted by *yogi Bear*: Hi rexi lovely to see you too i got help from doctor, scottish slimmers and a lovely bunch of peeps on msn, am struggling at the moment but as long as i maintain where i amtill after me hols i know i'll shift that final weight by summer. famous last words [ more ]
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Just For FunUK Lounge
Havent been on ga ga for a long time.where have everyone gone?
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Evening ILWY, As yogi says, most of the fast(er) paced action is to be found on the Big Brother UK forum. [ more ]
Yogi19 Click on the "UK TV FANS" link above, then click on Big Brother UK - most of us are in there. The Lounge tends to be pretty quiet now. A lot of FMs have gone, but hopefully some will come back when CBB starts. [ more ]
ilovewillyoung hi syd n yogi,where everyone gone [ more ]
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Just For FunUK Lounge
The Fountain
El Loro At long last I have realised why this film could not be called The Tree of Life. Terence Malick has been working on a film called The Tree of Life for the past few years, and because of his revered reputation, no other director would dare make a film with the same name. Malick's film opens in the UK on 8 July. [ more ]
El Loro When you have seen the film you may realise why I think the film should be called The Tree of Life rather than The Fountain. If you read the story of the garden of Eden in Genesis, you would see that besides the tree of knowledge (which is the one with the apple that Eve picked), there was also the tree of life. The punishment for Adam and Eve for having eaten the apple of knowledge was to be driven out of the garden. The entrance to the garden was then barred so that they could no longer... [ more ]
Kev I haven't seen this, but from reading the summary on IMDB I think it's about the fountain of youth. Sounds like a great film, my sorta movie too. [ more ]
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