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TV ShowsThe Apprentice
The Apprentice
Baz ❤️
Cosmopolitan ❤️
Triggers Originally Posted by Blizz'ard: Originally Posted by Triggers: Just wondering - it might all be top secret at the moment in prep for a big launch but does anyone happen to know the name of Susan's skincare range? That's So Skin Care, or sumfink? Thanks Blizzums [ more ]
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TV ShowsThe Apprentice
The Apprentice - (2013)
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Well, just played catch-up as I was out yesterday. Not pleased with the result as I am not happy with the industry Leah is now in. I think the profits Lord Sucrose could realise swung the final decision. To be honest the final candidates did not draw me in with their personalities, they both come across a little too cold. Luisa could still go out and get the finance needed to launch the business. I think I said a woman would win at the beginning Alas no prize for me. [ more ]
Videostar Originally Posted by Kaytee: Originally Posted by Videostar: Who was it who had total faith and supported Leah? ME Whaddya want? A medal?....or Dr Leah to stick needles in you? I was thinking more of a statue in my honour. I wanna stick something in her more like. [ more ]
Videostar Did Tom really say about the birth of his child..."the launch of my child"? Now that's all business. [ more ]
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TV ShowsThe Apprentice
The Official Apprentice Thread: Series 5, Week 9: The One with Baby Stuff.
Shizzlex she did more than push for the rocking horses i think she's full of hot air too busy thinking 3 steps ahead to who she can shift the blame on in the boardroom [ more ]
Cariad But by the same token she failed to discuss discount options with him beforehand to give her any leeway. She was the one who pushed for the rocking horses. [ more ]
***Mrs BBV*** Total dilema next week, as last year, my beloved Sir Alex or my beloved Sir Alan? I suspect Sir Alex will nudge it with Sir Alan being 'plused'. Tha agony of choice. [ more ]
See all 432 replies...
TV ShowsThe Apprentice
The Official Apprentice Thread: Series 5, Episode 7; The One with Lurve in the Air.
Cariad There's not much that's offensive about a dripping tap either but after while it really begins to get on your tits. [ more ]
Shizzlex Victor was one of my fave ever housemates your hubbie has taste Mrs BBV but guess you would agree with that [ more ]
paace I wonder do the audience for the BBC2 aftershow with Adrian, watch the Apprentice together on a big screen? Has anyone gone to the aftershow? I've never seen anyone squirm as much as Philip watching his antics with Kate when they both had the cheek of denying that nothing was going on between them Silly guy, he chose to let two women be his downfall. Then again he looks the sort of guy that will never learn. [ more ]
See all 422 replies...
TV ShowsThe Apprentice
Junior Apprentice - Discussion Thread
Mathematics 'Drip Drop' is a terrible name for a drink aimed at teenagers. Teens want something cool, like 'Zplash'. Worse than the name was their colour choice though. Yellow and black... REALLY?! [ more ]
Soozy Woo Reference: Reading her candidate profile on the official Junior Apprentice site the courses that Zoe is currently studying are Languages and Arts - business might not even be her strongest field. Listening skills or social skills might be a good course of study for her the final episode her and Kirsty were supposed to be joint leaders. Zoe decided on the name - decided who and where to launch the advert - she wrote the song and sang it ....designed the logo and didn't take anyone... [ more ]
Cold Sweat Reference: I think Zoe has a lot of talent Reading her candidate profile on the official Junior Apprentice site the courses that Zoe is currently studying are Languages and Arts - business might not even be her strongest field. [ more ]
See all 523 replies...
TV ShowsThe Apprentice
The Official Apprentice Thread: Series 5, Week 8: The One at the Seaside.
paace Debra should definitely have gone last night. There's not a hope in hell that Sugar will employ her. They should have heeded Mona's advice at the start and gone with the family theme. The gay market was too narrow a market when Margate needs to attract all types. Debra was responsible for leaving the blank pages on the brochure and then lying in the presentation. An unforgivable crime in marketing. [ more ]
Starfleet Admiral hoochie I agreed with Sir Alan last night - I'd have got shot of Mona as well. She's never appeared to me to have any real dynamism about her - I've never had the sense that she would/could "Get things done". Unpleasant character that Debra is I do believe if you told her that something had to happen - it would happen Your challenge would be to make sure she listened to you well enough to really understand what her key objectives were. [ more ]
Puff Keep forgetting the thread is here! Good show last night but can't like any of them. Debra and Ben are the worst but good telly Having said I don't like any of them, most of them come over quite well on the BBC2 programme. [ more ]
See all 338 replies...
TV ShowsThe Apprentice
The Official Apprentice Thread: Series 5, Week 10: The One with Shopping Channels.
Kaffs I suppose that's true - but I always thinks series like this go fast then I see clips from the early shows and I think 'Ohhh.... I'd forgotten about THEM!' [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing I think it's due to the fact that we started on C4 and then had to 'start' again on here. So you get a distorted sense of time as we've only been going (on here) for 4 weeks. [ more ]
Former Member BFN Kaffy ..and everyone else [ more ]
See all 261 replies...
TV ShowsThe Apprentice
anyone see the kitty boxes on the apprentice last night
apricot Hiya Lil and nice to see you as I thought you had got lost in the melee, or something. : Perhaps you'll join us in the Lounge, where it's quiet and snug. Time to go now but we'll meet again sometime ok. [ more ]
Gabriel Pennywise I do not want to be swore at by a cross stitch. [ more ]
Jenny I think Angel and some other fm's should look at this cross stitch pattern book, a little down this page... Subversive cross stitch Evening Lil [ more ]
See all 94 replies...
TV ShowsThe Apprentice
The Official Apprentice Thread: Series 5, Week 12: The One Two Girls in the Final.
CaptVimes All part of the show darlink we dont want to put off next years candidates . Night all was so funny and fun this year. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing How can SAS sit there and say 2009's lot were the best bunch he's ever had, with a straight face? They were gormless! [ more ]
Mike Strutter Scrumtum Yas is the best of the bunch tbh but throw that shovel away Lordie [ more ]
See all 297 replies...
TV ShowsThe Apprentice
Sorry Guys.
***Mrs BBV*** Well last week on here seemed to go rather well if you ignore the other parts of the board where I believe anarchy reigned. So for this week I'm happy to continue for the time being. I did my initial post (flounce) thinking that's it, but I got few sugarettes pm ing, texting and leaving me messages asking me to reconsider so I thought we'd proceed on a week by week basis. The Bolthole is a lovely place but just isn't guaranteed to have 30 plus people on at the same time which means TA... [ more ]
demonickitten Mrs BBV your apprentice threads and the contributions from lovely posters (who dont have to have constant online psycotic episodes just to prove they exist) ,have been the best thing about the forum in the past. I TOTALLY understand what you are saying as I too feel this place is a breeding ground for nutters currently. Maybe if we went to the bolthole to discuss TA, which seems a lovely place , it may be better? Whatever you decide thanks for the past few years and TA threads,they were... [ more ]
HyacinthB Fingers crossed that it continues Mrs BBV. [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsThe Apprentice
THE APPRENTICE. I think it's safe to say...............
Kaytee Out of a bad bunch, I think the best two made it to the final. I wouldn't hire either of them though [ more ]
paace I don't agree with Sir A's summing up of Kate at all. You need to be a controlled person as a leader if you want to control other people. It's easy to toss out stupid words like robotic which she certainly is not. Kate certainly knows how to enjoy herself. Yasmina is a much more controlling person which we saw the first time she took over as PM. That fierce staring look she puts on in the boardroom would terrify anyone. [ more ]
Amythist Liked the photos of her as a child with brown hair...... Its all a bit of an anti climax now. I dont like either of them. In fact by nature to succeed in the apprentice being decent doesnt help.Suralan likes a hardfaced girl...what was that disaster who won and ran off pregnant to the shows main tosser?Michelle....hmmm.. [ more ]
See all 142 replies...
TV ShowsThe Apprentice
Junior Apprentice date confirmed?
suzybean I'm going to wait for the grown-ups too. I wouldn't really be able to laugh at a group of young people getting their hopes and dreams shafted on telly. Even if they were all precocious little up-starts. [ more ]
Former Member although compared to Brown and is James Corden. Can't argue with that! [ more ]
Ducky I think he's quite attractive too...although compared to Brown and is James Corden. [ more ]
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TV ShowsThe Apprentice
The Apprentice - contestants
brisket So now we have 3 of them with a less-then-shiny history. Shibby Robati, Christopher Farrell and Joanna Riley. [ more ]
brisket A little advanced publicity of the unwelcome kind for one contestant. [ more ]
brisket Oooo Karma that's tricky. But, in the spirit with which you posed the question, I'd go for Raleigh and Shibby. [ more ]
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TV ShowsThe Apprentice
little_mrs_bb I must admit I was disappointed in his performance last night. I thought he would have given more, he seemed to just crumble and let it all get on top of him. I didn't think for one minute he would win but he has kept me entertained these past few weeks. Hope Yasmina wins now, there's something about Kate that I don't like. [ more ]
Tourista "Scream" isnt the way that I would put it!. I have never seen an applicant for a job so flustered, and frankly dumb as James. [ more ]
stupidcupid I really don't see the point in james. Was he a "plant" to make the show more interesting? It didn't work for me I'm afraid. Granted I haven't seen so much of this series so maybe I missed the" ahem" "humour" that he brought to the show. [ more ]
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TV ShowsThe Apprentice
Young Apprentice
Katerina I love the Apprentice, whether it's young or older. Enjoying the series so far. But......every time I look at Harry, I see Ralph from the Fast Show(on the left in the pic below): [ more ]
Kaffs Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Shoulda been Lewis he was a bit rubbish, [ more ]
Former Member Shoulda been Lewis [ more ]
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TV ShowsThe Apprentice
Who are the best and the worst apprentice candidates?
***Mrs BBV*** What complete balderdash, what an inverted pyramid of piffle. That is all completely untrue and ludicrous conjecture. I am amazed you of all people can write such drivel. [ more ]
Flossie Nope. Debra was just making a firm case for herself. I think you regard Nick as semi-divine, he isn't and like any human being will always be worthy of some sort of criticism. Mona demonstrated a brief skill at cajoling a retailer who seemed to be revelling in the media exposure and would probably have bought a kitchen sink had it been a means to get on the telly. Mona had repeatedly demonstrated what a talentless non-entity she was and while that isn't offensive, her character is. We are... [ more ]
Flossie Yeah well she was twice as stupid as the other contestants. She was spiteful and unprincipled in her desperate and clumsy verbal attacks on others and I think this was to disguise her awful lack of ability. She had clearly decided attack was the best means of defence, but she isn't equipped with the verbal skills to do anything but blunder about as she lashed to and fro. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsThe Apprentice
The Apprentice to change its format?
Karma_ Originally Posted by Karma_: Originally Posted by erinp: Saturday, February 19 2011, 16:16 GMT © BBC Lord Sugar has confirmed that The Apprentice is scheduled to return to BBC One in May. The millionaire businessman, who has been involved in the reality franchise since 2004, also revealed that spinoff programme Junior Apprentice will air its second series in the autumn. Sugar further announced that the eventual winner will join him in a new enterprise, the ownership of which will be split... [ more ]
Karma_ Originally Posted by erinp: Saturday, February 19 2011, 16:16 GMT © BBC Lord Sugar has confirmed that The Apprentice is scheduled to return to BBC One in May. The millionaire businessman, who has been involved in the reality franchise since 2004, also revealed that spinoff programme Junior Apprentice will air its second series in the autumn. Sugar further announced that the eventual winner will join him in a new enterprise, the ownership of which will be split exactly down the middle. He... [ more ]
Former Member Saturday, February 19 2011, 16:16 GMT © BBC Lord Sugar has confirmed that The Apprentice is scheduled to return to BBC One in May. The millionaire businessman, who has been involved in the reality franchise since 2004, also revealed that spinoff programme Junior Apprentice will air its second series in the autumn. Sugar further announced that the eventual winner will join him in a new enterprise, the ownership of which will be split exactly down the middle. He tweeted earlier today: "next... [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsThe Apprentice
Guessing Debra didn't win or make Apprentice Final
bozzimacoo i fell asleep, i'll watch on i player, not in a hurry though - just so glad he's gone. [ more ]
Demantoid Someone must have told him a little humility and self-deprecation will get him further. [ more ]
kattymieoww Noxious little Ben has been rehersing his replies.On the show last night on BBC2 he stated his views,on the BBC news this morning,same lines.Then on ITV "This Morning" same lines again. [ more ]
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TV ShowsThe Apprentice
There is going to be a Junior Apprentice next year
Hollygolightly God, hope they're better than the bunch this year. I really cannot say that I like any of them. A more clueless, charmless bunch of people ever to grace our screens. Thank goodness that idiot Ben was given the heave ho last night. I think this is the worst series ever. [ more ]
elmos friend your too old darlo [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) I found out a while back on the Net , but it was announced on You're Fired earlier they are starting the audition process. You're welcome CP . [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsThe Apprentice
Why didn't anyone tell me the Apprentice Final was on tonight!?!
Syd Originally Posted by Blizz'ard: Originally Posted by erinp: You had your hands full being the moderator. Yeah, yeah, absolutely! * whispers * Good one, erinp. **Whispers from corner of bedroom..yeah big him up erinp, maybe then he will let us out of our room ** [ more ]
Blizz'ard Originally Posted by erinp: You had your hands full being the moderator. Yeah, yeah, absolutely! * whispers * Good one, erinp. [ more ]
Former Member You had your hands full being the moderator. [ more ]
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TV ShowsThe Apprentice
2010 contestants
Former Member Stuart made me want to smash the tv up! Seriously he was hideous. Glad Stella won! Melissa Cohen is the most hideous woman I have ever seen on tv in many ways! [ more ]
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS] Good to see a couple of familiar names from the BB forum over here. I love The Apprentice so glad to see the forum here. Too early to start forming opinions but the Cohen girl really got on my nerves in the first episode challenging every move the Team Leader made - not a team player at all is she? I`m glad the `dictator` fellow was fired - that style of management went out of vogue years ago - not the most effective way to get the best out of people - he should have gone in the Army. [ more ]
brisket Oh dear El Loro. Not the best of starts! [ more ]
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TV ShowsThe Apprentice
Why I have to stop coming on Apprentice forum
Kaffs With you now - but it's only guesswork at the end of the day. There aren't normally any spoilers on here - but I know how frustrating it is when people do post spoilers without a warning. [ more ]
Kaffs Ah, I remember all THOSE 'spoilers' Mrs BBV - I thought you meant at one time you didn't mention who'd gone within the thread at all! In any case I see paace has now clarified what they thought the OP was doing anyway... which is still only speculative. Soon be over anyway... [ more ]
paace Sorry guys as I posted hastily and in anger, as I thought the poster was going to reveal how you can work out who Sir A is going to fire at the start of each programme. Still at this stage in the programme I'm going to stay away from anything to do with the programme until the Apprentice is revealed. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsThe Apprentice
The Apprentice spoiler..
Rawky-Roo You should rename this thread as "The Apprentice Spoiler, who gets fired when". A 'spoiler' could be anything. [ more ]
Angel Oh that's a shame ... I quite like Jim ..... he's been pretty good up to now. [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by darloboy (Play The Game!): Hmm just had another look, seems like it could be a guess by that person? *dances round the forum * There is still hope! [ more ]
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TV ShowsThe Apprentice
The Apprentice USA
Former Member Cheers Olly. Watch episodes of American celeb Apprentice [ more ]
Former Member where will i find this? [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* Originally Posted by erinp: Right candidate was crowned "The Apprentice" last night. What was Trump referring to when he said to James, "I didn't like some of your conversations.You know what I am referring to". I think he meant that James used to say, near the end of every task except if he was PM, that he had doubts if they'd made the right choices. . was usually too late to change anything and he wasn't offering any solution to whatever his doubts were anyway. . Trump thought he was... [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsThe Apprentice
Junior Apprentice tonight...
brisket Well I've given it a go darlo, but left it halfway through. Too many irritations for me and not enough to grip me. I don't me them being wrong about most things, and I don't mind them learning on the job, so to speak. But I've left at the point where (with or without gloves) some of the girls cannot resist running their hands through their hair and then touching the cheese, and again, and again. Hair, cheese, hair, cheese... Sugar's side-kick has wild hair (rather like Raymond Blanc's.) And... [ more ]
The Devil In Diamante I'll watch it, but I agree with Brisket. I just know they're going to be cocky with 'money' already behind them.....I could be wrong though [ more ]
kattymieoww I don't think I'll like it as much as the usual one,depends what else in on. [ more ]
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TV ShowsThe Apprentice
The Apprentice USA
LowonIQ Thanks for that info , I love the apprentice have watched the USA series previously and enjoyed it. Hopefully I can persuade hubby to let me have it on. [ more ]
Tayto. I love The Apprentice. Ours here in ROI is on tonight. Our Alan Sugar person is literally a Barrow Boy who bought the Renault Dealership for £1 way back. Just like Alan Sugar. He took his chances and reaped the rewards. [ more ]
Heartache I prefer Alan Sugar, barrow boy or not. However l do like the USA show, l just can't look at trump. You would think with all his money, he could do more with that cow pat on his head. [ more ]
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TV ShowsThe Apprentice
Who is you winner?
little_mrs_bb I hope so. Although I did think she was partly to blame for the soap task when Paula was fired. I'm not sure I like Kate that much, she always reminds me of that girl in school who was good at everything and knew it. A bit up her own butt, me thinks. [ more ]
Irish-Princess I hate the way Suraln goes on about that all the time it's getting boring now. [ more ]
Irish-Princess My winner is James, he made the show for me. [ more ]
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TV ShowsThe Apprentice
I'm a rough tough cream puff!
prettycocoaeyes I liked her she was like a teddy bear... How many of you have lied on your cv? You gat to do what you gat to do to get in there. [ more ]
Gabriel Pennywise I loved pantsman [ more ]
***Mrs BBV*** I found her tendency to resort to psychobabble irritating. It alomost divorced her from the real world of business where psychological tools can be drawn on but are not a modus operandi on how to manage. Considering her background, her performance during the task she PM'd was atrocious. Had she been 'rough and tough' she might have made a better job in controlling Philip, who's Pantsman idea was what lost them the task. [ more ]
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TV ShowsThe Apprentice
Tourista You are so right. I didnt believe it when she came out with that accent, and thought at first,she was having a laugh. [ more ]
Angel And I'm glad they picked up on her 'all of a sudden' Irish accent .... I mean ... where the hell did that come from ? She had the same accent for about 11 weeks ... then all of a sudden, out pops this Irish accent .... ... strange woman [ more ]
Angel lol ..... funny you should say that .... I said to my daughter, she always looks as if she could do with a bloody good bath She did look nice on the winners after show, though [ more ]
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TV ShowsThe Apprentice
And the winner of The Apprentice is...
hal there is no hiding from the facts that she doesn't know much about her own accounts, or have projected it, to make it sound impressive, and another thing, i suspect its her brother that looks after it, hence her ignorance of company law and the term 'turnover' its probably kate, she's more balance and steady and owns up to things she doesn't, the blinis (though, at one point, i thought it was a very subtle attempt at sabotaging the project manager?) [ more ]
Tourista Yesterday?. Who said that it was?. Surely this was recorded weeks ago, as I know from previous series, it is recorded months in advance?. [ more ]
Ruddy Rudy III Doesn't mean she hasn't won I'm pretty sure she'll win. [ more ]
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TV ShowsThe Apprentice
Apprentice delayed until summer.
El Loro Reference:LGS Maybe because Sir Alan has become an advisor to the government and the general election will be around springtime. Yes it is. The BBC are supposed to be seen as not favouring one party during an election, and think that because Sir Alan is an advisor to Labour that having him presenting Apprentice coud be seen as promoting Labour. [ more ]
Teddy Bleads Reference: Maybe because Sir Alan has become an advisor to the government and the general election will be around springtime. exactly right aparently. [ more ]
LGS Maybe because Sir Alan has become an advisor to the government and the general election will be around springtime. [ more ]
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TV ShowsThe Apprentice
Margaret Mountford quits the Apprentice
Irish-Princess More to the point, she is only 56! She looks late 60s. [ more ]
HyacinthB I'm really sorry that Margaret is leaving. It just will not be the same without her. [ more ]
Tourista Sad news, but with all the best will in the world, "The Apprentice" isnt what it was. For all of Sir Alan's declarations to the opposite, the candidates are now less in it for a job with Sir Alan, than a media career. [ more ]
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TV ShowsThe Apprentice
Cariad Our Beany woulod find such things beneath her... Momo would trash it in seconds. This is all cats need: [ more ]
HyacinthB Same as ours Mrs BBV - they love those designer carriers. As for those pet boxes, my five cats would have them demolished in seconds! They much prefer an old cardboard box. [ more ]
***Mrs BBV*** Not girlie enough for my fur baby. If it was a cardboard department store she'd be as happy as a pig in mud. She's obsessed with shopping bags and their contents and if they're cardboard bags (from designer stores) she goes mental. [ more ]
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