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Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
Something's happened! Help needed please
ozzycam Cheers Lori [ more ]
Lori Hi, ozzy: Can you please report this over at our support forums ? The staff that write the software watch that place for reports just like this. [ more ]
ozzycam Hi Lori im getting picture downloading at the bottom of the page and its to do with qshark its causing me posting problems and making my pages slow can you advise please [ more ]
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Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
Twitter feed
Former Member I am most disappointed with the latest upgrade. The tweets have taken over the entire blog list. Instead of a section with the latest posts (which we can see while in the forum) why couldn't that section have been used for tweets? I thought it was just me that was annoyed with the tweets, but I did a poll and the vast majority of respondents agree that the tweets are annoying. [ more ]
Kaytee I agree with I like to follow members' blogs and am finding it virtually impossible [ more ]
Former Member It's not so much the alerts and ticker, but the endless display of tweeter blog posts that are on the main page. Is there a way to have those in a seperate place? Sometimes I want to read a blog and it disappears from the main page almost soon as it's written, only to be replaced by twitter posts. [ more ]
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Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
Posts disappearing
littleleicesterfox Spot on, Do you know I've been through that thread so many times looking for them! *blushes furiously* [ more ]
Former Member LLF, I did a bit of looking around, and I *think* I see the "invisible posts" you are referring to. (linked below) I think what is happening is that while you are typing your reply, other people are doing the same. When you post your reply several others come in before yours. So, when you refresh the page the original reply you are referring to has pushed up the page (or possibly to the previous page) in relation to yours. So it looks like they've disappeared. Here's the permalink to the... [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
How can I get a bigger list of blogs?
Croctacus I can't find a way of doing it....but I know something is coming so you can filter out the Twitter stuff so maybe when it does the blogs will stay on the page longer...but if its a blog you have already posted in the any subsequent posts should bring it up on your ticker. Other that that I dunno... [ more ]
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Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
Blacklisting people from groups
Lori I MEANT to close this afterwards, so I'll close now, since rosgirl's question has been answered (thanks, Croc!) [ more ]
Croctacus Reference: but is it possible to blacklist somebody simply because you don't like them You can blacklist someone so they cannot post on your wall or blog if you do one... Go to Manage - Permissions - and its at the bottom...don't forget to hit update after, [ more ]
Aimee awwwww rosgirl, this is locked [ more ]
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Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
The smileys and avatars
Steven Can you let me know what browser, version, and operating system you are using? e.g., Internet Explorer 7 on Windows XP. I'm guessing you are using IE. Am I right? [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Lol mine work now Angel , there must be a problem with the smileys as they go on and off, still can't see some of the avatars though, others have mentioned this also. [ more ]
Former Member [smug]Mine work[/smug] Hi Darlo [ more ]
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Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
Lori Perfect! I'll look forward to it! Na night yourself! [ more ]
Ensign Muf Cheers Lori I'll post one tomorrow in the BB board and let You know then you can see whether its worth making it into a sticky : Na night [ more ]
Lori Not sure I followed all that.... but I believe you. If you want to make such a topic, I would be happy to sticky it for you. Just report it after you make it, and your wish will be my command. (Now don't you all get excited about this: this is a one-time offer, and very specific. ) [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
It's finally happening!!
Hicky Well we made it. Happy Friday Everyone. Will have to go and find my thread, it's hiding somewhere, saw the Lounge before while I was wondering around. ---------- ►♪◄►♫◄♥♣♦♠~►√◄►♥◄►√◄~♠♦♣♥►♫◄►♪◄ ►>^<>^<>^<>^<>^<>^<>^<>^<>^<>^<>^<>^<◄ ►♪◄►♫◄♥♣♦♠~►√◄►♥◄►√◄~♠♦♣♥►♫◄►♪◄ ►☺~♥~☻~♥~☻~♥~☻~♥~☻~♥~☻~♥~☻~♥~☺◄ ►*♥*♥* Good Morning Everyone *♥*♥*◄ ►*♥*♥* Hope you are all well*♥*♥*◄ ►*♥*♥* Not a bad day here today *♥*♥*◄ ►*♥*♥* Happy... [ more ]
Zaphod I bet you all stayed up special like Z. [ more ]
Lori Yay!! Everything look OK to you guys? [ more ]
See all 174 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
Server Problem
Lori Hi, Kaytee: I was hoping it was a momentary thing. You might have tried to log in while backups were running on that machine. Sometimes that results in a problem. [ more ]
Kaytee Hi Lori...the browsers simply wouldn't connect, no matter how I tried. However, when I tried LC a few minutes ago, I sailed straight in. The only difference being I didn't have Gaga open at the same time. The solution seems to be to open LC first......just some sort of glitch, but it seems OK now thank youxx [ more ]
Lori Hi, Kaytee: LiveCloud hasn't had any issues, as far as I can tell. I see people posting away over there... Can you tell me what happens, specifically? Do you get an error message, or what? [ more ]
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Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
Posting Question
Queen of the High Teas Thank you for your help Mr Queenie [ more ]
Rosemary O'Neill Hi and congrats again! We don't plan to delete any of the threads during the migration to LiveCloud, so your baby thread will be intact. After my kidlets were born, I printed a color version of the congrats thread and put it in their baby book It's fun to look back on it and remember old friends. [ more ]
El Loro We have been told that everything is being transferred over so I assume your thread would still be there. I don't know if it is possible to download an entire thread at one go but it is possible to save each page on a page by page basis. If using Internet Explorer, go to File, then select Save As. There are 4 options. Webpage Complete will save the contents of the page you are on including graphics. Webpage Archive does the same but the page will be saved in one file rather than Complete... [ more ]
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Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
To David Dreezer, I cannot reply to your e-mails.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Ihave now tried logging in via IE and it successfully logged me in as long as I entered my password as all small letters. Although I still got the 'stack overflow' message. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Sorry if I've confused the issue. Initially I could not log in using IE6, which is the browser I usually use, Before I got your reply, I decided to try logging in using Firefox as I was aware that it might have been a problem specific to IE. However with both browsers I was getting the message that my log-in had failed and with IE I was also getting the 'Stack Overflow' message. After getting your message to say it was a fault you were addressing with IE, I stopped trying to log-in with that... [ more ]
Dave I'm afraid that I am really confused by your post. The red message says your log-in failed, but yet you're posting? I know that the email does keep proper case, I've just checked it with 3 different accounts, all with mixed case, and in each case the email sent the correct case sensitive password. Is there still a problem or....? [ more ]
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Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
Here we go....login is about to switch to LiveCloud
CaptVimes Cheers Rosemary [ more ]
jamieboy phew it took ages for it to let me back i wont have to do all that agin wud i? [ more ]
Rosemary O'Neill Hey guys! just to clarify...we moved the registration over into our LiveCloud system, but this particular community is not part of LiveCloud yet. We'll be actually importing the content and community into LiveCloud probably some time next week. (That's why it's not showing up in the LiveCloud community dropdown menu yet...) And I love having developers comment; you never know what someone else is going to find that needs to be fixed! [ more ]
See all 54 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
Posting Difficulties?
Xochi Don't know if you guys saw it, but there was a thread in BB UK tonight where people have been experiencing mini-crashes of the site. I've had the same over the last couple of days. No panic yet though! [ more ]
Steven Firefox is like a comfortable mattress. IE is like a torn cot. Sweet dreams. [ more ]
Hicky It didn't make any difference to me, but it doesn't happen in this thread, how strange is that? I'm on Firefox on the other threads now. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
I still can't suss out PMs
Shar Click on the 'Go' button at top left hand corner and then on Private Messaging and then New Private Message ... find the person you want to PM ... I think you can also just click on a person's name which takes you into their profile and you can send a PM that way too ... You can use me as a test case if you want ... [ more ]
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Community Management InfoCommunity Announcements
About Us
Former Member I am extremely grateful to Ted & Co for this forum. Thank you all so much! [ more ]
Tootall Just wanted to say I haven't forgotten what you have done and continue to do for us. We are very grateful and i for one think you are brilliant. Thank you very much [ more ]
Lori Hi, jamieboy: There is a chat room. You can find it by clicking the "Go" tab at the top, and then choosing "Chat Rooms". That chat room is open all the time. [ more ]
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Community Management InfoCommunity Technical Questions/Suggestions
Help with the chatroom
angelicarwen I have tried recently el loro but not happening Oh and I have no idea about firewalls. Don't worry I shall just be chatroom-less. It let me get on with more RL stuff anyway [ more ]
El Loro That seems to be a current version so Flash doesn't seem to be the problem (have you tried again to get access to the chatroom? - it might have been a temporary problem). I've no experience of unblocking ports - the procedure will depend on what type of firewall (if any) you are using. I have Windows XP Professional on my PC and this comes with a firewall. However my anti-virus s/w also has a firewall. I use this rather than the Windows one. It is not a good idea to have 2 firewalls in... [ more ]
angelicarwen OK the flash checker says I have version WIN 10,0,12,36 so that seems ok [ more ]
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