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Hey everyone-

We have some exciting changes coming soon. Sometime in the next week or so, we'll be integrating GaGaJoyJoy into our new LiveCloud social network. launches sometime tomorrow and it is a full-featured social network offering personal spaces (for blogs, videos, photos, more), group spaces, and larger communities.

More features: buddies, mobile blog posting (post from your phone), privacy controls (control who can view each blog post you make on your personal site), dialogs (private messages like we have here now), and much more.

The site also allows you to integrate your Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube feeds (with connections with more social services to be added in the future).

We also plan to offer a wide range of celebrity chat events, whereby you can interact with celebrities across many fields.

GaGaJoyJoy will be a community on the LiveCloud network and its url will remain the same- All of the current forums and content will remain when we make the transition.

What this means for you-- you can continue to use these forums, but you'll also be able to do so much more-- post you own blog posts, upload videos or pictures, and even create your own group spaces that you can control. Groups have their own forums, blog spaces, and more.

LiveCloud will be free, but will also offer a VIP premium membership that allows you to: browse the site ad-free, upload files (video, photos, more), create groups, and access our exclusive chat events.

We'll have more details for you once we get closer to moving the site over. Before we move it over though, we'll begin preparing for the transition by migrating your registrations onto LiveCloud. Sometime in the next day or so, we'll begin that process, so you may be queried about taking action to formalize your registration.

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