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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother 2018
Saint Nice one @Senora Reyes I think it'd been hinted at quite a lot that there is a drive for it to return and Rylan, Emma and Marcus are all on board if it happens If they said they were moving on then that would suggest they know it's over but they've hinted heavily that they're not wanting to let it go Reassuring comments [ more ]
Baz Right back at you Senora [ more ]
Gel-h ❤️
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Footie Thread
Lori Got it. Locking now. [ more ]
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree! New thread started and I'll PM Lori to lock this one. Morning RZB, BTW. [ more ]
Former Member That would be fantastic Pinky, you could see me in all my fatness Plus, your reserves will get to play us again this season at Barnet. See if you can get down for that game - I'll save you a seat within stalking range of Le Boss [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Freddie Fanclub
Joyron Squiggle. I'm sorry that I posted in this thread after we decided to let it go. I was so surprised to see it on page 1 and just posted instinctively. I agree we should let it go. I wonder why darlo has not realised we decided to close it. I won't post in here again but will, hopefully, catch up with you in another thread later. [ more ]
squiggle Morning Joyron, see we are here together , Ben is being totally delightful on LF, I could hug the guy . We should let it go again I think now [ more ]
Joyron We had decided to let this thread go but I was only talking about missing it with Squiggle yesterday. Now it has re-appeared. There must be a reason for that!! I'm glad to see that Freddie likes Ben. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm a Celeb
Aimee Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1: Jessie has BB Louise's hair on! [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average ❤️
kimota Originally Posted by Rosgirl: Originally Posted by Baz: Dougie looked tidier when he was in the jungle yes forgot about stephanie Did mark bother with Emily after he came out??? Apparently not! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Bus Stop
Baz Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Originally Posted by Baz: Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average: Sweet caught it Drat !! Audemars Piguet Or Robert Piguet. You decide Either, either ....I think [ more ]
Baz Originally Posted by velvet donkey: I've never been able to work the winner out since the times changed Baz No probs Velvet [ more ]
Former Member ❤️
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
CBB Jan 2014 Gossip -News - Vids and Twitter Comments [ will contain Spoilers]
Former Member Originally Posted by Yogi19: Thanks again to Scotty, Erin and MrsH, and other contributors to this thread. Your work is much appreciated. Now go have a nice long rest before it all starts again in the summer. What Yogi said ! [ more ]
Yogi19 Thanks again to Scotty, Erin and MrsH, and other contributors to this thread. Your work is much appreciated. Now go have a nice long rest before it all starts again in the summer. [ more ]
MrsH Re: CBB Jan 2014 Gossip -News - Vids and Twitter Comments [ will contain Spoilers] [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Celebrity Big Brother 2018
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Re: Celebrity Big Brother 2018 [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Now that you can review the final viewing figures, as Saint quite rightly points out, this was the least watched final. Still not heard any news on renewal beyond 2018. I did read that C5 may look to cutting the budget if it were to continue on for future series. I was staggered by how many people were involved in producing the show. My BIG HOPE is that they cut the budget, cease the zelebrity version, stop using contestants who have had previous TV or magazine exposure, get in 'ordinary'... [ more ]
Saint No thanks Baz - I don't like Italian food Just looks like they aren't investing or interested in the show There is always a coming out party [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The HMS Newmark
Former Member Bleedin hell is this rustbucket still afloat? [ more ]
Izzy Gonyett Originally Posted by Ensign Muf: Originally Posted by Izzy Gonyett: Blimey!!! Did you have to call in the guys who bought up the Mary Rose to salvage this ship? I found her for the salvage arrghh! It be all mine! The legend of the c'tains gold be true I tells ya!!! Good luck with that!! Oh and MrsB said that if you find her handcuffs, can you apologise to the skeleton wearing them, she forgot he was there when the ship was abandoned [ more ]
Ensign Muf Originally Posted by Izzy Gonyett: Blimey!!! Did you have to call in the guys who bought up the Mary Rose to salvage this ship? I found her for the salvage arrghh! It be all mine! The legend of the c'tains gold be true I tells ya!!! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Britain's Got Talent
Crunchy Nuts Originally Posted by Videostar: Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by Videostar: Oh go on Simon, buzz Cheryl Cole. I'd love to buzz Cheryl Cole Oh hello. I'd like to buzz her from sunrise to sunset. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by Supes: Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: I for one will be hoping this is the last time I see the Il Divo tribute act. One has to question the thinking behind the GBP - numpties. Lucy has more talent. That sounds rather sour grapes EC, people like what they like, no need to call them numpties just 'cos it's different to your taste Not sour grapes really as I had no interest in any of the act having... [ more ]
Videostar Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: Originally Posted by Videostar: So the act Simon has been supporting hyping up the most ends up winning.....shock horror. Well he didn't give them the gold buzzer did he? He gave that to the little brats - was that a double bluff or something? Hedging his bets maybe, but since the audition rounds he has been openly on Il Divo 2 side. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
CBB 2017
Baz I think that unless they go back to basics the programme has had its day Rawky [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Channel 5 has the rights to BB until the end of 2018. Expect next year to be the last on Channel 5... and perhaps the whole show. Not sure which channel would want to pick it up. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I'm not so sure, just like the 'civvie' version, the numbers don't look good. Slow, lingering death. It's all about advertising and if the viewing figures go down, so does the advertising revenue. August 26th. Celebrity Big Brother 2017 ends with least watched final to date The live show averaged 1.6 million between 9PM and 10:45PM live on Channel 5, peaking with an audience of 1.9 million as the winner was revealed. A bumper edition of Bit On The Side straight after averaged 600,000... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother 2013 Launch night part one and two 13/06/13 and 14/06/13
Kaffs However, I'm quite liking the mix so far - there's not too many of them going OTT, they seem (in general) a bit more normal and a wee bit less desperate than C5's usual motley crew. [ more ]
Kaffs Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: I just watched a tiny bit if LF on +1 - Sam is a bit of an immature, ignorant, stupid little boy it just me? Nope - I've just watched last night's LF - maybe he's just hyper and over excited, but if he doesn't get his hormones under control soon he's going to get very annoying, very soon. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Videostar: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Originally Posted by Videostar: Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal: Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: I just watched a tiny bit if LF on +1 - Sam is a bit of an immature, ignorant, stupid little boy it just me? Nope here too. His usp will be short-lived methinks. He'll win, mark my words . Job done. I deserved that. Sam is a pest with his winkie, hard on, and erection talk I... [ more ]
See all 2,155 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Masterchef 2017
Baz I've decided that the way the programme is formulated these days is spoiling it ....I preferred it ....and think it was much fairer...when they had sections such as the palate test , and ingredients test....that way contestants had to do more than cook their own ethnic cuisine all the way through . [ more ]
Baz Re: Masterchef 2017 [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Giovana, I fear, failed to hit the mark And Steve's food didn't set off that spark. Saliha, may be a very nice person But is a 3 course curry Masterchef perfection? ! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dancing on ice...
Joyron Did not realise Hayley had it so much "in the bag" so to speak. I wouldn't have wasted my money voting if I'd known that. Anway the result was the right one so I won't cry over a couple of pounds!! [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) DOI voting percentages released . Week One: Girls Week Hayley Tamaddon: 34% Emily Atack: 14.4% Tana Ramsay: 14.3% Heather Mills: 12.5% Danniella Westbrook: 10.9% Sharron Davies: 6.5% Sinitta: 7.6% Week Two: Boys Week Mikey Graham: 32.8% Jeremy Sheffield: 18.1% Dr Hilary Jones: 10.4% Bobby Davro: 10.2% Kieron Richardson: 10% Danny Young: 9.5% Gary Lucy: 9% Week Three Gary Lucy: 20.1% Mikey Graham: 18.4% Hayley Tamaddon: 17.6% Danniella Westbrook: 7.3% Dr Hilary Jones: 6.3% Danny Young: 5.9%... [ more ]
darloboy (Play The Game!) Thanks for all the laughs and chatter everyone . [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I know we shouldn’t panic but
Baz They (UKHSA and the ECDC) are now saying people with the monkey pox should not handle their pets …and should isolate them …to prevent a reservoir (ping pong effect) between humans and domestic animals ! [ more ]
Saint Monkey pox aside . . . urghh, are we becoming the vermin we so ruthlessly exterminate? I called our GP to get a 'call-back' appointment over the phone and was told I was too late as all the appointments had gone due to "so many of the doctors being off sick". Quite alarming when you think about it [ more ]
Baz Yes, it is Slim…..and so many of the things they’ve been saying …eg downplaying it initially , but gradually seeing it increase ….seem to be mirroring the early days of covid . [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The late great Tommy Cooper, some of his best
Former Member The X Factor. Magic [ more ]
Yellow Rose Great read He was one of the greats, I saw some reruns of his tv shows a few months ago, absolutely brilliant. I miss the comedians of earlier years, I can't be bothered with the ones that are on tv now. [ more ]
Cinds Strangely, Master C recently asked me about Tommy Cooper and how he died on stage. I googled it for him and his reaction was 'tears', I honestly think he thought it would be amusing, he is 15 and they have odd ideas. But when he saw it (and to be honest it was the first time I had watched it too), I think it scared him how quickly a life can go. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
X Factor 2013
Angel Just been on iTunes .... Sam Bailey is number 1 Well done, lovely Sam xx [ more ]
MrsH But now the votes have been counted, the stats examined - and we can now reveal the percentage of votes for each of the live shows... They're very interesting, we're sure you'll agree... Week 1 Flash Vote Saturday Sam Bailey 23.4% Nicholas McDonald 23.3% Rough Copy 18.4% Abi Alton 9.2% Hannah Barrett 5.3% Tamera Foster 4.9% Kingsland Road 3.7% Sam Callahan 3.5% Luke Friend 3.4% Miss Dynamix 1.8% Lorna Simpson 1.6% Shelley Smith 1.5% Overall Vote Sunday Nicholas McDonald 23.5% Sam Bailey... [ more ]
MrsH ❤️
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm a Celebrity
Baz Yes, it seems strange now it’s over Renton ....but it used to be worse after BB finished [ more ]
Saint Maybe it's just me but i always have withdrawal symptoms after a good/long programme finishes. It should last 4 weeks - goodness knows they get paid enough. Rumour has it Vernon was paid £250k I shall be re-watching the whole thing very soon [ more ]
Baz Yes , I really liked him to Renton [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Masterchef: The Professionals 2018
Baz In Pointless Celebrities do you mean ? If so, Michael Fish, Carrie Grant, David Grant , Adam Hart Davis , Mary Ann Ochota, Martin Roberts, Charlie Ross and Catherine Southon [ more ]
Baz Yes, you’re spot on Roxan ....although we don’t actually know why , so it’s just an assumption on our part [ more ]
Baz Yes , I’m guessing they may need a rethink ....but hopefully it won’t delay the start [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother 2014 U Tube Clips and NewsThread and Comments on Tweets [ may contain Spoilers]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing The HMs are reminiscing about the most memorable moments in the series (Biannca has come up). What are your best moments? Every night when the programme came to an end! [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Big Brother Live ✔ @ BBUKLive 5.11pm: Pav thinks Biannca will be the most remembered housemate from this series. Ash reckons Steven. What do you think? Who? [ more ]
MrsH Big Brother UK Goss ‏ @ BBUKGossip Well What's going on Here - All will be Revealed Soon # TakeBackThePower # BBPowerTrip # BBUK rumour is the ex housemates have the power this week not sure how true this is or just twitter hype [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Films, Films, Films, Films, Films, Films, Films, Films!
El Loro For anyone interested in film archive/Hollywood films made on the dawn of colour or sound films, this was published by the BFI (British Film Institute) today. You may have seen it mentioned on the BBC news. For those interested in such things, this is a fascinating clip. [ more ]
Carnelian Thanks EL for your take, better than mine I must admit. I don't know if it's a film I'd watch again knowing unremitting misfortune placed on the lead character but definitely one that blew me away and one I'd recommend anyone to try, with the proviso that they may hate it. Oddly, I've a lot more time for JL as an actor than JL as a media personality, which is where her popularity lies. I find her quite annoying as a media personality but as you say, she's taking risks, pushing boundaries and... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Re: Films, Films, Films, Films, Films, Films, Films, Films! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dancing on Ice
Kaytee Thanks for the company ladies throughout the whole series....night night,I'm off for a Tudor Fest 😂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ [ more ]
Rocking Ros Rose well that was a shocker but fantastic company night [ more ]
Baz Oh well it wasn’t quite how I envisaged watching it ...and it certainly wasn’t the result I predicted ...but as always , it’s been a real blast over the last few weeks ...great company ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother 11 Discussion Thread!
liverbird I did thank you Baz, although there was one person there (no one I knew) who talked through some of it [ more ]
Baz Reference: just got in! So pleased Brian won I will now read back - thanks all for a great thread xxxxx Hope you had a nice evening LB [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes Reference: So they can claim BB is like a phoenix....and will rise from the ashes. I can totally see that happening lol. [ more ]
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TV ShowsThe Apprentice
The Apprentice
Baz ❤️
Cosmopolitan ❤️
Triggers Originally Posted by Blizz'ard: Originally Posted by Triggers: Just wondering - it might all be top secret at the moment in prep for a big launch but does anyone happen to know the name of Susan's skincare range? That's So Skin Care, or sumfink? Thanks Blizzums [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
X Factor 2012
jackassfan No X Factor for me this year now that vile woman is back on the show [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: Blimey - no Dancing on Ice and now that horrible old bat on the X Factor, I may have to get me a life. Or a cat! [ more ]
Kaffs Blimey - no Dancing on Ice and now that horrible old bat on the X Factor, I may have to get me a life. [ more ]
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