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Just For FunUK Lounge
not heard another human talking ALL DAY
angelicarwen Awww Beer My babs is all tucked up now, OH still not back and just about to tuck into my very delicious dinner of toast and peanut butter Sometimes I hate being a Mummy , felt amazing when I gave her a wee kiss there when I was putting her down though [ more ]
jessejay Re: not heard another human talking ALL DAY [ more ]
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) Big hugs for all the mums. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Prune Juice
scatterby Hi Queen - I'm only 17 weeks today - due on 9th October - I understand you are quite a bit further along - when are you due?[/QUOTE] Not much further ahead than you, 23 weeks on Sunday. Due 30th August. Is this your first?[/QUOTE] Oh sorry - that's right - you had the scan and your bump played you up didn't it? oooo we'll have to compare notes then! It is my first.[/QUOTE] Bump Buddies! It's my first too. Are you going to find out the sex at your 20 week scan?[/QUOTE] Aaah well - I want to... [ more ]
Queen of the High Teas I do know what you mean, although I don't know if my bladder could cope with too many more! That's my lot now, you only get your 20 week I think, unless there's a problem. I had three attempts at the 20 week one but that's only because junior was lying in such an awkward position they couldn't finish the anomaly. They managed to get it all now so at least we know it's looking healthy. [ more ]
scatterby lol, will you get any more scans or was that your lot - I think it's the only other one I'll get - I wish I could go every week - I'm sure you know what I mean [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A Serious Thread!
darloboy (Play The Game!) Good luck Kelly . [ more ]
MrsB Good Luck Kelly The hubby and me used to drink way too much, then we had the mini-bods and now I just can't be and hangovers don't they need me to be able to drive them places, look after them if they are ill etc. They made me evaluate my life....I still have the odd night on the beer (this Saturday and kids will be at my parents'!) but most of the time I volunteer to drive anyway! Besides...the older you get the longer the recovery!!!!!!!! So, GOOD LUCK again... [ more ]
Baz Good luck Kelly [ more ]
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Just For FunUK Lounge
electric shepherd well having crumbled under the pressure of having no will power, i got some of these and i'm relieved to say, i'm not fussed i found that i needed to cram half a dozen in at once to get any sort of satifaction at all i'd rather have a rocky or a kit-kat myself. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I'm really pleased they are now selling these... my daughter loves them, they sell them in the chinese supermarkets, but under the name Pokki (sp)... and were blummin expensive as well. [ more ]
Heatseek LOL, I'll be keeping my eyes open for these [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
C4 Poll for Essex Angel
Former Member Where's the option for "I can't cos I was zapped in the last week"? Quite frankly, my dear........ [ more ]
Blizz'ard If they did start up a forum, which I doubt they will, then they will still probably shut at midnight and wipe all our wisdom away everyday, and the only 'live' BB we get to see is late at night, so I'd probably stay here anyway! [ more ]
jujubedoo not a chance [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
pmsl ,, my son wont tell me about his gf ,, but ive read his bebo
bozzimacoo and he has $25,000+ in his poker account on fb!!! he's one of those annoying types that goes 'all in' every other game! am i a bad mum? [ more ]
bozzimacoo and he is a dab hand at runescape, used to mob and mug poor unsuspectings in the 'wilderness' and that was about same age as your one ditty. then went on to moparscape and modded a server, but he got bored - so did i, he was online for too long! love the lil scamp [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Dunno how old Boz Jnr is but.... the conditions for our kids having internet access were always that we had their passwords, and should we feel it was needed we could access their accounts. Especially with my 11yr old boy... who is an internet nightmare. He got bopped from the lego forum... is now actively involved in an online football gaming forum (has had mod status at one point), but has had a series of temp boppings there too! [ more ]
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Just For FunUK Lounge
All that smut & I never once got bopped!!!!1
Barolo I had a few of those! Each time, I'd write back, call them a bunch of hypcrites for allowing much worse comments than I'd made to be aired on live TV (cf BBBM presenters) and I'd be reinstated; worked every time! [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ haha that's class, how unreasonable were those mods sometimes though? i got banned twice, one time i did deserve it though, i was posting drunk and said some naughty swear words about channel 4 [ more ]
Comrade Ogilvy I got bopped so many times on there, never got far beyond 2000 posts. but I unashamedly stand by my comments. I remember the reasons for my two most recent boppings beyond that my memory fails me. 1. Directly quoted Mikeys perceptive comments when he viewed Dim Dales audition tape "what a f*ck*n' n*b" Yes I used asterisks. 2. Commented that Ben Adams said he'd have no issues about entertaining the troops at a BNP rally. Which he did Hope I don't get bopped from here for repeating my reasons... [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
DO NOT DISTERBUE, Shack under constructions.
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11) hold on to it untill I open the sanctuary. [ more ]
Scotty Re: DO NOT DISTERBUE, Shack under constructions. [ more ]
Baby Bunny No thanks Pengy - I know a mad cow when I see one Blue D - in the time it's taken you to build this gaff the cows have gone forth and multipled, can you add a shed to the shack? I am NOT a cowgirl... Oh, and I found this in my sock - want it? [ more ]
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