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both xxx


hope you had a good day today. Did you go out?


how nice you got the video call and got to see the little one and her "mad half hour".

Pity the kiwi was a bit ripe, I do find it hard with them to work out when they are just right.

A nice wooly scarf is really good, as it does well keeping you warm. In spring I sometimes find, I can leave my coat off even on a chilly day, if I have a nice warm scarf and sweater. Maybe ask your OH if they have any in the sale at Sainsburys? Most shops seems to be selling off their winter stock cheap now, I saw another scarf in asda today for Β£2, but I didn't like the beige colour it was, as much as the dark pink one I bought.

I see you are well stocked up again from the farm shop.

Glad you are pleased with your new watch, it sounds very convenient and easy to use.

We at last got a sunny day today. OH and son took me to see my elderly friend, they have been papering her dining room, so finished it off today, whilst I chatted to her. (so I got the easy part!). I took her 2 fruity scones with some clotted cream that I got from Costco last Sunday. They are still lovely and fresh though.

Yes this virus thing is scary, as they don't know how fast it is going to spread now.

I got about 4 washloads nearly dry on the line in the sun, so they only need a quick air now.

Watching Harry Rednapp on tv now, very posh area on the coast at Sandbanks is where he lives. at them boating past the neudist beach. 

Have a good evening both xx


Evening Mollie.

The Kiwi was fine to eat just not hard enough to work properly in the machine.

Yes, i agree with the scarf, the neck suffers as it gets forgotten between the hat and the coat etc, so the neck suffers, i am mainly in the car so don't really do a lot of walking outside, except for in the garden.

Loving the watch, it has the normal watch centre screw type thingy and 2 extra, one at 2 o'clock (A) and one at 4 o'clock (B), 1 press on A it speaks the time, next press it tells the day and date, next press it says the country you are in and if it has been updated by the country clock radio system, between A and B you can up alarms and allsorts, you can have it chiming the hour if you want, for Β£30 you can't really complain, it takes a CR2032 button battery, it comes with one of course but they are very cheap.

I didn't know they still put wallpaper on the walls these days, we don't have any, not worth the bother, we just put a coat of some pale colour on, not that i can see what colour of course, we used to do paper, what a waste of time.

That was nice going to see your friend, bet she was pleased to get those fruit scones, i am ordering some of those in my shopping list.

I saw that program Wit Harry, he lives in a posh place, he was with Ruddick.

Have a good evening.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Hope everyone is having a good day . Quite sunny here , so I went to town to blow the cobwebs away and  pay a couple of bills ...and I may have treated myself to a new jumper and earrings at the same time Apart from that just the usual housework and washing Hope everyone is enjoying some sunshine too 


Mollie , I hope they’ve sorted out your roof ....and yes , this virus is scary ....especially for us oldies ...and now it seems that people who have had it ....and been given the all clear ....are now testing positive again Hicky, glad you are pleased with your watchi agree about the scarf....I suffer with my neck ....couple of dodgy discs ....which is made worse if I’m cold , cos the muscles tense up . How are your eyes ?


Not sure what I’m watching tonight....apart from Phil Spencer’s Stately Homes ....which is Hampton Court this time ....which is near where I was brought up Have a good evening , whatever you are doing 


Evening Baz.

7c today with sunny intervals and a few light rain showers, a fresh breeze as well.

Put my new watch by the window because the radio signal in the Uk is given out at 03.00 am and i can ask the watch if it has received the time update, it saod it had when i asked and the time was in time with the computer clock to the second, and as it can talk the time and date, i love it.

Had a massive mushroom for brekkie with some smoked and unsmoked bacon, nice.

Mended one of the windows in the summerhouse which had a loose pane of acrylic stuff but it can slide down and let the wind in, i just need the tubes of silicone to come so i can seal all the 22 panes. 

Spent some time in the summerhouse, thinking and planning.

Another of my lads called in this afternoon with his o/h and 2 lads, we had a chat and he had an Amazon gift card for me Β£25 very nice, have ordered more stuff today, another diamond knife sharpening rod, batteries for the watch, as they only fit one to sell it and i don't know how long it will last, i have ordered a head torch as i need lots of light to see things as daylight fades.

For tea i got a chicken Jalfrezi from the freezer and made a rice cake, had some mango pickle with it, yummy.

Why not treat yourself while out, don't blame you, just a jumper and earrings if it puts a smile on your face then it's always worth it.

Yes, this Corona virus is pretty worrying, to be passed as ok then go down with the fever again is certainly a problem, and then they say that the mask won't protect you from getting it, wow.

I'm watching building bridges, then i'll record bargain loving brits and watch Salvage |hunters.

Have a good evening.


both xxx


it was nice for you to get out whilst the sun was shining (for a change!), and to buy a couple of treats. I love buying a new jumper now and again. What colour was it?

Sorry you have a bit of a problem in your neck discs.  So as you say,important to keep it warm with a scarf this time of year.


Sounds like you got the perfect watch for you and not a bad price too.

My friend's house is an old house and the plastering not so good, so she wanted it papered with that thick plain stuff that you paint over. My daughter stripped the old stuff off, then my OH had to plaster in a few places where the walls were uneven before they could even start the wallpapering.

Your big mushroom brekkie sounds good, I love mushrooms, I have started cooking them with a smear of marmite to give them a bit of extra taste.Did you know you are supposed to put them in a window to get daylight on them for awhile before eating, as that adds to their Vitamin D levels?

Hope your silicon comes soon, and good job you did manage to do one window already, as now they are saying we are due yet another windy/rainy storm!

We were out a fair bit today as I got some shopping from Costco, so I don't even know if the roof man came to check the roof. If he hasn't I reckon the leak will start again. Will ring LL tomorrow to see if he came.

That was lovely for you to have your family visit today, and even nicer as they came bearing a nice gift for you. I am sure you enjoyed deciding what to spend it on.

Yes wish this damn virus would go away!

I watched "Bargain Loving Brits", then a good drama on itv.

Daugher is on antibiotics for a bad sinus infection now. She had terrible pain in her face, so bad she couldn't sleep for 3 nights, so doc has put her on a course of antibiotics. Son has an infected big toenail, so is on tablets for 6 months! Only 1 a day, but it takes ages to tackle it apparently.  It orignated ages ago from when he dropped some theatre scenery on it, and has got more painfull recently. Can't believe how many health problems my family have had this year. My kids rarely take meds, but all 3 have this year, and I rarely have antibitocs, but had 3 strong lots this year. Roll in the end of winter and these damn germs. Well I hope this virus thing does go by spring time.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie.

this watch is certainlky interesting, it picks a signal up as long as you are within 1,200 miles of the transmitter, but it will work in countries that have the same signal, like the US, Japan, Germany, i don't know how often it needs to pick the signal up, maybe just when you buy it, also when you change the battery.

We don't have Marmite, not sure why, just have never ordered it.

Never heard of putting mushrooms in the light, they grow in the dark, i know that.

My lad sent me a text, the one that was round earlier asking if i fancy going out for brekkie in the morning, o/h at work anyway, of course i said yes, so thats sorted.

You certainly need the roof sorting, thats urgent, but not sure if they can work on the roof if the winds are strong.

I think you need a live in doctor, thats bad news if daughter and son bot on antibiotics.

Yes, very handy to have an Amazon gift voucher, i usually order about 4 things a week, had only just done an order for about Β£54, the voucher would have been handy.

Dropping scenary etc on your foot is dreadful, omg what an awful thing to happen, that may never be the same again after that, poor lad.

Yes, roll on Spring, looking forward to it.

Have a good evening and sleep.


Evening All.

A bit wet today and 8c with light rain showers and a moderate breeze.

Went out for brekkie with my lad, a very nice place, had even forgotten it was there, it's vertually on the beach as well, way off the beaten track, no houses shops or anything within a mile.

It is called the Derby Pool Foresters Restaurant/bar, a lot of people in for brekkie as well, here:

One of the brekkie menu's had a pick what you want and how many of each, i had a small one compared to my lad, i had about half of the fixed classic one as i didn't want to leave a load.

I got back home in time to get my shopping from o/h when she arrived.

Had a sit in the summerhouse for a bit even though it was light rain, nice to get outside for a bit.

For tea decided on tomato soup then salad sandwiches, i have some nice fruit buns so one of those will do for afters.

At least the weekend is here but the weather is horrific, gales are back again tonight tomorrow and Sunday.

Have a good evening. 


both xxx


hope you have had a good day. If the weather up there is as bad as here, I am guessing you stayed in today.


that sounds lovely to have brekkie with your lad in such a nice location. Is this your lad who gave you the amazon gift? We have a Harvester not far from us, might give it a go, as the menu on your link gives a great selection of food.

Good timing in that you got back,as your shopping delivery arrived.

I too like tomato soup.

My son did me and him oven baked cheese with part oven baked rolls and salad for tea, with salted peanuts.

Yes forecast is just awful, it has already been pouring so much here today that all trains out of Cardiff have been cancelled. Fortunately it did not affect my family today, as no one needed the train. Got some food shopping in early this morning, as the floods mean some deliveries have trouble getting through. It was very busy. Also went to pet shop to make sure the bunny got his hay and the doggie got her Senior Dog food.

I dread to think about the flood damage to come for those houses again.

Daughter very tired today, must be antibiotics, but they have helped a lot and she is not in pain now.

Gogglebox today, hooray, love that show. I know you too enjoy it Baz.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

Yes, the same lad that came yesterday with his family, he gets certain days off in a lump every month. he is a big lad, all my lads tower over me as i'm only 5' 8" ish, the lads are all over 6', the breakfast menu's are really good and the plates were the rectangle ones, might buy some, they save a lot of space, not a lover of round plates.

Am watching gogglebox as i type.

Yes, best get the stuff you need for the animals, you don't know when it might dry up, the deliveries i mean.

Oven baked cheese with part oven baked rolls and salad for tea, with salted peanuts, you are being spoilt, well done to your lad.

Thats bad news with the trains cancelled, just as well you din't need them.

So many people suffering with the floods, and they aren't going to be able to get insurance after this are they, or be able to sell them.Watching 'The Last Leg Live' now.

Have a good night and sleep tight.



Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  How are we all this sunny m if windy Saturday My daughter and her partner have been over, so we had lunch and shopped at M&S Apart from that  I’ve done some housework and flea’d Sammy ....who is now no longer speaking to me My daughter was impressed by my kitchen cupboard clear out though


Hope you’re daughter is feeling a bit better today Did you watch Gogglebox ....that one programme was a bit Jenny and Lee cracked me up , as always , as did the welsh couple at the end Hicky , I agree , the weather has caused havoc for so many must be heartbreaking in those flood areas You’re surrounded by tall sons What did you think of MC?


Not much on to watch tonight , except Portillo But have a good evening both 


Evening Baz.

7c today with sunny intervals then light rain with strong winds.

Had cheese and tomato on toast for brekkie.

Didn't do much today, had a delivery of my new diamond sharpening rod for the kitchen knives, i like thm razor sharp all the time.

For tea i had a salad and remembered the ham and cheese this time, also a few spare pork ribs, will have a fruit bun in a bit.

That was nice for you, a trip to M&S and lunch with daughter and her feller.

Poor Sammy, where is she getting all these Flea's from, has she some dodgy mates?

Your daughter probably thought she was in the wrong house when she looked in your cupboard.

I saw some of gogglebox but i get bored, i saw some of Masterchef but even that bores me as it's too far from home cooking.

I have Celeb Catchphrase now, then Ant & Dec, the The Voice, recording The Greatest Dancer.

Have a good evening.

Last edited by Hicky
Hicky posted:

Evening Baz.

7c today with sunny intervals then light rain with strong winds.

Had cheese and tomato on toast for brekkie.

Didn't do much today, had a delivery of my new diamond sharpening rod for the kitchen knives, i like thm razor sharp all the time.

For tea i had a salad and remembered the ham and cheese this time, also a few spare pork ribs, will have a fruit bun in a bit.

That was nice for you, a trip to M&S and lunch with daughter and her feller.

Poor Sammy, where is she getting all these Flea's from, has she some dodgy mates?

Your daughter probably thought she was in the wrong house when she looked in your cupboard.

I saw some of gogglebox but i get bored, i saw some of Masterchef but even that bores me as it's too far from home cooking.

I have Celeb Catchphrase now, then Ant & Dec, the The Voice, recording The Greatest Dancer.

Have a good evening.

Lol....she’s not got any fleas Hicky......she’s an indoor cat.....but you have to treat them once a month regardless . It’s just a drop that you put on their neck....we get it from the vet ....and it’s a combined flea and worm treatment .


both xxx


how nice you got to go to M and S for some goodies with your daughter.

Poor Sammy, not much fun being de-fleed. Our doggie hates the stuff too, she is due soon too with spring on the horizon though.

Yes I watched Gogglebox, brilliant as ever. I too think Jenny/Lee so funny, and the Welsh couple. And I agree at that last show. Fancy going on tv with a problem like that fella had!


I see you had my friend's fave brekkie today, I always make cheese/tomato on toast when she visits.

I am not surprised your lad needed the bigger brekkie as he is so tall.

As Baz says, you are supposed to do flea treatment even for indoor animals as fleas can still come into houses.

Very cold here today, quite a few heavy hailstorms. So I didn't bother going out.

OH and daughter went to chippie for take away for tea, I had cheese and potato fried fritter with chips, gravy and mushy peas. Delicous.

Wathed The Voice and Vera which I recorded from last's a whodunnit drama that Emptybox used to watch too.

Very windy now, but at least the rain has eased.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

Didn't know that the fleas would come in the house, wow, thought it was passed on from other cats, same as humans is, they don't come in the house looking for children do they?

I believe Hedgehogs are covered in them, what i read anyway.

It seemed cold here, in the summerhouse it was 13c which is reasonable so i can sit and think.

That was a nice takeaway you had, cheese and potato fried fritter with chips, gravy and mushy peas, thats a filling meal.

Watched the Voice, so sad to see half go home though.

We have gales all night and all morning tomorrow as well, darn pain.

Sleep tight, hope the bed bugs don't bite.


Evening All.

Hope everyone is well, March all ready.

Not bad today, 8c sunny and strong winds early on.

Had scrambled egg on toast for brekkie.

Had a vid call from Oz, lovely to see them again.

Didn't do much, sat for a bit in the summerhouse in the sun.

Made roast spuds for tea with carrots and the pork steak i got the other day.

Going to get what is needed to make the Greek Souvlaki for next week, watched a video, nice, i can use the BBQ which is in the Gazebo as it's always available.

Just waiting for the Dancing on Ice to start, semi-final.

Have a good evening.


all xxx


hope you and Sammy had a nice cosy day today.


yes it does seem sad for them on The Voice when they have to leave.

We too had awful gales overnight, so noisy outside.

Glad to hear you had another video call. Any more thoughts on your holiday destination?

It is odd but here too it does seem to feel a lot colder than what the thermometer says. Might be the wind to blame.

Greek salvoiki, on a BBQ. Now that does sound adventurous. I assume you will do that on a non windy day?

Cold, windy and showery, some hail today. Didn't do much, took neighbour's dog a walk whist they were at church as the poor fella rarely goes out.

Had my fave cheese and potato pie with veg for tea. Then custard and some of the giant frozen raspberries with custard that I got from Costco, they are really nice.

Watched the pottery show and recorded DOI, so I can just concentrate on the dances and skip through the rest.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

I'm lost when my 9pm slot isn't occupied, just search to see whats on.

No word about any changes to the last resort of Phuket, keeping with that for now, and some of the fares for a 3 week return flight in business are around the Β£5,000 which is ok, and if it's business class i'm not that bothered how far it is as it doesn't really matter as i could go to sleep.

Yes, the wind makes a big difference to the temperature, our kitchen os cold, it has the cooker hood vent, the wind opens the inside vent by suction so takes any heat out, when the fan is off of course.

The Greek Souvlaki, i just need to get the pork tenderloin, lemons as i need the zest and red wine vinegar, the wind doesn't affect the BBQ as the Gazebo has polycarbonate sides, except for the entrance.

I see you had your cheese and potato pie, was that one you got from Costco?

I've ordered some of those rectangle dinner plates, 35.5cm x 20cm, they fit better on a table.

I watched DOI, it was ok.

Sleep well.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Lovely sunny day here , quite spring like ....although I’ve probably just jinxed it I’ve changed the bed , done two loads of washing and ironing , and cleaned the kitchen and bathroom now my butt is firmly planted on the sofa, in front of the  tv ....and I ain’t moving until I need a cup of tea I hope you are both having a good day , whatever you are doing.


Mollie, hope you are having a good day ....and the family are all fully recovered now . Did you manage to catch up on Pottery ? I was more than happy about the person who went ....they drove me nuts Every time you mention your cheese and potato pie my mouth waters I used to love it , but I can’t have anything with either onions or garlic in these days! Hicky , I love souvlaki too fact I loved Greek food full stop I was sad to see Ben leave DOI .....while I admire Libby ..she’s one gutsy lady ....but I think she was seriously overmarked , especially for the skate alone aspect . What did you think ? 

Anyway , I am really struggling what to watch tonight ....I usually watch BBC4 at 8 , with Yogi ...but she’s busy so I’m recording it so we can watch it I need to scour the tv listings  Have a good evening both . Take care 

Last edited by Baz

Evening Baz.

Rather nice here today with it at 7c because of the Jet Stream which has parked itself south of the UK so it leaves us in a cold zone, sunny all day with a fresh breeze.

Had a boiler feller here this morning at 9.30 to fit a filler lever so i don't have to use the plastic key thing to top up the water pressure, also it needed a sump seal and a fibre washer on another joint, he was only 35 minutes anyway.

Then i had 2 crumpets then put my washing in the machine, then sat in the summerhouse for a while.

At midday i made a few salad sandwiches, remebering the crumbly cheese and the baked ham, over that i put Mayo, Salad cream and tomato sauce, love it.

For tea i got a meal from the garage freezer, it was a sliced ribeye beef and gravy so i peeled some salad spuds and cooked them then heated some garden peas and added them, it was very nice.

Just going to have some Kiwi fruit, a banana and a pear, what a life.

It annoys me how the weather people call the 1st March the Spring, when it's not till near the end of March, the BBC with fake news, it shouldn't be allowed.

I did a washing machine load, then hung it up to dry, i don't do ironing, i only get clothes that don'[t need ironing.

I don't blame you taking it easy, why not, your not under pressure to work all day.

I have the Pottery shows all recorded, and the how its made recording are at 50 now, i have so many recording.

I'm hoping to make the Souvlaki as soon as i have all the ingredients, i even found a bag of Lemon Zest i made one day when i bought a load of Lemons for a recipe and didn't want to throw them away, i get the lemon juice in bottles.

I see it's the slating duo of Torvill and Dean that are keeping Libby in, she should have gone the other week, maybe they just want her to get to the final, she can't skate really because she can't see where she is going, she couldn't free skate on a public rink, she is just learning the steps and movements off by heart, it's obviously rigged to keep her in.

Every hour i go through the tv listings to see what is best for the next hour, and if i find nothing i just go into the recording.

Have a good evening.


  both xxx


sounds like you have been busy round the house today. Butt on sofa tv time is well deserved.

We got a lovely sunny day here today, long may it continue.

I did at last catch up on the pottery show.  I am enjoying this show and yes the right one went this week.

I can't eat garlic or stuff too spicy now either, so my cheese and potato pie is quite plain. I just have mash potato topped with grilled cheese until it is brown and crunchy.   Then I have some salad cream or sometimes gravy and veg with it.

Pity Yogi was too busy to join you for your normal time, but you never know, you might find something else to watch to replace it.

I am watching the itv drama at 9pm tonight called Liar. Its the 2nd series and I enjoyed the 1st one.


Yes the Phuket place did look lovely for you. I assume it is closer than a EU desitnation for your son? Business class is so expensive, but as you say, at least you can rest. 

My cheese and potato pie was just the simple one I made, using mash that was left over from the roast son made the other day.

That's good the gazebo is sheltered from the wind.

Did you order your plates from Amazon. I like those rectangle plates.

I also like the jet stream you talk about if it brings us dry and sunny weather. Hope it stays awhile. Don't mind the cold, as you can always wrap up warm, in fact, I prefer it to the high temps at times in summer.

You got the boiler man and we got the roof man at last. He just came to see the problem though and says he will come back tomorrow as it will take him awhile, with the guttering gone in 2 places as well. He said he has been very busy with all the storm damage lately.

I just ate a yellow kiwi fruit too. I can only seem to find the yellow ones in M and S now. Where do you get yours from?

Ridiclous saying 1/3 is the first day of spring. The sun dictates the seasons, not the bbc!

I too only get clothes that need ironing. OH and the lads have a few work shirts that sometimes need a quick iron but I try to get them the non iron ones.

We went to costco today for a shop as I couldn't go at the weekend with the floods and thought it would be busy. It was very busy for a Monday though, people were stocking up on antibacterial soap, toilet rolls,wipes, domestos, I can see them running short soon. And of course I had to have my usual jacket potato with cheese and coleslaw. Daughter had tuna mayo with hers. That was only Β£1.50 too. There was lots of tuna in it. Costco don't go for small portions.

Then went to Baz's fave...M and S foodhall. Got a few treats from there. I love their blueberry hot x buns, and got OH the cheese and chilli ones.

Tv time now.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie.

I don't really want my lad and family travelling too far with the youngster, it can be a challenge.

I didn't realise you had made the cheese and potato pie yourself, good idea.

Yes, i have ordered the plates, it is just a set of 3 for now.

Oh dear, the guttering as well, still, have to get it sorted as soon as possible.

Yes, the Jet Stream isn't talked about much but it's that that controls the weather here, like in all countries, one side is warm, the other is cold and it travels at high speed way up high.

Never heard of a yellow Kiwi, i get mine from the farm shop.

Spring start 20th March.

I suppose everyone had the same idea as you, going to Costco on a Monday, better than getting caught in flood restrictions.

I think keeping hands clean is very important now with this virus, i'm not sure if 14 days is coirrect for the incubation period, if not then we are in trouble, but touching items with bare hands is certainly what is passing the virus on, what i don't know is how long does it stay active on items like dorr handles etc.

I like the M&S food hall, but i spend too much, o/h doesn't like to take me.

Sleep tight.


Evening All.

Hope you are fit and well today.

8c today, light rain before midday, sunny this afternoon, a fresh breeze.

Had bacon sausage and eggs for brekkie, with toast.

Although it was raining the window cleaners came today just as the weather was picking up.

I spent some time in the summerhouse this afternoon, the sun comes in at a low angle in the winter.

For tea i decided on tomato soup followed by a ham salad, forgot the cheese this time.

Have a good evening all.

Last edited by Hicky



hope you have had a good day.


yes it would be difficult travelling a long way with a toddler for your family.

I am not surprised your OH doesn't want to take you to M and S if you are very fond of their food, as it is expensive. I like their bakery granary or wholemeal small loaves.

That's nice you got a bit of sun in your summerhouse.

We too got a bit of sun, so I am grateful for your jet stream, as was my washing that dried nicely on the line.

Yes sounds like this virus does live on surfaces for a few days. I have got plenty of detoll wipes from Costco, saw someone wiping their shopping trolley with them the other day. Not a bad idea, as lots of people touch those handles. OH said check out lady was wearing rubber gloves with fingerless gloves on top. So worth just thinking about what we can do to help ourselves.

Son made a roast chicken dinner with some yorkshires. He just used the same menu as he used for his pancakes last week and they came out delicous. I had a goats cheese and onion pasty instead of the chicken.

Watched the mishchief dogs show tonight, then A and E. Always enjoy A and E.

Hope we get another sunny day tomorrow.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

I've seen a lot of families having a a hard time with kiddies, no fun at certain ages.

If i go to M&S of course i am going to buy everything i see, it's ok if i don't see it.

With this virus it seems that it can be passed by anything you touch so it makes sense to wear disposable gloves as you are also less likely to touch your mouth eyes, nose etc with a glove on, but they neen to be changed often as well.

Washing hands is not that easy all the time, you need to carry an antiseptic gel to keep on your hands to stop the virus getting on your hands because you have no idea where it is.

That was nice your lad making a chicken dinner, yes i think the yorkshire pud recipe is similar to the pancake mix, goats cheese and onion pasty sounds nice.

Have made my shopping list out for the farm shop tomorrow.

I've been getting all the salad stuff, enjoy that for a change, saves me eating too much meat.

Sleep tight, been watching some gold divers recordings.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Hope you are all enjoying your Wednesday . I’ve done a bit more cupboard cleaning ....just a bit ....but I also put my wellies on and  went out to my husbands flowerbed, and planted up the summer bulbs ( dahlias ) that I picked up when a friend was visiting . The lawn is still sodden , and every footstep squelched  But not a totally wasted day chez Baz 


Mollie the way , did I tell my youngest granddaughter is called Mollie as well  I like watching A&E too I agree that this virus thing is getting a bit scary , but tbh, re the precautions we need to take , it’s only the same as an outbreak of flu , or winter vomiting bug . Having said that,  I never go anywhere without hand foam , and always wash my hands as soon as I get back to the house anyway. Hicky , I agree M&S is expensive , but I love their stuff ....especially the fish and meat I don’t get much , but I do treat myself whenever my daughter comes over , cos ours is now in an out of town retail park .Hope you got everything you wanted at the farm shop 


Well it’s Pottery night tonight something to look forward to . Take care both and have a good evening 

Last edited by Baz

Evening Baz.

Only 8c but sunny intervals and a gentle breeze.

I was going to plant the seed potatoes as the weather had picked up but with going to the farm shop i'll try tomorrow.

Had 2 pork pies at midday when we got back, got everything i went for, Lettuce, toms, cucumber, salad pots, kiwi fruit, bananas, pears, bacon ribs, pork tenderloin, ham, cheese, a lemon.

You need wellies in the garden if the grass is spongy, just waterlogged, thats why i don't have grass, that was nice putting the bubs into your husbands flowerbed, it will look lovely when they come up.

I don't believe people take precautions for the normal yearly flu virus.

I put my blue disposable gloves on to go in the farm shop, because people are handling everything they see.

This virus is getting more and more worrying as i don't think it can be stopped very easy, there is a million ways it is being spread, the people that have the virus but don't know are the ones spreding it most as loads have no symptoms so it's being spread everywhere, so apart from everyone locking themselves in a room i can't see an answer.

Have a good evening.


both xxx


Well done planting the summer bulbs in your husband's garden, despite the squelching ground. Good job you had the wellies.

Yay, I saw your Pottery reminder before the show started this week, so have been able to set up to record it. So thanks.

Aaaww how nice that I name share with your youngest grandaughter.

Yes I too know M and S is expensive but I like a treat from there now and again, as some of the stuff is unique to them, so makes a nice change.


That was a good food shop at the farm shop, I think your lunch of double pork pie was well deserved.

Yes its hard at time to wash hands so I too always carry hand gel and use it. Despite this, I somehow got that awful virus that lead to pneumonia and so did my son not long ago. I am wondering if it was an early strain type of coronavirus, because at that time, (before coronavirus was identified), daughter read there was a large number of pneumonia cases in China, and doc was puzzled and said it must of been a very virulent virus to make me and son so unwell. Good idea to wear the blue gloves as you were buying loose food.

Today, I did tidying, then washing and went to town with son as I needed to get my aunt some birthday cards, and son was meeting a friend in the Weatherspoon. After I shopped, I treated them to tea there. It was chicken deal day there today, so they got a chicken strip meal with a drink for Β£6.50, so it didn't break the bank, and I had veggie burger with advocodo, mash and peas and it was delicous.

Am going to watch the new Dawn French series tonight.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

I think the virus is passed around by the hands so you need the disposable gloves really, also put hand sanitizer on first, some are telling people to put their hand to their mouth when coughing, this is wrong, you must put your folded elbow so nothing goes on the hands.

Was watching loose women, 2 false things came out, 1 was that wood burning stoves are being banned but its certain types of wood, wet wood, another wrong thing they said the new tvs are 100" models, and said the table they are using is 99" so the tv would be this big, wrong, the 100" is the diagonal measurement not the width.

I started to seal the summerhouse windows because the sealer came, i used 1 tube and did as much as i could while the weather was dry and hardly any wind, if you leave a partly used tube it can go off.

The corona virus was passed on to the person by an animal in China so what you and your lad had was normal winter flu that turned into pneumonia, if it had been the corona virus half of wales would have it by now.

Those are good prices in wetherspoons, those were nice meals you got.

I had the fantastic bacon ribs, so good, with 2 crumpets, have made my shopping list out all ready for Friday, as i remember something i add it to the list.

Well, the darts is on day and night Friday, Sat and Sun so i am ok this weekend.

Sleep well.

Last edited by Hicky

Evening All.

Hope everyone well.

Quite nice today, still cool at 8c but sunny all day and a gentle breeze, o/h did a wash load and got it dried outside.

Just what i needed to get my seed pots planted, took quite a while as after planting 2 i had to rest for a while to get my breath back.

Had 3 fried eggs on toast for brekkie, if you use a half inch deep of veg oil it makes cooking them super easy, i have a jar which i keep the oil in for next time.

Spent some time in the summerhouse as it was nice in the sun, the temp got up to 23c.

My new rectangular plates came, nice, for tea i got a meal from the freezer, it was a meat and spuds with carrot and gravy, did some extra spuds as i can have whats left over for brekkie.

Just watching Alaska: the last frontier.

Have a good evening.


Last edited by Hicky

both xxx


hope you have had a good day.


Sounds like those Loose Women have been full of duff information lately. I too had heard it is only a certain kind of wood you can't burn. I don't like wood burners though, we had one in Oz. Far too messy,fiddly and smokey smell when you first make them.

100inch, gosh those a huge tv's! We have had ours quite a few years now and it is 55 inch, and I remember thinking how big it looked when we put it in lounge.

That's good you have been able to work on the summer house seals, and your seed pots too. It has been so difficult to find those wind and rainless days though recently.

That's nice you are all sorted with your darts viewing for the weekend.

Gosh 23c in your summerhouse, no wonder you enjoy sitting there when the sun is out.

It was a nice day here too, bit cloudy but some sun too, but the wind was chilly. We took advantage of the nice dry weather by going for a walk on the seafront with the dog. With this caronavirus, I'd rather walk outdoors than around crowded places, but it is harder to walk outdoors with the bad weather we have been having recently.

Son made my family katso chicken and rice we got from Costco for tea, I had some but minus the chicken, I just shoved some baked beans into mine for protein instead of the chicken.

Going to watch a C5 programme about toddlers in playschool on C5 tonight, not sure what after that.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie.

The restriction for now on the log burning fires is how dry the wood is, it has to be dried so it doesn't create smoke, think it has to dry for 2 years.

What they do in Alaska is ring the bark which kills the tree then leave it for a year then cut it down for the fire.

I think the bigger the tv is the better, it was only in the old days when you had to be a certain distance away to be able to see the picture, thats not the case now, i can't remember what size my big one is, high 50's but i don't watch it anyway, no-one does.

I needed to get the seed spuds in the ground, used my new tool to create the hole, and to put the spud in the right way up i used an 18" thin wooden skewer which had a point and i poked it into the spud, lowered it into the hole and turned the skewer while at the bottom of the hole to release the spud, whaen the row was done i put some spud fertiliser in the hole then mixed some with the compost that came out of the holes then scooped the compost back into the holes to cover the spuds.

Yes, you can't take chances these days, no crowds, keep away from anyone really, i seldom go out anyway, just once a week i suppose, unless i have an appointment.

Nice for you to be able to walk on the seafront again, 

That chicken meal your lad made sounds nice, 

Just watching A cook abroad, John Torode in argentina, wow, the meals they have of beef, unbelievable.

Have a good evening Mollie.


Afternoon Darnies Hope everyone is having a nice Friday . It’s been sunny , but cold here ....but it seems to be clouding over now . I’ve not done much ....I had a terrible night ...I wasn’t well ...bad ibs .......but I don’t feel too bad now ....just very , very tired . Apart from that I’ve not done much , just pottered around the house and caught up with some housework .


Wow’ve both go big TVs Mine is only 40 something inches Mollie, I have to admit I thought like you ...two of our FMs had dreadful viruses before Xmas .....they really were very poorly ....and I’m not convinced it wasn’t some sort of version of corona couldn’t have been normal flu cos both had had flu jabs . Tbh I’m now stating to get quite concerned about it much so , that I’m not going to town unless it’s imperative! What did you think about pottery ?  Hicky , your busy days put me to shame How are your eyes going ?


Well it’s Masterchef and Gogglebox tonight , so that’s my viewing sorted Have a good evening both 


Evening Baz.

Quite nice weather really today, cool at 8c but sunny all day with no wind, that does me fine.

It meant i could do more jobs outside, used 2 more tubes of silicone on the summerhouse windows, got quite a shock, found 1 window that had come out of the frame fixings and another that could be pushed inwards by hand as the beads had come loose so had to sort all that out, the next attempt will use the last of the 4 tubs and will finish all the 20 windows.

Had 2 crumpets for brekkie and for tea i had a Laksa Soup and a ham salad on my new rectangle plate, it reminds me of having some of the meals in the USA/Hawaii.

Sorry to hear you had a bad night, was it todo with something you had for tea earlier? just rest your body until you feel like doing something.

We have 4 tv's, we have a 24" in the kitchen, a 32", a 55" and a bigger one, maybe 59" not sure, sometimes all 4 on together.

The Flu virus in any year only protects us from about 4 viruses, there are about 219 really and they pick 4 to distribute each year, they have to guess which will be the most serious, also 3 or 4 new ones come out each year.

So as you can imagine there are all those other virus's that you could catch, nothing to do with the corona virus as that cam from an animal in China.

I do think you need to take as many precautions as possible with this Coro19 virus about, wear disposable gloves if you go out, don't touch your face, eye's nose or anywhere else before you wash your hands, even washing your hands needs to be done correct or that won't protect you.

I am quite concerned about my eyes they certainly seem to be going worse, i'm getting glareback, can't focus and beginning to struggle at times.

I've got darts on ITV4 tonight 7 till 11pm so i am ok, also on all weekend as well.

Have a good evening.




oh dear, sorry you had a bad night with IBS.  That's horrible. Glad it eased today and hope you have a better night tonight.

Gosh I had forgotten what you said about your forum friends being so ill.  I too had had the flu jab, so knew what I had wasn't that. All very odd, but I too am suspicious there was some sort of early similiar virus going round before China named it. I read scientists believe there was an earlier type and now the newer type..S and L type I think it said, but too complicated other than that. Yes it is not worth the risk of you travelling into town (especially as you need a bus) unless you really need something. Hope you have some hand gel to take out with you if you need to go out.


Sorry to hear your eyes seem to be getting worse. Let's hope it is temporary and improves again.

Didn't realise the fire wood had to be dry for a whole 2 years.

You did well getting the seed spuds planted, and the summerhouse work too...good job we have had a bit of a day spell. Hope you get chance to finish off the summerhouse stuff soon.

I think you are right and to wear disposable gloves is a good option right now, we bought plenty from Costco. At the least it is a reminder to keep your hands off your face.

OH went to Asda last night, and he noticed they had gel, foam and kiddy gel at the entrance for shoppers to help themselves before entering the store.

We are avoiding busy places, so we went to the seafront with the dog again. Unfortunately it started to rain , so OH had to rush back to get the car to pick us and the dog in the doggie pram too, so we all didn't get soaked.

We collected our tea from the chippie tonight. Me and son had cheese rissole and chips. other son had fishcake, and daughter and OH had fish and chips. Delcious.

Watched "Vera" tonight. I thought of Emtybox as he always watched it.

Have a good evening both .  xxx


Evening Mollie.

Yes, my eye's are certainly a problem, some work going on at a house not far away and i can't tell what they are doing.

I believe from when you cut a tree down for the wood to become fit to burn can take up to 2 years, the water content has to go down to a certain % to pass the test, a lot of the wood sold doesn't pass this test.

Yes you should really wear disposable gloves, on washing the hands, yes the arms should also be washed, similar to what surgeons do now as standard.

I think it also advisable to apply the propper gel whenever it's offered, you can't take a chance with this problem hanging over us, it's not so bad if you are 20 or under but i'm just out of range.

You were lucky you didn't get wet on the seafront, good idea o/h going back for the car.

Nice to get your meals from the chippy, cheese rissoles and chips, sounds good.

I've been watching the darts when i could, it's on day and night, also all weekend, so i'll be recording stuff.

Sleep tight.


Evening All.

12c today, sunny intervals and dry with a fresh breeze.

Got a couple of jobs done outside, finished the window seal, then repositioned one of the tables by 90deg, at the same time rotating the seed staging so i can now get alongside each of them.

Had 2 crumpets for brekkie and got a meal from my freezer for tea, it was a beef casserole, but had a corn on the cob for starter then a fruit scone for afters.

Watched some of the darts this afternoon as well, and it on tonight as well, so it's juggling of the recordings.

I'm going off the greatest dancer, how can you have a group of 10, 20, 30 dancers in a competition for 1 or 2 people, the group isn't dancing, they are acting, a waste of time, i'm sure on strictly they only have 2 people in the competition.

Will record the Voice and see if i can record Ant and Decs saturday takeaway.

The darts start at 7pm on ITV4 so i'll be watching that.

Hope everyone well, have a good evening.


both xxx


hope you have had a good day today and hope you are feeling better than you were.


That's good you are enjoying watching your darts.

Such a shame about your eye problems, you said you can't see the work being done at a house nearby. Do you also have trouble watching tv or seeing your pc screen, or is that ok?

Glad the weather was passable enough for you to get a few outside jobs done.

Talking of burning wood...I saw this guy on the beach collecting washed up pieces of wood. That would certainly not pass the "dried for 2 years" rule!

I did a lot of washing today, and a bit of tidying. Then it was dry so we took our dog and the neighbour's dog (as he never goes outside his own back garden) to the seafront. Gosh neighbour's dog was so excited to be out and about. He is old like our dog, but walks a lot better. Our dog did her usual slow walk for awhile, then we put her in her doggie pram with warm blankets as the sea breeze was cool. Quite a few people walking around in the fresh air. At least it didn't rain this time.

Son made shepherd's pie we got from Costco and yorkshire puddings, I had goats cheese and onion lattice pie with veg,and rhubarb crumble with custard.

Watching the Voice now.

Have a good evening xxx


Evening Mollie.

I can manage with the PC and TV for now, thats a bonus for now, a lot of stuff glares back which is annoying.

The wood washed up on the beach is probably old wood so has had it's fresh wood dried out of it so it probably just needs to dry out and it will be fine, the problem is fresh cut wood that was licing when it was cut and hasn't been left for a year or 2 to dry out.

At least you were able to get out to the seafront, nice taking the 2 dogs.

That was nice your lad making a nice shepherds pie, they are so tasty, one of my faves.

Goats cheese and onion lattice pie sounds good, never had it mind, rhubarb crumble and custard, you are spoilt.

I'll watch the music shows tomorrow, depending on the weather, i can sow my peas now i think, need the gardener now again to move some tubs around.

Have a good evening and sleep well.



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