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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

both xxx


Well done planting the summer bulbs in your husband's garden, despite the squelching ground. Good job you had the wellies.

Yay, I saw your Pottery reminder before the show started this week, so have been able to set up to record it. So thanks.

Aaaww how nice that I name share with your youngest grandaughter.

Yes I too know M and S is expensive but I like a treat from there now and again, as some of the stuff is unique to them, so makes a nice change.


That was a good food shop at the farm shop, I think your lunch of double pork pie was well deserved.

Yes its hard at time to wash hands so I too always carry hand gel and use it. Despite this, I somehow got that awful virus that lead to pneumonia and so did my son not long ago. I am wondering if it was an early strain type of coronavirus, because at that time, (before coronavirus was identified), daughter read there was a large number of pneumonia cases in China, and doc was puzzled and said it must of been a very virulent virus to make me and son so unwell. Good idea to wear the blue gloves as you were buying loose food.

Today, I did tidying, then washing and went to town with son as I needed to get my aunt some birthday cards, and son was meeting a friend in the Weatherspoon. After I shopped, I treated them to tea there. It was chicken deal day there today, so they got a chicken strip meal with a drink for £6.50, so it didn't break the bank, and I had veggie burger with advocodo, mash and peas and it was delicous.

Am going to watch the new Dawn French series tonight.

Goodnight both xxx
