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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

Afternoon Darnies Hope everyone is having a nice Friday . It’s been sunny , but cold here ....but it seems to be clouding over now . I’ve not done much ....I had a terrible night ...I wasn’t well ...bad ibs .......but I don’t feel too bad now ....just very , very tired . Apart from that I’ve not done much , just pottered around the house and caught up with some housework .


Wow’ve both go big TVs Mine is only 40 something inches Mollie, I have to admit I thought like you ...two of our FMs had dreadful viruses before Xmas .....they really were very poorly ....and I’m not convinced it wasn’t some sort of version of corona couldn’t have been normal flu cos both had had flu jabs . Tbh I’m now stating to get quite concerned about it much so , that I’m not going to town unless it’s imperative! What did you think about pottery ?  Hicky , your busy days put me to shame How are your eyes going ?


Well it’s Masterchef and Gogglebox tonight , so that’s my viewing sorted Have a good evening both 
