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both xx



shame you seem to be having problems with deliveries lately. With any luck though, the forecasters say we are in for a good dry and milder spell, so hopefully you can get out in the garden, and get started on the summerhouse.

Sorry to hear you are waking throughout the night. Hopefully after the op you will be able to get a good nights sleep again. When are you due to get your hip sorted?



hope you are getting on ok with your herbal treatment. Sounds promising if you are feeling a bit better now though.

Good idea to get the car starter thing to go in your van, especially with spring and your busy work time approaching now.


I have ordered a few books from Amazon. I like their 3 paperbacks for £10 offer, I choose ones that have the high star rating and so far it hasn't let me down, and I have enjoyed the books I have bought from Amazon using this system.


Lovely carer met mum off the day centre bus today, then spent a few hours with her, then put mum to bed tonight, so I had a day off. Needed one to catch up with housework, shopping, paperwork. Tonight's carer even painted mum's nails a nice pink colour, then when she finished her shift, she texted me to say mum needed more butter, then texted me again later to say mum had settled well and was fast asleep in bed when she left. The carers are so sweet.


Watching that C5 "GP's behind Closed Doors" programme, followed by A and E. Seems to be all medical stuff on tv tonight.


Been busy helping daughter sort out insurance, phone card and dollars for her trip to New York. She goes Monday. What hard work for the 3 tutors taking 30 youngsters all over there. Bet it is exhausting for them.

The tutor has checked all their passports and insurance is ok. Daughter hasn't even met the girl she will  be sharing a room with yet so she is a bit nervous. There are only 3 other girls going, she is the only girl going from her class. Hope she enjoys it. They have each day organised, so she should see lots. It is a lot chepaer going as a college group than organising it on our own.


Nice to see it getting lighter again.

I have seen my first lambs of the spring. They are so cute this time of year, so very small. The daffs are not out yet though, But I can see them starting to come through.


Have a good evening both xxx



Evening Mollie.


Go into Hospital on the 25th, this month, don't go onto a ward, straight into the operating complex, they have a SEAL Unit for patients when admitted.


Loving these lighter mornings, i'm up and dressed by 7.30 or as soon as it's daylight.


Your daughter should be fine on her trip, as long as she stays with a small group and it's all organised.


Hi guys.


Glad your fence man was able to get on Hicky. Hope it's calm on Friday for him.

Good news about your gazebo delivery.


Hadn't heard of a bokashi bin but just looked them up. A uesful way to get rid of household waste.


Hi Mollie.

Yes it's getting lighter. Thinking about turning my heating off in the mornings and starting it later in the evenings, once it get a wee bit milder.


The saw palmetto doesn't seem to be doing me any harm, after my initial wobble.

Not sure it's doing me any good either mind?


Hope you enjoy your Amazon books.

I'm halway through the third book in the 'Game of Thrones' series that I got for Christmas.


It's understandable that your daughter will be nervous about going to New York, but at least she's in an organised group.


Dry but cold here today, but not as cold as the last few days.


Good Afternoon Both.


Emptybox, no-one came today, not sure why, gardener might have been waiting for me to ring him.

Not sure why fence man didn't come, he was going to prune the tree today.


Rang about the orders that never arrived, rescheduled for Monday.


The thermostat setting should control whether the heating comes on or not without turning it off.


My DIL passed her car driving test today first time, her daughter passed yesterday first time as well.


Got a Lamb dinner in the oven, put all the ingredients into a type of Tagine, but it's not got a high raised lid, it's cast iron though.



Right, back on, Dinner was superb.

we polished the lot off, not a scrap left to go in my Bokashi bin.

Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.

Pity you didn't have any deliveries or tradesmen today to let you get on.

Hope you have better luck tomorrow.


Well done to your DiL and her daughter passing their driving tests first time.


Your lamb dinner sounds nice. Not sure what a tagine is though?

Haven't decided what I'm having tonight.


I don't have the sort of central heating that's controlled by a room thermostat.

I suppose one could be fitted, but the system belongs to the landlady, and she's unlikely to shell out for it.


I use the timer setting to control when it comes on and off, and control the heat level on individual radiators.

I suppose I could leave the heating on all the time and just turn all the radiators down, but I prefer to turn it completely off in the summer (I leave the hot water part on).

Also as it gets lighter in the evenings I set it to come on later.


Not sure if it saves me any money doing it that way, but that's the way I do it.


Think I'll watch 'The Supervet' at 8pm on CH4, then turn over to BBC2 to watch the new drama series 'Banished' about convicts in Australia in the 18th century.

I'll give it a shot anyway.


Hi Mollie.

Anything happening about that house you put an offer in for?


Morning Emptybox.


Hope Fence man turns up today.


A Tagine is a cooking pot with a high pointed lid.

Like this:


Mine is just a cast iron cook pot like this.


Without a room thermostat you would have to turn the heating off i think as the stats on the radiators are not very good or accurate, your heating would more than likely stay on.

You would need to use the timer though, as you say.


Went to bed at 7pm as i get up early, was up at 7.30 this morning but was up and down in the night.

Last edited by Hicky

Evening Both.


took a trip to Costco this morning, got some meat, fish, fruit and veg, also some sweets chocs and cakes, very naughty.


Did a bit of marking out on the raised bed wood as it has to be cut into 600mm sections, i put the cross support bars for the rotary saw onto the saw and it clips onto the frame for the wood support i bought for the saw.


Evening Hicky.

Been blowing a horrible gale here all day.

Glad you managed to get some work done on your raised beds.


Ah, so that's what a tagine is? I'd heard of a lamb tagine as a meal, but didn't realise it was the dish it was cooked in.


Had roast chiken breasts, roast potatoes, brocoli and gravy for supper. No stuffing though.


Watched Crufts, Bear Grylls then Gogglebox on +1.


Got a call from the landlady saying she would get the roofer to call me to arrange a time to come and do the roof, so looks like it might actually be happening soon.


That's very early to go to bed? You must get really tired.

Last edited by emptybox

Good Morning Emptybox.


Weather here isn't as nice as was predicted.

11.9C wind 16.9mph, rain 0.1mm and Sun 6.8hrs


The wind has picked up a bit, not good.


Yes, the Tagine is a strange dish, no idea why it should be shaped like that, it could be so the lamb hock can sit in the middle but the shallow section has the veg and gravy in it.


we had baked spuds and fish, cod and salmon.


Glad it looks like your roof will get sorted, about time.


I'm up when it turns light, so i suppose it will be earlier all the time.


Ordered my Classic Double Compost Wooden Bin, with a pitchfork to turn the compost.

I needed to order it as i am collecting material to go in it and will run out of space to collect it.


Not sure if the fence man will come today.


Evening Both.


Fence man came, lovely Day.


Got my Mitre saw and work benches out, cut all the 30 x 600mm pieces of timber, covered 5 sides in plastic using my staple hammer tool, fixed the corner brackets onto the 10 sections which are the bottom layer.


Just had a few small cod fish fingers on a sandwich.


Hope Mollie is getting some time to herself.


Fence man has done well, he's back Monday to finish off.

Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.

Glad you had a good day, and your fence man came.

Sounds like you really made a start on that timber.


Atrocious day here. Blowing a gale all day and spitting with rain as well. I'm getting tired of the windows rattling with the wind all the time.


Enjoyed the Voice tonight.

Then I listened to the Eurovision entry for this year. A jaunty little tune. Not to my taste, but might be popular in Europe? Won't get any votes of course.




Morning Emptybox.


Raining here at the mo.

Should blow over though.

Winds not too bad here.


Enjoyed the Voice but next week they have to trim each team down for 8 to 3, how on earth can you do that?


I don't really see why we sing in the Eurovision at all, an absolute waste of money, we have no chance as it's all political and we are made to look stupid.



Hi Hicky.

For a change it's not been a bad day here. Some sunshine and the wind has dropped.


Yes you're right about the Voice next week. Hardly much point in all the Battles when most are just going to get kicked off next week anyway. I suppose they all get another chance to sing hopefully?


I suppose Eurovision is still fun to watch, but it used to be better when you had half a hope that the UK entry might do well.

Now we know it stands no chance whoever we enter.


Hope your fence man manages to get finished tomorrow.


Indian Summer on TV tonight, and I might give the new version of Poldark a try.

I remember watching the first version, and liking Angharad Rees.


Evening Emptybox.


Just off to bed.


All the singers that are left in the Voice are very good, how you pick 3 of the best i have no idea, it's just a game as there isn't a yardstick to select them.


Eurovision is just a joke but people take it serious.


The rain stopped at dinner time but too late for me too get anything done.


Am recording Poldark.


Could be a busy day tomorrow, hopefully my gardener will come and the fence man and the summer house.




Phheww, had a busy few days helping daughter get things she needs, and looking after mum. But at last daughter is on her way, and I am tracking her flight. Her flight has just reached Canada. New York is only 4 hours behind us because they changed their clocks yesterday. Son gave her lift at 2.15am this morning and I went too to see her off. Hope she enjoys it.



sounds like a busy day for you. Hope the gardener, fence man and summer house all turn up. Pity you can't get a good nights sleep now. Not long until you go to hospital though and hopefully after that you will get a better nights sleep.

Well done to DIL and daughter passing test first time.

We too went to Costco over the weekend, we love all the free food samples.



glad you got some nice weather at last. we had a lovely day here Friday and Saturday, took mum and dog a walk down seafront for ice cream. It was very busy with people enjoying the sun.

Gosh can't believe your LL is at last sorting that roof out. (well hopefully if the call from the roofer does actually come about!).


Feeling tired after my early morning jaunt seeing off daughter, bet she will be shattered when she gets there as she didn't go to bed at all last night, she did college work she needed to do, until it was time to leave for the coach from college.


Have a good day both xxx


Last edited by *mollie*

Good Afternoon Mollie.


A bit cool and windy here, not nice at all.


Glad your daughter got away ok, great that you can track her flight.


Fence man came almost finished, last piece of fence has to be made in position as with the gutter on the roof the fence can't be dropped in.


Gardener rang but weather not good enough to get things done.


Summer house came, wow, 34 packs of parts, each pack contains a few pieces.

It's a big summerhouse all right.

Put some planks down in the back and the driver carried each section through and put them onto the planks, we covered it all with a big plastic sheet that i am using for covering the raised bed sections.


Love the samples in Costco, you do have to wait for stuff to cook though.


Evening Both.


Fence man finished the fencing, fitted 4 sections of the trellis top.

He said if i was stuck at the end of the week give him a ring if i need a hand building the summerhouses.

He also said he would drop off a wacker machine to flatten the ground under the matting.

They are called by different names.

It's like this:


Gazebo due tomorrow, got to be at foot clinic at midday so may have to get a taxi as someone needs to stay here,unless they have delivered.


Cooked some pork ribs this afternoon, just had some Mexican soup with toast for tea.



Cold and windy here today.


I'm sure your daughter will have a great time in New York Mollie. But that was a very early start.

Glad you've had some good 'ice-cream' weather down there. Could do with some up here now.


Hi Hicky.

Sounds a very productive day. Glad the fence man got finished, and your summer house came.

Hope your gazebo delivery and foot clinic coordinate nicely tomorrow.


Watched the programme on the Billion Dollar Hotel in Dubai. It's another world for some folk.

Also watched the last episode of 10,000BC. Thought I'd better see it out till the end.




Evening Both.


My Op moved forward a week to the 18th, and moved to Clatterbridge as well.

Seems they have had a cancellation.


Foot clinic went ok, got a Taxi, no Gazebo yet.


My lad came round after work and we finished strengthening and leveling the small summerhouse floor.


I watched Billion Dollar Hotel, wow, £10,000 a night for the good rooms.

some Suites are 6 times the size of a normal house.


Just going to have a Ribeye Steak, yummy.


Hi Hicky.

Not sure if that's good or bad news, that your op has been brought forward to next week?

It'll certainly curb your gardening for a while anyway.

Probably best to get it over and done with though?

Is that your preferred hospital?


Glad the foot clinic was OK, but pity your gazebo was delayed, but sounds like you've enough on your hands with the summerhouse anyway.


Lovely day here. Quite a bit of sunshine.

I did some work in my own garden, pruning apple trees, and cutting the fronds off the pampas grass that the wind had blown down.

Also got my lawnmower out of the shed and made sure it was starting OK etc.


Watched Benidorm ER earlier, but just watching recordings now.





that is good your op has been bought forward. Is it now at the hospital you would prefer to go to now?

Glad the foot clinic went well.

glad to hear the summerhouse is progressing well. I bet your finished fence looks good.


I too saw billion dollar hotel. Can't believe the money some spent going there.



how are you now? do you think that herb (forget the name) is helping at all?

Not long till your busy spring season work wise now. Let's hope your mowers hold up ok this year.


Daughter having a horrible time in New York, poor thing. She rang me around yesterday 12.30am and said the girl she had been put to share with, had made it plain she had wanted to share with one of her 2 friends who had put in another room to share and that she did not want to share with my daughter, who was a stranger. Daughter felt real uncomfy as this girl made it plain she didn't want daughter there at all, this girl was crying, and didn't want to speak to my daughter. Daughter said she would of been ok if she had been put with one of the other 2 girls who didn't know anyone.  She goes around in the day though with 3 other lads from her class as they have to stick with groups of 4.

Then tonight she rang me and said she has toothache. She had been to our dentist the week before she went away and one of her teeth had come through at a strange angle, although all her other teeth were perfect. So dentist filled it and it must of disturbed it badly. She had taken 2 lots of strong painkillers today. Teacher said he would help find dentist if it hasn't eased soon, but it would be expensive as it was New York. I dug out the insurance policy and it covers the first £100, but with £50 excess.

I hope she is ok.

And to add to my stress, had a phone call 7.50am, the carer had found mum on floor. So I had to go in taxi as carers not allowed to lift her off floor. 2 carers had to stand there and watch me and the taxi driver pick her up. Luckily she was fine, so we hurried to give her brekkie and off she happily went on the bus to the day centre. Then I had to get bus home. Hope she stays in bed tonight, they are going to fit a bed sensor that goes off when she gets out of bed, hopefully that will help with this.


So saw no tv at all tonight.

hope for a better day tomorrow.

goodnight both xxx





Morning Both.


Not as nice here as yesterday.

Rang about Gazebo, they had told distribution people either Tue, Wed or Thursday, but someone had rang me and said Tuesday.


Emptybox, glad your lawn mower is still working at least you can do some work.

It was a nice day yesterday to do some work in your garden.


Mollie, very pleased with the fence, cost £2,000 but it looks good, well made as well.


Thats awful for your daughter, can't they swap rooms, what difference does it make?

Oh dear, nothing worse than toothache, even if you have insurance you still have to pay up front then claim it back when you get home don't you?


Didn't realise carers can't lift your mum, if they can't then surely no-one but a medic should lift her in case she has broken something.


Hope today is a better day for you.


Hi guys.

Wet here today.


What a pity your daughter has toothache on her trip to New York Mollie.

As you say, the insurance won't stretch to much treatment there, but perhaps some painkillers will be all she needs till she gets home. Hope it doesn't spoil it for her.


As Hicky says, surely they can just swap roommates, if they don't get on? Or just ignore the weepy/unfriendly one.


More Mum trouble? It certainly is stressful for you.

I would have thought a bed monitor/sensor would just mean more call-outs for you? Although obviously you want your Mum to be safe.


I seem to be mostly OK now, but don't know if the saw palmetto is having any real effect? I'd have to see if it made me worse if I stopped taking it.

The doc said to give it at least 4 to 6 weeks trial anyway.


Hi Hicky. Pity about the mix-up with the delivery date for the gazebo. Hope it comes tomorrow OK.


My mobile phone just got the update to the latest Android 5 (Lollipop).

It looks a bit different, but all seems to be working OK so far.


Watching Location, Location.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


Gazebo was delivered today, on a double pallet it seems, had to leave it on the drive, it has a plastic cover over it but not much i can do.


My Wooden Compost bins came as well, the pitchfork is coming separate.


Just had some fried fresh Salmon and Cod for tea.

O/H did hers in the oven with butter in foil.


I don't know which version of Android i have the phone is a Samsung Galazy 5 and it was updated a while back.

Don't know how i find out what OS it is using.


Hope gardener comes tomorrow, lots to do.


Good Evening Both.


Not too bad a day, didn't rain till 4.30, some sun, very windy though.


Gardener came 2pm till 5pm, he was tidying the garden, breaking the mud lumps and doing some filling in and levelling.

Positioned the water-butt and rigged it temp to an old piece of pipe.


Been marking out positions on the fence so i can position the Gazebo deck area and the raised beds.

Gardener carried 24 x 450mm square flags and positioned them were they are needed.


Because when we put the matting down over wet ground the ground can't dry then i can only put down the matting under each section as we need it.


I will make up the compost wooden bins tomorrow so i can start collecting the materials to put in them. I've got some cardboard etc all ready.


Had Tomato soup for tea, then spicy coated squid, then a blueberry muffin and a cup of Horlicks.



Hi Hicky. Pretty wet here today.

Stayed in and played with computers, then went into town this afternoon to pay a few bills.


Glad your gazebo and compost bins came, and you've been making good progress with the gardener.


You can find the android version by going into Settings and scrolling to 'About phone'. Samsung modify the stock android, so the wording might be different on your phone.

Lollipop would say version 5.0.2, and the previous 'Kitkat' would say version 4.4.4.


Haven't decided what to have for supper yet. I'm toying with the idea of a curry.


Evening All.


Lousy day here, rained most of the night and day, it stopped at 2.30pm.


Too wet to do anything at all, garden like a duck pond.


Ordered a hand wacker, should be delivered tomorrow.

Need the wacker to flatten the lumps of clay etc.


Gardener rang but we had to call all the jobs off.


Garage gutter kit to be delivered next Tuesday, wacker should arrive Saturday.

Need some big plastic sheets to cover the wood as i am using my black plastic sheet that is for the raised beds.


Forecast shows no rain here for at least 6 days, but not a lot of sun, which could be bad news.


Evening Emptybox, we posted together so only just seen your post.


Phone says Android version 5, it did update a short time ago.


I had a spag bol for tea, only because O/H had bought a couple of packs of mince.


The idea of a curry is always a good one.


Just watched a program with Mis Koo going to Kuala Lumpa and the Island of Penang, omg the food they had, they even mentioned the Rendang curry, but the food had my taste buds exploding.







You certainly have a lot of garden jobs planned, shame the bad weather delayed it though. Was it any better today? It was dry but cooler here today. Unlike New York where daughter has been in the rain all day.

Bet you can't wait to start on the gazebo. That is good you are so pleased with your fence.



So pleased to hear you are mostly ok now, worth persisting with the palmetto then I should of thought. Fingers crossed your mower stays working ok now as we enter your busy season.


Hardly had a minute to myself stuff to do for solicitor and New York trip has done me in and proved to be rather  stressful for us at home, as well as for daughter. Luckily from what I gather she has managed to enjoy today, but has not been keen on most of it. Toothache on day 2 didn't help.   Tutor took her to chemist, and got some meds for inflamation and gel and luckily it improved next day, think pressure in plane aggravated it.
Been busy with mum too as they are giving her new social worker and increasing her meds.
Daughter flying home tonight. gets home tomorrow lunch time.
She has been phoning me regularly, asking advice about stuff, as I told her it was fine to do so, and of course it was every night around 3 -4 am when they got back to the hostel.
Most of the problems were stuff to be expected going with a group of young girl sharing room with her stayed aloof, another girl was homesick and had panic attacks, the boys wanted to live in the electonics stores and eat all the time. So daughter was fed up because tutor said they had to stay in these groups of 4 and none of the others wanted to go to culture stuff like museums which she loves.
But by today, she had talked tutors into agreeing to let her off the hostel room check out inspection stuff, so she could go off on her own to the library and then go on a tour of Grand central station on her own. I was concerned about her doing such a lot of walking on her own in such a big city, these places meant a good half hour walk from the hostel, but she said she couldn't stand another day just hanging around the hostel, going to the same shops again, or  playing cards with the others, after going all the way to the States. The last I heard from her she had enjoyed the central station tour and hopefully she got back to the hostel on time to meet the others for the coach to the airport. They have an overnight flight back to Heathrow. Good job we got her a US simm before she went because on average she has been on phone around an hour each day to me.


Yes if mum falls, and even if she is unhurt the carers aren't allowed to lift her as it is against insurance incase they hurt themselves or the client is hurt. So they are only allowed to either call medics or a family member. She has fallen at least 6 times now, and only once hurt herself recently, so I generally go, so she can carry on to her day centre. She likes going there.


Managed to watch the Voice tonight. (with the help of recorder).


Goodnight both xxx

Last edited by *mollie*

Evening Both.


A pretty miserable day here, cloud and cool, no sun, that wasn't good as i wanted to get the ground dry.


A wasted day really as the ground being wet stopped me from getting help putting the summer houses up or doing any of the other many things that need doing.


Went to B&Q as i needed some waterproof sheeting to cover some of the wood from the summer houses, i have a sheet over the big summer house wood now but it's for the raised beds.

The sheet i got is 5m x 8m so i can cut it into 2.


Was going to make a curry but have run out of cans of coconut milk.


Watched Hamilton get Pole position in Oz, will watch that tomorrow.


Evening Mollie.


We posted together so i didn't see your post.


A pity your daughter couldn't get others to go with her to the places she wanted to go.


Such a shame to have her trip spoilt, but being in confined groups like that isn't going to work out really.


Glad they helped her ease the toothache problem.


Hope your mums meds and bed sensors allow you time to sleep, apart from daughter ringing you.


Bed time, enjoyed the Voice.


Evening both.


Hi Mollie.

Pity your daughter's trip to New York wasn't a big success, but at least the toothache wasn't a big problem, and she got some time to do what she liked.

She'd probably enjoy it more when she's a bit older and more independent?

Hope she gets back without any problems.


At least your Mum still enjoys her trips to the day centre.

How is the house purchase going now?


Hi Hicky. Pity you had a bit of a wasted day in the garden.

At least you got what you wanted from B&Q.


Got a new sim card for my phone today. I'm changing from Orange PAYG to a sim only contract with EE. I'm paying the same money per month, but I get more minutes, plus I've got £60 odd of credit that can be ported over to the new sim, so I shouldn't need to pay anything for a few months.

I was topping up by £10 per month on the Orange Dolphin plan, to get 1GB of data, but I wasn't really using that amount of credit so it was building up.

They say they will port the number across by Tuesday, so I hope it goes smoothly.


Enjoyed my recording of the Voice, but must admit I fast forwarded through the male singers.



Last edited by emptybox

Good Morning Both.


Happy Mothers Day.


Weather a bit better here today.

Temp 8.8C, 10.5mph wind, 0.0mm rain with 2.2hrs Sun


Talking about Sim cards.

It can be very confusing.

I am on Vodafone PAYG and some years ago i was talked into getting the £10 a month payment and you get so many free minutes and texts etc.


I was paying for quite a while when O/H said why are you still paying the £10, have you looked how much you have on the phone, at the time we were going on Holiday, I checked and had £80, i hadn't used any so i stopped paying and i still have £36.31p now so it depends on your settings on the phone, mind you i seldom use the phone.


Waiting for O/H to come home, hoping we can got to the hospital to do a recy to see where i need to go to sign in on the day, we could have brekkie there as well.

Otherwise i'll have to make it myself.


The Voice is on again tonight, the other 2 have to select their top 3.


Evening Both.


Not too bad a day here, some sun, not as much as i need.


Thought we would go to the Hospital to check out were i need to report to.

Got to the hospital, it seemed pretty quiet when we headed down the road towards the main entrance, as we approached we noticed the lack of cars or persons anywhere, all the car parks were empty, when we got to the main entrance and passed the main attached restaurant we noticed it was shut, so were the car parks and the hospital, imagine the shock, never saw a soul, turned round and had to head off somewhere else for brekkie.


Anyway,we had brekkie at Gordale Nursery, very nice too.


At home i managed to erect the wooden compost bins.

Thats 1 job less to do.

Also marked more fence out for the positions of the Raised Beds.


forgot to record F1 so watched it on BBC i player.


Hi Hicky.

Yes a bit better day here as well. A bit milder than recently.


Yes, it's difficult to know what's best with these phone contracts. I've only ever had PAYG up to now, but I was persuaded to take this contract out because I wouldn't need to pay anything for 6 months. But after that I'm contracted to pay £10 per month for the rest of the year's contract. But that's what I'm paying now anyway.


On my other 'work' phone I pay £5 a month for Blackberry Internet, so I can get my emails when I'm out and about, but that's basically all I pay for that phone.

I could stop that, and use it just for calls and texts if I wanted. Then I'd only have to make sure there was some credit on it.


That's strange the hospital being all closed down on a Sunday? Surely there'd still be visiting hours and emergency admissions at least?

You must be getting nervous now, as the date gets nearer?


Glad you managed to get your compost bins up.


Watching my recording of The Voice now. I don't think there's any stand out performers this year, apart perhaps from the girl that sings classical. Enjoyable to watch though.



Evening Emptybox.


I must get my emails on the phone by Wifi then when i am connected, i think i change settings if i want to get emails another way.


I think all Emergencies get diverted to the other hospital, Arrow Park, they must use this hospital for operations only, it says i will be in for between 3 and 5 days depending how things go.


Not really nervous, the sooner the better as i want to get back in the garden, i'll probably have to rest for a day or 2 as long as i'm not in pain i shouldn't be worse than i am now.


Off to bed in a mo, watching Gordon Ramsey on More 4.


Glad Lewis won, fantastic, what a car, they finished 1st and 2nd, that shows how advanced they are with the cars, noone near them.

And Lewis did a 1.33s lap.

Last edited by Hicky




how odd that the hospital was all closed down, but as you say it must be because no A and E, and they just do ops on set days. Yes as you are in so much pain you just need it done now, so you can get around pain free, and do what you enjoy in your garden. Good job you found somewhere else to grab your brekkie though.

Have you packed your bag all ready now ? Will you take your tablet with you? 



hope you are still feeling good health wise.

Yes it was good to see the opera singer as it was something completely different.

I find all this phone stuff utterly confusing. Probably meant to be so we can't work out when we are being ripped off.

OH gave me a new pink phone for mothers day as my £5 one was so hard to type texts on. He has set it up for me, now all I have to do is work out how to use it.

here it is...he got it on the £7.50 a month thingie, but I have to use it for 2 years.  I don't use internet on it though.


Daughter got back safe and sound yesterday lunch time, had a good journey, all on time, but she came back with a stinking cold now (in addition to her tooth still hurting on and off), but at least after all the ups and downs she said overall she was glad she went. I think when she rang me, she was mostly only telling me things that were bothering her, so I could help her work round them. The last day of the holiday when she got to go on the 2 tours she wanted to do, helped make her time there though because she enjoyed it so much. She said the history of the Grand Central was really interesting. She was relieved she escaped visiting the Nintendo shop and Mcdonalds with her group again on the last day. 
She said it felt a lot colder here yet Central Park was full of snow/ice and it still felt milder there.
Now she has a lot of assignment work to do.

I had a meeting with mum's team today, there were 5 of them, lucky I made notes beforehand of what I needed to say...there were social workers, mental health nurses and the day centre manager. They all assured me they would work to keep mum at home, which is good, and try and rush through the hospital bed for her. She ate a good cooked dinner and pudding at the day centre today, amazing how much better she eats when she has the company of others.


Goodnight both xxx




Hi guys. Wet here today, and quite cold.


Well as long as they haven't closed the hospital when you turn up Hicky.

Best of luck, and hope you get back on your feet as soon afterwards as possible. I'll be thinking of you.


Hi Mollie.

Glad your daughter got back OK, and actually enjoyed it more than she was letting on over the phone.


That looks like a good basic android phone. You'll probably find that you have some data included in that £7.50 plan, and it has wifi, so you can connect to your home router and get the internet in your house for free. The android apps will need updating on occasion at least. Just make sure it's set up to only update when on wifi.


Just waiting to see if my new sim card gets my old number (and credit) ported to it tomorrow as promised. If not I'll have to get on the phone to them.


Glad that the meeting with your Mum's carers etc went well.


Watched Food Unwrapped, then Britain's Benefit Tenants, now watching my recording of the Gadget Show.



Good Afternoon Both.:+)))))))))))))


All packed now ready Mollie, can't wait to get in and back out.


Nice to get a new phone of your O/H, you'll soon get used to it.


glad you daughter had a reasonable time away, always hard with any group when they are split into smaller groups.


Glad your Mums team have got things sorted, your Mum will be happier, so will you.


Hi Emptybox, rang the company this morning about the installation sheets for the big summer house, they don't really tell you about that one, they are for all the others.

I asked one of the staff for better drawings and she sent me the same as i have by email.

One drawing showed 2 floor sections, another showed 4, i asked them how my six went down when 4 are the same 6 and 2 are different.

It's the same for every section, nothing like what i am going to build.

They said they would see what they could find.


My last ordered item came earlier, the rainwater gutter kit, yippeeeeeeeee, been waiting a month for that.



Spiedi on another reality show.


Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.

Hope you have a swift recovery, and we'll see you soon.


Glad your final delivery came.

You'll have those summerhouse instructions to look forward to struggling with  when you are home again.


Predictably EE have made a total mess of porting my number to the new sim card.

I'm left able to make calls out, but nobody can call me. When you phone the number it just says it does not recognize it.

Phoned customer services, but the girl just said I had to give it till this evening, and she was sure it would have gone through. Well of course it hasn't.


I'll obviously have to keep on at them, but googling shows that loads have similar problems with EE. And some never get solved, even after weeks or months. They are obviously incompetent. Pity I didn't google earlier.


Suspect I'll end up having to abandon that number and the credit on it and cancel the contract. I should have learned that if something isn't broke, you shouldn't try to fix it.

But I'll persevere with them for a while.


Wet and foggy here today, so I didn't go anywhere.



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