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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

both xx



shame you seem to be having problems with deliveries lately. With any luck though, the forecasters say we are in for a good dry and milder spell, so hopefully you can get out in the garden, and get started on the summerhouse.

Sorry to hear you are waking throughout the night. Hopefully after the op you will be able to get a good nights sleep again. When are you due to get your hip sorted?



hope you are getting on ok with your herbal treatment. Sounds promising if you are feeling a bit better now though.

Good idea to get the car starter thing to go in your van, especially with spring and your busy work time approaching now.


I have ordered a few books from Amazon. I like their 3 paperbacks for £10 offer, I choose ones that have the high star rating and so far it hasn't let me down, and I have enjoyed the books I have bought from Amazon using this system.


Lovely carer met mum off the day centre bus today, then spent a few hours with her, then put mum to bed tonight, so I had a day off. Needed one to catch up with housework, shopping, paperwork. Tonight's carer even painted mum's nails a nice pink colour, then when she finished her shift, she texted me to say mum needed more butter, then texted me again later to say mum had settled well and was fast asleep in bed when she left. The carers are so sweet.


Watching that C5 "GP's behind Closed Doors" programme, followed by A and E. Seems to be all medical stuff on tv tonight.


Been busy helping daughter sort out insurance, phone card and dollars for her trip to New York. She goes Monday. What hard work for the 3 tutors taking 30 youngsters all over there. Bet it is exhausting for them.

The tutor has checked all their passports and insurance is ok. Daughter hasn't even met the girl she will  be sharing a room with yet so she is a bit nervous. There are only 3 other girls going, she is the only girl going from her class. Hope she enjoys it. They have each day organised, so she should see lots. It is a lot chepaer going as a college group than organising it on our own.


Nice to see it getting lighter again.

I have seen my first lambs of the spring. They are so cute this time of year, so very small. The daffs are not out yet though, But I can see them starting to come through.


Have a good evening both xxx

