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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"




how odd that the hospital was all closed down, but as you say it must be because no A and E, and they just do ops on set days. Yes as you are in so much pain you just need it done now, so you can get around pain free, and do what you enjoy in your garden. Good job you found somewhere else to grab your brekkie though.

Have you packed your bag all ready now ? Will you take your tablet with you? 



hope you are still feeling good health wise.

Yes it was good to see the opera singer as it was something completely different.

I find all this phone stuff utterly confusing. Probably meant to be so we can't work out when we are being ripped off.

OH gave me a new pink phone for mothers day as my £5 one was so hard to type texts on. He has set it up for me, now all I have to do is work out how to use it.

here it is...he got it on the £7.50 a month thingie, but I have to use it for 2 years.  I don't use internet on it though.


Daughter got back safe and sound yesterday lunch time, had a good journey, all on time, but she came back with a stinking cold now (in addition to her tooth still hurting on and off), but at least after all the ups and downs she said overall she was glad she went. I think when she rang me, she was mostly only telling me things that were bothering her, so I could help her work round them. The last day of the holiday when she got to go on the 2 tours she wanted to do, helped make her time there though because she enjoyed it so much. She said the history of the Grand Central was really interesting. She was relieved she escaped visiting the Nintendo shop and Mcdonalds with her group again on the last day. 
She said it felt a lot colder here yet Central Park was full of snow/ice and it still felt milder there.
Now she has a lot of assignment work to do.

I had a meeting with mum's team today, there were 5 of them, lucky I made notes beforehand of what I needed to say...there were social workers, mental health nurses and the day centre manager. They all assured me they would work to keep mum at home, which is good, and try and rush through the hospital bed for her. She ate a good cooked dinner and pudding at the day centre today, amazing how much better she eats when she has the company of others.


Goodnight both xxx


