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Hi both.

Nasty day here. Wet and cold.


Glad you got out to the garden centre Hicky, and got the stuff you needed.


Hi Mollie.

I've got plenty more places to get mowed this next week, supposing the weather allows. No point cutting wet grass at this time of year.


Hope you managed to find out about the house boundaries etc.


Watched 'Vera' tonight. The detective series with Brenda Blethyn. Brilliant.


Morning Both.


Morning Mollie.


I am sleeping better, but with getting up early i need to go to bed early.


Glad they have sorted your mums needs out, that will make it a lot easier to manage her.


Morning Emptybox.:+))))))))))))


Yes, i'm hopeful to get things sorted this month.

Just got to line the raised beds with plastic sheet now and i can start getting the soil/manure in.


A relation came to see whats needed last night and will give a price by the weekend, O/H wants some wals building in the front as well.

Still got to try and get the blue slate yet.


Hi Hicky.

Glad you are sleeping a bit better. 

Do you still have the catheter in, or have the tablets helped your waterworks?


Hope your relation gives you 'mates' rates' to help you with garden construction.


Not nice weather the last couple of days here. Very cold and windy with spitting rain in the wind.

I did some work yesterday, but had to come home early as it was just so cold. I wasn't dressed for winter.

What a difference from last week.

I know it's only April, but to go from Summer back to Winter is disheartening.


'Ordinary Lies' on BBC1 this evening.





so glad to hear you are sleeping better. Fingers crossed all goes well when that catheter comes out and you will soon be well away doing all your jobs in that garden.

Hope the relative gives you a good price on the work.



hope the summer weather blows back your way again. We too had a bit of a cold spell but summer has returned again today. Hope it has for you too. Are you sleeping any better now?


Met daughter for lunch as she got a bit longer break from college today. I had macaroni cheese burger, jacket potato and coleslaw, very nice it was.


Time to get ready to take mum back.

Have a good evening both xxx

Last edited by *mollie*

Hi Mollie.

Couldn't get on this site last night. Wouldn't bring the page up.


Glad you had a nice lunch with daughter.


Still winter here unfortunately. Very wet earlier this morning. A bit of sun now, but only 8 degrees.

Might get out to do a bit of work this afternoon, if the sun stays and dries things out.


Sleep still a little disturbed, but not too bad. Seem to be getting enough anyway.


Going to watch 'The Island with Bear Grylls' tonight.



Good Afternoon Both.


Went to Docs this morning, waterworks doesn't seem t be the right colour.

Spoke about the Meds, they seem to be ok.


My Lad has finished the deck are for the Gazebo, i have finished lining the raised beds, ready now for the compost etc.


I got a good price for the 10 tonne of loose blue crushed slate.

Not quite ready for it yet though, would prefer to have the summer houses built.


Be glad to get the catheter out, not very comfy.

Not sure when the next test day is.


Chilly here today as well.


O/H bought the Brabantia Wallfix Wall-mouned Retractable Washing |Line 24m - silver.

My Lad fitted it on the side of the utility room, my masonry drills were too small.

It's great, O/H had nowhere to hang the washing so was using the dryer.


Mollie, never heard od Macaroni cheese burger, but it sounds good.


Emptybox, strange you not being able to get on the site, maybe it was on maintenance.

Been missing most of the TV as been getting my head down early, thats with getting up early of course.

Last edited by Hicky

Quick post from my tablet.


Haven't been able to get on the last 3 evenings. Seems to be better in the mornings for some reason.

Don't think it's my connection? Not having trouble with any other sites.

This site just won't load.

Perhaps my ISP is messing about, if nobody else is having trouble?


Glad the docs visit went well Hicky.



Good Afternoon Emptybox.


At least i seem to be sleeping a bit better, but still up at 5.30, getting my head down very early though, also wake in the night and watch a bit of tv in bed.


No sun today, but it's dry.

Couldn't get through to the fence guy, left him a couple of messages on his phone.

Was going to order some top soil and manure online, was just getting the info together to ring them and the fence man rang, whew, that was close.

He's going to bring me manure and top soil and a couple of Rhubarb plants.


Strange you can't get on.nothing wrong with the site that i can see.


Think the nurse is coming Monday to retry the catheter tests again, be glad to get rid.


Had a nice Ribeye steak last night, just did it with mushrooms and onions,


Might have Spag Bol tonight, got lots of stuff in.


Had another Gutter kit delivered, guess what, they sent the wrong one again.


Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.

Site working, but slow.


Started misty and wet, but turned into a sunny day. So got quite a bit of work done.

Yesterday morning there was actually a hard frost at 7am, although it quickly lifted.


Glad you are sleeping better. 

I seem to be better myself these last few days.

Hope you get the catheter out on Monday.


Funny you needing rhubarb plants. I was digging out a load of them for someone this afternoon. I planted them elsewhere for her, but really she could have done with getting rid of half a dozen. She had an embarrassment of them.


Sounds like your lad and you have been getting on great guns in the garden.


How stupid that they've sent the wrong guttering again.

Is this guttering for the house, or for the summer houses?


Did you watch the Island the last couple of nights?

The women seemed to be going round in circles.

Last edited by emptybox

Good Afternoon Emptybox.:+)


A beautiful day here, sun all day, not cold either.

Have redone the Kiwi Plant, it is on a vertical bamboo trellis, mor work to do on it but need some 2x1 wood.


The manure should arrive later, he has gone to the match in Liverpool.


Think Rhubarb Crowns should be divided every few years or they will lose productivity.

I left my good one at the old place as it was too heavy to move.


I sent them an email about the wrong gutter kit, with pictures, they sent me an email today asking for pictures.

Resent the pictures.

The guttering is for the Garage so i can fit my water-butt equipment.


didn't see the Island, been going to bed early as i am awake at 5am.


Just watching F1 trials.


Have built the section of deck frame that goes by the double doors, built it on the Gazebo decking.

Too heavy for me to move alone.



Hi Hicky.

It was a nice day here as well.


The site seems to be playing ball now. Not sure what it was?


Planted my seed potatoes out. Just 6 tubers, so didn't take long.


Hope you got/get your manure delivered OK.


BGT OK. Could have done without the silly Scottish kiltie acts though.

The magician was good, and the little boy with the guitar.


Morning Emptybox.


Yes, about 1 tonne of Manure arrived, took 2 wheelbarrows into the back, a lot to go now.


My Organic Concentrated Manure came from Marshalls Seeds, with 100 onion sets.

I have ordered some grafted plants form them, Tomato, Pepper, Cucumber and Melons.

They will be delivered when they can be planted out, near end of May.


BGT was ok, don't like that idiot that says yes to everyone, it must be a planned act or Simon would give him the boot.


Heard from my relation about my buildings, he's coming Monday, yippeeeeeeeeeee.


Good Morning Everyone.


Took all the Manure to the raised beds, there was about 1.5 tonne, a lot of wheelbarrow loads.

Have to ring for the 1 tonne of Top Soil needed now.


Thinking of getting one of these play houses for the little ones to enjoy.



Expecting the District Nurse today, also the Relation to build the summerhouses.


Weather looks very good all round today.

Forecast here is 14.2C, no wind, no rain, over 10 hrs of Sun.


Hi Hicky.

That was some work barrowing all that manure? Hope you didn't overdo it?


Hope the nurse is able to take the catheter out today.

And hope your relative comes round.


That looks a fun playhouse for the kids.


Not bad weather here as well.Was at a funeral this morning (old client), but did some work this afternoon.



both x


sorry not been around in awhile, hardly have any free time at all at the moment.
Have 2 meetings this week re mum and one last week. They are changing her transport from day centre, so have had to go over her flat at 3pm and stay till late evening and even earlier today as had a meeting.



hope you got rid of the cathetor ok and everything is ok with it this time. What a nice day weather wise for your relative to come round to help. Hope all is going well. What a lovely playhouse, the kiddies are so going to love coming to visit you.



Pleased you got the good weather at last.

How are you feeling now?


Took mum down seafront today and yesterday and had ice cream, I have to feed her now, but she ate all of her tub and I of course had to have one too.


have a good evening both xxx



Hi Mollie.

Yes you must be very busy just now, with your Mum and the house purchase as well.

Glad you Mum is still able to enjoy her ice cream, even if you have to feed it to her.


TBH I'm a bit up and down at the moment. Sometimes I feel great, and sometimes I feel not so great. Not much I can do about it. Just enjoy the times I'm feeling great.


Watched Inside Harley Street on BBC2 then 'Raised by Wolves' on CH4. That's a great little comedy series.


Good Morning Both.


Had a good day yesterday, the large summerhouse was built, it took 2 men from 9am till 7.30pm.

I will put the windows in and a few bits.

They will be back next week as they are so busy.


District nurse won't come till next week because i was a week without the tablets.


My Top Soil never came.

Got another deck section in place, put temporary deck boards down to walk on.


Mollie, you have been busy, don't worry about coming on here, you have enough to do.


Thats a bit strange Emptybox, this up and down feeling, whats at the root, is it your meds?


Hi guys.

Gorgeous day here. Got plenty of grass cutting done.

Things seem to be drier than normal in April, so not as much growth/

Mind you, that's probably jinxed it now, and we'll get a downpour.


That';s great that you've now got the larger summerhouse built.

Pity about the nurse though. Does that mean you have to endure the catheter for another week?


I think it's just the nature of this condition Hicky. It comes and goes.

It may be that working with mowers and hedgecutters etc (vibrating machines), make me worse. But I haven't workied out a definite pattern yet.

I'm not too bad anyway.


Evening Emptybox.


It's been a beautiful day here sun all day.

Fitted the beading to the summerhouse windows, 22 windows.

Set up 3 tables in the summerhouse, put temporary power in for now, set up my warmer tray for the new seeds, sowed some i got from the USA, green onions, peppers, carrots, lettuce, tomato.

I've got grafted veg coming late in may anyway so if they don't sprout it won't matter too much.

I've put the greenhouse heater in the summerhouse in case we have cold nights, but the heated tray the plants are on is automatic anyway.


I need to sort out the racking/shelving next so i can get the stuff out of the garage.


Yes, with the district nurse not coming i have had to put large sticking plasters on my leg to pin the fastening clamp that should support all the various parts of the system.

I seem to be constantly losing blood, which they call trauma, but this catheter is the worst i have ever seen, it is only 4mm and 1 foot long but it's made of like Nylon but it can bend and stop the flow so i had to put some tape around one part that kept bending.


My Soil hasn't come yet, man said his machine had broke down.


I do know that working with any machine that vibrates your arms or body etc should only be used for 30 minutes then you need so stop for a good period of time.


Another good day expected tomorrow.


Just watched Sue Perkins on the Meekon River.


Hi Hicky.

Lovely day here too.

Got more grass cutting done.

Thing is, it's very dry for this time of year so there isn't an awful lot of growth.

Mind you, things could change from Friday on. I think it's supposed to get wetter and colder.


Sounds like you've been very busy.

I planted some seeds out in my greenhouse this morning as well. Just some oriental salad leaves.


Not good if you are losing blood. Is that through the catheter?


I'm hoping that using the mower etc doesn't affect me too much as far as my condition goes, or I'd have to give up my job.

Feeling fine tonight anyway.

Sometimes, when I've done a few hours of mowing, my legs and hands do feel a bit jittery though.


I watched the first episode of that Sue perkins thing, but haven't watched the subsequent ones as I was watching other things.

Tonight I watched 'GPs: Behind Closed Doors' on 5, then 'Give a Pet a Home' on ITV, then 'Secret Britain' on BBC1. then 'The Island' on CH4+1.


Evening Emptybox.


Had a good day, really, weather beautiful.

Put another support & trellis up over a raised bed, 3 out of 5 have them now.


Have ordered 2 vines, 2 Fig tree's, a Blueberry bush a Cordon Pear-Conference, and Joan J Raspberries and strawberry plants.

Have ordered 5 new 70 Litre Tubs as well.


The Gardener came so we cut 5 mulch covers for the raised beds.

Positioned 5 deck tiles on block and put 5 trees on top in plastic saucers.


The Fig tree has got some Figs growing from the baby ones i left last winter.

We used the 2 wheel barrow i bought earlier in the year, it works brill as it can't tip sideways.


I assume the loss of blood is because of the catheter, it's 35 days now so i have taken the stockings off,

The medication has changed as some had time limits on it.

I'm virtually back where i used to be except for all the painkillers i don't need.


Watching Bear Grylls.




Hi Hicky.

Lovely day here as well, but it's a bit cooler and cloudier this evening.

Think there's rain forecast for me tomorrow.


Glad you got a lot done today, and made good use of the gardener.


You've really had that catheter in for too long now, i would think. Just hope the nurse can take it out for you next week.


I'm watching Bear Grylls as well, on +1.




Evening Both.


Had a good day, 1 Tonne of Top soil came, also 2 rhubarb Crowns.

I did one barrow load of soil, rang gardener, he did the rest.


Was wondering why i had so many 4 x 2 x 4.8m joists, 15 of them should have been Deck board, oh dear.


Got the kettle in the summerhouse now so can make tea when needed.


My lad called in this morning so we positioned the Raspberry tubs i brought with me.

Pretty dull all day, rain expected tonight or tomorrow.

Have been feeding the trees, it is the March feed really.


Hi Hicky.

cold and windy but dry this morning, but rainy this afternoon.


Got my own grass cut this morning, because I know it's going to be wet this weekend.

Also I put my tomato plants into the greenhouse, then changed my mind and brought them back inside again, because there could be a frost tonight.


Glad you let the gardener barrow most of the soil round, rather than trying to do it all yourself.

Good that your lad was able to help you with the raspberry tubs as well.


Watched Griff Rhys Jones and now watching Gogglebox.

Griff seems to do remarkably little journeying by train, despite the title of the programme?

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.


Had a good day.

Was levelling the soil in the raised beds.

Put one of the Coir bakes into a wheelbarrow with water, a lot of water, it filled the barrow later, put into raised beds and started another off.


Gardener came round this afternoon, we moved all the wood, we put the matting down, we put the deck tiles down and put the tubs on them, all tree tubs now in position in the back.


Keeping the summer house at 16C for the seeds.


Planted the Rhubarb.


Had my waterproofs on as it kept raining, uncovered the tubs so they got some nice rain.


Hi Hicky.

Glad it's a nice day for you.


Sunshine and showers here and quite cold. There was quite a heavy frost first thing, and I think another one forecast for this evening.


I want to get my tomato plants into the greenhouse, as they are getting a bit too leggy sitting on my window sill inside, but frightened the frost might get them.


Just about time to get my car MoTed. I think I'll ring tomorrow and make an appointment.

I know the front driver's side brake will need doing, as it sticks on sometimes, but I hope not much else needs it this year.

Last year it cost me ÂĢ1600 to get it through. Couldn't stand many more bills like that.  


Going to watch 'Vera' tonight.


Hope Mollie is getting on OK.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


A beautiful day here, sun all day.

Cool though in the shade, a bit of wind as well.

Added water to another bale of Coir, added it to the raised beds with some Growmore.

Been mulching the trees, they have had sun all day.

Can make tea in my summerhouse now, brill.


Went out for brekkie, my lad and his lad came as well.


I noticed in the garden centre that they have loads of veg in strips @ ÂĢ1.99 .

But it's too early to put them out so i will pass.


A tip on the tomato's and peppers, if they are tall enough, take all the lower leaves off, leaving the head, plant it right down to the head, all the old leaf positions will turn into roots.

If you don't have the depth to do that, the other way is to take off the leaves as before but make a trench and lay the plant down just leaving the head out of the trench.


Hope your car is OK for the MOT, don't half miss my Landrover.


My relation is coming tomorrow afternoon to carry on building my stuff.


district Nurse due as well, hope things go well.


Hope Mollie isn't too stressed.



at last just found a minute to pop in .

been spending most of the day/evening at mums so no internet.

they are sorting more care out for her and a taxi with escort to bring her home from day centre now she has to use wheelchair.

so hopefully when taxi sorted later this week i won't have to go over to her flat all the time. Not easy now 15 miles away!

off to read back before I have to leave again.

hope you are both ok. x







so pleased your garden is coming on so well and the summerhouse is ready for you to put your kettle in.

I really hope you can get rid of that catheter today and this time all goes well. Sounds like it has been a very unpleasant hindrance to your general recovery.



hope your health starts to give you more ups than downs soon. Maybe you feel wobbly after doing some lawns because you are a bit weak after being so ill and off your food so so long, so are a bit unfit, rather than the illness staying around and causing it. Plus you have just had the whole winter with a bare minimum of physical work to do. Let's hope you improve as your body gets used to the physical work again. I know when I had that sickness bug, I felt all wobbly for around 6 weeks and off my food.


Haven't had chance to watch much tv, but did see BGT and enjoyed it, but agree the hypno dog was silly.

Have to go to mums soon and won't be back till nearly 8pm.


have a good day both xxx




Evening Mollie.


Good to see you again.

I thought you would be running around after your Mum.

don't worry about coming here, not a priority.


District Nurse came, been on test all day, but think my body is absorbing most of the water i drink.

For 250ml going in 55ml coming out, it must going somewhere, not sure where, Nurse tested Bladder, it wasn't in there.

we left the catheter, just hope things go all right tonight.

These Tamsulosin should work, hope so or i'm in trouble again.


Hi both.

Very cold and windy here today.

A bit of sun, but rain late this afternoon.


Didn't do any work, but did some housework - dusting, hoovering, ironing etc.

Also went into town to pick up my prescription.


Made an appointment to get my car MoTed on Wednesday.


Thanks for the advice about the tomato plants Hicky. I plant them in a bottomless large pot that is set into a grow bag, so there should be plenty of room for their roots. It's just I can't plant them out till the frosts have gone, as I don't have a heater in the greenhouse.

I guess I could repot them into bigger pots in the meantime, but they haven't set fruit yet anyway.


What a nuisance that you've still got to put up with the catheter.

I suppose the operation really shook up your prostate and your water works?

Hope the tablets work.


Hi Mollie. Lovely to hear from you.

What a shame that you can't organize some internet access, with all the time you are having to spend at your Mum's.

Hopefully this new taxi service will ease your burden.


I think if I work too hard, and get hot and sweaty, then it doesn't help my condition, and brings on symptoms. But modest exercise is supposed to help it.

I think I'm just going through a period where I'm getting more symptoms.

If it continues, or gets worse, I suppose the doc or the consultant might put me on a higher dose of the medication.


At the moment I'm on one 0.4mg tablet of Tamsulosin a day plus this herbal remedy (saw palmetto), but TBH I don't think the saw palmetto is doing anything.

I see the consultant in just over a fortnight anyway.


Probably watch 'Inside Harley Street' later.


Morning Emptybox.


Meant to say we left the catheter out, had a bit of a problem in the night, just getting drips out, hope it's better today, took the tablet early as i was hoping it would let the flow improve.

The district nurse is referring me to the Urinary Dept at the hospital for further investigation.


Going to get a hand to build the small summer house and the gazebo next Tuesday.


Have got to move some of the plant tubs as they are in the wrong place.

My new 5 tubs came yesterday anyway, don't have any compost yet for them.


The wood joists i over-ordered will be exchanged on Thursday for 24 lengths of 3m decking.


Hi Hicky.

Ah, so you left the "out" out? Very important that.

Hope you get on OK without the catheter, and manage to urinate OK.

If not, I guess you just have to hope the Urinary dept at the hospital will give you a quick appointment.


I consider myself lucky that (fingers crossed) I haven't had any urination problems yet. A lot of people with my condition do.


Cold windy and showery today, including a hail shower.

I got a bit of work done, but was mostly thwarted by the weather.


Took my car down and left it at the garage this evening, ready for the start of it's MoT session tomorrow.

Walked back. A bit cold and windy but at least it stayed dry.


Glad you're getting a hand to build the summerhouse and gazebo.

And that they're going to exchange the wood for you.


Kirstie and Phil's new show on tonight, at 8pm CH4.

Last edited by emptybox

Good afternoon both



Hope you feel a bit better today but what a shame you are getting these urinary problems after your replacement hip has been so successful. I wonder when they say your output is low if they take into account, you do so much physical work in the garden and house that  you must use up a lot more water than most your age do? They have found out my mum needs a lot more water than most her age, but she has always drunk a lot of water, and doesn't sleep in the day, so probably needs more water than if she was napping most of the day, like they do in nursing homes. I hope your appointment to sort it out doesn't take too long coming. That is good you have help for the summer house and gazebo, help you get it sorted quicker.



hope you don't feel too bad today, hopefully you will get used to your physical workload again as time goes on without feeling too bad. At least it is only 2 weeks to your check up though, so you can mention any concerns you have then.


Gone a lot cooler here today, but at least it is dry.


Look what I found on Twitter.

how exciting is this?


What a great video. It says the show starts next month. Isn't that earlier than usual? Don't think it usually starts in May does it?

Not that I am complaining though.


Mum came home from the day centre with the new taxi service they have ordered for her yesterday. It was 2 ladies, one drives and one is an escort to look after her. I was lucky the day centre managed to get money off the council to pay for it, as we have to pay lots towards her care already. Should give me a bit more free time now though.


Going to Cardiff this afternoon to see a comedy play and do a bit of shopping. One of my fave carers will look after mum today, she takes her for ice cream on sea front.


Have a good day both xxx





Evening Both.


Had to get a catheter back in, it didn't work out, had a terrible night, got the man back this morning, i was in such pain.

Had a feeling i wouldn't make it through the night.

The more urine i had the less the prostrate wanted it to pass.

Will have to get the problem looked at more deeply.


Because i didn't sleep last night i slept all day, had to.


Hope your car gets through ok Emptybox.


Pretty windy here as well, had some sun as well.

Need to move a few trees around but will wait till i get help.


Mollie, thats very interesting, that link is brill, can't wait.

It even has a countdown timer, great.

even better for me now i'm retired.


That taxi service for your mum sounds great, glad you haven't got to pay for it.


Hope you enjoyed your Cardiff trip.


Evening guys.

Similar day here to yesterday. Cold windy and rainy at times. A little bit of sunshine in between.

Got some work done, but only a few hours.


Hi Mollie.

Glad the taxi service seems to be a success, and you managed a day out in Cardiff.

Hope you enjoyed your play?


Feeling fairly good the last few days.

Hopefully I won't need to report any problems to the consultant.

Haven't really got a relationship with him yet anyway. I prefer to deal with my GP really.

Although the problem is, the GP defers to the consultant.


Saw that about BB starting on Tuesday 12th May.

I think that is a bit earlier than usual. Think it's usually the end of May or the beginning of June?

Great news though.


Hi Hicky. Sorry to hear you had a bad night and had to get the catheter back in.

Are the tablets not having an effect?

I know there's an operation you can get (TURP), but that's the last thing you would want, so soon after your hip op.

Hope they can sort you out with medication.


Had a phone call about the car.

It needs a new brake calliper for the sticky wheel, and some suspension parts, but otherwise it's getting off lightly compared to last year.

Think he said it would be ÂĢ300 and something to get it through the MoT plus the service on top of that. So should hopefully be under ÂĢ500.

He gave me an advisory about the exhaust, but I'll worry about that next year.


Watched that new Peter Kay thing on BBC1. Quite good.

Then watched The Island on +1. TBH I think I'd have killed that Vic fellow; but he's quite funny to watch.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


at least i can sleep now, i see what you say about (TURP) had to google it, looks like the way to go, the meds are not doing the trick.


My trees came today, so did the decking swap, also they came to take the seats etc they gave me for after the op.


The plants that came were 2 x Fig, 1 x apple, 2 x grape vines, 6 x raspberry canes, 1 x blueberry bush.

Need a load of J.I 3 now and Ericaceous for the blueberry bush.


I need a hand to move some of the pots around now.


I can cut the decking for the No. 1 deck area.


I planted the vines, one has even got grape flowers on.

The fig trees are very small, as expected really.


The MOT repairs aren't too bad really, could have been a lot worse.


I haven't seen much TV with going to bed early, i am up at about 5am can't get to sleep after that.


Looking forward to watching BB, loved that link, 12th May 9pm.



Hi Hicky.


Very wet here overnight, and raining most of the morning.

Got a bit of work done this afternoon though.


Also I got my car back.

The bill turned out a bit higher than expected - ÂĢ640

Perhaps they forgot to add VAT before? Still it's much better than last year. A lot though.


When I got it home I noticed a bulge on the sidewall of one of the tyres. Don't know how they missed that for the MoT? But looks like I'll need a new tyre anyway.


Hope you can avoid having another op Hicky; but i suppose if it's the only thing that'll help.....


Glad you've got your garden to take your mind off it though.


Enjoyed the Island again tonight, and the second episode of the Peter Kay thing.


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