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Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Skylark, I was having a lurk on DS and found this:

Emmerdale ‏@emmerdale
For all our eagle eyed viewers, there has been some changes to the Tug Ghyll set, this is for production reasons.

Whats Tug Ghyll 

I think it's the name of Debbie's house. Apparently they couldn't fit her old "house" into the allocated space on the new set/studio, so they had to make changes and shrink it a bit.

Oh right, thanks for that. i dont get my prize then  

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Skylark, I was having a lurk on DS and found this:

Emmerdale ‏@emmerdale
For all our eagle eyed viewers, there has been some changes to the Tug Ghyll set, this is for production reasons.

Whats Tug Ghyll 

I think it's the name of Debbie's house. Apparently they couldn't fit her old "house" into the allocated space on the new set/studio, so they had to make changes and shrink it a bit.

Oh right, thanks for that. i dont get my prize then  

Have this one.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Skylark, when are your son and friends due to go on hols?

End of this month Yogi x

Will the airline let him fly if he has a stookie on?

Dont know, i dont know much yet.Laid back son only sent text saying , all is cool 
Honestly he drives me nuts! 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Skylark, when are your son and friends due to go on hols?

End of this month Yogi x

Will the airline let him fly if he has a stookie on?

Dont know, i dont know much yet.Laid back son only sent text saying , all is cool 
Honestly he drives me nuts! 

That's sons for you.


Morning all x

Grey and misty here 

Sons friend has broken his ankle poor thing. His brother going to take his place on holiday if he cant go. They will have to look into what it involves to transfer.

So looking forward to the tennis today. Going to sisters to watch it, and will probably stay for BB too . She can have lodgers for the night 
Have a lovely day  

Will try to pop in over the weekend. 

Good morning, rain here, just a drizzle at present, it keeps changing.. Thunder & lightening at 6am this morning I fell asleep on the sofa right after posting here last night, mr summer woke me 2 hours later and told me to go to bed Skylark I hope you have a lovely day at your sisters, I so wish I could be watching the tennis today!
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, dry here at the mo but heavy rain later I think.  I do hope that they've got the weather forecast wrong for your church fete EL, all those plans and then having to change at the last minute. 


What a shame for your son's friend Skylark if he has to miss the holiday he will be gutted.


Enjoy the tennis those who watch


Although it's still raining hard, it's not now at the intensity it was.


Some reassurance from the local news website:

Flood teams from the Environment Agency are today out and about in Gloucestershire checking for any trouble spots. They are reported to be out in Cheltenham, Gloucester and Stroud looking for 'hot spots' and clearing debris.


El Loro

Good morning everyone


Squiggle, I hope the rain in your area hasn't caused problems for you or anyone else in your area


Here, it's not raining, but it is cloudy and rain is expected at times throughout the day. Minor flood warning on the Avon at Tewkesbury at present, but I can't see any other warnings at present affecting Gloucestershire. There is a yellow warning for the rain, but that's not surprising.


El Loro

Squiggle, I've checked and there doesn't seem to be any flood warnings for where you live.


This is a link to this new flood map website if it is of interest.


It only covers England and Wales though and can't deal with ground water and overflowing sewers, just the rivers etc.


Although the flood warnings now covers parts of Gloucester, these are the areas which are always at risk when there has been heavy rain. I do not live in any of those areas luckily otherwise my insurance would be a lot higher.


I drove past the church on my way to do my shopping and it looks as if they are having the fete in the church hall and the back of the church. The latest forecast for Gloucester shows a 40% chance of a light shower at the time the fete opens, but I think it would be tempting fate if they had it outside.



El Loro

Summer, have you seen the 1940 comedy called "Christmas in July"


By chance I came across this video clip.

It's nothing to do with Beethoven. The piece of music is called Beethoven's Silence (he was profoundly deaf for the latter part of his life) and is by Ernesto Cortazar. Nice photos to go with it, but you may find the music a bit repetitive.


Someone has posted this comment on Youtube to this clip, it's unrelated to the clip, but others have complimented the poster suggesting that he/she become a novelist if not already one.


The setting sun was shining with a radiance matched only by her beauty, all dressed in white. Its golden rays hit her eyes, and they sparkled a dazzling blue. She stands there, deep in thought, looking out over the hills, her perfect form outlined in the shadow of dusk. Her hair flowing in the light breeze, her dress rippling in its current. She turns her head, and the soft contour of her face is cast in a golden light. She closes her eyes, listening to music known only to her..


El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

I liked this photo, reminded me of Harvey




I like it.


The rain stayed off for the fete though it was inside as I thought. Most of the stalls were inside the church which made it rather claustrophobic. They had the cake stall, jams stall, and a couple of other stalls in the church hall, but used the hall for providing tea and coffee. The only stall outside was the beef burger one because of the smell. I think they had to give up on some of the things put on for the youngsters as they would have to be outside. I don't know if they would have intended to have something like Soak the Bloke which they have had in the past as you couldn't do that inside.


El Loro

Hi all x

Nice pics , that dog just looks so happy squiggle!
No comment on the tinsel  !

Shame this rain is affecting so many summer activities,but glad the fete went ahead El x 
its stopped raining here now, but had been really heavy all through the night and most of the day. When will it end ???
Been busy with granddaughter, but got her into bed. So a bit time to myself.
Hope you have all had a good day x 


Squiggle, I love that pic of Harvey's Houdini soulmate.

El, I'm glad the weather didn't completely ruin the fete today. (Soak The Bloke made me).

Hope you have a nice, relaxing few hours to yourself, Skylark.

Summer, go for it with the tinsel. Considering the current weather, we could do with something to brighten up everthing.



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