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Good morning everyone, it sounds as if everyone had a lovely weekend.   Well done Summer on your 'day of beds' - you have a way with words this weekend EL I am glad you had a good time with your brother EL and enjoyed the cakes he brought.  That hymn was my husband's favourite and is regularly voted favourite hymn of the nation in their polls.


Enjoy your day everyone


Good evening I have wifi- hoorah!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dances a happy dance!*

El, did you boys have a good weekend?

i hope you've all had a good day, it's been very windy here but dry and sunny, this evenings walk was a pretty one. I've been bumping in to some of my new neighbours and so far they all have been lovely. I loved this house when I viewed it, especially the view it has, but I love it more & more each day that goes by. Bramble and I are going to love living here  

Today I bought some big plastic storage boxes and am going to pack the Xmas decorations in them, then put them in the attic. that led to a discussion at work which asks the question... 

What is the difference between an "attic" and a "loft"???? 



~Sparkling Summer~

Goodnight yogi & velvet I hope you both had a lovely evening 


ive been sorting out the spare room, I'm officially tired of sorting & unpacking now, I think I need a little break from it tomorrow. I now have 6 large boxes to go into the loft, a car load of cardboard boxes to take to the tip, and 1 bag of rubbish for the bin  


Leaving goodnight & get well hugs for moonie 



~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Fairly cloudy here with bits of blue sky.


Summer, we had a pleasant weekend, thank you You seem to be on top of your unpacking


Squiggle, in case you are interested, the original version of Mighty Joe Young is on the Movies4Men channel very early tomorrow morning.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone, it is a little cloudy here but white cloud with bits of blue sky.  Sounds like a perfect morning to wake up to in your lovely new home Summer


Thank you EL that's very thoughtful to point out about Mighty Joe Young but as I watched it fairly recently I don't think I will bother to record it this time


Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning another beautiful sunny start here, I've opened the windows today I'm doing a tip run and then shopping for curtain poles. I still have no idea what curtains I'd like but getting the poles is a good starting point  


i love countryfile, and I like dame judi Dench so that will be an episode to look forward to, thank you El  


~Sparkling Summer~

*night owls* 

would you believe that the one type of curtain pole I actually want, is the one they no longer stock in store I can order online apparently so I'll look in to that. I did find the curtains I would like though  

I also went to the tip twice, met the girls for a walk, assembled a storage unit, received a desk and then arranged my new "office" area , my garden shed arrived, and then I rearranged all my hair & body products in to a new set of drawers for the bathroom. But the best part.. It was like a summers day here!! 

Will tomorrow be peaceful & lazy..? Probably not, but at least I'm getting everything done swiftly and will soon be settled into domestic bliss


I hope you've all had a good day :keep: leaving goodnight & get well hugs  


~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, a little cloudy here today.  Summer you did so well yesterday, I am glad you found your curtains and good luck with ordering the curtain poles online.  I love that you are waking up to birdsong every morning, it is so precious isn't it?

Happy Birthday Ma'am! Quite an achievement.

The Queen has become Britain's first nonagenarian sovereign


Enjoy your day everyone

Last edited by squiggle

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