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Originally Posted by squiggle:

Because Roger Federer is Swiss and there are two main languages spoken in Switzerland I think that may be a good boost to anyone keen to study language but it is an admirable trait.


I think Andy's throwaway remark about "anyone but England to win" still rankles with many English people.

Squiggle, on BBC Scotland news they said that Andy is now very guarded during interviews, after some jokey banter with Tim Henman was reported as Andy making an anti-English remark.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I've had a funny sort of day. I felt like I wanted to curl up and fall asleep every time I sat down. I didn't though, I soldiered on.

Some days are just like that,arent they? You are a good wee soldier! 
This weather doesnt help  

Cant get into my PM,s have given up. No idea whats going on  

I'm back meal was delicious and I brought some left over fillet steak home Bramble- she was very well behaved during her evening walk Thanks for the anniversary wishes, I bought mr summer a back scratcher in case he gets the 7 year itch! He loved it Glad you like the pic El, I found it on photo bucket I've been lost in a maze! I'll find a pic for you all later, I think you'll like it Skylark I hope your computer problems are solved tomorrow I bet son is any wait to pack that case now Hi yogi hope you had a good day
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Cloudy but dry at present, showers are forecast. The neighbours' new garage arrived half an hour ago and the workmen are starting to put it up. My neighbour reckons it will take 3-4 hours to do, will the rain hold off until they've finished.


Skylark, I hope your computer is behaving itself today.


Summer, I see we can now properly call you Summer

I've no idea where your maze. I don't think it's in the UK as I can see a white car at the top left corner is driving on the right side of the road leading to the car park. It's possibly somewhere which grows pineapples so would be somewhere tropical.


Some mazes can be solved by following the path by sticking next to the right (or the left) side of the path where ever it goes. That's far from foolproof though.


El Loro

Good morning everyone, I do think this weather is very tiring, hope you feel more wide awake today Yogi.


What a lovely treat for Bramble the leftover fillet steak.  I am very impressed with how organised your son is being Skylark (with your prompting of course).


I googled your maze Summer and I can see that EL's guess is correct. I hope the rain holds off until the garage is erected.  It will be a much better thing for you to look at than the old decrepit one.


Here is the maze I used to get lost in (we used to take our daughter and her friends on days out).  The theory about always turning left or right is fine until you are in the middle of one, it's very confusing




Good morning everyone. Lots of rain forecast for today.

I was going to guess Italy for the maze, as you were there last year but the pineapple made me think of Hawaii.

Skylark, I hope your computer is okay today.

I don't envy anyone who has to work outdoors in the weather we've had recently. Hope the workmen manage to build the garage, without getting drenched, El.




Just had a letter from my brother. One of his work colleagues was invited by a friend to go to a theatre in central London. The tickets cost ÂĢ11 each. When they got to the theatre they discovered that they would be sitting right at the top and at the very end. Her friend told her that he suffered from vertigo and would suffer it they tried to sit there. So she explained this to the manager who then gave them a free upgrade to tickets close to and in front of the stage.


They found out from people sitting around them that the tickets for those places were a bit more expensive.


ÂĢ250 each. That must be the bargain of the year


They've just finished putting up the neighbours garage and the rain did stay away. Looks considerably better than the old one

El Loro
Good morning wet here, and cold. I feel cold right through and I can't wait to have a warm bath tonight! Congratulations yogi The maze is the worlds largest outdoor maze, at the dole pineapple plantation on the island of o'ahu, hawai'i Everything in the cafe is pineapple flavoured! Squiggle that maze looks like fun too, we should build one in here! we could have it shaped to any design we choose El I'm pleased your neighbours garage went up dry and smoothly, is it exciting watching it transform?!
~Sparkling Summer~
Ooh I thought you knew I had been! Ok, it was 7 years ago, just a few weeks before I met mr summer in person.. I went alone, because I'd been away 2 years earlier with a rubbish boyfriend and it was the longest 2 weeks of my life. I dumped him, vowed to remain single, and started saving & researching Hawaii- my dream holiday! I was living at my mums and working full time so took that opportunity to save for the holiday I wanted. I went for 2 weeks and did all sorts: jet skiing, surfing, watching hula shows, swam with a dolphin, took a helicopter ride, watched a movie on a big screen at the beach, visited tourist attractions (including the maze) went shopping, eating out, flew to Kauai for the day, went to a luau, a magic show, an Elvis show, went shooting on a ranch, quad biking.. I met lots of people, I really had the time of my life. I'll try to get some time to go on the home computer to upload some pics for you all! It was during the time that I was researching, that I started forumming a lot- it was light relief from the endless information out there. About 5 months before I went I was talking to mr summer a lot more and when the time came, he was worried about my going alone so I promised to send him a postcard..
~Sparkling Summer~

Summer, that sounds like the holiday of a lifetime.


Did you know that the scientific word for a pinepple comes from the Tupi word "nanas" which means "excellent fruit".


The hard bits on the outside of a pineapple are in rows. Whichever direction you count the number of hard bits in a row you will find that there are 5, 8, 13 or 21 of them. These are the Fibonacci numbers.


If you add 1 and 1 you get 2.

Take the last 1, add it to the 2 and you get 3

Take the 2, add it to the 3 and you get 5

Take the 3, add it to the 5 and you get 8

Keep on repeating this






1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89 etc is the Fibonacci series.

These numbers are everywhere in nature. Sometimes they are doubled (that's called the Lucas series).

If you went and counted the number of petals on a daisy you would find 21,34,55 or 89 petals for instance.


El Loro

If you take two numbers in the Fibonacci series and divide the larger by the smaller, you get s similar result - the larger the numbers, you get to the same result. It's about 1.618 and in mathematics it's called the Golden Ratio. If you draw out a rectangle with the longer and the shorter sides having this golden ratio, you get what is called the golden rectangle. Artists and architects have used this as it is believed to be pleasing to the eye.


The Fibonacci series is also used in the financial market for various algortihms but I'm not going to attempt to bother trying to understand that.


It's also been used in music.

Apparently it's used in Debussy's La Mer: (nothing to do with the famous song)

El Loro

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