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Some right nasty people in there. I am watching still because of some weird curiosity ! think you are right squiggle about Caroline being the school bully.

Did you see my post above about Emmerdale? My sister text me just now asking the same thing! Thought it was different camera angles but looks like they made a boo boo.

So humid here, the thunder and rain hasnt cleared the air at all  

Any flooding there? The forecast is predicting a months rainfall in 2 days it shouldn't affect us but there's no drainage in our back garden so it's possible it could flood. The lawn hasn't dried out yet from this weeks rain Getting to/from work could be challenging too if it floods again, I'll keep my fingers crossed for no problems How about you?
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet New balls please~:
Any flooding there? The forecast is predicting a months rainfall in 2 days it shouldn't affect us but there's no drainage in our back garden so it's possible it could flood. The lawn hasn't dried out yet from this weeks rain Getting to/from work could be challenging too if it floods again, I'll keep my fingers crossed for no problems How about you?

Aww no, not more floods. i hope you won't be affected, Summer.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Skylark, if I remember correctly, Debbies stairs were directly opposite the living room door - have they moved them?

Yes it looked that way. Instead of left to right, they were right to left, if you see what i mean!

Signing out, need to shower, i am so hot.

Goodnight all xxxx 

Yes Summer she does whine in her sleep, i often wonder what she dreams about ! 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Skylark, if I remember correctly, Debbies stairs were directly opposite the living room door - have they moved them?

Yes it looked that way. Instead of left to right, they were right to left, if you see what i mean!

Signing out, need to shower, i am so hot.

Goodnight all xxxx 

I'll watch it again tomorrow and check it out - Miss Marple stylee.

Goodnight, sleep well.


Good morning everyone


Yesterday evening my neighbour popped round with zingy orange Matchmakers to thank me for sorting out that business with the scrap metal - that was kind of her


It's cloudy but dry here. There may be rain later and it is forecast to be wet tomorrow though my area is not in any of the areas with weather warnings. I hope none of you in the areas with warnings have problems.


El Loro

Good morning everyone, I've put the rubbish out before the rain starts, I get the feeling we are going to get more tomorrow than today but heavy when it does come.


I love the Dumbo goodnight picture Summer.


I can join in with the Miss Marpling today because I never got to see any programmes at all last night, it was one telephone call after another.  I hoped to tape on ITV Emmerdale and Corrie and then watch EE but I ended up going to ITV1+ and taping there and taping EE today so I have a lot of catching up to do today.


Morning x

Horrible weather here. Misty and soggy.

Yes squiggle, get Miss Marpling! It may just be different camera angles, bit it did look odd!
Love those Matchmakers El 

Was thinking of going into town today to see the Royals, but dont think i can face the crowds, especially in this humidity. 

Have a good day whatever you are doing x


Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, the latest Met Office forecast for your area is dry today and much of Friday until the evening. The heaviest of the rain seems to be to the south east of you. But then that's only the Met Office, probably land up by it snowing

Thank you EL I will immediately take steps to prepare for torrential downpours and possibly thunderstorms and raining frogs as well


Good morning everyone. Overcast and humid up here, although not as bad as yesterday.

Skylark, I've checked out Emmerdale and they have definitely changed Debbie's house around. The stairs are now on the opposite side from where they were. Well spotted.

Squiggle, hope you don't get the forecast downpours. I walked across the grass to fill up the seed feeders this morning, and the ground was absolutely soaking wet.


Edit, I've realised it is actually afternoon, not morning.



 I claim my prize!  You would think someone would have noticed the stairs were the wrong way round. particularly the wee girl who plays Sarah. Children are usually the first to spot things.
I dont watch EE, but i know what you mean El.
Plus i hair watch. Tracy in Corrie the other day had her usual style, then hey presto it was cut at an angle. Plus David,s wife too had her pony tail at one side and it magically changed to the other, recently. 
I must get a life  


Hi Yogi, hope you had a nice dinner. Yes its that kind of weather for the garden. Its hard work doing the weeding x

Son been off now for nearly 4 hours at hospital with his friend. The boy was playing football and slipped. looks like he has broken his leg. Son hates hospitals so admire him for staying. The thing is too, that he is one of the gang going to Bulgaria so not sure how that will pan out.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi Yogi, hope you had a nice dinner. Yes its that kind of weather for the garden. Its hard work doing the weeding x

Son been off now for nearly 4 hours at hospital with his friend. The boy was playing football and slipped. looks like he has broken his leg. Son hates hospitals so admire him for staying. The thing is too, that he is one of the gang going to Bulgaria so not sure how that will pan out.

Oh no, how many weeks is it until they go?

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Skylark, I was having a lurk on DS and found this:

Emmerdale ‏@emmerdale
For all our eagle eyed viewers, there has been some changes to the Tug Ghyll set, this is for production reasons.

Whats Tug Ghyll 

I think it's the name of Debbie's house. Apparently they couldn't fit her old "house" into the allocated space on the new set/studio, so they had to make changes and shrink it a bit.


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