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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Sweet dreams squiggle, what are you reading..? I caught the first series of Timothy Spall on a barge, it was very entertaining! Thanks for the note about the new series Yogi great pic post as many as you want, I don't mind! Hope your mum's visit was a good one

I am reading Wedding Season by Katie Fforde, its shaping up very well.  Our heroine is a wedding planner who has had her heart broken and is now quite cynical about romance.  I just needed something light and frothy.  Don't you find that the book you are reading has to suit your mood?  Sometimes I like a thriller (I loved The Firm by John Grisham, real edge of the seat stuff) but sometimes you want something a little funny.  I have got a couple of books about dogs on my shelves and I am looking forward to reading them but as I say it depends on the mood.  Another book I thoroughly enjoyed was Dewey The Library Cat about a poor half frozen kitten who was posted in the returned books slot of a library in Nebraska (I think it was) in the dead of winter and who became the library cat.  He was quite a character.


Anyway good morning all, its been quite rainy and is still quite humid but its freshening a bit now, hope it freshens up completely I find this heavy weather so tiring.


That robe is amazing EL.  How wonderful to be able to do such intricate work.




Originally Posted by El Loro:



I don't know which statue, but the most famous one is the Black Nazarene which is life size and is carried through the streets in procession. This is an image to give you some idea of the robe:

Wow, it takes a lot of talent and dedication to produce something as intricate as that, El.


Originally Posted by squiggle:
  Don't you find that the book you are reading has to suit your mood?  Sometimes I like a thriller (I loved The Firm by John Grisham, real edge of the seat stuff) but sometimes you want something a little funny. 




I completely agree, Squiggle. I have been reading Val McDermid books recently - eight thrillers in a row - and I felt I needed a change to something much lighter, so I'm reading a Lilian Harry book atm.


Good morning everyone BTW.

afternoon all Raining heavy here! I like it though Yes squiggle, I couldn't agree more about the choice of book to suit your mood! Funnily enough, y'day when I was at the hospital appointment with my MIL (she's doing great) I bought a book from the charity book stand out front, and it's a tale of true stories by a wedding planner! I'm quite looking forward to reading that Yogi, sorry I didn't get back to wish you goodnight, I fell asleep! It happens often because I pop on here using my phone, while laying in bed. I swear I could fall asleep on a clothes line!
~Sparkling Summer~
Ooh it's in my bag squiggle, I'll pop back on here when I get back to the salon. I'm currently listening to the rain on my car roof while I eat lunch I love books too, I'm also juggling a cesar milan book and A Sparrow Falls by wilbur smith I like to read cesar when I've only got a few mins here & there, and return to wilbur when I can get some quality reading time
~Sparkling Summer~

You sound a bookworm like me Summer, thanks for the info, heading off to Amazon, one of my favourite places


You did well getting that as a charity book, the cheapest you can get it from Amazon is ÂĢ2.50 and of course that's plus postage. A review of the book from Amazon I laughed out loud, I cried and remembered my own wedding day. A wonderful insight into the world of wedding planning, which you just don't see. I couldn't put the book down and wanted more. A fantastic read, highly recommended for anyone who is getting married and has a interest in weddings!


Good afternoon everyone.    What a difference a day makes.  Yesterday the heat was unbearable but today the temperature is much nicer, although it has rained for most of the night and all day today.  At least it's a more gentle rain which will do the garden no end of good.


That robe was truly magical El Loro.  It must take a great deal of skill and patience to make something as wonderful as that.


I too am an avid reader.  I read Wedding Season and short while back and thoroughly enjoyed it Squiggle.  I like lots of different types of novel and agree that mood certainly comes into it when choosing what to read.  I particularly like Erica James and have read all of her books.  I am waiting for her latest effort, which is due to be published towards the end of this year, to come out.


Two books that I really enjoyed reading are "Some other Rainbow" by John McCarthy and Jill Morrell and "Taken on Trust" by Terry Waite, which are of course very different from the normal "light" reading. 

Picks up from squiggle Joyron, that book sounds really good too Squiggle, I'm thrilled at the review of confessions of a wedding planner, thank you very much for looking it up I did indeed get a 45 minute window to read this afternoon, I was tense & nervous for a character that I'm rooting for- I love it when a writer's work gets under your skin!
~Sparkling Summer~
Also, I'm fond of series books too, then it's easy to know what to read next! Last Christmas I read Unbearable Lightness by Portia de Rossi, she's an American actress who is married to Ellen Degeneres, the book chronicles her horrendous battle with anorexia. It was very interesting, and there haven't been many books written from the heart that have touched me like it. I'm pleased to say, it has a happy ending
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by squiggle:

How nice Joyron that you have read the book I am reading now   I hate it when I have finished a book because then I have to make the decision as to what to read next.

I tend to get about 6 library books and - the same from school cos every faculty has   a pool of books - i then dip in at random and read the book chosen

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone


I went to see a client yesterday in the late afternoon and discovered that the road has suddenly become a no parking zone. I had to park on their driveway but in future I will either have to walk there or they come to me. The road is not in town, is not a main road, and isn't particularly busy. This morning I tried to find out why this had been done. It turns out that on rugby match days which are either at the weekend or in the evening, the fans have been parking there then walking into town. But the parking restrictions apply 8.30 to 6.00 Mondays to Fridays which will not tie in with the matches. Looks as if the council officials have got this totally wrong.

El Loro

Good morning everyone. The sun is shining atm, although the forecast says "partly cloudy".

Sorry, I didn't get back yesterday, I got distracted by eldest son. He had a day off, so he came shopping with us and then we headed off to the garden centre. DiL was working late, so he (and Harvey) stayed for dinner and he did a couple of DIY jobs for his old mum.

El, it sounds like the Council have made a big mistake - aren't most rugby matches held on Saturdays?

Morning squiggle, I'll go look in your WOW thread.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, yes, the matches are either Saturday afternoons, Sunday afternoons or Friday evenings starting at 7.30. I can understand the parking chaos on matchdays as Gloucester is one of the biggest rugby clubs in the country, but the council has chosen the wrong times for the restrictions.

I'm sure the residents will be quick to point out the Council's mistake.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, yes, the matches are either Saturday afternoons, Sunday afternoons or Friday evenings starting at 7.30. I can understand the parking chaos on matchdays as Gloucester is one of the biggest rugby clubs in the country, but the council has chosen the wrong times for the restrictions.

I'm sure the residents will be quick to point out the Council's mistake.

I agree I was just thinking about it and I mean how can you ever have any visitors?  Its totally ridiculous and ill thought-out.


This made me laugh, silly story of the day 



A Swedish man has been arrested after attempting to split the atom in his own home.

Amateur scientist, Richard Handl, admitted his 'project was to build a working nuclear reactor'. He managed to acquire radioactive chemicals, tried to cook them but only managed to blow up his stove.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

This made me laugh, silly story of the day 



A Swedish man has been arrested after attempting to split the atom in his own home.

Amateur scientist, Richard Handl, admitted his 'project was to build a working nuclear reactor'. He managed to acquire radioactive chemicals, tried to cook them but only managed to blow up his stove.

There's more on this including a radio interview on the BBC world service

El Loro
morning It's dry & partially cloudy here, I just realised that y'day was my moving to the north-east 4th anniversary! I can't believe I forgot Actually I can, I'm feeling under the weather so I'm busy moping this week Squiggle, I can't watch the video link on the iPhone app so I'm going to see if I can use safari.. El, how very frustrating, those restrictions were poorly planned! I think visitors of local residents should be allowed a free parking permit can the residents contact the local council regarding the whole matter?
~Sparkling Summer~

Hi Summer, sorry to hear you've been under the weather, hope you are back to full health very soon. Congratulations on your 4th anniversary of moving up North. Do you ever get homesick, or are you very settled up North?

Squiggle, that's a lovely story. How wonderful that the couple managed to turn a piece of wasteland into something so beautiful.

@ the Swedish guy who tried to split the atom - and blew up his stove.


I went out to see another client this morning so made a slight detour to have another look at the road with the parking restrictions. The house I went to is right at the beginning of the road. The road is one of these which forms a small estate in itself of just over 100 houses and it is quite twisty. Although the single yellow lines are for the whole road, once I went further on from where I was visiting I saw that there were other parking signs with flaps on. When the flaps cover the lower half of the sign which was the case this morning the signs say that the parking rstrictions do not apply. Presumable when the flaps are moved up to cover the upper half, the signs then show that the restrictions apply. So I'm guessing that someone will come to move the flaps at the beginning and again at the end of each match day.


So it's not as bad as I had thought, though I could see no such sign for the beginning part of the road which is where I normally park and it doesn't get over the point I made that the times of restriction do not cover the times the matches are played.



I'm off out again in a few minutes to see another client. This is the one in Saul and I won't be going the shorter route between Saul and Gloucester but going the longer route through Frampton on Severn, You may remember that when I went to see this client last year I did drive along the shorter route and because of the potholes in the road which is very close to the river my exhaust was wrecked and I had to get it replaced.

El Loro

What a complicated parking system, El. Council's seem to be experts at making simple things difficult. Love the video clip of the flowers.

So glad you feel nice and settled, Summer. If the pics you posted are anything to go by, your house is lovely.

I've been painting the new internal doors today. I have seven doors (14 sides) to give at least two coats of undercoat and one coat of gloss. I think I'll be painting for the next fortnight.


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