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I hadn't heard of the theory that when you are born affects your ability to cope with heat. I was born in February, my mother in May, my father in October and my brother in November, but it was my mother who seemed to like heat the least.


Summer, apart from malware there were no viruses on my computer. One of the malware things was something masquerading as a screen saver so I'm guessing that's what caused my computer to misbehave yesterday morning.


Yogi's break is due to end today so she may make an appearance today or tomorrow.

El Loro

Its very hot today here now the sun is out. I am not a sun worshipper but my sister is, we were both November babies. My son just sent a text saying he is very hot, especially wearing all the health and safety stuff he has to, but his shift is ending soon so he will be happy to get home and changed.
The bug i had floored me, squiggle, hope your daughter gets well soon x 

Thats good you can lock the thread , when its time.El

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi Yogi, welcome back. Glad you had a lovely time, you certainly picked a good week weatherwise.
We have all been behaving since you have been gone   

Are you sure?

I'm sure; I think, I haven't spotted anything requiring me to moderate apart from my own postings - it's just as well we can't ban anyone otherwise I would have banned myself by now 

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi Yogi, welcome back. Glad you had a lovely time, you certainly picked a good week weatherwise.
We have all been behaving since you have been gone   

Are you sure?

I'm sure; I think, I haven't spotted anything requiring me to moderate apart from my own postings - it's just as well we can't ban anyone otherwise I would have banned myself by now 

Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi Yogi, welcome back. Glad you had a lovely time, you certainly picked a good week weatherwise.
We have all been behaving since you have been gone   

Are you sure?

I'm sure; I think, I haven't spotted anything requiring me to moderate apart from my own postings - it's just as well we can't ban anyone otherwise I would have banned myself by now 

Now that you are a mod, I'll be on my own on that naughty step - unless you make Skylark sit with me.


Off to catch up with the washing, will be back later.


I found an article on the BBC website about consumerism, wealthy countries, and developing countries, It's quite thought provoking. It's from a partner in the firm I used to work for many years ago, not that I ever came across him.

This is a photo of the partner:

Here's a link to the article - it's far too long to start copying it here.


If you read the article, you may spot something

El Loro

I read every word apart from thinking good heavens another Johnson, how many more of 'em are there?


I have done one scan so far in Safe Mode, first in Spybot nothing found at all.  I am three quarters of the way through the second in Avira, not much found so far from the look of it, 3 warning and I will find out what that is all about when it finishes.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I read every word apart from thinking good heavens another Johnson, how many more of 'em are there?


I have done one scan so far in Safe Mode, first in Spybot nothing found at all.  I am three quarters of the way through the second in Avira, not much found so far from the look of it, 3 warning and I will find out what that is all about when it finishes.

Hopefully, you won't find much - the warnings are likely to be malware cookies.


Your comment about another Johnson reminded me of something. Although Orson Welles' first recognised film was Citizen Kane he did make two short films before then. The first is called The Hearts of Age. It does exist on Youtube and I have watched it but it is so bad that it really is not worth watching it. It's clearly an amateur film. The second film is called "Too Much Johnson" hence why your post reminded me of this. It was made as an experiment and is made up of scenes from a play but is incomplete and copyright over the play means that the film has never been seen publicly.

El Loro
welcome back yogi! I'm pleased you enjoyed your break *wonders where our sticks of rock are* The forum is fixed!!! updates have been installed tonight (which is why skylark has problems earlier) and I'm bouncing straight into here and the bus stop Squiggle, you may not need to give us anew home after all! El I'm glad your counter had no other viruses would you consider a mac?
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Summer, I saw that about the forum fixes but I've still had difficulty in getting on here this morning. There was also another thread which only had a few posts on and I couldn't get in there. It's now the weekend and the States have a bank holiday on Monday so Seattle won't be doing anything until Tuesday at the earliest.


The software I use for my accountancy practice is for PC only so using a Mac isn't an option.


Skylark, I hope you have a nice day out with the family.


It's another warm sunny day here today.

El Loro
Good morning sunny again It's nice to have my sandals on El, I got in within seconds I wonder why you couldn't I hope more improvements come so everyone can get in easily. It's a shame about the accountancy software because I think you would love having a mac. Maybe in the future What is everyone doing this weekend?! I'll be completing the wedding gift cushion and baking cookies for the sweetie table (and playing with miss bramble of course lol)
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, a lovely morning here I hope all goes well with the cushion and the baking Summer.  It's been quite a busy week so I am hoping just to relax and watch a film today and of course enjoy this beautiful weather.  It is still misty over the sea though but maybe that will burn off later.


I haven't had many noticeable problems logging on, but then I can't say they ever drove me mad.  If the forum is slow to load I usually open another page in the browser and go look at something else whilst it's loading.  It would be nice if it is fixed for everyone and no doubt we will find out from everyone what their experiences are over the weekend.


I did think of something else we could call Ben's Buddies Mark II (that's not it ) and that was Ben's Buddies B & B, we could throw open our doors, Summer's lovely breakfast platters would come in handy - I don't like ironing sheets though


Summer, although there is mac software for accountants, the work involved from migrating my data of clients from a pc to a mac is too much like hard work. Also I need to be able to get files from clients computers and the majority of people in the business world still seem to be using pcs. 


I hope all goes well with your cushion and the cookies, but will Bramble realise that the cookies aren't for her?


Tomorrow afternoon at 3 I'll be listening to the radio as it's the play off final at Wemble between Cheltenham and Crewe. Crewe will be the favourites as they beat Cheltenham both times during the season. I don't know about Crewe's experiences of big matches but Cheltenham may have more experience as they have been to Wembley in previous play off finals in the past, and this year they went to Spurs in the FA cup and only lost by 1 goal. It would be nice if Cheltenham got promoted but I think they could struggle if they did.

El Loro
Ooh I love the name Ben's Buddies B&B, I could decorate my room vintage style I adore guest houses. Haha yes miss bramble won't even know what cookies are, she is a crumb Hoover but we have never offered her human food so she does her own thing when we're cooking & eating I'm doing heart shaped cookies, although a family friend has insisted on loaning me a collection of cookie cutters that I don't want to use; bride, groom, "love", Cupid etc The bride's very elegant, vintage & classy so I feel simple heart shapes will be just right- its not my fault the dough doesn't do well with detailed cookie edges El, good luck to Cheltenham team, win or lose I'm sure the atmosphere will be superb!
~Sparkling Summer~

Summer, there could be a problem with the colours as Cheltenham's kit is

but Crewe's is


You can't have both sides playing in the same colours for obvious reasons so one of the sides will have to use their away kit:

Cheltenham's away is:

with blue shorts.

Crewe's away kit is also blue so they can't both use their away kits.

I won't know which they will use as I'll be listening in on the radio - although it's televised, it's on Sky 2 which isn't on Freeview.


It would be fairer if Cheltenham can wear red as they are called the Robins but it will probably be decided by a toss of the coin.

El Loro

I hope Cheltenham do well EL, it would be appropriate for them to wear red (especially on their chests )


I'm glad you like Ben's Buddies B & B Summer, I think it sounds really friendly and welcoming, and I like your idea of decorations, vintage would suit us perfectly   Oh I agree about the cookie cutters, the heart shaped ones are perfect the other ones would be tacky in my view, bearing in mind your friends are aiming for elegance.


I'm glad you're enjoying the golf, my late hubby would have been glued to it, he loved all sports.


I had the patio doors open this morning but have had to close them now, as the sun comes round the house it starts to shine in and makes the room really hot so I close the curtain then to keep the room cool.  It's such a beautiful day


Hello everyone. The weather is very hot and sunny up here.

Went shopping this morning, then went for lunch with hubby.

Son and his fiancÃĐe popped in for a wee while, then I went out into the garden to do some weeding. It is so hot out there, that I have left one border undone until tomorrow. I guess I'm just not used to hot weather.

I have caught up with the washing and drying but now there's the dreaded ironing to do. I'm sure it's far too hot to do any ironing today, so I'll leave it until tomorrow.

Squiggle, I like the Ben's Buddies B&B idea.

Summer, I think the heart-shaped cookies sound lovely - romantic and not OTT.

Hi Velvet. Wish I could leave my doors open and let some cool air in but I've got son's labrador (aka Harry Houdini) for the day and I don't fancy chasing him all over the village if he does a runner. We still have no idea where he is getting out.

Good job you are good with computers, El. When things go wrong at this end, I shout on my youngest son to fix it. Have no idea what I'll do if and when he moves out.

Skylark, hope you are having a nice day out with the family.


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