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Good morning everyone, a lovely morning here, just my sort of morning bright and not too hot.  I slept in a bit this morning and I think that's because I don't sleep so well when it's hot and it has been hot for the last few nights.


Wow it sounds like a glittering career is ahead for that young player EL.


Enjoy your day whatever you are doing and in Yogi's case I think that may well include more exploration of the iPad's capabilities, enjoy


Good morning everyone.    Another really hot day coming up, although I do believe it's going to change as the week goes on.  I suppose it will be raining when I want to get away next weekend 


Had no problems getting into the thread.  Whatever has been done has certainly improved things.


Lucky Yogi getting an iPad.  I was thinking about getting a kindle for reading but an iPad can do SO much more.  Hope your visit to the potential new client is successful El Loro.  Hope everyone has a great day whatever you are doing.  Love you all. 

Hi everyone. Weather is lovely again,so I have been gardening this morning. I have downloaded the gaga app and am posting from the iPad. I haven't worked out how to get smilies yet but it is fun playing around with it. I am also having trouble getting to sleep in this hot weather. We have a ceiling fan but it doesn't seem to be helping, it's just pushing the hot air around the room. El, you have me intrigued about today's client. * dons Miss Marple hat *. Will be back later, have a good day everyone. *waves*
Good afternoon Oooooh yogi, congrats on your shiny new iPad the gaga app is the same as this one I use on iPhone I have to type out the codes for the smileys, you may well need to do the same. Example; : wavey : but without the spaces. I hope Keira is eating her food today, I'm sure she'd much sooner eat steak though lol El, shame about Cheltenham, good job you were expecting that result. It sounds for the best they remain in division 2, it'd be awful to see them getting hammered in the higher league. Let's hope for a good season next year for all
~Sparkling Summer~
Here's my finished cushion for SIL's wedding gift (one of) I hope you can zoom in, I'm particularly fond of the gold stitching on the triangular roof the trees are made of tweed, it's BIL's estates tweed, so a very personal touch! Purple is the bride's chosen colour for the decorations and her dress is a very light gold (champagne) I'm happy with it
~Sparkling Summer~

Summer, that look's great - well done


(to look at the picture at its best, right click on it and select View Image)


I agree with your views about Cheltenham - I think they would have got hammered if they had been promoted. Although they did have a good season, if you look at their results against the teams in the top part of their league they did not do at all well.


Yogi, good luck with your Miss Marple quest but I'm not going to say anything

El Loro
ros I hope you start to feel better soon, it sounds like you're having a rotten time of it lately Thanks everyone the cushion & other gifts are now wrapped, I've bought a bolero/cardi (will upload a pic later), a bag, bracelet and even a fascinator/head band thingee- it's so unlike me but I love it & will surprise everyone mr summer loved it Hope everyone is sound asleep now sweetest of dreams
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Ros, I'm sorry to hear about your ailments and I hope you get better fast


It's reasonably sunny here and I don't think it's expected to be quite as warm as the last few days. I think there may be heavy showers tomorrow, possibly with thunder, but they could be anywhere so some places will get them and others won't.


El Loro

Good morning everyone. Weather is rather cloudy atm.

Ros, I have missed you. So sorry you are having a rotten time of it, hope you get well soon. How are things with your BiL, is he any better?

Summer, I am looking forward to the pic of your bolero/cardi - and you seem to have all your accessories sorted out.

Have a good day everyone.


Good morning everyone, nice blue sky and fluffy white clouds here but it's definitely a little chilly.  Still it was too hot for me a couple of days last week so obviously there is no pleasing me and it will probably warm up a bit later.


You are going through the wars Ros, roll on the summer break eh?  Sounds like you could do with a rest and a chance to recharge your batteries.


Looking forward to seeing all your finery later Summer, I love all that.  Love and kisses to Miss Bramble.

Good morning everyone Ros should only have to work this week and be on half term next week I think she deserves the break. I'm so excited today! The wedding is tomorrow Here's my cardi; I chose it because it's long sleeved, warm & a little fluffy, soft, and plain. I felt with the detailing on the dress, that the cardi needed to be plain. I still prefer squiggle's favourite one from her selection though, it is so pretty! These are my accessories.. Although, I made an impromptu decision to buy a small fascinator! The flower has been replaced by this; I was dithering about it and a lovely shop assistant took the entire stock off the shelf to find me the smallest one. I didn't realise the sizes varied and I'm so pleased she did it because the littlest one doesn't feel too over the top, I'm not a loud/showy person so such a head piece is quite out there for me. Mr summer loved it so I know it looks ok lol
~Sparkling Summer~

Morning everyone 

How nice Yogi getting a new ipad, enjoy 

Love the outfit Summer, and the accessories   Here is a cuddle for Miss Bramble 
Its been raining here and a bit humid, not the weather i like, its tiring but a bit better than the soaring heat. Never happy 

Got meetings this week as its coming up to D-Day , and have paper work to do, that has to be handed in today. So may not be around much 

 to all  

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Bramble's Mommy~:
I've only had a quick go on mine but mr summer has the week off so he's been playing with his all morning, he loves it Well done mr yogi, he's got good taste are you navigating it ok?

I am blundering around, gradually finding things as I go - why are there no instructions?!

Lol I usually use the trial & error + ask mr summer technique, but there are some good tutorial videos on the apple website. I think once you adjust to apple systems, you wonder why Microsoft complicate simple things like they do. Not having a keyboard is strange at first too


I'm off to get ready for the wedding, MIL is staying here overnight so need to prepare the spare room B&B style


Have a lovely day everyone see you tomorrow xxxx

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. Weather is cloudy atm. I'm hoping it's going to be like yesterday's weather, which started off cloudy and ended up sunny.

Summer, have a fabulous time at the wedding. I hope the weather stays fine and I wish your SiL and her new husband many happy years together.

I didn't know about the tutorials on the Apple website, I'll check it out.


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