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Good morning everyone, I've flung every window open so it's cool now but it got quite warm in the middle of the night and I am sure they didn't forecast it.  I think we need more breeze, I don't like it when the air is all still.


Hope the wedding goes really well Summer, it can't fail to be a happy time, weddings always are I know you will look wonderful and I hope you will be comfortable and warm too.


No keyboard on the iPad?  Don't you need to input text now and then?  Yogi as you find things out you must keep us updated, it's all new and exciting.


The Adagio movement from Mozart's Clarinet Concero in A major (K22) is regarded by some as one of the most beautiful pieces of music ever written. I thought I would post this video set to some stunning scenes. The music was used in the film Out of Africa in case you are trying to remember where you heard it before.


El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Lovely music and scenery, El, thank you for posting it.

Was "Out Of Africa" the film with Meryl Streep and Robert Redford? If so, I didn't like it.

Yes, it was. I didn't like it either but then I admit that I cannot stand Meryl Streep. I could have posted the clip from Out of Africa but I preferred the one I used.


El Loro

Good morning everyone


Cloudy but dry at present though there may be showers later.


This was published in our church magazine this month. It's not new so you may have seen it before.


Two elderly women were out driving in a large car - both could barely see over the dashboard.  As they were cruising along, they came to an intersection.  The stoplight was red, but they just went on through.  The woman in the passenger seat thought
to herself "I must be losing it.  I could have sworn we just went through a red light."

After a few more minutes, they came to another intersection and the light was red again.  Again, they went right through.  The woman in the passenger seat was almost sure that the light had been red but was really concerned that she was losing it.  She
was getting nervous.

At the next intersection, sure enough, the light was red and they went on through.  So, she turned to the other woman and said, "Mildred, did you know that we just ran through three red lights in a row?  You could have killed us both!"

Mildred turned to her and said, "Oh! Am I driving?"

El Loro

Also in the church magazine were these two brain teasers - they are far from original.


The drawer where you keep your socks has five pairs of grey socks and five pairs of black socks. If you can only take one sock from the drawer at a time and you can't see what colour you're taking until you've taken it, how many socks do you have to take before you know you will have at least one matching pair?


(and my little variation on the above is the same question but replaces socks with shoes)


There is a girl who lives in a bungalow. Everything in her home is pink. The lamp is pink, the bed is pink, the mirror is pink, the computer is pink, the kitchen is pink - even the plants are pink.

What colour are the stairs?


El Loro

Good morning everyone. Weather is cooler and raining.

For Ros, sorry I missed you last night. Not long until half term now.

Scottish schools close for their summer holidays at the end of June.

I liked the Mildred story, El. I think Soozy's answers to the puzzles are correct.

How is the kitchen going, Soozy? Do you have an idea how much longer it will be until it is finished?

Summer, I hope you will be here today to tell us how the wedding went.

Youngest son showed me the ibooks app, which I have downloaded. Lots of free books on there, as well as books you can buy.

Love to Skylark, Squiggle and Joyron.

Going grocery shopping later today and I also need to buy more potting compost, so I may nip to the garden centre (second visit of the week). Won't be buying any more plants though.


Re the kitchen yogi - it's probably best not to ask - I'm boring myself now TBH. They've sent me two old duffers from last of the summer wine to fit my kitchen - they whistle away quite chirpily as if they have all the time in the world. Day one - they fitted the legs on eight base units (incidentally the units weren't flat packed but ready assembled) Day two they affixed said units to the wall and took the sink out.


Hopefully it'll be finished for Christmas . The builder/ supervisor should be coming today after Mr Woo rang him - It's the bank holiday weekend coming up - next week will be week four and I'll have no one in till Wednesday!! The thing is - we're paying good money for this - they're (supposedly) not cowboys.



Sorrt for moaning and I hope alls well with you and all the buddies.

I'm not happy - and I did tell you not to ask but -


this is Miss Havasham sitting in her room full of boxes and dust signing off 

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Re the kitchen yogi - it's probably best not to ask - I'm boring myself now TBH. They've sent me two old duffers from last of the summer wine to fit my kitchen - they whistle away quite chirpily as if they have all the time in the world. Day one - they fitted the legs on eight base units (incidentally the units weren't flat packed but ready assembled) Day two they affixed said units to the wall and took the sink out.


Hopefully it'll be finished for Christmas . The builder/ supervisor should be coming today after Mr Woo rang him - It's the bank holiday weekend coming up - next week will be week four and I'll have no one in till Wednesday!! The thing is - we're paying good money for this - they're (supposedly) not cowboys.



Sorrt for moaning and I hope alls well with you and all the buddies.

I'm not happy - and I did tell you not to ask but -


this is Miss Havasham sitting in her room full of boxes and dust signing off 


Aww, I feel for you, Soozy.


Good morning everyone, it's a sort of bleughhh morning here.


Soozy when you feel like this you definitely need a big it will be worth it you will have the kitchen of your dreams.


I had to laugh Yogi when I read that you would be going to the garden centre but would not be buying any plants I reckon EL is not the only one who knows you so well


I agree with Skylark Summer, I hope the wedding was brilliant and you had a lovely time.  Skylark I hope all is well with you too.


Soozy, I'm sure your kitchen will be great once they've finished


Squiggle, the weather is a bit of a downer from what we've had in the last few days but it should be cooler for when you sleep.


I've just returned from a client who has given me some home baked scones - they are too many for me so here's some for you:

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, it's a sort of bleughhh morning here.


Soozy when you feel like this you definitely need a big it will be worth it you will have the kitchen of your dreams.


I had to laugh Yogi when I read that you would be going to the garden centre but would not be buying any plants I reckon EL is not the only one who knows you so well


I agree with Skylark Summer, I hope the wedding was brilliant and you had a lovely time.  Skylark I hope all is well with you too.

You've got me sussed.

A teeny, weeny, little nemesia plant found it's way home with me. Looks similar to this one.


El, those scones look delicious. I'll have mine with jam and cream, please. *drools*

I can't make scones, they never ever turn out right - they end up like biscuits.


Thank you everyone for your kind wishes re the unmentionable room in my house.


Now ..............i'm not a great cake maker by any means but - my scones really are delicious - the best I've tasted if I do say so myself. No idea why they come out so good. My daughter makes really fabulous cakes but she can't make scones like her old mum.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Thank you everyone for your kind wishes re the unmentionable room in my house.


Now ..............i'm not a great cake maker by any means but - my scones really are delicious - the best I've tasted if I do say so myself. No idea why they come out so good. My daughter makes really fabulous cakes but she can't make scones like her old mum.

I'm envious, Soozy, you could lay a path with mine.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Bet the scones have all gone  If you arent fast you are last! Only made them once and they could have replaced a cricket ball!

Your garden must be full by now Yogi 
I am well thanks squiggle, hope you and yours are too. 

Hi to Ros, hope you are keeping well. 


I don't have a big garden but I have 20+ planters in the back garden.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Yogi those nemesias are well known for nipping into your trolley when you are not looking


I could murder a sultana scone now - drool

Beware the nemesia nemesis, well known for what they get up to when you are not looking. They may look like innocent flowers, but underneath those petals lies an unfathomable darkness from which there is no escape.


Squiggle, you are safe with the scones I posted as they contain no saturated fat or sugar.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Yogi those nemesias are well known for nipping into your trolley when you are not looking


I could murder a sultana scone now - drool

Beware the nemesia nemesis, well known for what they get up to when you are not looking. They may look like innocent flowers, but underneath those petals lies an unfathomable darkness from which there is no escape.


Squiggle, you are safe with the scones I posted as they contain no saturated fat or sugar.

good evening It's been a mild, humid & drizzly day here, not that we saw an awful lot of it lol We got to bed at 2am last night, and fell asleep on our sofa's within an hour of arriving home Thank you for the gift skylark, I'm fine though :though: I had 4 cocktails but over 9 hours, and with a big dinner, snacks & a very tasty hot beef sandwich. Oh and cake too! The wedding was fab, it stayed dry outside too the bride looked stunning, and the groom looked very pleased with himself all day long I have a funny story about a camera but I'll tell you tomorrow Oh and the happy couple loved my cushion gift Yogi I hope you're getting to grips with the iPad, I love the keypad but have the advantage of having been using it on iPhone these last 2 years. I need a case though, one that lets the iPad stand up independently. for all of you, It feels so much like a weekend, I want to say "hope you've had a good weekend" lol Instead, I hope you've had a good mid-weekend x
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. Cloudy and dry weather up here.

Summer, I'm so glad the wedding went off well and that the bride and groom loved your cushion - I'm not surprised though, as it was beautiful.

I am getting used to the ipad keypad. They say practice makes perfect, so I'm practising, a lot!


El, I agree with you about the Ambrosia Rice advert, it creeps me out too. *shudders*


Hope everyone has a good day, will be back later.


Edit to add: I have just broken a took whilst eating some Fruit & Fibre.

I think it was the banana wot dun it.

Don't think I'll get an appointment with the dentist until after the Bank Holiday weekend, so I'll need to remember to eat on the other side. No pain atm, thank goodness.

Last edited by Yogi19

Good morning everyone, so glad the wedding went off well Summer and that the happy couple were pleased with your present, no surprise there as it was soooooo beautiful.


Grey here and looks like it will drizzle any second.


Ouch Yogi what timing, as you get older teeth are a nuisance, hope it doesn't give you any pain over the long weekend.


I am really looking forward to the pageant, I was telling my eldest grandson yesterday about the little ships at Dunkirk (46 of them are going to be in the pageant).  He had never heard the story and was very moved by it.  The Matthew (a replica of John Cabot's ship) which I sometimes see from my house is going to be in it. 


As well as The Spirit of Chartwell


which is also called Gloriana I believe, I'm a little confused about why it has two names but no doubt someone will know.  Among the rowers are Sir Matthew Pinsent and Sir Steve Redgrave.


Also the Kathleen & May will be taking part which used to be moored in Bideford but now makes its home in Liverpool, this is the ship which was The Charlotte Rhodes in The Onedin Line.  She is is the last surviving wooden British-built trading 3 mast topsail schooner.



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