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quick hello in here

Been a busy weekend with stag & hen do's, my colleague on holiday and my mum arriving + the puppy!
Today should be just a nice normal day with my mum along for the ride. 

Hope all is going well with everyone

El that music is great, I knew it sounded familiar but I didn't know where from or what it was called

Skylark, I understand why your son was dissapointed, the players could have made an effort for the fans sake at least!
~Sparkling Summer~

Skylark, the manager of Hibs has apologised to the fans for the team's poor performance:


"We didn't turn up, we didn't shine, we didn't deserve to win the game," said Fenlon.

"We didn't show anything. I apologise to the fans for having to sit and watch that."


I've been out much of the day visiting my client who lives out in the middle of nowhere, getting paid by them, and then going to the bank this afternoon to bank the cheque. I normally go to the bank when I do my shopping on a Saturday, but the size of the cheque warranted going there today


El Loro

Good afternoon everyone.    Bright and sunny here, although rather windy.


This is the first time I've been able to get into the thread today. 


Yogi, hope you have a great time on your hols.  El Loro, how lovely to get such a large cheque that it warrants a special visit to the bank.    Squiggle, Skylark, Summer and Rosgirl hope you are well.  Much love. 


Lucky you El! I would have went with you  

Yes Fenlon apologised and rightly so, El

Hi squiggle, hope all is well with you today x 

Hi Joyron, been having a bit bother too today

Cant see clips just now, keep getting message of shockwave flashplayer not responding   I am up to date a far as i know, so not sure why this is happening, very annoying


I have been Googling El, i am on Google Chrome at the moment, and apparently, from what i can make out. GC has an inbuilt shock player. Because i have Adobe,and AVG, they seem to be at odds with each other. I have gone into tools etc, but not sure of what i should be disabling, and dont want to be messing around with things i dont really understand.

I dont necessarily, think its a forum issue x

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Hi Skylark, yes thank you enjoying a beautiful summer afternoon, what a nice change, hope you are too.  As for your trouble viewing the videos, I think sometimes computers play up just because they can - they can be cussed

Hi squiggle, lovely day here too. Yes i agree about computers ! Tomorrow all will be well probably, and hopefully! x


Skylark, doing a quick search seems to suggest the problem is caused by a conflict between the built in shock player in Chrome and the shock player from Adobe you have as well. The suggestion seems to be that you disable the one built into Chrome.


This link goes into details about how to do this but I cannot confirm that this will work and I can't say if it's even a good idea or not - I have no way of finding out for certain as I've never used Chrome and so can't play about with it.


El Loro
The hen meal went perfectly thanks skylark, the bride is soooo not a hen do lady, so we had a simple surprise meal with a 50's housewife gift basket & cupcakes she loved it.
The stag ended up naked, tied to a bus stop post! Apparently he deserved it because he's done many similar a thing to other grooms in the past lol

Hope everyone had a good Monday
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


A sunny day without a cloud in the sky and pleasantly warm


Yogi's certainly been lucky in taking this week to be on holiday


Yesterday evening I had the slow issue on a thread where there were only a small number of postings, similar to what squiggle said a few days ago. I think the root problem is to do with servers rather than anything else. This forum uses the same servers as other websites so is competing with them when it comes to servers. The answer would seem to be to get more powerful servers.


El Loro

Good morning everyone, another lovely morning, picture postcard perfect it is out there at the moment.  Off later on to do running around duties with all the family having appointments in Barnstaple and maybe grabbing a bite to eat in between appointments.


EL I think we are not economically viable to warrant extra servers unfortunately.  I notice that the Darnies have taken to the open road in their luxury caravan so if everyone is struggling mightily that is an option we could consider.  Tell us your thoughts Buddies and we could strike out afresh.  One or two ideas - we could launch The Buddies Sauna, where we could natter away whilst gently steaming - something which might appeal to our Scottish members The Steamie or maybe we could set sail upon the seven seas in a luxury yacht?  Befitting Ben's style of course   We could call it Britannia if that idea appeals or we could go Carry on Cruising or All At Sea?  Anyway something to ponder.


I hope the sun shines on you all today, especially you Yogi enjoying your well-deserved break.


Squiggle, I'll have a ponder about possible names. We shouldn't do anything until Yogi gets back though.


As far as your comment on economic viability, I don't think that's a factor as the servers are for virtually all of the Social Strata's customers who use for their forums etc - Gagajoyjoy is just one of an unknown number of sites, the vast majority of which we would not know about.


El Loro


Sorry i disappeared last night, was finding it difficult to post so gave up. 

Will have a think about possible names too. i see you are going down the nautical route squiggle 

Not a very nice day here, misty and a bit chilly, looks like rain too. The rest of the country is to have a lovely day, so enjoy 

@ the stag , Summer

Hope you are well Ros 

morning! I'm in!!!! Quickly and easily, and on the iPhone app It's a lovely sunny day here, I can't wait until lunch time I'm open to all name suggestions to the thread, if and when the time comes a sauna would be lovely, a sauna on a cruise ship would be superb Squiggle, for a brief moment I read your post and thought you'd said you were going running I hope running your errands is a smooth task for you
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by El Loro:

While I was out to see a client, Buddies Bunkhouse came into mind and it keeps the BB in short


I foresee problems with that, I considered it and discarded it, for reasons you might or might not be able to work out if you think about it.  And of course, bearing Ben in mind, we are aiming for the luxury option


What a gorgeous day out there I don't know about smooth Summer but let's just say that two hulking great grandsons have signed in to all their various appointments and I have run round some Beechams and Hot Lemon and phoned my daughter's appointment to say she couldn't make it as she is unwell.  We got some shopping in for her and both boys are safely delivered home full of MacDonalds, so job done I reckon.


  • EDIT  Hulking great rather than great grandsons - I'm not that old
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Ah well, we will have time to get everyone's opinions and then when Yogi returns we can make a final decision and start afresh - I hope you know a bit about hoisting sail EL if we are to launch the Buddies Brigantine


Not a huge amount, I'm afraid - "Avast, ye landlubbers", "Splice the mainbrace" come to mind And from my old days as a cub, then scout, there's Fore (the front), Aft (the back), Port (the left), and Starboard (the right). Now if my grandfather was still around, that would be a different matter.


In the mean time, there's this list of nautical terms to get to grips with:


After that lot, I'm pooped (that's a nautical term for exhausted or swamped by water and comes from poop deck which is a high deck so if the ship was so swamped with water that it reached the poop deck everyone would get pooped)

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, I hope it brightens up in your area soon, it is very pleasant here.


Nice uniform - I was thinking more of the costumes for you, and the others - it might be a little cold for you on board

Nonsense, if we are to launch a Brigantine following extensive research amongst the Buddies we shall immediately cast off and head for warmer climes


Morning everyone 

Nice outfits there squiggle, although i may be getting a tad old for that one! 
I thought of a good name thru the night (as you do!) Fell back asleep and forgotten it 

Yes El, thankfully not too much damage done in The Bulgarian earthquake. The hotel my son and friends are booked into is still standing. Still a worry when they go though...

Nice morning here, the sun is shining  


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