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My neighbours are now having their house done for cavity wall insulation, so I hope it doesn't take too long as I'm having to put up with the sound of constant drilling at present. The previous owners lived their for years without ever bother to getting it done which was a bit silly considering the grants around. My house was done before I moved here, and I have loft insulation not that it stops the phone calls coming saying I was entitled to a grant etc.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Skylark, the name you thought of will come back to you suddenly out of the blue.


Yes it will, more than likely 

Hope the drilling doesnt go on too long for you. 

Off to do a bit of food shopping, and son woke up this morning full of the cold, again so will get him something. I have given the family Vit C as long as i can remember, but they still are so prone to colds. Wee one has the sniffles too. I should have shares in Beecham the amount of medication i buy! 

See you later  


Skylark, the drilling has stopped now, but there's the sound of the generator for the pump pumping the insulation foam into the holes. It's not too bad, though it's just as well I'm not going out as their cables are all over the driveway.


It's a pity your family seem to be so prone to colds even though they have the tablets

El Loro

Skylark that must have been very worrying, thank goodness your son is safe.  There are such a lot of bugs going around at the moment, my daughter is quite poorly with it.


I am sure the cavity wall insulation will be all finished quite quickly now that they are onto the pumping stage EL.  We had ours done under the Warmfront Scheme, didn't cost a penny because my husband was disabled following a stroke.  The biggest difference in heat loss though was the double glazing which we paid for ourselves.


Thats good El, it didnt take that long 

Son isnt off to Bulgaria till end of July, hope things have settled by then. I was checking to see if the hotel they have booked is still standing, as the holiday is all paid for. But i expect getting the money back wouldnt have been a problem, well maybe! 
Hope your daughter is feeling better soon squiggle x 


I've just realised that the Olympic torch will be going through Gloucester tomorrow. For some reason I had thought it was on Friday. As a result I had arranged to go to see a client tomorrow morning and the route I take would clash with the torch route for a bit. So I've just rung my client and left a message for her to ring me back so we can rearrange things. 


El Loro

Lewis tonight has an interesting cast list. There's a new DI who seems to be a new regular as he's in the next episode as well. He's played by Jason Durr who was in Heartbeat as Mike Bradley. Then there's also Freddie Fox, Laurence's cousin but I'm not aware he's playing a relative of Hathaway's. Freddie Fox was recently in The Mystery of Edwin Drood as Edwin Drood. This time he's playing someone with the rather unusual name of Sebastian Dromgoole.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Skylark, the earthquake in Bulgaria yesterday doesn't seem to have been very serious, and Bulgaria seems to have earthquakes very often, so your son should be able to enjoy his holiday when he takes it.


Yes but you know me a born worrier! 

You cant miss the Olympic torch, i must check when its near me, still havent done that yet. 
Looking forward to watching Lewis  


Good morning everyone


Cloudy here and a bit misty, but quite warm and forecast to be the warmest day of the year so far.


With Lewis, I wonder if there will be any development in any potential romance between him and Dr Laura Hobson. There were signs in last night's episode that Lewis is starting to realise he needs to change.


Next week's episode is called Fearful Symmetry. That title comes from William Blake's The Tyger.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, couldn't get on the internet after I posted yesterday, router problems but seems OK now, thank goodness.  Amazing how you miss it, that's why I'm up so early I thought I would have another wrestle with it Thank goodness Skylark, I thought your son was out there now in the middle of an earthquake


The weather here is horrible, evidently even a mile away from us yesterday it was nice and sunny but in this small corner it was cold (of course I changed to the summer duvet yesterday) and misty and this morning it somehow combines cold, misty and humid, not a breath of wind.  Hope the weather is better where you are.


I've just been watching the torch relay online as it went past the area closest to me, about half a mile away. They are about 10 minutes ahead of schedule so I hope people didn't miss it if they were intending to be there. A slight hiccup as one torch bearer passed the flame from their torch to the next as the next one failed to light and so they had to get a replacement, but other than that it passed without incident. I'm sure the torchbearers will remember this day for the rest of their lives.


El Loro

I had to go out for a few minutes this morning to deliver a letter. When I got back, my computer seemed to be as it was when I left. I opened my Outlook Express to look at my emails. I needed to refer to an email I had sent a couple of months ago so clicked on Sent Items, and that's when I realised that there was something wrong. There were no emails there later than a couple of years ago. That's off I thought. I tried opening Excel but I got an error message saying that the file couldn't be found. I then tried the Ctrl-Alt-Delete to see if I could see anything odd, but I got a similar message. It was obvious that something seriously wrong had happened. Initially I though I would try System Restore but got the same error message.


In the end I thought rather than close down my computer as normal I would just switch it off. I did that as normally on close down (even if it were to work), it would save the system settings and if those had become corrupted I wouldn't want to save those. I switched back on and it rebooted as normal. Everything seems to be OK now but I did notice when I opened Excel and went to open a file it took longer than normal for the list of files to appear, almost as if it was having to recreate them.


I've had a look at the Windows Events Manager to see if there was anything odd there but couldn't see anything.


It's a bit disconcerting when something like this happens for no apparent reason. It's possible that something happened while I was out and that some warning message appeared on the screen which had gone by the time I got back.


El Loro

Good morning everyone.    Sun is coming out now after a very misty start.


Had to go to the doctors for a fasting blood test this morning.  The doctor wants to see if there is anything showing in the results which could be causing the problems with getting the infected mole on my back to heal.  It did seem to be getting better a while back but now it's looking "angry" again.  I have an appointment with the doctor next Friday, 1st June, so that he can see how things are before the upcoming minor ops clinic.  I really don't want to miss out on getting the mole removed at the third attempt, if at all possible!!


All very strange about your computer El Loro.  At least you knew what to try to put things right.  If that happened to me I would have to wait for No.1 son to come and fix it for me!!  I had problems with the sky system on Monday and had to wait until last night before No.1 son had a chance to come and sort it out for me; which he did!!


The olympic torch is due to pass close by to where I live early in the morning on 6th July, so I'm hoping to be able to go and see it.


Love to you all.  Have a good day. 

Good afternoon It's a lovely summer's sunny day here, yipppppeeeee!!!!!!! My mum is on her way home, we've had a lovely visit, miss bramble worked her puppy magic and really gave my mum something to smile about I should be around more as normal now, sorry to hear so many people are suffering colds/flu and I hope the bugs are of short durations Joyron, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that they can sort out your mole once and for all now El I hope your computer is alright, I think a scan is wise
~Sparkling Summer~

Joyron, I hope your mole gets sorted out soon


Summer, I'm glad Bramble helped to cheer your mother up, and nice photos


What I have done with my computer is to run a computer tune up which is part of my antivirus s/w as it's relatively quick. It sorts out things like uneccesary files and broken registry links. It did pick up various broken registry links and corrected them. I will run a full scan later today.


El Loro

Just a small tip to those like me who are experiencing problems in posting here. I find that when I post, if I get the spinning cog wheels appearing, once they stop spinning, even if they stay there without coming back to the forum screen, I can close the cog wheels screen, close the Post Reply screen by clicking the cross at the top right hand corner, then click on Big Brother UK at the top left (after TV Shows and before Ben's Buddies or whichever thread you are in) then the forum list of threads shows that my post has got through.

El Loro

Joyron what a nuisance, I hope they can get the mole settled down and are able to remove it on schedule


Bramble is certainly looking grown up now, I am so glad she has cheered your mum up.


I have found that some spyware manages to slip in, very rarely, and I do rely on Spybot to pick up those that have slipped past the firewall and anti-virus.  As my grandson said recently 'why do these people do this?' it's a puzzle to me too.


Squiggle, I can't understand the mentality of people who mess other people's computers up. I reckon I get one phone call a month from characters saying there's a problem with my computer. Last time I asked them where did they get the information from that there were problems on my computer. If they replied that it was from Microsoft my next question would have been to ask them how come Microsoft's privacy policy specifically says that they will not pass on any details and will not contact you. If they replied from your internet service provider my next question would be in that case can you tell me the name of my internet service provider and my account number. If they replied that it was shown on their screen, my next question would be to ask them that they could confirm that they had hacked into my computer. All unaswerable questions which would leave them stumped. In the event when I asked them where did they get the information from, the phone went dead.


El Loro

Just to let you know the scan has just finished, No viruses as such but there were some tracking adware cookies which I deleted though no doubt they will return soon enough, There was also a piece of malware called popularscreensaver . exe which somehow got into My Downloads. There are screensavers of that name which are legit and some which aren't. I know I didn't download that myself so that must have crept it possibly piggybacking on something which I did download. Must have been downloaded fairly recently as it's not that long ago since I did the previous scan. Anyway I got rid of it.


El Loro

Good morning everyone


Took about 3 minutes to get onto this thread just now.


It's sunnier than yesterday morning and is going to be another warm day here.


I've seen that the people who live in parts of Gloucestershire such as Newent and Cinderford are so upset that the Olympic torch went nowhere near them that they are going to do their own torch relay over 2 days by bike.


Of the lots of photos on the local news website from yesterday there was this one of a torch bearer who was clearly enjoying himself

Patrick Sheehy
Patrick Sheehy
El Loro

Good morning everyone, it was a very warm night here and this morning at 5am it was uncomfortably warm.  Thank goodness the breeze has picked up a bit now and it's definitely cooler.  I'm glad there were no serious viruses on your computer EL, I must do a search on the PC because I uninstalled the firewall and the anti-virus on there when I had trouble with the router.  I know from past experience that sometimes if they get corrupted they can prevent you accessing the internet and so I took them out and reinstalled.  But just to be on the safe side I will run a check to make sure nothing slipped in.


I don't fancy the temperatures this afternoon, 27 degrees which is very unusual for down here, I hope it's pleasant but not uncomfortable where you all are today - enjoy the sunshine.


I liked the picture too EL, when you think about the number of torchbearers and the places to stop and the amount of vehicles in the convoy it must be a logistical nightmare.


Squiggle, I know it's time consuming, but it's advisable to do full scans in safe mode from time to time, particularly when you've had to reinstall the firewall as it only takes a matter of seconds for a computer to become infected. The last time I had to do something like that where the firewall was disabled for a time I actually took the internet cable out of my computer (I use wired rather than wireless) so that it would be impossible for anything to creep on to my computer.


Squiggle, the temperature in your area is forecast to be cooler by Sunday and in my area by Monday. By Tuesday, temperatures will be back to average.

El Loro

Morning all 

Glad you got things sorted El, you are lucky you know what you are doing.

Lovely pics Summer, glad you had a nice time with your mum.

Weather a bit overcast here just now, but to brighten later, it was very hot yesterday.

That chap holding the torch looks very happy  

Are we closing this thread soon, after Yogi returns?  

Love to Joyron and Ros   

Edit to say i like Buddies Bunkhouse , if we are to have new members during BB, it sounds like there is room for all ! Or maybe Buddies Bunker, somewhere to hide 
I am not understanding the nautical theme, but thats just me  Having said that, i shall go along with whatever is decided xx

Last edited by Former Member

Skylark, the chances are that we will need to relaunch this thread as in recent times, it has been very difficult to get on this thread. We think it's probably due to the number of pages. We're waiting for Yogi to get back from her holiday as otherwise she would wonder what's happened. The Darnells and Corin Cribsters have had to do the same.


El Loro

Good morning everyone.    It's really hot here today.  We are supposed to have some quite strong winds coming in from the east over the weekend so hopefully that will take the edge off the heat.


I'm happy to go along with whatever name gets chosen for our new thread.  If I'm not about much over the coming days I'll look out for a new name, or perhaps you can leave me a message elsewhere.    I think that Squiggle should launch the new thread, as she did with this one so long ago now!!


Have a great day whatever you are doing. 

Originally Posted by El Loro:

I'm not sure about Buddies Bunker as that suggests to be that we are in hiding which implies we are some sort of clique which we're not.


Yes i thought that as i said it! I couldnt get back into the post to edit it. Of course we will wait on Yogi. She certainly picked the best week to have her holiday, the weather has been glorious. Whatever name is decided i am sure will be fine  

Just going out to pick up some Factor 50 for granddaughter, we were out yesterday and i have lost the one i had. 

catch you all later xx 


I agree with you Joyron, that it should be squiggle to launch a new thread if that's what we decide. I can then close this one as I'm able to as a moderator and I would put a link into the new thread from this thread.

As you say, the wind is expected to strengthen but as it will still be sunny that increases the risk of sun burn for those who stay out for a long time.


El Loro

I'm back from running my grandsons around (again ) and it is so hot in Barnstaple.  My eldest grandson is like me and not keen on the heat my youngest grandson loves the heat.  I wonder whether there is anything in the theory that when you are born affects your ability to cope with heat?  I was born in November, my eldest grandson in February but my youngest grandson in August!  Hmmmmm.


So far of the names suggested, and to keep the alliteration going, I like EL's suggestion of Ben's Buddies Brigantine - it will be quite fun I think to sail the seven seas, who knows what adventures we might have but we will reach a final decision when Yogi returns and a launch date can be picked.  Great idea of your's EL to close the thread and provide a link


The worst sunburn I ever got was in Cornwall on a beach with a strong wind blowing, it didn't feel too hot but my legs were burned so badly I couldn't stand a sheet on them.  So be careful out there

Good morning, nope, afternoon! It's a gorgeous day here and I'm loving it, the hotter the better for me I struggled to load this thread but I'm in now El & Squiggle I hope neither of you have problems with viruses, it's so frustrating having to deal with them and squiggle, how are your poorly family members? Hi skylark & joyron hope you're having a good day each When is yogi back? When is yogi
~Sparkling Summer~

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