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Evening Baz.

Not a nice day here with 12c and light rain with a moderate breeze.

We had a nice video link with Australia so had a good half hours chatting with my lad and his family in Sydney, watching the youngster grow up is fantastic. she had a massive 1 year Birthday cake, she could have climbed up it and sat down.

Then we went out for brekkie to Carr Farm, had my usual sausage blck pud, hash brown and beans with toast then bought some postit notes and a rack of bacon ribs for tomorrow.

Didn't go in the garden, watched the f1 at 2.20pm then put a piece of Jacobs Ladder in the oven, o/h cooked some carrots and cauli and mash. i love a thick strong gravy which i made.

Just had a christmas pudding with some clotted cream, yummy.

I enjoyed strictly, they are all doing so well. wonder who will go now.

Sorry to hear you had a bad couple of days, just wish we could make things easier for you.

Glad you had a nice Spa and Facial hour, it all helps.

It's just like having one eye really, will have to see what they say Friday because at the moment my left eye us useless and not sure if the cause is the eye bleed at the back or the cataract op failed, i believe they don't all work.

Hope Mollie had a good break in Birmingham.

Have a good Evening.


Evening All.

Only 14c today here, sunny intervals and a gentle breeze.

Had sausages on toast for brekkie, yummy.

Did more jobs in the garden, took down the tomato plants, fastened all the spare water pipes to the back fence out of my way, put away bags of screws nails etc, i leave stuff on a seat in the summerhouse when i have finished with it to be put back where it came from.

Put one of the old 50cm plastic saucers on eat of the tubs i will be using for veg next spring.

For tea i had a Laksa soup, then had a pan of bacon ribs, then i baked 2 scones, thawed them first this time, will make another batch in the morning.

The Circle finishes this week, but what will replace it?

On Strictly, it always amazes me when the judges say, i din't know how you are in the bottom 2 this week, don't they realise it's the public that did it, if you don't have the fans then you are out, nothing to do with the dancing, in the end it's down to who has the most fans as usual.

Have a good evening.



Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Weather is a bit better today ...although still a bit damp....but it is October , so I’ve changed the bed , cleaned the kitchen and done some washing and ironing . Hope you’re all having a good day .


Hicky , I agree about strictly ....but I do think the judges often try to  slew the end result by over, or under marking ....and I think they did undermark  Dev and overmark the likes of David on Saturday . It’s Bake Off tonight ... I just hope they’ve stopped fawning over Steph  Roll on I’m a celeb  Mollie , I hope you are ok and you’ve had a good couple of days . 

Have a good evening both . Take care 


Evening Baz.

Not too bad today, 15c mainly cloud, a glimpse of sun and a gentle breeze.

Had bacon egg and tomoto with 2 hash browns for brekkie.

Did more work in the garden, picked the apples off the Red Falstaff tree and stored in the garage.

Made another batch of scones with fruit, this time i kept a few out and froze the rest after baking.

For tea i had seafood soup, then a tin of Ox Tongue on seed crackers.

You had a busy day really, it's always easier to do things when you don't really need to.

On Stricly, the judges are bound to prefer one over another, they are only human, much the same way we prefer one more than another, sometimes without reason.

Mollie, hope all is well with you after your Birmingham trip.

Have agood evening.



 both xx

I am back. Had a lovely time with aunts, and still have no lappy so had to wait awhile to get on here as I have been busy (the graduation is on Saturday) and I am sharing OH's lappy. Aunts enjoyed chatting with us and looking at old photos of my mums from when they were young. They even treated us to tea at the Toby carvary, very nice, they even do dumplings now and have a great choice of veg. 


sorry you had a couple of bad days, but glad to see you are still enjoying the spa day. Hope you were ok today. 

I didn't have chance to see Strictly as I had gone to see my aunts, but did see Celeb X Factor which I enjoyed. 


you have been busy in your garden. Hope you had the lovely weather we had here today. Do you prefer your scones with fruit? I do enjoy nice fruity ones. 

Hope the hospital can work out what is going on with that eye of yours, and help sort it on Friday. 

Been nice and sunny all day today, makes a change from all the rain. 

Looking forward to the Apprentice. Wonder what they are up to? 

But oh dear at Bake Off, so sad to see the back of lovely Henry. 

have a good evening both xxx


Evening All.

Not too bad today with 14c any sunny intervals and a moderate breeze.

Didn't have brekkie before we went out to th farm shop, got some lovely food and a couple of pies which i had when we got back.

Did more jobs in the garden as the wheelies go out today so cut down more old veg growth, got more to do beefore winter.

Had 2 brown barms for tea with bacon and egg, going to do myself a nice scone soon,

Bought a couple of lambs hearts which i will stuff and braise tomorrow, got a couple of Jacobs Ladders, will have one Sunday.

still having a Banana each day, they are so cheap and so nice, like also to keep a stock of good size tomatoes and mushrooms, also sliced Salami and cheshire cheese, also cooked beetroot, and i also bought 2 packs os cooked corn on the cob for a change.

Have a good Evening.


Evening Mollie.

we posted together again.

Glad you had a good time in Birmingham.

Yes, i prefer to have fruit in the scones, just makes them tastier.

Yes, looking forward to The Apprentice, they do get crazy things to do, isn't it toys tonight.

Didn't watch bake off, i think they give them impossible tasks and far too many cakes to make.


Evening All.

Not too bad today, 14c cloud, sun and rain by 5pm, a moderate breeze.

Had a sausage bap for brekkie, yummy.

We should be getting the car next Wednesday.

O/h taking me to the eye clinic in the morning.

Did more jobs in the garden.

For tea i mage braised stuffed lamb hearts with mash potato and a very special gravy made with the juices of the cooking stock etc, wow, and it made 2 meals so will freeze one as 1 heart was enough.

Mind you i had a scone later.

Only 2 days left on The Circle.

Not sure when the Jungle starts again. 

Just watching recordings, Ozzy gold hunters, 24 hrs in A&E etc.


Most shows are old ones thats the problem on tv these days.

Have a good Evening.


Evening Mollie and Hicky Nice to see you back Mollie, glad you had a nice time at your aunts Hope you can sort your computer problems out soon . Hicky , just popped in to say I hope it goes well at the eye clinic tomorrow . 

My gardener came today and cut the lawns ....and hairdresser cut my hair it’s all shorn chez Baz Apart from that the weather has been quite nice today . Nothing much on tv tonight ....but found the Apprentice hilarious last night Anyway , have a good evening both ...take care 


both xxx


I guess its a good job the 2 jobs don't get confussed, .....not sure how your hair would turn out if the gardener cut it, and how your lawns would look with a trim and blowdry. 

How is Sammy settling in now? 

I agree Apprentice last night was really good.   What did you think of Bake Off?


hope all goes well tomorrow at the eye hospital? Its good your OH is around to give you a lift. 

I saw the advert for IAC.  No start date though.

Sounds like the scone was a nice desert to have after your tea. 

Not been a bad day today. Only the odd shower. Went to asda and found some black leather shoes for son's graduation. 25% off clothes/shoes there today, so that was good. 

Watched the sweet show where to match up families to dogs to rehome them. 

Watching a show about Charlotte Church now.

Have a good evening both xxx


  both xxx


hope the visit to the eye clinic went ok today. I know you might not be able to post today though as a visit to eye hospital affects your sight. 


hope you are ok today. Did you get out today?

I didn't because the weather was just awful! Thunder, lightning, very heavy showers. The pets were not impressed. Thunder scares them. 

Son's graduation tomorrow. We have his outfit all sorted....dark blue suit, yellow tie with blue bits on it, pale blue shirt, black leather shoes. (shoes a bargain from asda with 25% off). Ended up buying suit online as it was a lot cheaper than the shops. I have my black dress, peachy coloured coat and matching scarf sorted. (luckily didn't have to buy from new though).

Looking forward to Gogglebox now. 

Have a good evening both. x

hope Hicky can watch tv ok tonight. 


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Not too bad today with 14c sunny intervals and a gentle breeze.

Went to eye clinic, right eye was ok on the letter chart test even with the cataract, the left one was hopeless, at first i couldn't even see the top line then with stiring i could make out a couple of letters, just, nurse went to see someone, then i had the eye pictures taken, they said the docture didn't have a space available so they showed him the first picture then took a colour one, they said he would look at the picture and will get back to me with what to do next.

Had sausage sandwiches for late brekkie when we got back, for tea had 2 of those precooked long life corn on the cob, wow didn't realise how good they are, 2 in a bag for £1.80 and you can booil to heat or microwave, very tasty.

Then i thawed a beef curry and boiled some rice, put them together to make a Biryani and had it with some Lime Pickle, wow, nice.

Mollie, Just seen your latest post, we posted together again, with me being at the eye clinic this morning the eye drops only last up to 6 hours so they are ok now, can only use one eye though which isn't good as i can't judge distance now which makes lide interesting.

IAC should start about the 2nd Sunday in November about the 17th, the Circle finished tonight.

Hope Son has all the clothes he needs now, exciting times.

Didn't watch the show about Charlotte church, couldn't see why i would be interested in her.

Been watching recording and Salvage Hunters, Drew.

Baz, Grass and Hair cut, if they got together it could be a good business, one does the garden the other the hair, how cool would that be.

The apprentice gets more stupid all the time, they don't even understand the brief, they are thick, i wouldn't employ any of them, Lord Sugar must be pulling his hair out thinking he has to have one of them as a partner.

Never seen such dreadful toys, and for a 6 to 8yr old, omg, how embarrasing.

Have a good evening, the weekend upon us all ready.

Last edited by Hicky

Evening Both.

Only 13c today rain and cloud with sun wind gentle.

Had saltfish and bacon for brekkie, and made some cupcakes.

Did some pruning of the greenhouse vine.

Been watching some darts but had to record tonights because of strictly.

Love watching countdown, tipping point, catchphrase and many others.

For tea i cooked 2 lamb chops with whole mushrooms and before the end i put some cut up smoked bacon in, very tasty really.

Hope you both had a lovely day.




pity you have this problem in one eye and have to wait for the doc to get back to you. Hope you don't have to wait too long for him to get back.

Sounds like you enjoyed your food today, you certainly have a varied menu. 

Yes the contestants do seem useless on the Apprentice. They must have chosen them not on merit but on who is likely to entertain us the most!

What sort of cupcakes are you making?


hope you had a good Saturday. Did you get out today? 

Today was son's graduation. We got there just after 9am.  It went very well, he looked so smart with the new suit and cap and gown on. The families were supplied with ample drinks and food , so can't complain. I rarely drink but enjoyed a few glasses of proscecco with the food. It was a large variety of small cup cakes, fruit flapjacks, quiches, cheese muffins, chicken on sticks, smoked salmon and phylly bagels.  

We also went for tea at the local pub to celebrate and I had brie dippers, mash and salad. 

Luckily the weather today was perfect. Lots of sun, only a quick light shower. 

Hope you both had nice weather too. It was just awful here yesterday, absolutely pouring most of the day.

Looking forward to X Factor tonight. 

Have a good evening both xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Hope you are all enjoying your Sunday . I’ve had a really bad weekend ...but I’ve just got back from my spa hour , so physically at least I’m a bit more relaxed . Apart from that I’ve none a load of washing and hoovered up a lazy day for me 


Glad you’re sons graduation went well Mollie ....and congratulations to him Hicky , I hope the doctor gets back to you soonDid you both enjoy SCD yesterday ? I’m glad they have pulled back on the marking was getting a bit ridiculous 


Anyway , hope you both have good evening 


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Weather a mixed bag today, cloud rain and sun again, a moderate breeze.

Had eggs on toast for brekkie, then did some leaf picking up with the spiked bamboo cane, it works rather well, mind you i was picking up grape vine leaves which are a good size, i have put my chicken wire cage which is about 50cm across and over 1 meter high in the greenhouse so i can empty the buckets of leaves direct into it and they should start drying.

I have been watching the Darts yesterday and this afternoon, the last session is tonight so i am going to record the Strictly results.

For tea i boiled one of the corn on the cob, then had a Jacobs Ladder i cooked earlier, then had a cupcake and a scone.

Mollie, Will just have to wait and see, maybe it's not serious so no hurry to sort it out, just hope it's something they can put right or make better than it is.

On The Apprentice they seem to have chosen the contestants because of their jobs they are in now, i noticed they all seemed to have businesses all ready.

The cupcakes were supposed to be a lemon drizzle cake but i put the batter into the cupcake cases.

So glad the day went well for your lad at the graduation, how lovely for you all.

 Baz, Sorry to hear you've had a bad weekend, oh dear, glad you had your spa hour though.

You take it easy, you have nothing to prove to anyone.

I would suggest you find some sort of hobby that you can get your teeth into or a job helping at a garden center or something like that, you really need to get out and meet people and find more friends, cats are ok, but better if they could talk.

Have a good evening.

The darts is on now, love it.




very sorry to hear you have been having a bad few days this weekend.   Glad you managed to get to your spa though.   

What did you think of Gogglebox this week?  at the end of it...bit naughty wasn't it? But very funny too. 


good job you have your spiked bamboo cane because at this time of year, there is no shortage of leaves. 

What is a Jacobs Ladder? Glad to see you are enjoying your home baking. Nice to have scones and cupcakes.  I love lemon drizzle flavour too. 

Lovely day here today. Even got a nice read on the swing chair. Went for brekkie at weathespoon this morning with OH and son. Always good value with a full plate there. 

Did 5 washloads and got it nearly all dry in the sun. 

Watching Antiques roadshow. Not sure what to watch then, as don't fancy watching Harry and Megan. 

Have a good evening both xxx


 both xxx


hope you are having an ok day today. Did you manage to get out and about?


hope the weather was alright for you to get into your garden. 

It was a lovely day here today, bit of drizzle first thing, then nice and sunny after. Got plenty of washing done. Then went to see a disabled friend and I chatted to her whilst daughter steamed her old wallpaper off in her dining room. Daughter nearly finished now, taken a few visits to do it. 

Not sure what to watch on tv, not very impressed with the choice. 

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Had a phone call first thing today from the eye clinic at the hospital, have to be there 08.30 in the morning, Tuesday.

Not bad today really, 12c with cloud and sun and a gentle breeze.

Had a tin of tomatoes with toast for brekkie.

Did some work in the garden, there is a 3x3" vertical support post missing from the raised beds arrangement. not sure why, anyway, decided to add it in as i have a few of the 8ft posts still left over from 6 years ago, i was originally going to sink the posts at each end of the fruit trees but decided not too, difficult working with 1 eye though.

For tea had a portion of butter sauce from the freezer and added half a bag of raw king prawns chopped up, also add a handful of sliced green Jalapeno chillies and made some boiled rice.

Mollie, This is a Jacobs Ladder, think it's called a short rib, it has a thin wine bone and a lot of lovely meat in layers.

Jacobs Ladder
Jacobs Ladder, Short Rib and a load of beef, yummy.


Jacobs Ladder, Short Rib
Jacobs Ladder, Short rib is sliced between the Ribs.

You have been busy, always nice to have brekkie out though.

Well done to your daughter, not easy stripping wallpaper off

I will have to watch some recordings tonight.

Baz, Hope you are mastering the new cat, and managing to get out and about and taking it easy.

Have a good evening Both.

Last edited by Hicky


hope the hospital goes well tomorrow. 

Thanks for the food piccies, my daughter and OH like those, but never heard them referred to as Jacobs Ladder before, think it is just spare ribs I have heard. 

Goodnight both xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hick  Hope you are having a good day .

I had a new hoover delivered  so I’ve been giving the house a good clean . We bought one of those cordless ones a few years ago because our old one had become too heavy for us to cart around ...especially up and down the stairs . But tbh I was never very happy with the suction , and now I’ve got Sammy I decided I needed to get a better one .....and found a pet ( lightweight, corded one) quite cheaply in Argos .Apart from that , I changed the bed , and done two loads of washing and ironing I’m absolutely shattered ! Needless to say Sammy has spent the day sleeping


Hicky , the food looks yummy and I hope the hospital appointment went well Mollie , I enjoyed Gogglebox always ...but like you say , the last bit I’m looking forward to Bake Off tonight , although I’m guessing it will be very predictable !


Anyway, I hope you both enjoy your evening 





hope you are pleased with your new pet vacuum.  Sammie is certainly influencing your shopping decisions now.   But of course our pets are part of the family, so always do.   Sammy is very wise sleeping soundly whilst you do the washing/vacuuming. 

As you say, going on past shows, looks like Bake Off could be predictable again. 


hope you got on ok at hospital today. Did you get a lift there and back?

Another lovely day here today. So managed to get a read of my book on my swing chair. 

Even got a few washloads dried on the line. 

Met 2 friends for brekkie at our local carvary today. then went with them to choose wallpaper for my friend's dining room. Daughter has nearly finished stripping the paper off now, so she has to patch up the holes with plaster, then put the paper up. We got the paste you put straight on the walls as I thought that was easier than the one you have to put on the paper. 

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

A nice day really weatherwise, 13c light cloud, sun and a gentle breeze.

O/H took me to the hospital for 08.30 and i was finished within an hour, had an eye injection, thats my 7th now, a bit uncormfortable on the day though.

Had sausage and smoked bacon on toast when i got back.

Didn't do jobs in the garden as wasn't in the mood.

For tea i had the rest of the braised stuffed heart and very tasty gravy with frozen mash i zapped in the micro.

probably an early night for me to rest the eye.

Mollie, No, Spare Ribs are Pork, these are Beef and called Jacobs Ladder and have about 3" of mean on the wide bone, nothing like spare ribs.

Yes, o/h took me and brought me back, she had arranged to go in work late, she should have been in at 09.30.

You have been busy again, washing, brekkie out, wallpaper shopping.

Have never used that paste on the wall paste. for wallpaper, you'll have to let us know how well it works.

Baz, We have the G-Tech cordless cleaner, we don't have stairs of course and all floors are laminate flooring on top of either wood or in the kitchen it's concrete, but the cleaner and a mob with a floor pollisher, all which are very very light are ideal.

Hope your new cleaner works fine for you, you will need it with a cat, assuming they molt of course.

At least if it is sleeping it won't get into trouble.

Have a good evening both.




Evening All.

12c today with sunny intervals and a moderate breeze.

My eye is less uncomfortable today, was in bed by 9pm last night, 4 hrs early, woke a few times though in the night, sight may be a little better today.

Just had a round of toast for brekkie as we are supposed to be changing the car today.

Just had a wander around the garden, didn't do much.

Went to the garage to swap cars, why does it take so long, omg, didn't get home till after 5pm then o/h wanted a takeaway delivered.

During the day i had made a pan of curry sauce with 4 quarter pounder beef burgers, i 75% cooked the burgers first.

I got the idea from a shop in Germany, think it was, a massive steel vat in the shop window with probably 20 gallon of curry sauce and loads of burgers inside, you bought a bag of chips and put a burger on the top, instead of a fish, it was very nice.

From the takeaway i got beef and mushroom with separate chips and a portion of hot chicken wings.

The car has separate heating controls for the front seat passenger, nice.

Didn't get to the farm shop today because of waiting for the garage.


both xxx


hope you are having a good evening. Did you go out today? Sammie been sleeping well again today?


sorry your eye has been playing up, but as it is a bit improved today, hope the improvement continues.

That is annoying it took you so long to collect the car? Was it paperwork held it up, or them checking the car? Don't blame you going for a take away. Glad you enjoyed your special curry today that you made too.

The special heating in the new car should come in useful with winter coming up now.

Hope you can make it to the farm shop soon.

Not a bad day here today, chilly and a bit misty but at least it twas dry.

Went to council with a friend who has had one of those eviction notices (like we had!)....the "no fault" ones. Her landlord wants to sell the house so has given her 2 months notice, very hard when you have 4 young kiddies at home. Council guy very helpful, they will help sub her for removals and deposit, then she repays it a small amount each week. Poor girl has been in her current house 8 years. Going with her to a viewing tomorrow as her hubby works long hours. We were with council guy an hour and half, then went for lunch/coffee at weatherspoon. I had an halloumi/sweet chilli wrap with salad, very nice.

Enjoyed the Apprentice tonight, very funny.

Goodnight both xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Hope everyone is having a good day ....its been quite sunny here so far ....not that I’ve been out except to rescue the bin  And it’s not been a good day , so I’ve taken a leaf out of Sammy book and been very lazy 


Hicky , hope your eye has settled down a bit todayI like beef and mushroom too Mollie , yes the Apprentice was hilarious last night....isn't Lottie a nightmare Whereas Bake Off really annoyed me can Alice get star baker when she was last in the technical ...and you couldn’t even see through her show stopper ...and yet Rosie who won the technical... and didn’t do badly in the first task got kicked out. Plus Michael gets slated for doing a layered sponge , yet Steph got praised for it ! I think they are spoiling the programme with the obvious biases ! And breathe


Anyway , hope you both have a good evening . Take care 


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Not a bad day really, 14c sunny intervals with a moderate breeze.

We went to the farm shop, got a nice piece of belly pork for sunday, got more of the pork sausages, so lovely, got 10, half a kilo, got the mushrooms and tomatoes, and the long life cooked corn on the cob, in packs of 2, they are fantastic, also Suffolk Salami which is lovely, also Bananas and a couple of steak and gravy pies.

Did some work in the garden as it was so good, have netting around another raised bed now, got more to do though, also picked up more leaves.

made a tray of cupcakes, had a box of sponge mix, they are lovely, have 2 and pt clotted cream inside, i made 14.

Watching the Darts on ITV4.

Mollie, Eye is a lot better, no discomfort, and the vision is improving, they are working together better now.

At the garage there is so much paperwork, and tons of pages that need signatures over and over.

The curry i made and didn't eat i have put into 4 meals with another of just curry sauce, all in the freezer, so for food tonight i had the rest of the meal mfrom last night and cooked some rice.

Glad the council can help your friend out, not nice being kicked out.

Baz, The eye is a lot better thanks, each day it seems to improve, hope it keeps on, have 2 more injection yet i assume.

I enjoyed The Apprentice, why don't they listen, stupid people, i really feel sorry for Lord sugar, every year that is.

I didn't watch bake off as its no longer enjoyable.

Have a lovely evening.




I am glad you chose to follow Sammy's example in having a lazy day. But sorry you were having a bad day. Hope you have a better one tomorrow. 

Yes apprentice Lottie is a nightmare, but very entertaining.

I can understand why you feel annoyed with Bake Off, I have realy gone off it too this series.


So pleased to hear that eye is improving well.

You have had a busy day today. That's good to hear the weather was nice enough for you to get things done in the garden. It was a lovely day here too. Cup cakes with clotted cream, sounds real yummy.

You sound like you are well stocked up after the visit to the Farm shop.

Dog was unwell today this morning, shaking and trembling badly and as she is so old, we took her to the vets. Vet thought it was her arthtritis in her back legs, as it came on straight after we put her out this morning. She said the cool damp weather now has probably made the pain worse, so she has been given painkillers. Only half a one a day as she is quite small. She hopefully seems ok now, enjoying her food again.

Then we went to my disabled friends as OH and son did some plastering of her wall for her.

Then went to costco. Enjoyed our tea there, huge jacket potato, beans , cheese. Very nice.

Enjoyed watching The Dog House, where they match owners to rehomed dogs.

Goodnight both xxx

Last edited by *mollie*

Evening Mollie & Baz.

Pretty grim day here, rained all day only 11c with a gentle breeze.

Had a beef and gravy pie for brekkie, than had another one at midday, cold, love them cold used to have them at work when in some way out places, i used to buy food to take to work in case i didn't get the chance to buy some.

Rang the local Halfords yesterday to see if they can install a dashcam set, front & rear to the car, yes, need to go in and arrange an appointment, i can get a Halfords HDC300 set fitted for £159, tbh i don't like going around without a dashcam, even when i don't drive anymore, all cars should have them fitted front and rear, there is too many fake accidents on the roads these days.

I need a new one for my front window also, will check if this one will do in my window like the last one i had.

For tea i had some big type crackers with cheese, salami, sliced olives and pickles.

I'm hoping my eye improves a lot before my next hospital appointment on the 26th November, although the vision from that eye is still blured, but it is better than it was, i can't read or see your face with it yet.

Mollie, Bad news about your dog. as long as it isn't in pain, nothing more you can do, they were saying in the news this morning that the cold and humidity makes Arthritis worse.

Just watching the darts, also got the F1 tomorrow and sunday but not till very late at night on C4.

O/H and sone plastering, very nice, it's always handy to be able to do that, lucky friend.

I see you had your usual at Costco, what a great meal for a great price.

Have a good evening and a good weekend.

Baz Hope  you have had a good day and Sammy has been good.


both xxx


hope you have had an ok day today. How is Sammy? I am guessing she's sleeping and eating.


Beef and gravy pie for brekkie is a bit of an unusual brekkie, but you must of enjoyed it as you repeated the experience for lunch.

Good idea to get the dashcam sorted.

Hope your eye does carry on improving.

Weather was not too bad today, but started heavy rain later on the day. We have a weather warning for heavy rain tonight. Son was supposed to be working on a sound system at an outdoor Halloween event, but it has been cancelled at last minute due to weather warning. Shame as he needs all the experience he can get having just graduated.

Went for a browse around the auction today. OH likes looking at the cars and we both like looking at the old type stuff. They often have house clearances, and I like to see the old jewellery/ornaments and wondering who owned them.

We once bought a collection of old letters from somone in the war. Very interesting reading them. He was in RAF and his girlfiend was in London during VE day and wrote how she was in the crowds when Royal family were.

Disappointed it is a celeb Gogglebox tonight as I do prefer our usual members of the public. they are so funny.

Doggie seems much improved taking just a half tablet a day, let's hope it continues.

Watching a show about a train journey in the Rockies. It looks beautiful.

Have a good evening both xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Cold and wet here. Consequently I’ve done naff all Hope you are both  having a good day though , in spite of the weather 


Mollie , yes Sammy mainly sleeps and eats ....although she does have a mad , cat , half hour every day when she runs around madly , for no obvious reason  Hope your doggie is feeling a bit better As a historian, in another life ,  I’d have loved those letters I didn’t enjoy Gogglebox much  last night ....I realise they need to raise funds , but it’s a bit to near the knuckle for me I’m afraid  


Hicky, that’s some breakfast Glad your eye is a little better , but hope the improvement continues  Are you looking forward to Strictly tonight . I saw something about Emma and voting in the news today ....but usual lurid headlines not really substantiated by the facts 


Anyway , I hope you both enjoy your Saturday evening . Take care 


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Pretty cool here today, started at 7c and climbed to 9c rained all morning and a moderate breeze.

Had a plate of sausage, bacon hash brown and beans with toast for brekkie.

Then we went to Halfords but the bloke i needed to see was off sick, got to go back monday.

I bought a dashcam though, for one of the front windows, my window, it was only a front camera system a HDC200.

On setting it up on my desk i found the cigar lighter 240v adaptor didn't seem to work as i couldn't power the camera up, oh dear, maybe my rather expensive one i took out from the window thinking it had packed up was really ok, anyway, i have ordered another adaptor which will arrive tomorrow.

For tea i had one of the last portions of curry sauce i froze the other day, and chopped and cooked a load of king prawns, made some rice, rather nice.

Had 2 of the cupcakes, wow, only vanilla sponge but lovely and soft, of course added cream and jam, as you do.

Had a letter from the eye clinic, next appointment on the 26th Nov, it doesn't mention the Injection doctor though, just the usual Optometrist.

Got Strictly tonight, Darts, will have to record as it's 4 hrs long, also F1 tonight at 10.45pm for the practice etc, and later tomorrow for the race, from Mexico.

Mollie, My eye does seem to improve slightly by the day, very pleased with that, although everything is still blurred using that eye, i can see things with it just can't see any details, but if it keeps improving over the next month i will be delighted, as the last eye test with the left eye was so bad the nurse had to bring the screen with letter on to 6 foot in front of me and i could only see one letter.

A pity the Halloween do was cancelled, it would have been good for your lad, i worked on a massive one in Kuala Lumpur in 1961 for a Grand Prix that was held, we did all the sound speakers and communications. it wqas Motorcycles, the Japanese ones won.

Glad doggie seems better, as long as he isn't an any pain, although dogs don't seem to be able to tell you.

Can't be bothered with goggle box, the camera spends all it's time watching the people and i don't know what they are watching.

Baz,  I don't blame you doing nothing, quite a nasty day, best to just chill.

I do have some strange brekkies, but nothing is off limits as i just have what i feel like.

Yes, any improvement is good in the eye, will be pleased if some of the blurring goes soon, don't understand what it is, it's as if they put a cataract in instead of taking it out.

Haven't seen the news so don't know anything about Emma.

Watching Strictly now, such a pity Will can't dance, i don't know why he is jumping off a table, he has no ankles and his feet are distorted like his hands, such a brave feller to even try and dance.

Have a good evening both.


both xxx


hopefully the weather today was an improvement for you.

Sorry you found Gogglebox not so good, I too couldn't watch it in the end. But as you say, we know they need to raise funds. 

I did enjoy X factor last night though.

I bet Sammy makes you when she has her bonkers half hour. Is she allowed out yet?


hope the buy is back in work to sort your car out tomorrow.

Glad you enjoyed your cupcakes.

Hope your eye does keep improving. Most odd how it seemed to get worse after the cateract op. Maybe it is just taking the damamged tissue from the op ahwile to heal?

How interesting you worked on a sound system in Kaula Lumpa.

I keep getting muddled up with the time today, as we haven't bothered putting the kitchen clock back.

It was abeautiful day here today. Even got a sit on the swing chair with my book for awhile. We went to weatherspoon for brekkie, it had a lot of people watching tv in the bar area because the rugby was on early. Didn't delay us getting our brekkie though.

This afternoon we took my friends 2 boys age 8 and 10 to the seafront amusements. They are due to move, so their mum and dad were busy packing, so it gave them chance to get on whilst we had the boys. We had managed to collect over 5000 pink amusement arcade tickets over the summer. The boys had such fun winning some of them today, then choosing what toys to buy with them. One had a rocket launch and the other a toy Mercedes. There were lots of people on the beach, even n the sea as it was so sunny. The donkeys were there too. We had ice creams, I had orange sorbet in a tub. The boys chose this bright blue coloured bubble gum ice cream.

Yesterday we too had the pouring rain, but it cleared late afternoon. We took my friends and her great grandaughter to costco with us, We all enjoyed a bit of shopping and looking at the Christmas decs and in the toy shop, and our cheap lunch in costco. Lots of free samples too.

Really cold here tonight, and we had a frost last night. I don't believe in climate change but believe in what the scientists say about the solar minimum making it colder! It is due to go below freezing again tonight.

Not much on tv tonight, but will watch Antiques Roadshow.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Not too bad today with 12c and sunny intervals but a fresh breeze.

Didn't get an extra hour in bed as i got up an hour early, lost an hour last night altering clocks etc.

Had eggs on toast, then midday had one of those long life cooked corn on the cob, so good.

for tea cooked a ,75kg piece of belly pork, made great crackling, made mash and some sage and onion stuffing and gravy, yummy.

Watched the remainder of the recording of the darts from last night and darts was on this morning, darts on tonight as well, recoded Strictly results, F1 on from 11pm.

My new cigar lighter 240v socket adaptor came so am playing with the dash cam now, the old one is part working but the toach screen seems to have packed up.

Also picked up another bucket of leaves, best to keep on top of them.

Mollie, Yes, i liked the clock back image.

Don't understand what is up with my eye, did the op work, maybe not, until i see the consultant next i won't know.

Good on you, getting out for brekkie, why not.

You had a great day today then, and the children, 5000 tickets wow, bet they loved to spend them, glad they got some good stuff, 

Didn't know they still had Donkeys on the beach, thought all that had been stopped, i mean the rides.

The temperature at night is due to go down to 2c over the next few days.

Baz, Hope you and Sammy have had a good day, did you manage to get out at all.

Have a good evening both.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Hope you are both having a good Monday . Weather has been chilly but sunny here . I had a very heavy, emotional,  counselling session this morning , so not really done a lot this afternoon ....well that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it  My daughter popped over for an hour yesterday ....and I went for my spa hour ....which was very relaxing ....just wish I could bottle it !

Mollie , your Sunday sounds lovelyYes , Sammy does make me laugh when she goes scatty Wow , 5000 tickets ...well done them  Hicky , love the clock thing What did you both think of the Strictly result ? I’m still trying to work out how Shirley thought Mikes flat footed stomping was the best out of the two ! I’m beginning to lose all faith in the judges of these reality programmes tbh many strange decisions this season !


Anyway, I hope you both have a good evening . Take care 



Evening Baz.

Cooler today 10c with sun all day and a gentle breeze.

Had sausage and bacon on toast for brekkie.

We went to Halfods to arrange for them to install a new dashcam front & rear, i truly hate going around without one, i always had one when i had the Land Rover, the small one i bought it in the room window now, i can see what is going on via Wifi from my mobile.

I changed my mind about which one for the car, i chose my first choice which was the Nextbase 522GW with a rear window camera as extra, it has a 50 page PDF manual i can study on the computer, we can get it installed next Monday.

For tea i had one of the corn on the cobs, fantastic, then i made a Chili con carne, just fried 500g mince, heated a jar of the sauce, drained and heated a tin of red kidney beans and cooked some rice, yummy, it made enough for at least 2 meals, one has gone, will see what is left to freeze.

Had a video link with my lad in Oz, so good seeing them all, the little one is coming on a treat.

The counselling does take a lot out of you so just take it easy, no need to do anything that will keep.

At least you saw your daughter yesterday, but the spa sure is a bonus.

On strictly, couldn't believe Shirly sent home that pair, they are far better than the clown Mike, maybe it was because he works for the BBC and the pair that went had no fans and they like to keep fools in the show as long as possible to keep people watching the show, she went against 2 judges and sided with Mr Nasty, yes, a very strange decision, calls for her to be sacked.

Have a good Evening.


Evening All.

10c today, sunny all day and a gentle breeze.

Did 2 lots of washing while the sun was out, used the outside wall line to get it dried, will air it inside.

Had bacon sandwich for brekkie, had a banana midday, for tea had a steak with mushrooms and baked medium spuds.

Ordered another dash cam for the house, the HDC200 i got seems hopeless so ordered the Nextbase 522GW which is the same as the one we are getting fitted to the car next week, been reading reviews and videos, wow, it's good.

Still eating the cupcakes, just have one a day with cream and jam.

Hope you are all having a good evening.


both xxx


good idea to take it easy if the counselling has been particularly draining.  That's good your spa was relazing and your daughter came to visit.

at scatty Sammie.


what a good idea to have a camera so you can see out of the front of your house window via wifi. Was that difficult to set up? That's good they can fit your car job in on Monday.

Your chilli sounds good, I love red beans and sweetcorn.

You are both right, some strange stuff going on with these reality show judges lately. Let's see what Bake Off brings tonight. Haven't enjoyed this series as much as the past ones at all though.

We took my friend and her great grandaughter twins to costco today, as kids love it there. Lots of huge Christmas decs, toys , free food samples, and a cheap lunch. There is also a huge toy shop next door so we spent hours in there too.

I am done in now, and the house is a mess and washing basket flowing over again! Never mind, it was good to go out whilst it was dry and because my friend is in a wheelchair, she doesn't get out much. Tidy up day tomorrow.

Bake Off final now. Not the ones left who I would of liked to see int he final though.

Have a good evening both xxx


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