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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"



I am glad you chose to follow Sammy's example in having a lazy day. But sorry you were having a bad day. Hope you have a better one tomorrow. 

Yes apprentice Lottie is a nightmare, but very entertaining.

I can understand why you feel annoyed with Bake Off, I have realy gone off it too this series.


So pleased to hear that eye is improving well.

You have had a busy day today. That's good to hear the weather was nice enough for you to get things done in the garden. It was a lovely day here too. Cup cakes with clotted cream, sounds real yummy.

You sound like you are well stocked up after the visit to the Farm shop.

Dog was unwell today this morning, shaking and trembling badly and as she is so old, we took her to the vets. Vet thought it was her arthtritis in her back legs, as it came on straight after we put her out this morning. She said the cool damp weather now has probably made the pain worse, so she has been given painkillers. Only half a one a day as she is quite small. She hopefully seems ok now, enjoying her food again.

Then we went to my disabled friends as OH and son did some plastering of her wall for her.

Then went to costco. Enjoyed our tea there, huge jacket potato, beans , cheese. Very nice.

Enjoyed watching The Dog House, where they match owners to rehomed dogs.

Goodnight both xxx

Last edited by *mollie*