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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

Evening Mollie & Baz.

A nice day really weatherwise, 13c light cloud, sun and a gentle breeze.

O/H took me to the hospital for 08.30 and i was finished within an hour, had an eye injection, thats my 7th now, a bit uncormfortable on the day though.

Had sausage and smoked bacon on toast when i got back.

Didn't do jobs in the garden as wasn't in the mood.

For tea i had the rest of the braised stuffed heart and very tasty gravy with frozen mash i zapped in the micro.

probably an early night for me to rest the eye.

Mollie, No, Spare Ribs are Pork, these are Beef and called Jacobs Ladder and have about 3" of mean on the wide bone, nothing like spare ribs.

Yes, o/h took me and brought me back, she had arranged to go in work late, she should have been in at 09.30.

You have been busy again, washing, brekkie out, wallpaper shopping.

Have never used that paste on the wall paste. for wallpaper, you'll have to let us know how well it works.

Baz, We have the G-Tech cordless cleaner, we don't have stairs of course and all floors are laminate flooring on top of either wood or in the kitchen it's concrete, but the cleaner and a mob with a floor pollisher, all which are very very light are ideal.

Hope your new cleaner works fine for you, you will need it with a cat, assuming they molt of course.

At least if it is sleeping it won't get into trouble.

Have a good evening both.


