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@slimfern posted:

No more restrictions to be announced before Christmas Day....

No …..but,  sensibly imo  , Scotland and Wales aren’t shortening the isolation period!

Last edited by Baz

That, I think, was the initial approach, but the impact was too great and so the government had to be seen to be seen to be doing 'something' to lessen the impact, especially when it became a global pandemic rather than a localised epidemic.

I think it's the future - COVID will become like influenza - get your jab if you're over 50 or in a vulnerable group and that's it. Live with it - you'll all get it and build your own immunity (or die - but don't talk about that)

@Saint posted:

I think it's the future - COVID will become like influenza - get your jab if you're over 50 or in a vulnerable group and that's it. Live with it - you'll all get it and build your own immunity (or die - but don't talk about that)

I agree that that is the most likely outcome. All I was meaning was that the 'Powers That Be' were hoping for a short route to that outcome instead of this protracted and circuitous route that we've ended up on!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

I agree that that is the most likely outcome. All I was meaning was that the 'Powers That Be' were hoping for a short route to that outcome instead of this protracted and circuitous route that we've ended up on!

I get ya

@Saint posted:

Snotty nosed District nurse visited today (dunno why they oh  have a little Hitler mentality)

Asked her if she knew anyone who'd had COVID, she said,  "Oh, loads" 

Oh heck Renton .


What is wrong with people these days?

A little bit of disruption to our nice cosy/ cushy lives and we're up in arms!!!!!

Some people are living in circumstances where they have no choices and their 'normal' lives are nowhere near cosy and cushy!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

What is wrong with people these days?

A little bit of disruption to our nice cosy/ cushy lives and we're up in arms!!!!!

Some people are living in circumstances where they have no choices and their 'normal' lives are nowhere near cosy and cushy!

It's the 'I'm alright Jack...I have my rights' attitude that has been drip fed to society over the past two decades.
It's shown loud and proud when good deeds are given prime time on the news

@Former Member posted:

FL once again the epicenter of Omicron like it was with Delta. The governor, who has passed so many laws that prevent companies and counties from taking any preventative action because they compromise personal freedom, has gone silent. Combination of a selfish attitudes mixed with certain individuals politicizing the issue to promote their personal ambitions. Disgraceful.

I agree Roxan …’s very similar over here

@Former Member posted:

FL once again the epicenter of Omicron like it was with Delta. The governor, who has passed so many laws that prevent companies and counties from taking any preventative action because they compromise personal freedom, has gone silent. Combination of a selfish attitudes mixed with certain individuals politicizing the issue to promote their personal ambitions. Disgraceful.

The sooner you come home the better


Covid: Workplaces told to plan for absences of up to 25%


And a lot could  well be avoided if the rules/guidance  hadn't been torn up and thrown away!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
@Baz posted:

As most of Europe is moving to increase restrictions , we , the country with the most cases , decide to decrease the isolation period ….go figure!

Europe has now decided on 5 days…..well France and Germany have and they call the shots…….on the other hand I have a rellie sitting on his butt because his PCR is going to take a week to come back ….he needs it to go back to work because LFTs aren’t reliable allegedly

@Kaytee posted:

Europe has now decided on 5 days…..well France and Germany have and they call the shots…….on the other hand I have a rellie sitting on his butt because his PCR is going to take a week to come back ….he needs it to go back to work because LFTs aren’t reliable allegedly

It’s all so bliddy arbitrary ….I know people who have had 6/7 days but are still testing positive ,so letting folks go back after 5 days is asking for trouble imo .

@Baz posted:

It’s all so bliddy arbitrary ….I know people who have had 6/7 days but are still testing positive ,so letting folks go back after 5 days is asking for trouble imo .

I think they have to have two positive test results within 12 0r 24 hours of each other AS WELL as the 5 days (minimum) isolation.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

I think they have to have two positive test results within 12 0r 24 hours of each other AS WELL as the 5 days (minimum) isolation.

I know EFFT , but I bet loads of people just ignore that directive and think “well it’s over 5 days so I’m ok “


Why is it that news programmes will interview literally any pub/cafe owner who wants to moan about their profit margins but never interviews nurses who treat the patients suffering with this terrible virus.

It's almost unheard of but should be first every night at 6pm so we know from the 'front line' what's really going on.

If there's a conspiracy it seems to be one of deflecting us from the whole truth for fear we panic/know too much

@Saint posted:

Why is it that news programmes will interview literally any pub/cafe owner who wants to moan about their profit margins but never interviews nurses who treat the patients suffering with this terrible virus.

It's almost unheard of but should be first every night at 6pm so we know from the 'front line' what's really going on.

If there's a conspiracy it seems to be one of deflecting us from the whole truth for fear we panic/know too much

@Baz posted:

It’s all so bliddy arbitrary ….I know people who have had 6/7 days but are still testing positive ,so letting folks go back after 5 days is asking for trouble imo .

Maybe….or maybe not…nobody really knows yet


It's the turn of the tattoo artists now!

Apparently the EU are now going to ban certain chemicals used in (mostly) coloured inks, so now the European tattooists are all going to go out of business!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

It's the turn of the tattoo artists now!

Apparently the EU are now going to ban certain chemicals used in (mostly) coloured inks, so now the European tattooists are all going to go out of business!


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