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Scientist:-  Travel rule changes too late to stop Omicron spread!


I have to agree with that.

Me too EFFT We are always behind the curve ball !

@slimfern posted:


** Breaking News **

Johnson is holding a Covid Press Conference tonight at 6pm. (Will be shown on BBC1: not sure about other channels.)

Rumour is that they are considering "Plan B" measures for England.

Eugene's Lair

** Breaking News **

Johnson is holding a Covid Press Conference tonight at 6pm. (Will be shown on BBC1: not sure about other channels.)

Rumour is that they are considering "Plan B" measures for England.

Rumour is now a reality

@Baz posted:

About bliddy time ….at the very least , they should have followed Wales and  Scotland and retained mask wearing earlier .

Can’t argue with that Baz….indeed I always have in shops etc……but us wearing masks out and about can’t stop the virus spreading when 50,000 people can go to a football match, to theatres, cinemas etc  without one….although that has changed today. Moreover people in my family have had to have vaccine passports to go to a few events….but  on arrival found that nobody checked them

@Kaytee posted:

Can’t argue with that Baz….indeed I always have in shops etc……but us wearing masks out and about can’t stop the virus spreading when 50,000 people can go to a football match, to theatres, cinemas etc  without one….although that has changed today. Moreover people in my family have had to have vaccine passports to go to a few events….but  on arrival found that nobody checked them

Trouble is , are people going to comply Kaytee

@Baz posted:

Trouble is , are people going to comply Kaytee

Observing people outdoors, the majority have kept their masks, but teenagers and 20s have not….don’t think anything will encourage those to comply… avoid them as much as possible

@Kaytee posted:

Observing people outdoors, the majority have kept their masks, but teenagers and 20s have not….don’t think anything will encourage those to comply… avoid them as much as possible

I don’t wear one on my walks …but I stay well away from people , and always put my mask on on the rare occasions I have to go in the local shop ….and I even put a disposable glove on if I have to use the cash machine

@Baz posted:

I don’t wear one on my walks …but I stay well away from people , and always put my mask on on the rare occasions I have to go in the local shop ….and I even put a disposable glove on if I have to use the cash machine

It’s commonsense Baz❤️……those gloves are far too big for my tiny hands🤣…..but I carry a small bottle of sanitizer with me for such occasions🤣🤣🤣❤️


I wish they'd stop saying IMUNITY, there is no immunity! There is protection, which can vary, but immunity can't. You you either are or aren't immune.......and there is NOTHING (currently} that delivers immunity to Covid.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

To gjve them their due (and they don't deserve much) they did mention the uncertainty, It's a bit of a precaution - better to have it but not need it, rather than NOT have it then find out (too late) that it WAS needed!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

To gjve them their due (and they don't deserve much) they did mention the uncertainty, It's a bit of a precaution - better to have it but not need it, rather than NOT have it then find out (too late) that it WAS needed!

I agree about that EFFT …but they seem to be going to wait until loads of people go into hospital , and die , before they bring in any more stringent measures ….imo it’s better to concede now …but that’s probably just my normal risk adverse mentality


Again it's being left up to people's 'common sense' for the main part!

Yes….it’s ok for responsible people to be taking a test before they go out , but that won’t protect them from the plonkers who think none of it applies to them ….and there will be no way of telling who is who !

Last edited by Baz

Again it's being left up to people's 'common sense' for the main part!

They forget that ( mainly young people) don’t have any and think they are invincible…..looking at the stats it’s mainly teens and twenties who are ignoring the recommendations…..and it’s mainly them and the unvaccinated

that are ending up in hospital…..and pregnant and post pregnancy ladies who didn’t get jabbed

@Kaytee posted:

They forget that ( mainly young people) don’t have any and think they are invincible…..looking at the stats it’s mainly teens and twenties who are ignoring the recommendations…..and it’s mainly them and the unvaccinated

that are ending up in hospital…..and pregnant and post pregnancy ladies who didn’t get jabbed


Once again - it's reactive not proactive. Leaving rules for us to apply according to our conscience. They know allowing places where people can mingle to remain open mean people will get infected and die and because going to those places were our choice it will be our fault if we die

@Saint posted:

Once again - it's reactive not proactive. Leaving rules for us to apply according to our conscience. They know allowing places where people can mingle to remain open mean people will get infected and die and because going to those places were our choice it will be our fault if we die

Spot on Renton !

@Saint posted:

Once again - it's reactive not proactive. Leaving rules for us to apply according to our conscience. They know allowing places where people can mingle to remain open mean people will get infected and die and because going to those places were our choice it will be our fault if we die

Of course!

It's always OUR fault, never theirs!!!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
@Saint posted:

Once again - it's reactive not proactive. Leaving rules for us to apply according to our conscience. They know allowing places where people can mingle to remain open mean people will get infected and die and because going to those places were our choice it will be our fault if we die

Only one person has died with Omicron…..with….could mean it wasn’t the cause of death….we don’t know the age,vaccination status or whether he had an underlying condition…….the government and the prophets of doom want to scare people into getting their jabs ….and it looks like it’s being successful.

personally ,I have been cautious when out and about and being triple jabbed hasn’t made me suddenly decide to do things I haven’t been doing all along……

@Baz posted:

They reckon the R number could be over 3 now .

I’d love to know how these stats are compiled…..having worked with them for years , quote ‘There are lies,damned lies and statistics’……easiest thing in the world to fiddle


I still struggle with people heeding gossip on the internet whilst ignoring doctors and medical experts worldwide

If there was a conspiracy then every nurse, health care worker, doctor, pharmaceutical employee and eminent professor of medicine would have to be in on it for the rest of their lives

@Kaytee posted:

I’d love to know how these stats are compiled…..having worked with them for years , quote ‘There are lies,damned lies and statistics’……easiest thing in the world to fiddle

Normally I’d agree , but I don’t see why they would want to fiddle them though Kaytee …..they aren’t government stats , they are scientific ones I think . I hope you are right about them over egging things , but my gut tells me things are going to get very bad , very quickly  this time .

Last edited by Baz

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