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3 Schools in Glasgow and 1 in Paisley now showing Covid-19 infections. We're all going downhill because people no longer have any measure of self-control! People talk disparagingly of 'The Nanny State', but it's becoming more and more obvious that that is what is required because, left to our own devices, the population (in general) have no understanding or ability to behave properly!

I totally agree EFFT . Bolton has also imposed stricter measures now socialising/ visiting  inside or outside , except in your own bubble .. ..People are so stupid ......or at least some are .....and at this rate the whole country will be in a national lockdown ....and then watch people moan 

@Baz posted:

I totally agree EFFT . Bolton has also imposed stricter measures now socialising/ visiting  inside or outside , except in your own bubble .. ..People are so stupid ......or at least some are .....and at this rate the whole country will be in a national lockdown ....and then watch people moan 

Hope you've got your ear-plugs at the ready!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
@Former Member posted:

Probably better I don’t answer that. Didn’t think things could get more insane. Keep lowering my expectations but lower HE sinks. Totally sick of the response here.

Trying to be thankful for little things and have the sneaking suspicion I am driving myself insane...  

Hope you are ok. How is the foot? 

Awwwww I think we all feel the same Roxan ....I think I’m going totally round the twist ! Ankle is still painful ....especially in the evening....but hopefully it’s going in the right direction 


What is partly to blame, on both sides of the border, is this insistence of only going for a test if you're showing symptoms. A-symptomatic people are known about, but nothing much seems to be getting done about the potential spread from them.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
@Saint posted:

I'm starting to wonder of "Eat out to help out" is code for "Herd immunity initiative" 



TBH, though; I still subscribe to the "cock-up before conspiracy" school of thought.

I suspect they just assumed that the infection rates in August would be much lower than they were in reality.

Also: the original plan was for cinemas and other entertainment venues to be open by then, with "Tenet" committed to a July release date despite initial delays. "Eat out to help out" would therefore have attracted customers to multiple markets: enjoy a cheap meal and a movie afterwards. In the end though, it seems the film distributers were (correctly) more cautious, and they delayed Tenet for a further month...

Eugene's Lair
@Baz posted:

Yes.....tbh I’m stocking up already Machel .....not stockpiling , just making sure I’ve got things like loo rolls 

There'll be a futures market on them when Brexit hits home. Impending doom but let's not talk about that    


Easy Jet's turn to moan today:-


*Sob sob* All this constant change in quarantine lists is causing confusion and frustration for passengers AND US! Not as many people as expected are booking flights with us, *Sob sob*



I'm sorry to say, but this is because (IMO) a large proportion of people need these things rammed home, before the penny drops. When the PTB said these travel rules/quarantine lists could change at any moment - THEY MEANT IT!!!!


It's taken a while , but it looks like (some) people are finally realizing that foreign travel may not be worth it - in the present circumstances.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

I agree with you all the way Fluffs. If you want a holiday sit out in the back garden and feed the birds. The level of stupidity is off the scale. All for a sun tan and whack job postcards    


I agree with you all the way Fluffs. If you want a holiday sit out in the back garden and feed the birds. The level of stupidity is off the scale. All for a sun tan and whack job postcards    

I couldn’t agree more EFFT and Velvet .....totally selfish imo ....and a mirror of the society we now live in !

@Baz posted:

Bolton in lockdown .....Cases are really ramping up ....both in England and in Scotland When are the government going to realise that opening up pubs etc was a huge mistake ! 

In a word “never” Bazzy 🤬


Just heard on the radio news that after today the Doncaster horse racing meeting will be held behind closed doors. So only the 3000 who will there today to worry about catching and spread it then?   


We are going to hell in a handcart....I can see the schools and universities closing down again soon ....and tbh I can’t understand how they thought it was safe to open them again I see Boris is going to make a statement at 16.00 today . 

@Moonie posted:

Just heard on the radio news that after today the Doncaster horse racing meeting will be held behind closed doors. So only the 3000 who will there today to worry about catching and spread it then?   

Absolutely mad 

@Baz posted:

We are going to hell in a handcart....I can see the schools and universities closing down again soon ....and tbh I can’t understand how they thought it was safe to open them again I see Boris is going to make a statement at 16.00 today . 

That should be interesting 


@Baz posted:

Absolutely mad 



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