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15th September 2009

PARIS HILTON is at the centre of a legal spat in Germany after reportedly pulling out of a series of events she was scheduled to attend on Friday (11Sep09) and Saturday (12Sep09).

Promoters booked the socialite to appear at a number of industry events in Frankfurt, but mysterious circumstances led to Hilton refusing to leave her hotel room in the city. She then reportedly flew to Italy early on Saturday to judge a beauty pageant, snubbing one party she was supposed to attend with Frederic Prinz von Anhalt's adopted son Marcus.

Sources tell German newspaper Bild that Hilton pulled out of her scheduled appearances due to an argument with her boyfriend, Doug Reinhardt, suggesting the hotel heiress was instructed not to attend the Saturday night event because it was being held in an erotic table dancing club.

Michael Marx, the organiser of one party at top club Mediastar, tells the publication, "Paris Hilton has dishonoured all appointments and contracts - the dinner with 18 high-ranking guests, the appearance at the bar, the autograph session at Mediastar. We are incredibly disappointed."

Mediastar bosses are seeking legal action against Hilton and her handlers.

A spokeswoman for the socialite had not replied to WENN's request for a comment by press time.
(And we just thought that she happened to turn up at these do's, not so, she's well booked in advance and a big attraction.)
I suppose the same goes for all Celebs, no-wonder they are seen so often.
Celebrity chef Keith Floyd has fatal heart attack
Chef passes away at the age of 65
Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Keith Floyd has passed away at the age of 65.

The celebrity chef died at his partner's home in Dorset after suffering a heart attack last night.

Fellow cook Marco Pierre White has paid tribute to Keith.

β€˜He was a natural cook,’ he tells the BBC.

β€˜But his very special talent was he could articulate himself and deliver inspiration with words. He spoke in a way that everybody could understand.

β€˜He enriched many people's lives. It's very sad. A little piece of Britain died yesterday which will never be replaced.’
Cooking ruined my marriages: Keith Floyd's only 'mistress' was his restaurant
By Keith Floyd
Last updated at 9:15 AM on 15th September 2009

Witty, warm and with a genius for cooking equalled only by his fondness for a glass or five of wine, Keith Floyd was the first of a new breed of celebrity chef.

His death today - from a heart attack at the age of 65 - comes during the Daily Mail's serialisation of his irrepressible autobiography.

Yesterday, in the second extract, he explained how his TV career was born.

Today, he explains how his obsession with his restaurants meant that being a chef always came first - and why all four of his marriages ended in divorce.

Ill-suited: Keith and third wife Shaunagh. A misunderstanding over his 50th birthday ended the marriage

Don't ever go into the restaurant business. It kills marriages, it kills relationships, and it kills life. It kills everything. And I, the man with four ex-wives, should know.

Bear with me while I talk you through it. Strange though it may sound, I was a late starter on the romantic front: throughout my youth I suffered from severe acne, that most ancient form of contraception.

But my complexion was OK when I met Jesmond, my first wife, when I was 23.

She was a barmaid at one of my favourite pubs in Bristol, the Greyhound - dark-haired, charming and with a wit as dry as the Sahara sands. We went out for just a matter of months before deciding to get married.

Young - but so what? - we set about creating a mini-empire of restaurants in Bristol.

With Jesmond working tirelessly as a waitress, we scrabbled together the cash to open Floyd's Bistro, followed by Floyd's Restaurant and Floyd's Chop House.

The arty types of Bristol loved them. Every evening I'd open the door to find queues of people snaking along the pavement. Suddenly, in a small way, I was huge.

To add to this happy state of affairs, our son Patrick was born, in November 1968.

Becoming a father was the most exciting thing, but, thrilled as I was, I was completely fixated with my restaurants. Jesmond and Patrick occupied second and third places in my life.

It's a harsh statement for the average decent person to absorb, but anybody in this business will tell you that a restaurant is like a mistress, forever demanding. I was just obsessed by the restaurants and thought everybody else should be, too.

I have always fallen in love easily. And I have never entered a relationship which I didn't firmly believe could work out. I never expected any of my relationships to end in tears, and when they do I ask myself the question: 'When am I going to learn?'

I can't honestly remember what Jesmond and I started rowing about. Really I can't. But once our arguments had started they became more and more frequent and increasingly fierce.

Chances are you have been in a relationship that crumbles and you think, there's no going back. We were at that stage. I sold my restaurants at a loss, packed my bags and left.

So there I was, without a wife and without a job. You'll notice this becomes a bit of a theme with me, actually. It's remarkable how often my marriages and my restaurants seem to go down the pan at approximately the same time.

One morning, I climbed on to a boat and spent 18 months cruising round the Mediterranean. I wasn't thinking about the future at all. Moreover, I had vanished without thinking much about Patrick, a confession that sounds too cruel. I was on a voyage of utter selfishness.
As time went by, I would come to think of him all the time and then the nightmares started; nightmares that any absent parent might have about the safety of their child. But for the time being, I thought only of myself.

Keith with his second wife Julie who split up because of the chef's late night gambling and drinking

Moving on ten years or so, and you'll find me back in Bristol with a new restaurant to my name and guess what? A new wife as well, my second.

Julie was a regular at the restaurant, a blonde, vivacious and witty woman about ten years younger than me. Our romance was of the whirlwind variety and when, just a few months into the relationship, I proposed, Julie said yes.

The breakdown of my marriage to Jesmond I attributed to the foolishness of youth. Now, in the early Eighties, I was approaching my 40s and had the wisdom of maturity from which to draw.

Our daughter, Poppy, was born shortly after Christmas 1983.

She was a great big baby and she was very red - that's why we called her Poppy. It just seemed to fit.

Alas, history was to repeat itself. Within a handful of years, though my TV career had by then taken off in some style, my relationship with Julie had fallen apart. We were filming in France - Saint-Malo, to be precise - when the divorce writ arrived.

My list of crimes went on for two pages. As I remember, it was gambling, whoring and drinking ad infinitum. It was terrible, absolutely terrible, and a little exaggerated, I have to say.

The whoring bit was nonsense. The late-night gambling and drinking may have seemed suspicious but I have never been unfaithful to any of my wives.

So those were Julie's problems with me. My problem was her mother, whose animosity towards me was intense.

She lived in Guernsey and wrote to Julie saying that I was a bigamist and had lied about being a pupil at Wellington School. I was not a bigamist and I had been a pupil at Wellington School.

I believe Julie, who didn't have a bad bone in her body, was heavily influenced by her mother. When Poppy was born, I took our baby by plane to Guernsey and arrived on the doorstep to introduce grandmother to her granddaughter.

'You're not coming in,' she said. A few hours later I was at the airport returning home, mystified.

Julie found a new man and together with Poppy they went to France to start a new life in Toulouse. I felt desperately unhappy. My attempts to create a home for my family had so far been spectacularly unsuccessful.

Convinced that my TV career was coming to an end, in 1989 I bought a pub in Devon, the Maltster's Arms, and converted it into a restaurant amusingly named - I thought - 'Floyd's Inn (Sometimes).'

Keith Floyd went on to become a celebrity chef - here he is in Spain in 1982
It had been a while since I'd had a new wife and it was here, in that pub, that I met my third, Shaunagh. Some 20 years younger than me, she was a blonde, very pretty, gentle woman from Dartmouth.

After the usual whirlwind romance that preceded all my marriages, we tied the knot in a register office in the early Nineties. It didn't take long for us both to realise we were ill-suited and had nothing in common.

The death knell of the marriage was probably my 50th birthday. I have always been sensitive about my birthday, ever since childhood.

Being born on December 28 meant that some people - certain mean uncles spring to mind - would buy me only one present for both Christmas and my birthday.

So this particular year, when I came downstairs, I was terribly hurt that neither she nor anyone else mentioned it. The morning progressed, and still nothing.

By lunchtime, I lost it. I kicked all the customers out of the pub - about 50 people as well as Shaunagh - and buggered off to Dartmouth, checking into the nearest hotel. I later found out that she had planned a surprise party for me for that evening.

Our brief marriage came to an end in 1993. How long were we married? I cannot tell you any more than 'not long'. Shaunagh eventually moved in with a gravedigger from Dartmouth.

There is not a day goes by when I don't reflect on the effect of my life upon my two children. I feel guilt, remorse - anger, even. When I lay so ill in hospital after collapsing in a drunken haze last year, as I described on Saturday, my son Patrick wrote a note to me in a day book kept by the ward staff.

It said simply: 'I love you very much and am proud to be a Floyd.'

I owe both him and my daughter Poppy so much. As I said, if it had not been for the devotion they showed me when I was so ill last year, sleeping by my hospital bed, holding my hands and willing me to pull through, I'm convinced I would not be telling you my story today.

Pictured here in 1987 - Floyd has always had charisma in the kitchen

It may surprise you to learn - or perhaps it won't - that cooking was not my first choice of career. At 16, inspired by the movie The Day The Earth Caught Fire, I became a news reporter.

It was a short-lived episode, which I can take you through with speed.

To prepare myself for the interview at the Bristol Evening Post - God knows how I'd got one in the first place - I went out and bought a bow tie, the first of many.

To complete the image of a hack, I also bought a trilby. If my intention was to look a complete and utter wally then I certainly achieved it.

As a cub reporter I covered several stories in Bristol Crown Court, including a case involving an up-and-coming young actor named Peter O'Toole, then playing Hamlet at the city's Old Vic theatre.

He'd been nabbed for drink-driving and I can't for the life of me remember what happened to him, so I'll assume he was found not guilty.

I dashed back to write up the story. Once done, I handed the folios to my editor, a man named Richard Hawkins. 'Were there other reporters in the courtroom?' he asked. I told him there was only me. In other words, I had an exclusive.

Whereupon Richard ripped the pages in two and threw the pieces into his bin. My story was 'spiked', as they say. Well and truly killed.

Why? I don't know. Perhaps Richard had developed a soft spot for Peter from seeing him in the pub.

But by keeping my wonderful scoop out of the paper, he had certainly done the actor a favour. He was at that time being lined up to star in Lawrence Of Arabia, but had been told by studio bosses that if he found himself in trouble (even if he was not guilty) then he'd be out of the picture.

I might not have enjoyed watching my editor rip up my report, but I feel indebted to him for changing my life in a way that had nothing to do with newspapers.

A highly intelligent man, Richard was also a gastronome; he loved fine cuisine and one day took me and my notebook - I can't precisely recall why - to a restaurant called The Hole In The Wall, which was famous in Bath.

The sight that met my eyes there astonished me: a table laden with exotic hors d'oeuvres - mushrooms a la grecque, ratatouille, taramasalata, three kinds of pates and terrines, as well as roasted red peppers with chopped garlic. It was just amazing food that most British adults in the Sixties, let alone teenagers like me, would never have seen.

The Hole In The Wall was run by a wonderful, bearded man, George Perry-Smith, a former public school master. He looked biblical and indeed wouldn't have been out of place at the Last Supper (and his culinary skills would have made him a welcome addition).

I found him quite intimidating, but eventually plucked up the courage to ask him about the food he served. 'Where does all this knowledge come from?' I asked.

'Oh, quite simple, dear boy,' he said. 'Just read Elizabeth David,' naming the classic food writer who first brought the concept of Mediterranean food to Britain. It was a revelation.

My parents did not share my enthusiasm for the life of a hack. Dad, an engineer, would say: 'You've got ambitions beyond your capabilities.' And I dare say he was right.

Sadly, he never saw me make it on TV. He used to say: 'You ought to get a job at the Royal Mail. Earn Β£7 19s 6d a week and be a sensible person.'

But I think he would have been satisfied that the sacrifices he made to send me to a fee-paying public school, Wellington School in Somerset, had been repaid with my career in television. I think he would have very much appreciated that.

For my next career I was again inspired by a night at the cinema. I went to see Zulu, the true story of the depleted British Army regiment that fought a million or so Zulu warriors, and, as with The Day The Earth Caught Fire, I was foolishly taken by the whole business.

The following morning, I put on my bow tie, trilby and a trench coat and walked into the Army recruiting office. 'I want to be a soldier,' I announced. My parents were extremely proud.

As with journalism, I did not have the longest career in army history. I had a nervous breakdown in the second year of my three-year commission. All I can remember is that I had some sort of collapse and then I found myself in a military hospital in Germany.

From there, I was transported back to a psychiatric hospital on the South Coast of England, and later discharged - after being offered the chance to transfer to the Catering Corps - on the grounds that I was 'temperamentally unsuitable'.

By now, however, I had well and truly fallen in love with cooking and decided that was the career for me.

Dressed in my chukka boots, a three-piece suit and regimental tie, I marched into the Royal Hotel in Bristol and told the manager of my ambitions.

I was taken to the kitchens and introduced to the head chef, but throughout our brief chat he had a look of disdain in his eyes, his body language sending out the message that he didn't really want a second lieutenant, public-school-educated chap anywhere near his kitchen.

Eventually, he said: 'I'll tell you what. What is the difference between a waiter and a bucket of s***?'

This was a life-changing question and I knew it. I stood with my hands behind my back to show that I had no fear. And then I said: 'Sir, I think it's the bucket.'

It's always nice when you answer correctly, and chef was suitably impressed. But I still had a way to go before landing the job. My next feat, the second challenge, was to obey his command: 'Go and cook this beetroot.'

He handed me the vegetable and really wanted me to mess up. He thought I was going to peel it.

But because I had been brought up by my mum, a superb cook, I knew that you cook beetroot in its skin and peel it afterwards.

Which is exactly what I did. I was hired. The rest, as is so often said, is history.

β€’ Extracted from Stirred But Not Shaken: The Autobiography by Keith Floyd, to be published by Sidgwick & Jackson on October 2
CELEBRITY COME DINE WITH ME: Laila Morse, Bobby Davro, Dane Bowers & Dani Behr
September 15th, 2009 by Lisa McGarry.
Channel 4, Come Dine With Me

A new series of Come Dine with Me launches with a special celebrity episode in which no-nonsense EastEnders star Laila Morse, aka Big Mo, joins in a culinary clash with comedian Bobby Davro, boy-bander-turned-DJ Dane Bowers, and international glamour-puss Dani Behr.

During four nights of celebrity shindigs, there’s some scantily clad hula girls, shocking nipple licking, celebrity chat on farting, an appearance from Elvis, and a trip for one poor celeb to A & E, before the best host walks away with a Β£1000 prize for the charity of their choice.

Sunday 20 September 2009
8:00pm, Channel 4
Originally posted by darloboy07:
The Noirin/Kris stuff is rubbish imo as she is with Tom it's so clear they are just friends and even Tom gets on with Kris, they only have to talk and all of a sudden they are going out.

Sophie can keep her mouth shut, she doesn't care she got involved with Kris in the first place and the fact Noirin is all over the mags must make her bitter Big Grin.

Hi Darloboy.Wave

It always takes a bit of time to see what is going on.
Not sure if Noirin is with any of them tbh.

I don't think Sophie would be bitter with Noirin, Sophie is in a few Magazines this week, she'll go a lot further than Noirin.
But good luck to them.
Big Brother babes favourites for Peter Andre girlfriend
By Smithers on Sep 15, 09 02:00 PM

BIG Brother beauties Chantelle Houghton and Sophie Reade are the favourites to become Peter Andre's girlfriend.

The Mysterious Girl singer has stayed away from the dating game after his messy split with glamour girl Katie Price.

The couple, who met on ITV's I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here show, divorced last week.

Since their bitter split in May, Katie seems to have returned to her wild Jordan ways while Pete has kept a lower profile.
However bookies Paddy Power are taking bets on his next female companion - and have Big Brother babes as the front-runners.

Celebrity Big Brother winner Chantelle is clear favourite at evens followed by this year's BB winner Sophie Reade.

Other contenders are X Factor winner Leona Lewis and Lily Allen while Amy Winehouse is a 33-1 outsider.
The papers make me laugh, where do they get their info from, it must be out of a fantasy book they keep in their office.Big Grin
As if Sophie would want to get involved in that mess.
Nearing the Final of BB11 USA, bet it was better than ours anyway.
`Big Brother' final 3 will vie for $500,000 prize

In this image released by CBS, the cast of the CBS summer show "Big Brother 11" is shown. CBS, Sonja Flemming / AP Photo

A spokeswoman for the CBS reality show said the entire cast of the 11th season will reunite on Tuesday's two-hour finale except for Simone, the freelance journalist who was expelled from the "Big Brother" house last month after refusing direct orders from producers to wear a microphone then tossing it into the backyard's whirlpool spa.

Because Simone was booted and will not be part of the jury that selects the show's $500,000 grand prize winner, viewers have been asked to cast the possibly tie-breaking seventh jury vote between the remaining three contestants: graphic designer Kevin Campbell, waitress Jordan Lloyd and tae kwon do champion Natalie Martinez.

LOS ANGELES -- Natalie Martinez may have told her last lie in the "Big Brother" house.

The only way the scheming 24-year-old from Gilbert, Ariz., will have a shot at the CBS reality show's $500,000 grand prize is if one of the remaining competitors chooses her to battle against for winning bids from the "Big Brother 11" jury, which will include viewer votes as a possible tiebreaker.

After besting Martinez in qualifying bouts last week, Jordan Lloyd, 22, from Matthews, N.C., and Kevin Campbell, 29, from Chula Vista, Calif., will tussle during Tuesday's finale in the last Head of Household competition. The winner will choose his or her opponent.

Martinez has primarily spent the season deceiving her opponents. Her biggest fib was fooling most of the contestants - or houseguests, as they're called on the show - into believing she was an 18-year-old recent high school graduate. But she fumbled last week in a poorly constructed lie about being awarded a visit from her boyfriend inside the house.

The two-hour finale will also feature the jury's interrogation of the final two and a reunion of the 13-member cast - except for Chima Simone, the 33-year-old freelance journalist who was expelled after tossing a microphone into a whirlpool spa. Because Simone won't be part of the jury, viewers have been asked to cast the possibly tie-breaking seventh jury vote.
Cheryl Cole steps out in 'zippy' front dress
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Cheryl Cole set tongues wagging as she stepped out in a black zip-up dress last night.

The X Factor judge was at the Ivy restaurant in London when she was photographed.

The daring outfit featured a huge full length silver zip which fortunately managed to stay fastened.
Cheryl Cole 'wants to look younger'
Tuesday, September 15 2009, 13:56 BST
By David Balls, Music Reporter

Cheryl Cole has reportedly sought fashion advice to create a younger look as she launches her solo career.

The 26-year-old, who releases debut single 'Fight For This Love' on October 19, is said to be eager to distance herself from her "grown-up" X Factor look.

"Her stylist, Victoria Adcock, worked with Cheryl on creating a younger, fresher look from the one she has on The X Factor, which is all grown-up labels and structured dresses and shirts," a source told Heat.

"Cheryl realised that if she was going to go it alone, she needed everything to be totally different from Girls Aloud.

"For her music, Cheryl and Victoria went for something fun and rocky - she is, after all, a young girl and she wanted her new look to reflect that."

The singer has reportedly also been involved in writing material for her upcoming solo album Three Words.

"Cheryl's never written her own lyrics before, but most of her songs are based on her own experiences," the source added.

"One song, 'Please Don't Talk About This Love', is particularly personal - it's clearly about her relationship with Ashley".

Three Words is released on October 26.
Dannii's hot in X-ercise gear

DANNII Minogue clearly doesn't want to be upstaged by any of The X Factor contestants as she's been spotted honing her moves at performing arts class.

The petite judge showed off her trim figure as she donned a tight gym outfit for the class in Sydney today.

The Aussie, 37, was back on her home turf before the live heats of the ITV1 singing hit kick off.

Dannii recently admitted it'd be "unreal" to perform on the show.

She is said to have teamed up with dance music producers Freemasons, who have created hits for Sophie Ellis-Bextor and have written tracks for Alexandra Burke's album.
Must Admit, she looks well fit here doesn't she?
Cheryl Cole’s fear: I can’t fail like Posh
The pressure’s on as she takes on Alexandra Burke in pop’s hottest battle

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Cheryl Cole will be performing with Girls Aloud at Wembley on 18 and 19 September, supporting Coldplay

Stressed-out Cheryl Cole is having to battle her nerves as well as her X Factor protΓ©gΓ© Alexandra Burke as she bids for solo success next month.

Despite huge success with Girls Aloud, Cheryl’s petrified about going it alone.

The 25-year-old will release her first solo single Fight For This Love on 19 October – a week after Alexandra’s song Bad Boys goes on sale.

But the big battle will commence on 26 October when the two go head-to-head in the album charts with Cheryl’s Three Words being released on the same day as Alexandra’s The Album.

Our source says: β€˜Cheryl’s been struggling on the set of The X Factor recently, she’s been so stressed out. Last year, she was a little bit naΓ―ve and nice to everyone, but this year she’s got a lot more on her plate – and it shows.

β€˜If her solo career goes well, she can think about breaking the US, which she’s desperate to do. If it doesn’t, she could go the way of Victoria Beckham, who was finished as a solo artist after only one song. That’s Cheryl’s biggest fear.

β€˜She's been smoking far more recently, which is always a sign of anxiety in her life.'

The naturally shy Geordie is leaving nothing to chance to gain the top spot. Now can confirm that Cheryl will perform live on The X Factor and the video for Fight For This Love, which she finished shooting last weekend, will premiere exclusively on an ITV1 show, yet to be announced.

β€˜No one in Cheryl’s camp is looking at the work she has ahead of her in a pessimistic light – far from it,’ says our source.

β€˜They’re already thinking way beyond the single and album and plotting how to crack America.’

See the full story about Cheryl Cole in Now magazine dated 21 September 2009 - out now!
Pixie Lott: 'Turn It Up'
Released on Monday, September 14 2009
By Nick Levine, Music Editor

Mercury Records have shown a hell of a lot of faith in Pixie Lott. The Essex teenager has been working on this debut album for four years with a team of collaborators most pop wannabes would have to stalk to meet: Toby Gad (BeyoncΓ©, Fergie), Ina Wroldsen (Saturdays, Pussycat Dolls), Jonas Jeberg and Cutfather (Kylie, Jordin Sparks), RedOne (Lady GaGa, well everyone). Then again, Pixie was no punt. She's blessed with shedloads of self-confidence, her soulful vocals place her closer to Whitney than Britney, and if she looked any more like a popstar, Louis Walsh would have kidnapped her by now.

What's more, she's already repaid her label's faith to the tune of two No.1 hits. Lott may claim that her pair of chart-toppers, 'Mama Do' and 'Boys And Girls', are the only retro tracks on her album, but that isn't strictly true. Turn It Up features several Motowny moments, most notably the lovely, string-swathed 'Way The World Works', and her next single 'Cry Me Out' is the sort of classic-sounding ballad Mariah would have loved before she discovered hip-hop and her cleavage.

Elsewhere, Turn It Up keeps things more contemporary without really straying from midtempo. Highlights include the modishly synthy 'Gravity', the radio-friendly pop-R&B of the title track, and 'Here We Go Again', which begins with a "Red One... Pixie" shout-out that already sounds like a parody. Everything here is glossy and expensive-sounding, while the consistency of the songwriting is a testament to Lott, who nabs credits on ten of these 12 songs. Her opening salvo on 'Cry Me Out' - "I got your emails, you just don't get females, now do you?" - could be the best first line on any pop song this year.

Sadly, there are a couple of buts. Turn It Up is never dull – Lott has too much natural exuberance for that – but it's a little safe and lacking in surprises. It can slip into a sort of Mid-Atlantic blandness too. When Lott begins a grandstanding ballad called 'Nothing Compares' by singing "Walking down Brick Lane, feeling blue...", it's a rare reminder that she comes from Essex, not LA. Still, this slight lack of individuality is the price that's paid for a debut as solid, classy and listenable as this one. And at 18, Pixie Lott has plenty of time to refine her own style.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
The Noirin/Kris stuff is rubbish imo as she is with Tom it's so clear they are just friends and even Tom gets on with Kris, they only have to talk and all of a sudden they are going out.

Sophie can keep her mouth shut, she doesn't care she got involved with Kris in the first place and the fact Noirin is all over the mags must make her bitter Big Grin.

Hi Darloboy.Wave

It always takes a bit of time to see what is going on.
Not sure if Noirin is with any of them tbh.

I don't think Sophie would be bitter with Noirin, Sophie is in a few Magazines this week, she'll go a lot further than Noirin.
But good luck to them.

Noirin and Tom have been getting very close, Kris is just her mate but papers like to twist things. Sophie's 15 minutes will run out soon like most of them, she hasn't got the longevity and doesn't have much more to offer other than getting her boobs out sadly.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
The Noirin/Kris stuff is rubbish imo as she is with Tom it's so clear they are just friends and even Tom gets on with Kris, they only have to talk and all of a sudden they are going out.

Sophie can keep her mouth shut, she doesn't care she got involved with Kris in the first place and the fact Noirin is all over the mags must make her bitter Big Grin.

Hi Darloboy.Wave

It always takes a bit of time to see what is going on.
Not sure if Noirin is with any of them tbh.

I don't think Sophie would be bitter with Noirin, Sophie is in a few Magazines this week, she'll go a lot further than Noirin.
But good luck to them.

Noirin and Tom have been getting very close, Kris is just her mate but papers like to twist things. Sophie's 15 minutes will run out soon like most of them, she hasn't got the longevity and doesn't have much more to offer other than getting her boobs out sadly.

Well it should have kickstarted Sophies career again, and with having a few bob in the bank can make a lot of difference.

Not sure what Noirin did before BB so she won't be effected too much, but don't think she was in the modeling business.
'X Factor' Laura confirms debut single
Tuesday, September 15 2009, 17:35 BST
By Alex Fletcher, Senior Entertainment Reporter

X Factor 2008 star Laura White has announced details of her debut solo single.

The singer will release the track 'You Should Have Known' in early November. The single was voted for by White's fans, who were given the choice of four possible songs on her official website.

"The single has now been chosen by you!" she said. "'You Should Have Known' will be released early November so lets make it number one! Come and see me perform the new single live at my official promo tour!"

'You Should Have Known' is believed to be a radical departure from White's song choices on The X Factor and features the lyrics: "The love was wrong, but the sex was nice! You were always telling me that I was just no good, now you're out there missing me, like I knew you would."

The reality TV star's upcoming live shows include dates in Birmingham, Nottingham, Chesterfield and Warrington.

White was voted out on the fifth live show in last year's competition, despite at one point being the bookmakers' favourite to win the series.
Good evening all wavey

Sophie or Chantelle for Peter you say Hicky.. these papers. Roll Eyes
Peter Andre was on This Morning today, he is not looking for a woman at the moment, he has his hands full trying to sort this messy divorce, Katie's accusations, and protecting the kids.

And I read that Chantelle is back with Preston again, and I saw a pic of them together. Also when BB was on , I heard Preston being interviewed, and he said how friendly he still was with Chantelle, and spoke to her every day about BB. So maybe there is more truth in that rumour?

wavey Darloyboy...
At least it is good weather for the last week of your college hols. Smiler
Simon Settles Lawsuit with Arch Nemesis
Posted Sep 15th 2009 2:08PM by TMZ Staff

The personal chef who sued Simon Cowell and Terri Seymour just hit the smallest jackpot we've ever seen in a celebrity lawsuit -- a pair of old sneakers and some gas money!

As TMZ first reported, the chef filed suit against Simon and Terri earlier this month, claiming the "American Idol" judge wouldn't return her running shoes -- equipped with $500 orthopedic insoles. The chef claims Terri made her remove the shoes before entering Cowell's Hollywood Hills mansion.

But yesterday, Team Simon and the chef reached a settlement -- the chef got her shoes back ... plus around $75 in court costs ... and $9 for the gas!

We just spoke to the chef, who told us, "I got my shoes back ... yayyyyyyy!"

Case closed.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Good evening all wavey

Sophie or Chantelle for Peter you say Hicky.. these papers. Roll Eyes
Peter Andre was on This Morning today, he is not looking for a woman at the moment, he has his hands full trying to sort this messy divorce, Katie's accusations, and protecting the kids.

And I read that Chantelle is back with Preston again, and I saw a pic of them together. Also when BB was on , I heard Preston being interviewed, and he said how friendly he still was with Chantelle, and spoke to her every day about BB. So maybe there is more truth in that rumour?

wavey Darloyboy...
At least it is good weather for the last week of your college hols. Smiler

Hi Mollie.wavey

I don't think Peter 'A' will be bothering with females on a serious basis, but he might want a break from reading about his ex.

Not sure about Chantelle, you can't believe the papers but pictures can be a bit more accurate.

Just been for another meal out (The Hungry Horse), saves the washing up.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Just been for another meal out (The Hungry Horse), saves the washing up.

That's nice Hicky.

it is always a treat for someone else to do the cooking and clearing up. Smiler
What did you have?

When we went to Tenby, we had wonderful fish and chips for lunch. And later in the day, we found an ice-cream sundae bar, I had fruit, ice-cream and cream in a glass bowl. One of the boys had an American choccy ice-cream sundae in a tall glass, it was huge. Eeker
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Originally posted by Hicky:
Just been for another meal out (The Hungry Horse), saves the washing up.

That's nice Hicky.

it is always a treat for someone else to do the cooking and clearing up. Smiler
What did you have?

When we went to Tenby, we had wonderful fish and chips for lunch. And later in the day, we found an ice-cream sundae bar, I had fruit, ice-cream and cream in a glass bowl. One of the boys had an American choccy ice-cream sundae in a tall glass, it was huge. Eeker

Hi Mollie.Wave
I had a Prawn Cocktail for a starter, and a Beef Madras (It seemed a bit hot though).
My O/H had a Soup (Tomato) and a Steak Pudding.

Your Tenby trip sounded good, I can see you doing that again.
Kelly Osbourne 'Won't Do Strictly Come Dancing'
Published Tuesday, 15th September, 2009 at 5:10 PM

Kelly Osbourne may be strutting her moves as part of US TV contest 'Dancing With The Stars', but she has no intention of ever signing up for the UK equivalent, 'Strictly Come Dancing'.

The singer and reality TV stars feels the UK show is too image-conscious, so has no desire to compete in the future.

"You get paid to have fun, get dressed up and learn dance moves, so why wouldn't I?" Kelly told Celebs on Sunday about 'Dancing With The Stars'.

"I don't think I'd do Strictly, because it becomes about who has the best body. But in America it's not about being the best, it's about trying something new."

Speaking of the dance show, Kelly previously stated she was "excited" to be involved.

She also says she regrets getting so many tattoos.
Originally posted by Hicky:
Hi Mollie.Wave
I had a Prawn Cocktail for a starter, and a Beef Madras (It seemed a bit hot though).
My O/H had a Soup (Tomato) and a Steak Pudding.

Your Tenby trip sounded good, I can see you doing that again.

I bet you enjoyed that menu, even if the curry was a bit hot. Smiler
I'd of gone for the tomato soup too.

Yes I think I have added Tenby to my list of "must go again" places. Big Grin
Hi Mollie & Emptybox.wavey

A few words before I go to Docs for an ECG, the blinking shower went cold half way through, it doesn't seem to do it with my O/H, not very nice though, turned it off and up again and it came back warm.

Might get Brekkie out as well, no point in missing the opportunity is there.

Glad you have caught up Emptybox, amazing what a few good days does.

I always enjoy watching Keith Floyd on his expeditions, lovely feller.

Haven't read about the bank collapse Mollie, oh the old one, just read the last post.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Good morning Hicky wavey

Hope the ECG goes ok, and yes of course it is important, not to waste the opportunity of a brekkie out.

How annoying about the shower. Eeker hope that hasn't affected your heart reading for the ECG.

Hi Mollie.wavey
Just as I posted my O/H called me, she said "Come and pour the tea out and butter the fresh bread", she had made a full cooked Brekkie, she had just come in work, so I just had time to eat before the Docs.

Had the ECG, the Nurse couldn't find a Doctor so told me to ring tomorrow lunch to see how it went.
So not sure what's next yet, happy days.Big Grin

I'll go see if there's any news.
Channel 4 boss resigns amid failed bailout
Dan Sabbagh, Media Editor

Andy Duncan resigned as chief executive of Channel 4 after five years in which he tried and failed to secure a financial bailout of the broadcaster best known for airing Big Brother.

The broadcasting boss said he had "mutally agreed" with chairman Luke Johnson and the broadcaster's other board members that it was time to leave after the government published the Digital Britain white paper.

Mr Duncan had been pushing for financial support to meet a funding gap amounting to about Β£100 million a year from the middle of the next decade. But Digital Britain failed to offer any cash or subsidy, leaving Mr Duncan's strategy in tatters.

Boardroom disappointment at the failure of that strategy, coupled with a failure to conclude a merger of Channel 4's digital channels with parts of the BBC's commercial arm, left Mr Duncan fighting to survive -- a battle he finally lost this week.

Earlier this week The Times reported that Mr Duncan would be leaving "within days", just as the television industry gathers in Cambridge for the biennal Royal Television Society convention.

Mr Duncan said he will leave the broadcaster before the end of this year, allowing the board to recruit his successor in parallel with recruiting a successor to chairman Luke Johnson, whose term of office expires in January.

He added: β€œThe publication of the Digital Britain report was also a natural moment for me to take stock and since then I have been in discussion with Luke and other board members about the future. Channel 4 is facing a further period of change, with a fresh regulatory cycle looming and with the cancellation of Big Brother signalling the most significant creative renewal in our history.

Luke Johnson -- who led the appointment of Mr Duncan in 2004 -- said that the board was "grateful for Andy’s effective leadership" adding: "When the time comes, he will depart with our best wishes for his future success".

Anne Bulford, the finance director, will take over from Mr Duncan on an acting basis if he leaves before a successor becomes available, and headhunters will be appointed shortly to manage the process.

There was no immediate detail about the level of any severance payment, but Mr Duncan is entitled to twelve month's money, or Β£585,000, in his contract
Nantwich glamour girl Sophie Reade adjusts to life after Big Brother
Sep 16 2009 by James A Oliver, Crewe Chronicle

BIG Brother winner Sophie Reade has made her long-awaited flying visit back to South Cheshire amid a whirlwind of newfound fame.

The 20-year-old glamour model spent the weekend at her home in Queen’s Drive, Nantwich, before stopping off for an interview with CAT radio’s Socks, Dougs & Rock β€˜n’ Roll presenter Tim Dougill on Monday.

The Chronicle had already bagged its exclusive interview with the former Malbank School pupil last week but went along to find out how she is dealing with the overwhelming attention and her immediate plans.

She said: β€œIt has only just started sinking in although I am really missing the house and waking up next to Rodrigo. I want to go back in!
β€œI have had a couple of nights out and every time I go into a club the paparazzi are always outside.

β€œBut it was nice to come back to Nantwich and go back to normal for a few days. It was so good to see my dad again and my sisters and my dogs. It had been nearly four months since I’d seen them all.

β€œMy brother tried to get me to come out into town on Saturday but I wasn’t feeling very well. I’m sure I’ll be going out there soon though.”
And she plans to buy an apartment with Brazilian Rodrigo.

She said: β€œWe were looking at Leeds at first but I think we will get one in London. We get on so well so it would be great to sort that out.”
Sophie will make her first public appearance back in Cheshire at Chester’s Cruise nightclub this Friday – an event billed as her homecoming party. She also has an interview with Ann Summers representatives today which could see her emerge as the face of the lingerie firm.

To hear Socks, Dougs & Rock β€˜n’ Roll featuring an interview with Sophie Reade, log on to this Wednesday from 7-9pm.
Cheryl Cole set to join Susan Boyle and Alexandra Burke in America

Susan Boyle has cracked America, Alexandra Burke has big plans for the US and now Cheryl Cole is the next lady under Simon Cowell’s wing to be heading Stateside.

16 September 2009 13:17 PMComment

Cheryl Cole is said to be extremely nervous about her solo career, but her management don’t share her pessimistic views and think she will be a massive star, with plans to make her a hit in America.

Now magazine has reported that the Fight For This Love singer has been smoking more than usual due to the stress of going it alone.

A source said: "If her solo career goes well, she can think about breaking the US, which she's desperate to do.

"If it doesn't, she could go the way of Victoria Beckham, who was finished as a solo artist after only one song. That's Cheryl's biggest fear."

They added: "No-one in Cheryl's camp is looking at the work she has ahead of her in a pessimistic light - far from it.

"They're already thinking way beyond the single and album and plotting how to crack America."

Simon Cowell has taken Cheryl under his wing and thinks she has real talent. His company SYCO are managing Susan Boyle’s phenomenal success in the US, they have plans to make X Factor winner Alexandra Burke a US diva next year, could Cowell’s influence be about to make Cheryl a Stateside star?
Endemol merges Brighter Pictures with Cheetah TV
16 September, 2009 | By Robin Parker

Endemol UK has merged Big Brother producer Brighter Pictures and Deal or No Deal indie Cheetah Television into a single division to be called Remarkable Television.

The new company will span factual entertainment, features, reality and entertainment and will sit alongside Initial, Zeppotron and branded entertainment division New State in Endemol’s UK business.

Remarkable will be run jointly by managing directors David Flynn – formerly head of Brighter – and Colette Foster, who was head of features at Cheetah. The creative director will be Phil Edgar-Jones, who held the same role at Brighter.

Endemol UK chief executive officer Tim Hincks said the launch β€œcreates a veritable powerhouse of talent within Endemol UK.”

He added: β€œIt brings together two phenomenally skilled and creative teams, both with a long track record of big hitting shows. It’s an exciting development for the group and places us in a strong position to further grow our business.”

Cheetah makes a string of C4 features shows such as Gok’s Fashion Fix and Supersize vs Skinny, plus BBC2’s Ready Steady Cook, while in addition to BB, Brighter makes BBC2’s daytime gameshow Pointless and ITV’s Divided.

Endemol bought Brighter for an estimated Β£10m in 2001, while Cheetah came under the super-indie’s wing a year later, when it was still known as Bazal. Cheetah managing director Nikki Cheetham, who oversaw the name change in 2006, stood down in January.
Catwalk Beauty Kate Moss To Serenade Simon Cowell?

Kate Moss, the British supermodel – who has been friends with Simon for several years – plans to serenade the music mogul with a surprise performance at his star-studded 50th birthday bash on October 7.

However, the 35-year-old catwalk beauty is unsure about what to sing.

A source told Britain's Daily Star newspaper: "It's a toss up between a sexy Marilyn Monroe-style 'Happy Birthday', or her speciality Lily Allen's 'Not Fair', which she has been practising with her friend Lily."

Simon has invited 400 celebrity friends to help him celebrate reaching the landmark age at the black tie bash at Hertfordshire's Wrotham Park.

Guests expected to attend include music legend Sir Elton John and his partner David Furnish, Hollywood actor Kevin Spacey, actress Denise Richards, Australian pop star Kylie Minogue, the judges from his talent shows and most of his recording artists.

Kate will have to ensure her singing is pitch-perfect on the night as she will be performing alongside some of the world's biggest acts, including Leona Lewis. (c) BANG

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