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Good evening all wavey

Hicky... thanks for all the news, took me ages to read it all. Big Grin What a weird BB video.. Ninja
Yes, you have got a lot of fish there, but they reckon it is really good for you, so that is ok. Smiler

Emptybox... hope the lawnmower is ok. Is it getting any cooler up there yet? It was so hot and stuffy here again today. Hope the lawnmower is ok. Glad you like your tv. Ours is back tonight, all fixed, cost ÂĢ125, plus the original ÂĢ45 diagnostic test. hope they will pay the bill because I complained the tv was not fit for purpose.

Kingkev... glad to hear the romances is still coming along nicely. Smiler

Darloboy.. enjoy the rest of your hols. xx

Pinkbabe... hope you are now fit and well. xx

Took my mom home tonight after she has visisted us for a couple of days to celebrate her birthday.

am watching Derren Brown right now, trying to predict the lottery numbers. Ninja
Originally posted by **Nipple Twister*
dont know if your aware but electrical have a 6 year warranty as per eu law. you may have to google it to read more , The shops dont tell you this but its correct.

NT..... Hug
thank you so much for this info. I was not aware, and it is indeed very usefull to me.
On reading this, I am pretty sure the retailer is responsible for mending our expensive tv that was only 2 years old, yet broke twice within that time.

I reckon very few realise these rights they have after they buy goods.
Evening. Smiler

A nice sunny day here for a change. Smiler

I put a new air filter in the mower first thing, and it was running smoothly for 6Â― hrs today. Cool
Mind you, that meant I was walking behind it for 6Â― hrs. Frowner

Also the fuel economy is back to 2 hours cutting per litre of fuel. Cool

Whadya mean "Is it getting any cooler up there yet?", Mollie? Confused
It's been chilly for weeks. Big Grin
I had my sweatshirt off today, but I still had a T-shirt and a long sleeve shirt on top of that.
And I'm sitting here with 3 layers on tonight, contemplating putting the central heating on. Eeker

Glad you got your telly back. Hope the shop does pay, but I think it might be a long shot.
Good morning all wavey

Another lovely day here today, a good day for drying all the bedding. Big Grin

Eeker does sound cold there already if you are considering heating. And Eeker 6 and half hours behind the mower, you were certainly busy. But what a nice outdoors healthy line of work to be in.

Kingkev... yes I cannot understand how Derren got those numbers right, look forward to seeing the answer on Friday.

Pinkbabe... Hugso glad to hear you are all well at last. I am very well too thanks.

Hope you enjoy your day off today Hicky. Are your ankles any better, or still bothering you in the day?
I hope your lad enjoys his last few days with you. I feel for you and OH when you have to see him off again. Hug

I am off to Tesco or Asda soon to get some groceries.
Originally posted by Suzie Fairy:
Good Morning Peeps Hug

Sorry I haven't been in for a while have been busy on FB Laugh

Hope all is well in here and everyone if fit and well

Have a great day today and I'm hoping to get back in here later to catch up Valentine

nice to see you back again. Hug

I wondered what you were up to.Glad you are having fun on facebook. Smiler

Hope you are well. xx
Good Morning Everyone.wavey

Changed over to Google Chrome for a change, not sure what it's like though.

A good Win for England last night anyway.

Hi Kev.Wave
I like a lot of fish, it counteracts all the junk I eat, hopefully.

Glad you happy at the Mo anyway.

Hi Molly.Wave
Hope your Mum had a nice Birthday with you, bet you spoilt her.

I'm having a Barbie later for a few of the Family, my Lad fancies one, and with it being lovely and Sunny here, why not.
We all go for a Chinese Banquet tomorrow night, that should be good, eat as much as you want.

Didn't see Derren Brown and forgot to record it as well.

Just going to have some Kippers.Big Grin

Hi Emptybox.Wave
Glad the new filter sorted your Mower, wouldn't have thought a little less air would have caused it to splutter.

Hi PinkBabe.Wave
Glad your a lot better.

Hi Suzie.Wave
Wondered where you where, FB can take a lot of your time up, my O/H is on it all the time, I just go on now and again.
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Good Morning Everyone *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Hope you are all well*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Lovely here today *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* Happy Thursday to you *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
Wow, that Kipper was lovely.

Anyway, looking for any interesting news.

I'm giving Google Chrome a try as well, instead of IE8 and Firefox.
Top ten Big Brother controversies
Updated on 24 May 2007
By Channel 4 News

The Goody, the bad and the ugly of past Big Brothers.

1. Nasty Nick

Who could forget that house meeting in Big Brother's first series when Nick was confronted by the housemates for his Machiavellian manoeuvres? He had broken the rules by writing down his nominations for eviction and by playing the housemates off against each other - and he was evicted for his offences.

2. The racism row

Unbeknownst to the housemates, an international furore was sparked over the treatment of Bollywood star Shilpa Shetty at the hands of her housemates - particularly Jade Goody and Danielle Lloyd - in the fifth series of Celebrity Big Brother. Jade's reference to her as "Shilpa Poppadom" and bullying behaviour led to accusations of racism - but when Shilpa won Big Brother she said she had not thought it amounted to racial prejudice.

3. Goody's gaffes

Jade initially made a name for herself in Big Brother''s third series with her impressive lack of general knowledge. She thought Saddam Hussein was a boxer and believed that Cambridge was in London. Upon being informed that it was in East Anglia - which she rendered "East Angular" - she then asked whether it was abroad.

4. Makosi the plant?

In the final week of Big Brother's sixth series, The Sun newspaper claimed that Big Brother producers had paid a talent agency in order to get Zimbabwean nurse Makosi Musambasi on the show. This was denied by Big Brother, who said the money was for work relating to one of its sister shows.

5. The celebrity spoof

In the fourth series of Celebrity Big Brother, Paris Hilton lookalike Chantelle Houghton was asked to pose as a celebrity. None of the other housemates guessed she was an impostor and she went on to win the competition - casting doubt on the other contestants' claims to fame and prompting a debate about the nature of celebrity.

6. Psychological uncertainties

Big Brother's seventh series sparked debate over whether contestants were psychologically fit to be in the house. Shahbaz threatened to commit suicide, Lea suffers from body dysmorphia and Nikki had anorexia and had previously been sectioned. Some mental health charities criticised the programme, but the show's producers maintained that contestants received strong psychological support.

7. The language barrier

Also in series seven, Glyn Wise was chastised for speaking in Welsh to fellow housemate Imogen Thomas. Big Brother deemed it a form of "code", but following complaints from the Welsh Language Society they were allowed to converse in Welsh and English subtitles were provided.

8. George on all fours

When MP George Galloway was announced as a contestant on the fourth series of Celebrity Big Brother, many were up in arms. They thought that he should be working for his Bethnal Green constituency rather than appearing on TV. It didn't help that he went on to provide some of the most mortifying moments of the series, engaging in a slanging match with Michael Barrymore, dressing up as a cat and pretending to lick milk from actress Rula Lenska's hands.

9. Barrymore's breakdown

Also in series four of Celebrity Big Brother, there were protests over Michael Barrymore's inclusion in the show, as he was then involved in legal proceedings over the death of a man found in his swimming pool, Stuart Lubbock. Lubbock's father petitioned the programme but Michael Barrymore eventually won public sympathy after appearing to have an emotional breakdown.

10. Grace's disgrace

Housemate Grace Adams-Short in Big Brother's seventh series was widely perceived as a bully and threw a glass of water over Susie Verrico as she left the house. Three months later she was attacked outside a nightclub and badly injured - she said the assault was unrelated to her appearance on Big Brother.
Turkish girls kidnapped in ‘Big Brother’ internet scam

Reality TV has often been criticised for how it manipulates the aspirations of the sometimes desperate people it attracts. But it has never treated its contestants quite as badly as a 'reality-TV' scam which has just been uncovered in Turkey.

Earlier this summer, nine girls responded to an advert on the internet, thinking they were applying to appear on a reality show called Somebody's Watching You. Hoping for a shot at televisual fame, they ended up effectively kidnapped.

The nine women, one only 15 years old, were lured to a luxury Istanbul villa, complete with a swimming pool. There, they were filmed, but instead of appearing on television in living rooms across the country, the 'producers' of the show used naked pictures of the women to sell on internet porn sites.

The women were told they would have to pay ÂĢ20,000 if they wanted to leave
When the girls noticed - after a few weeks - that the show contained none of the usual Big Brother-style features - such as carrying out tasks, confiding to the world from a 'diary room' or choosing a housemate to evict - they grew suspicious of the show.

But when they raised their concerns with the men in charge, they were shown their contracts, and told that they would have to pay ÂĢ20,000 if they wanted to leave before the two months they had signed up for elapsed. It was only after the parents of one of the contestants got in touch with the police that the scam unraveled, and the girls were rescued by a police raid on Wednesday.

So far, one man has been arrested, for kidnap and extortion, and some of the girls have revealed that they were beaten during their stay in the house.
4. Makosi the plant?

In the final week of Big Brother's sixth series, The Sun newspaper claimed that Big Brother producers had paid a talent agency in order to get Zimbabwean nurse Makosi Musambasi on the show. This was denied by Big Brother, who said the money was for work relating to one of its sister shows.

Makosi was a brill housemate Big Grin Thumbs Up, liked her from the start of BB6 along with my fav Science, when he was evicted I supported her. She was such a drama queen, so fun and entertaining although she admitted she played the game she was so sneaky with it until that pool incident Laugh Shake Head.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Good afternoon all,

Well had a shock when I went to the doctors ths morning, not only has the doctor found that my eardrums have been damaged due to untreated infections that I went to my old GP about and was told it was bascially nothing, I also have an cyst inside my ear which I have to take antibiotics for and may end up with me having an operation if the antibiotics I am taking do not help.
It turns out the problems I had a couple fo weeks ago were the start of it and the injection took the pain away and the antibiotics I was given were to treat the infection in my ear and it has made this cyst flare, so I have to wait and see how it goes and go back on Monday for another check and see how it is going. And I have found out due to the scarring on the eardrum, I will go deaf. He is also writing to the ENT department of my local hospital and I will have to go and be assessed again

So back on yet more antibiotics and feeling so angry about my old GP and his negligence basically, my first reaction was to drive down to the surgery and punch his lights out!! My husband stopped me doing that, but I am considering my options regarding contacting my local PCT and putting in a formal complaint about this GP, if this had been looked at 3 years ago, I would not have had the scarring and the hardening of my eardrums that will cause the deafness.

Thank goodness my GP has a real knowledge of hearing problems, I have heard other people say how good he is at diagnosing and getting people sorted out.

So not a happy bunny at the moment!!
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
wavey Hicky

What a great day for a BBQ. I am sure your lad will very much appreciate you doing that for him. Smiler I hope you enjoy that "eat all you like" Chinese banquet tommorrow. How many of you are going? What time is his flight back on Saturday? Is he doing a stopover in Singapore on the way back?

wavey Darloyboy
hope you are enjoying the last of your summer hols. At least it has been a nice long break for you.

I am not on facebook, or used the google chrome yet. Hicky , are you liking the chrome one?

Have got the food shopping, tried not to be temtped with too many treats though. Big Grin I did get quite a lot of different ice-creams though, me and the family all like trying the different ones as they come on offer.

Eeker Hicky... what a terrible scam that sounded in Turkey, and how awful that one of those poor girls was only 15.
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
Good afternoon all,

Well had a shock when I went to the doctors ths morning, not only has the doctor found that my eardrums have been damaged due to untreated infections that I went to my old GP about and was told it was bascially nothing, I also have an cyst inside my ear which I have to take antibiotics for and may end up with me having an operation if the antibiotics I am taking do not help.
It turns out the problems I had a couple fo weeks ago were the start of it and the injection took the pain away and the antibiotics I was given were to treat the infection in my ear and it has made this cyst flare, so I have to wait and see how it goes and go back on Monday for another check and see how it is going. And I have found out due to the scarring on the eardrum, I will go deaf. He is also writing to the ENT department of my local hospital and I will have to go and be assessed again

So back on yet more antibiotics and feeling so angry about my old GP and his negligence basically, my first reaction was to drive down to the surgery and punch his lights out!! My husband stopped me doing that, but I am considering my options regarding contacting my local PCT and putting in a formal complaint about this GP, if this had been looked at 3 years ago, I would not have had the scarring and the hardening of my eardrums that will cause the deafness.

Thank goodness my GP has a real knowledge of hearing problems, I have heard other people say how good he is at diagnosing and getting people sorted out.

So not a happy bunny at the moment!!

Poor you PB. Hug
What a horrible thing to happen to you. Frowner

Yes I think you should complain about this. I thought it was bad enough recently when your surgery refused to see you, when you were in so much pain, and you ended up in the hospital. And now all this too, means you should complain in writing, I reckon.
Originally posted by *Mollie*:
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
Good afternoon all,

Well had a shock when I went to the doctors ths morning, not only has the doctor found that my eardrums have been damaged due to untreated infections that I went to my old GP about and was told it was bascially nothing, I also have an cyst inside my ear which I have to take antibiotics for and may end up with me having an operation if the antibiotics I am taking do not help.
It turns out the problems I had a couple fo weeks ago were the start of it and the injection took the pain away and the antibiotics I was given were to treat the infection in my ear and it has made this cyst flare, so I have to wait and see how it goes and go back on Monday for another check and see how it is going. And I have found out due to the scarring on the eardrum, I will go deaf. He is also writing to the ENT department of my local hospital and I will have to go and be assessed again

So back on yet more antibiotics and feeling so angry about my old GP and his negligence basically, my first reaction was to drive down to the surgery and punch his lights out!! My husband stopped me doing that, but I am considering my options regarding contacting my local PCT and putting in a formal complaint about this GP, if this had been looked at 3 years ago, I would not have had the scarring and the hardening of my eardrums that will cause the deafness.

Thank goodness my GP has a real knowledge of hearing problems, I have heard other people say how good he is at diagnosing and getting people sorted out.

So not a happy bunny at the moment!!

Poor you PB. Hug
What a horrible thing to happen to you. Frowner

Yes I think you should complain about this. I thought it was bad enough recently when your surgery refused to see you, when you were in so much pain, and you ended up in the hospital. And now all this too, means you should complain in writing, I reckon.

Thanks Darlo and Mollie, I have posted on the other board about this, but leaving out the current problem for space reasons and most have told me to take it further, so I am going to get my medical records tomorrow and ask about the complaints procedure - BTW that receptionist was given the sack after it was found that she had done the same thing to other patients.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
Thanks Darlo and Mollie, I have posted on the other board about this, but leaving out the current problem for space reasons and most have told me to take it further, so I am going to get my medical records tomorrow and ask about the complaints procedure - BTW that receptionist was given the sack after it was found that she had done the same thing to other patients.

I am not surprised she was sacked. Very dnagerous to people's health, and unprofessional, for someone like her to take it upon herself to deicde who a doc sees, and who he deosn't.

Good job people did complain, to help it stop happening to others.
I always think that is a genuine and worthwhile reason to complain about someone if we have been treated unfairly or unprofessionally.

I hope you now continue to get better medical treatment. Hug
I can't log into here from Chrome, maybe it's because i'm still logged in from Firefox.

Hi Darloboy.Wave
I liked Makosi, good HM, liked Science as well.

Hi PinkBabe.Wave
That's awful about your ear, what a mess.
Your hearing is so important to you.
Hope thwe Anti-Bio's will ease things for you.

Hi Mollie.Wave
It's been glorious here today, Barbie a success, plenty to eat,
There's 10 or 12 going to the Chinese Banquet tomorrow, prefer the starters to the main meal.Big Grin
Will have to find out if he stops off at Singapore on the way back, not sure.

The Google Chrome seems OK, not sure why I can't get in Gaga/LiveCloud with it though.
BB wannabe Imogen turns World Cup WAG
Thursday, September 10, 2009

A beaming Imogen Thomas with boyfriend Jermain Defoe

Former Big Brother contestant Imogen Thomas looks like the cat who got the cream as she celebrated England's win against Croatia last night with boyfriend Jermain Defoe.

The reality TV star looked like she was savouring every minute of England's success - and no doubt was happy pondering a trip to South Africa next year.

Imogen left Wembley last night with Jermain after England secured their place in the World Cup with a comfortable 5-1 victory.

Other WAGS who looked over the moon at the prospect of a trip to South Africa were Alex Curran, wife of Steven Gerrard, and Abigail Clancy, fiancÃĐ of Peter Crouch.

England manager Fabio Capello's wife Laura also looked delighted as the couple left the ground last night.

The only WAG who didn't manage to crack a smile was Wayne Rooney's wife Coleen - but at eight months pregnant she was probably thinking more about her bed than a lavish trip abroad.
X Factor v Strictly Come Dancing - proof that the BBC is failing licence-fee payers

The decision to schedule Strictly Come Dancing against X Factor shows why many have lost sympathy with the BBC

Telegraph View
Published: 7:55PM BST 10 Sep 2009

Sir Michael Lyons, the chairman of the BBC Trust, has penned an open letter to licence-fee payers in response to criticism that the BBC is too big, and is abusing its position as a publicly funded broadcaster. On the face of it, this is a welcome development. Sir Michael acknowledges that the corporation has a case to answer over the use of its colossal guaranteed income to compete unfairly against commercial rivals and other media outlets. He also portrays himself and the trust as representing the interests of the public, not the BBC's management. Would that this were so.

The fine words in Sir Michael's letter simply bear no resemblance to what is actually going on. It says that "the BBC needs to focus on what makes it different and distinctive from the commercial media". We agree. So why is the BBC scheduling its flagship Saturday night show Strictly Come Dancing against ITV's X Factor, in what can only be a deliberate attempt to undermine the latter's audience?

For all his professed desire to provoke an "open debate" about the BBC's future, Sir Michael seeks to close it down before it has even begun. A suggestion that part of the licence fee should be "top-sliced" to help struggling commercial broadcasters is rejected with the aid of a frankly tendentious interpretation of opinion surveys commissioned by the BBC. But those who are uncomfortable with the idea of commercial organisations being propped up by what is essentially a tax will find it hard to sympathise with the corporation if it continues to behave like an aggressive monopoly backed by public money. If Sir Michael is really serious about removing the BBC from areas where it should not be, he could halt its foray into internet news delivery, where its website is vastly better funded than anything rivals in the print and broadcast media can match, both here and overseas.

Sir Michael is also erecting Aunt Sally arguments to justify the BBC's aggrandisement. No one is asking it to undermine its news-gathering prowess in order to trim its sails. What it needs to address is the fact that many of its outlets are unnecessary and cannot be justified. With the advance of digital and internet broadcasting spawning hundreds of TV and radio channels, the corporation is looking increasingly anachronistic. Many viewers who subscribe to a variety of other media outlets resent being required to pay nearly ÂĢ140 a year to fund the overweening ambitions of its highly paid executives. Sir Michael has promised that the trust will "consider" all of these points, but it must do more than that – otherwise the next government should install as chairman someone who will be a true champion of the licence-fee payer.
Found out why I couldn't log in from Chrome, it had turned off the Cookies, not a good idea.

Work tomorrow, so I won't be on here long tonight.
Up at 5.30 again.

Got my hair cut again yesterday, a No. #2 all round, saves needing a comb anyway, and all my Lads have short hair.
Mind you I haven't got all that much anyway, but it grows a lot at the sides.
Good Morning Everyone.wavey

Hope you are all well.

It looks like another nice day today anyway.
It's started a bit Foggy here, but it will soon clear.

▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* ------ Good Morning Everyone -------*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* I hope you are all well this Morning *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* ------It looks like a nice day today --------- *â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
▹*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ* ------ It's Happy Friday again -------*â™Ĩ*â™Ĩ*◄
Big Brother's Big MouthFriday 11 September
11:00pm - 12:05am

The Reunion
The winner of Big Brother 10 has tasted their first seven days of freedom, but now that the sun has set on another summer in the Big Brother house, the final Big Brother's Big Mouth will celebrate and scrutinise all the action from the past series and reunite all of the housemates one final time.
Things might be picking up then, about time.

ABOVE: Improved mortgage availability ia providing ‘positive signs’, say UK’s top housebuilder
10th September 2009
HOPES of an end to the housing market slump were boosted yesterday by two of the UK’s biggest housebuilders.

Miller Group, the country’s biggest privately-owned housebuilder, said improved mortgage availability was providing “positive signs of a housing recovery”.

Despite turnover falling 19% to ÂĢ404million for the half year to June 30 and underlying pre-tax losses of ÂĢ7.4m, the company said it had traded ahead of expectations.

It reported a 45% jump in reservations to the end of August.

Shares in Berkeley Group rose after it provided more optimism for the beleaguered industry.

It said the “emerging stability” it had seen in the London and south east market this spring had continued over the summer months.

A spokesman said: “So far, so good.”
Alexandra Burke says new format of The X Factor is 'harder to win'

Last year's X Factor champion has said the new format for the show with auditions held in front of a live audience is "much harder to win".
.11 September 2009 00:00 AM

Alexandra Burke claimed that it was easier when those coming for auditions only had to sing for the panel of judges.

She told the Daily Mirror: "I would never have won with the new format.

"God, it's scary performing in front of Simon [Cowell] full stop.

"But to perform in front of thousands of people who will judge you - because sometimes they boo, or they laugh, or even cry - is so scary."

She added: "You can't be everyone's cup of tea. To only have four judges to deal with is better.

"For those that have gone out there and done it, it shows guts and courage.

"I look up to them because I don't know if I could have done it and won."

It is rumoured that judge Cheryl Cole is planning to perform a surprise duet with Alexandra during the final stages of the show.

This article is powered by Well Contented Ltd

Last updated: 11 September 2009, 08:07
Cowell learned lesson from Boyle

Simon Cowell has admitted that Susan Boyle's breakdown made him realise he has to take care of his contestants.

According to the Daily Record, in an interview on Amanda Holden's new American TV show, CBS's 'The Early Show' the pop mogul talked about Boyle, 48.

He described her breakdown after the end of the 'Britain's Got Talent' as "scary": "I think at the point where she (Susan) didn't win, she was afraid everything would be taken away from her and she was going to go back to that little house.

"She didn't want to go back to that life."

Cowell, 49, said it made him realise he has a duty to look after people who audition on his shows: "We're used to it (the fame). They're not."

However he believes Boyle's new album will be a big seller: "After all the dust settled, she was happy. She is stunning on record. "She's going to sell millions of records this year."

He revealed that the Scottish singer Boyle will be singing songs by artists such as The Rolling Stones on her album and said she was so happy with the results that she burst into tears when she heard it.

Holden also asked him if he would have put The Beatles through to the final stages of his talent shows.

He said: "I think we would have said, 'We'll take those three but probably lose the drummer. Ringo, I'm afraid it's bad news.'"
Trowbridge barmaid tells all about the Ex Factor
9:00am Friday 11th September 2009
By Charley Morgan Âŧ

A Trowbridge couple who captured the hearts of the nation when they were reunited on The X Factor by judges Simon Cowell and Cheryl Cole split up again just hours later.

Angry Kirsty Weightman, 19, said her ex-boyfriend Jack Stuckey, 20, only asked her to get back together to get on TV – and she only said yes to get off the stage.

Miss Weightman, of Studley Green, and Mr Stuckey, of Gloucester Road, Trowbridge, sang Starship’s hit Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us at the audition in Cardiff, which was recorded in June but shown on the ITV show on Saturday night.

The couple had told presenter Dermot O’Leary before they went on stage they had been engaged but had just split up.

Mr Cowell told them they weren’t going through to the next round but he suggested Mr Stuckey should take Miss Weightman back.

Fellow judge and Girls Aloud singer Cheryl Cole joined in, saying “she still loves you” so he turned to her and asked if she would have him back, and she agreed.

The barmaid, who works at the Sir Isaac Pitman Pub in Market Place, said: “At first Simon said: ‘I think you should ask her back’. Then I said ‘don’t ask me out’ and he did anyway. We were on stage for about half an hour having a debate.

“We lowered our mikes but they put in overhead ones instead. I said ‘can we just get out of it?’.

“When we got off stage Dermot said ‘are you back together?’ Jack said ‘yes’ and then kissed me. But we never really got back together. I agreed to say yes just so we could get out of there.

“He knew that. We got in the car and as soon as we got home we started arguing. I said ‘that’s it, it’s over’ and now he's got a new girlfriend.

“He had been saying that all day. He said ‘pretend we’re still a couple’. I said ‘I don’t think so’.

“We had a producer from Jeremy Kyle contact us to offer to help get us back together and Jack said let’s do it, but I know it’s just so he can get on TV again.

“I loved being on stage in front of all those people at X Factor but I can’t take everyone being on my case afterwards so I’d never do it again.

“My Facebook page has gone insane – I’ve had 150 people requesting to be my friend and one guy even said ‘Let’s run away together’.”

The former George Ward School pupil said she had only agreed to take part in the auditions to help Jack, who works at Tesco Extra in County Way, pursue his dreams of stardom after he failed to get through on last year’s show.

The couple met while she was working in Chicago Rock Cafe in Trowbridge, last year and Jack proposed on Christmas Day.

But three days before the show he dumped her by text message, saying: ‘I don’t want to be with you, I can do better’.

She agreed to go to the auditions anyway, but during their performance Jack forgot the words.

Kirsty said: “We got in the car and as soon as we got home we started arguing again. I said ‘That’s it, it’s over’ and now he’s got a new girlfriend anyway.

Jack is on holiday with his family and unavailable for comment.
Strictly Come Dancing TV judge Craig Revel Horwood plays The Wicked Queen in Llandudno panto
Sep 11 2009 by David Powell, Daily Post

CRAIG Revel Horwood was on Llandudno prom yesterday for a dress rehearsal of his role as The Wicked Queen in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Speaking at yesterday’s launch of Venue Cymru’s Christmas panto, the Strictly Come Dancing judge said: “My costumes are worth the price of a ticket alone.”

Craig stars with UK Eurovision finalist Mark Evans as The Prince. The show runs from December 14 to January 3 2010 – tickets priced ÂĢ12.50-ÂĢ16.50 on 01492 872000. The new series of Strictly Come Dancing starts next Friday.
One Show presenters Adrian Chiles and Christine Bleakley to fly around the country
By Nicola Methven 11/09/2009

An hour-long One Show hits screens tonight with a new feature called the Tellycopter.

Christine Bleakley and Adrian Chiles will don jumpsuits to fly around the country and ask people what they think of stuff in the news.

Chop, chop!
Susan Boyle to Perform on America’s Got Talent
Her first televised performance since British counterpart of the show
By Elena Gorgan, Life & Style Editor
10th of September 2009, 12:59 GMT

After the highly mediated performance Susan Boyle put on Britain’s Got Talent, the unlikely megastar retired from the public eye for a while and only performed on the subsequent tour. Now, as part of her preparation for the release of her debut album, Boyle will be coming to the US to perform live on America’s Got Talent, sources confirm for Perez Hilton.

The celebrity blogger claims he has it from very reliable insiders that Susan is a go for a performance on the show’s finale. Moreover, the singer is said to be ecstatic about being on stage again and getting to do the one thing she loves more than anything (to sing, that is), after such a long pause. Further details are not available at the moment, but, if this report is indeed accurate, an announcement should be made pretty soon.

“We’re told that the producers just adore her and are ‘delighted’ they will have her first television performance since Britain’s Got Talent! We’re also told that she is in ‘great form.’ [â€Ķ] SuBo is elated about her trip to the States, sources tell us, as she has been telling her family how much she can’t wait to visit! Furthermore, all around, we’re told that she is exceptionally happy, in good spirits, and is looking forward to her album being released in November.” Perez Hilton writes.

Speaking of album and anticipation for it, just recently, it has emerged that fans of the singing “angel” might actually be more eager to get a first listen of it than initially believed. Although many months until release, Susan’s “I Dreamed a Dream” album managed to outperform the likes of Whitney Houston and The Beatles in terms of online pre-sales, with thousands of fans rushing to pre-order it on sites like Even more amazing was the fact that all this happened in just a few days after the release announcement was made.

A spokesperson for Boyle talked to the media shortly after the record was set, saying how the singer herself was so thrilled at the news she decided to treat herself to a little shopping spree.
TV talent show contestants should be paid, says union, 'Actors' union Equity says shows such as Britain's Got Talent and The X Factor are exploiting a loophole in the law
HÃĐlÃĻne Mulholland
Thursday 10 September 2009 15.11 BST

Alexandra Burke, who won The X Factor last year.

Television talent shows are using contestants as "cheap" labour, thereby undercutting professional performers in the entertainment industry, a union has warned.

The actors' union Equity has rounded on shows such as Britain's Got Talent and The X Factor, which do not pay contestants a penny for their performances but are watched by millions of viewers on primetime TV.

In a motion tabled for this next week's annual TUC conference in Liverpool, the union will call for contestants who qualify for the show to be paid the rate for the job amid fears that professionals are losing out.

Seizing on the controversy that surrounded Susan Boyle on the last Britain's Got Talent contest, the union also calls for a return to "professional drama and light entertainment" rather than shows based on the "exploitation and humiliation of vulnerable people".

An Equity spokesman said unions had struck agreements with the BBC to ensure contestants receive above the minimum wage for shows such as a How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria – a search for a singer to appear in the Sound of Music stage show.

But Equity says not all programme-makers are playing ball and are exploiting a loophole in the national minimum wage act for competitions, which means contestants "generally do not get paid".

"Where people are entertaining and someone is making money out of it, the entertainer should be paid for the work whether they are so called professionals or not," the Equity spokesman said.

TalkBackThames, which produces Britain's Got Talent and The X Factor, has no plans to review its policy of using performers for free.

A spokeswoman for the company said: "They are not employmed in their own right and therefore Equity rates do not apply. Contestants chose to enter to compete for a substantial prize – a cash prize of ÂĢ100k and a performance on the Royal Variety Show for Britain's Got Talent and a recording contract worth ÂĢ1m on The X Factor. The shows also give ordinary people an opportunity to showcase their talents and potentially transform their lives."

Employment rights lawyers in Britain are looking closely at a groundbreaking ruling in France taken up by three contestants who took part in a reality TV show.

It was reported in June that the supreme court in France awarded the trio thousands of euros after they appeared on the French version of the programme Temptation Island, which involved flirting with members of the opposite sex on a tropical island.

The judges ruled that the trio were entitled to full employment contracts – including overtime, holidays and even damages for wrongful dismissal upon elimination from the show.

ABOVE: Noirin loves dressing up in the bedroom
11th September 2009 By Katie Begley

IF Noirin Kelly could bottle her sex appeal she would make millions, as it seems no man can resist her Irish charms.

The Dublin babe had six of her fellow Big Brother housemates desperate to bed her while she was on the show.
And since leaving she has scored with two more lucky wannabes from the reality series.

First newly-single Noirin, 26, was seen leaving the final Big Brother’s Little Brother last weekend arm in arm with hunk Kris Donnelly, 24.

They were later spotted kissing in full view of everyone at the Big Brother Celebriparty event at London’s O2 IndigO2 club last Saturday night, before sneaking home together at 2.30am.

But just days later at the show’s official wrap party she made no attempt to hide her blossoming romance with Tom Oliver, 27, who entered the Big Bro house halfway through.

Joining the Daily Star for her sexiest shoot ever, the stunning lass admits she cannot help the effect she seems to have on men.

“It just happens,” she giggles as she slips out of her clothes and into some sexy undies.

“I don’t cast a spell on them, if that’s what you are thinking. I’ve always been able to get the man that I want.”
With that confidence we cannot help but pin the babe down and tease out every tip she has to seducing a man and keeping him panting for more.

Here Noirin gives us her top tips that will leave your fella eating out of the palm of your hand.

1. One of my biggest tips would be to always leave them wanting more. I have never put myself out there on a plate for a man to just take. He needs to work a lot harder than that. But believe me, it’s worth it. Guys like the chase. Obviously don’t drag it out because, come on, they don’t have the longest attention span, do they? But I always think about this when it comes to dating and even what I wear. Girls who go out showing off their boobs and flashing as much as possible don’t leave much to the imagination. What’s in it for a guy if he’s seen everything from a mile off?

2. Remember girls, flattery gets you everywhere. Men say that it’s us women who want to be flattered all the time but don’t be fooled. They like their ego massaged, too. If you can boost his confidence then he will think you are fantastic and will keep coming back for more. Say things like: “Have you been working out because you look really good?” Or: “Wow, you smell good.” Say it with a glint in your eye and a sexy smile and he’ll be putty in your hand.

3. When you go out on a date make sure you ask him lots of questions about himself. It goes back to the whole ego thing. Men like to feel like the centre of attention, whether they admit it or not. It also means you can get inside his head a lot quicker if you know more about him.

4. Be touchy-feely. I find that if I touch a man’s arm or thigh when I am talking to him I am more likely to keep his attention. The contact also helps keep things intimate. If you are out with mates every now and again lean over and give his thigh a squeeze. Or if you are sitting opposite him why not explore a bit with your foot? What’s even better is if you don’t look at him while your doing it. Give him a little wink then talk to someone else. It’ll drive him wild.

5. This is going to sound like a clichÃĐ but when I am talking to a man I really like I tend to play with my hair and smile a lot. Oh, and make as much eye contact as possible. It’s something that I do naturally. Maybe it’s a mix of nervousness and attraction, but it seems to work. I think it’s the playful nature of it. Ask most men and they like women to be a bit girlie.

6. I don’t know who said it first but the way to a man’s heart is definitely through his stomach. I don’t know any guys who don’t love their food. So try cooking a lovely meal for him, lighting some candles and enjoying an intimate night in. If you really want to spice it up then try cooking in your sexiest undies. His head will explode before you’ve even got to dessert.

7. IT might sound obvious but treat him. I’m not talking about buying him loads of presents that he’ll probably use once and then lose or leave in his car. One of the things I like to do for my man is a sensual massage. Most people won’t know but I am actually a trained masseuse. I’ll turn the lights off, light some candles, turn on some sexy music and then work my magic. By the end of it he is so relaxed that he will literally do anything for me.

8. I absolutely love dressing up and it’s a really good way of spicing things up in the bedroom. I’ve been a naughty nurse, a sexy angel, a Playboy bunny and a raunchy can-can dancer with stockings and suspenders. I don’t need to explain why it works a treat, just try it out for yourself. I’ve also used sex dice which have a different action on each side. It got boring after a while so I made up my own ones. Oh, and don’t forget your handcuffs.

9. A lot of people don’t talk about it but cyber sex is pretty hot. I’ve done it and I really enjoyed myself. It’s great if you’re not going to see your man for a while or just to try something a bit different. It doesn’t even have to be full on. Why not try sending some saucy texts to get him going before he comes home? Just make sure you send it to the right person.

10. What about bondage? It’s not something I have done myself but I have heard that with the right partner it can be amazing. But girls, make sure you trust the person you are with. It involves a lot of trust and if there’s the slightest doubt then don’t do it.
Oooh! Look who BB's Siavash is on a date with...
Posted by heatworld on Friday 11 Sep 2009

Being dumped by your boyfriend while he's on national TV, and then having to watch as he totally humiliates himself by fawning all over another girl is pretty much the most awful thing imaginable. But clearly Siavash's ex-girlfriend Laura Cogoni is more forgiving than us, because she's agreed to let love rat Siavash take her out for lunch. We spotted the pair sharing some grub outside a cafÃĐ in Soho yesterday afternoon, and although they didn't look that cosy, there were a few laughs being shared. Noirin is now said to be bumping uglies with housemate-of-five-minutes Tom, so that's left the way clear for Siavash to try and win his poor ex back. We hope he's been doing some grade-A grovelling, we really do. Would you ever take back a boy that had done this to you?
BBC 'stands firm in Strictly, X Factor row'
Friday, September 11 2009, 10:27 BST
By Daniel Kilkelly, Entertainment Reporter

BBC bosses have refused to back down in the row over Strictly Come Dancing's schedule clash with The X Factor, according to a report.

Yesterday, it emerged that the ballroom show will go head-to-head with ITV1's talent series on Saturday nights from September 19.

Strictly has traditionally been broadcast in an early evening slot but moves to 7.25pm later this month, creating a 65-minute overlap with The X Factor.

The Mirror claims that the BBC and ITV held emergency talks over the issue yesterday but failed to reach a solution acceptable to both parties.

A source said: "Executives were talking but neither side was prepared to back down and all hell broke loose. Each side was furious with the other."

The BBC has claimed that its schedule revamp is necessary because drama series Merlin will have Strictly's old slot this year.
American Idol – Ellen DeGeneres hopes Paula is ok
September 11th, 2009 by Lisa McGarry. Tags:

American Idol newbie Ellen DeGeneres, has expressed concern for outgoing judge Paula Abdul, saying that she hopes she is ok with her appointment.

Ellen was announced as the fourth judge on the show yesterday, while Paula was let go just last month.

“I’m gonna have fun with it. The one thing you know about me is I’m very honest. But I think you can be honest in a pretty kind way,” she told show presenter Ryan Seacrest on his radio programme.

“I hope to be that compassionate person, ’cause that’s the one thing Paula did bring – that compassion and that empathy.”

She added: “I hope Paula is okay with it. I don’t want anybody to think that I took Paula’s job away.

“First of all, I love music, period. I’ve always loved music. And I’m a huge fan of the show; I haven’t missed a show since season one. I’m just a fan like everyone else.

“The people are the ones who choose the American Idol. It doesn’t come down to a music expert ultimately.”
Sharon Osbourne: ‘Ellen DeGeneres will be a breath of fresh air’
September 11th, 2009 by Lisa McGarry. Tags:

America’s Got Talent judge Sharon Osbourne, has backed new American Idol judge, Ellen DeGeneres.

“She will be a breath of fresh air on that show, a complete breath of fresh air,” the 56-year-old told People magazine. “It’s new blood. And [American Idol] needed something new to happen.

“I think if they had replaced Paula with another singer, Janet Jackson or J.Lo, it would have been too expected. Oh well, there we go, another singer. And with Ellen, you’ve got someone who knows about entertaining, and everything that goes into it, which also speaks for the people.”

Osbourne also supports Paula Abdul’s decision to leave the show. She said:

“I’m behind her. I think she put an awful lot into the show. She did do an awful lot for that show,” she added. “I would have probably done the same thing. I’m like, ‘Hey, what the men get, the women should get’.”
Kate Thornton makes Loose Women debut
Yesterday, 01:24 pm

Kate Thornton can now officially be called a Loose Woman.

Kate Thornton makes Loose Women debut

The TV presenter has started her new job on ITV's award winning daytime show. The 36-year-old replaced Jackie Brambles, who had hosted the programme for three years, but left to spend more time with her family.

Kate was welcomed onto the team by co-hosts Sherrie Hewson, Lisa Maxwell and Carol McGiffin, who presented her with an offical Loose Women mug with her name on it.

The mum-of-one recently revealed that she cried when she was told she'd landed the new role and added: "It's something I watch everyday, it's something I feel a part of as a viewer, so I'm thrilled".

It comes two years after Kate was dropped as presenter on The X Factor. But it is clearly still a sensitive issue, as when asked if she can bring herself to watch the TV talent show, she abruptly replied "no"!
Graham Norton claims its 'rude' to ask salaries of highly-paid BBC stars
By Staff Writer, â€Ē September 10, 2009 - 14:55

Graham Norton said it was "rude" to reveal stars' salaries

Gay BBC presenter Graham Norton has suggested that licence fee payers should not be allowed to know how much television stars are paid.

Norton, who is thought to be on ÂĢ2.5 million a year, told the Daily Telegraph he agreed that stars such as himself and Jonathan Ross are paid too much but said it was "rude" to publish salary details.

"We are overpaid, absolutely, but to have your salary publicised, that's just rude," he said, while attending an event at the Saatchi Gallery in Chelsea.

"I'm happy to admit we are paid too much, when you think about it, but why should people know the exact figures? It's not right. I mean, we just don't talk about how much we're paid – I'm referring to people in general – we don't talk about what we're paid."

He added: "People keep their salaries private, so why is it any different if you are on the TV?"

Last week, Norton's agent quashed rumours he is planning to return to Channel 4 when his BBC contract ends in December.

Reports had claimed he would be taking over Paul O'Grady's slot after O'Grady refused to take a pay cut.
Decker: 'Cole wears too much makeup'
Friday, September 11 2009, 11:38 BST
By Mayer Nissim, Entertainment Reporter

Carol Decker of 1980s pop group T'Pau has accused Cheryl Cole of wearing too much makeup.

The 'China In Your Hand' singer told thelondonpaper that she prefers edgier popstars.

Decker said: "It's all a bit too saccharine now. They're squeaky clean. I think they're overstyled.

"Cheryl Cole is an incredibly pretty girl but she looks too made up. Give me Lily Allen and Amy Winehouse any day."

She added: "I like people with a bit of an edge and a bit of opinion. Liam Gallagher lives down the road from me. I see him go jogging regularly."

When asked if she would comfort Gallagher over Oasis's split, she said: "No! He'd probably tell me to f**k off. But what we try to do is run him over on the way to school... it's quite funny."

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