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Hi Velvet and Moonie Moonie I hope you are feeling better.


I had to go out this afternnon to see a local client. There's a building site near by and the road from the entrance to the site on to the A38 is now covered in mud and mounds of earth and I think complaints will be made against the builders. The part of the A38 down to the northern bypass in Gloucester is also very muddy though not as bad. Something must have happened on the northern bypass from the A38 to the Over roundabout as the traffic was appalling clogged up. Not helped by lorries coming to a standstill on the roundabout preventing drivers such as myself trying to get from one side of the A38 to the other rather than going down the bypass.

Easily the worst short distance car journey I've experienced.


On the way back from the client I went a different way to avoid all that. It was raining heavily and theree was a lot of surface water on the roads but really, a pleasant journey in comparison.



El Loro
Ugh- driving me insane! She got the all clear on several tests but almost seemed dissapointed she's not seriously ill. She's determined they'll find something wrong with her. 
Meanwhile she's been giving me grief about wanting to visit friends while I'm staying with her, I think she would prefer it if I literally only saw her!
I must confess that I lowered the volume on Skype when I spoke to her, she wasn't letting me join in the chat so I just sat there nodding at her for half an hour

What are you doing tomorrow?
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Sequins~:
Ugh- driving me insane! She got the all clear on several tests but almost seemed dissapointed she's not seriously ill. She's determined they'll find something wrong with her. 
Meanwhile she's been giving me grief about wanting to visit friends while I'm staying with her, I think she would prefer it if I literally only saw her!
I must confess that I lowered the volume on Skype when I spoke to her, she wasn't letting me join in the chat so I just sat there nodding at her for half an hour

What are you doing tomorrow?

 I know exactly what you mean. I sometimes think I could put the phone down and my mum wouldn't realise, as I only get to say "uh-hu" every now and then.

Do you think your mum is finding it a bit lonely since she retired and maybe that's why she wants you all to herself when you visit?


Middle son and Dil are visiting tomorrow.

Last edited by Yogi19

Hi, just popping in. As some of you know i lost my dear friend, of nearly 30 years, a few weeks ago. Her sister staying with me just now, for a few days. We have between us, been trying to sort out this comp and successfully deleted EVERYTHING! 
On IE and telling me it hasnt back up blah blah. 
Just want to say thanks to all for your kindness and support at this time. 
We have had such laughs. No pity i loathe it! Her ashes to be scattered tomorrow. I cant say how much i admired her, she planned it all, even to the end. 
Back soon , take care everyone . Each day is a gift  

Skylark your spirit is wonderful, I hope you give your friend a good send off. Lots of love & hugs to you

Yogi- lol
No, my mum has always been like this, she used to get in a mood if my best friend came round but we went upstairs to talk. She preferred us in the living room with her! That's why I had to move out at 24, I love her dearly but I need to be able to catch up with friends on my own
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Sequins~:
Skylark your spirit is wonderful, I hope you give your friend a good send off. Lots of love & hugs to you

Yogi- lol
No, my mum has always been like this, she used to get in a mood if my best friend came round but we went upstairs to talk. She preferred us in the living room with her! That's why I had to move out at 24, I love her dearly but I need to be able to catch up with friends on my own

 I don't blame you. Everybody needs their own friends and space.


Starting to get sleepy so I'll go before I nod off.

Goodnight and sweet dreams, Summer.

Hugs for the night owls.


Good morning everyone, a bit chilly here but not too bad, a hint of blue sky.


Skylark I didn't know about your dear friend.  What a shock that must have been for you to lose someone who has been a part of your life for so long takes some getting over.  I am glad you have been able to have a few laughs with her sister, and well done on both of you getting to grips with all those unnecessary files   Keep your chin up, I hope all goes well with the scattering of your friend's ashes.  As I know myself it is the last thing you can do for her and I am sure you will both be filled with many happy memories as you do.


I have complete confidence in your fish tank cleaning abilities Yogi and know without a shadow of a doubt that your aquarium and fish will be gleaming and your son will be proud of you


Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, lovely autumnal picture

Googling around and I think it may be of British Columbia.


The person posting it said they were looking forward to time spent in Illinois EL. It does look like a beautiful spot Yogi doesn't it, calm and peaceful, very pleasant to spend some time there just ambling about and watching the autumn colours.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, lovely autumnal picture

Googling around and I think it may be of British Columbia.


The person posting it said they were looking forward to time spent in Illinois EL. It does look like a beautiful spot Yogi doesn't it, calm and peaceful, very pleasant to spend some time there just ambling about and watching the autumn colours.

My DiL's parents have a caravan near Inverary and the scenery on the way there is so beautiful you can actually feel your body and mind relaxing. Your pic had the same effect on me. 



Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Popping in to say goodnight and sweet dreams, everyone.

Hugs for the night owls.

night lovely yogi soon be IACGMOH

I am really looking forward to it.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Sequins~:
*night owls* goodnight hugs for all busy busy day! Will def be around tomorrow

I hope you get some chill-out time today, Summer.


Good morning everyone.

Weather is wet and very windy up here again.


I'm planning on a relaxing Sunday, but we will see how that turns out.


Fish tank passed inspection yesterday. He doesn't actually "inspect" it as such, but I do get comments if things are not as they should be. lol


Catching up on Friday's Gardeners' World and I'm sad that the programme will be ending soon, until Spring. I will miss Monty and his gorgeous retriever, Nigel. Good job I've recorded this year's programmes and can watch them again if I get withdrawal symptoms.


I hope we all remembered to turn our clock's back? 


Have a good day everyone.




Good morning everyone


Dry but cloudy here. Yogi, I hope the rain in your area doesn't cause problems. I know there's an amber warning for rain further north to you in the Highlands which could well result in flooding.

I'm relieved that you survived the fish inspector's visit


I did remember to turn the clocks back though the boiler one does that automatically as does some of the others.


El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

Good morning everyone, I haven't yet checked the boiler clock but hopefully being new it's like yours EL and will have changed itself.  I have done the ones on the kitchen appliances and the one on the DVD recorder.  Just the mantel clock and the cuckoo clock to go.  I have to stop the cuckoo clock for one hour, it's the only way to do it without driving yourself mad.


Enjoy your day everyone


Squiggle, I hope your boiler clock did change automatically as doiing it yourself means reading the manual and trying to work out what to do, If you have to stop the cuckoo clock for an hour what do you do when it's time to move forward an hour without being driven mad?


The one timer which I haven't changed yet is the one for my telephone. It automatically changes when someone rings me and I ring my brother and ask him to ring me back.


El Loro
Good afternoon all

Anyone for lamb chops, roasted garlic, new potatos and brussel sprouts?

El, that laughter article is good I love to laugh

Today I caught up with last nights strictly, did my bookkeeping, a workout DVD and then set up my shiny new phone I had to back up my old phone, download the new iOS and then set up my new phone, update its iOS and then restore it to how my last back up was on my old phone
Then I had to go buy a phone case for it and walk bramble in strong wind.

So how's everyone else doing?
It's relaxation time now
~Sparkling Summer~

Yummy! Summer, if you have any leftovers you know where to send the doggybag.

You have been busy! Enjoy your chill out time now.

I, on the other hand have been very lazy. Apart from minimal cooking, hoovering and some ironing, I've done nothing.


Weather has got worse as the day has gone on, so no walks for Keira and I today. I'm hoping tomorrow will be better. *crosses fingers*





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