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@ your granddaughter and the creepy crawlies, Skylark. She's braver than me!

I've seen the promos for Dancing On The Edge and will probably take a look. I hope it's better than Mr Selfridge, as I've given up on that.

Weather has contined to be wet and windy, with some hailstones and a snow flurry thrown in for good measure.


Skylark, I'm glad you are feeling better now


Yogi, I too gave up on Mr Selfridge as none of the characters particularly appealed to me, Mr Selfridge himself is way too smiley to be credible and is closer to a pantomine villain. The BBC was right to show The Paradise before Mr Selfridge as at least that had some depth to it.

El Loro

Summer, the answer to that crossword clue was PERDITA, not PANCAKE


21 across to that crossword is:

Squashed? Accomodation urgently needed with an easy lot of pieces (4,2,1,7)

I've done quite a lot of the crossword and have quite a lot of the letters in the answer:

F*A*  A*  A  *A*C*K*

Summer, this is genuine and not a wind-up

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Summer, the answer to that crossword clue was PERDITA, not PANCAKE


21 across to that crossword is:

Squashed? Accomodation urgently needed with an easy lot of pieces (4,2,1,7)

I've done quite a lot of the crossword and have quite a lot of the letters in the answer:

F*A*  A*  A  *A*C*K*

Summer, this is genuine and not a wind-up

I could have got that one.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I started that post too!

You did indeed. I posted about it here as Summer would be far more likely to notice it in this thread and she is likely to be very interested in 21 across She's a bit of a tiganitomaniac.

*goes off to find the dictionary*

You won't find it in any dictionary as it's a word I've invented . Words ending with mania should have an ancient greek word at the beginning. I used the modern greek word instead.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I started that post too!

You did indeed. I posted about it here as Summer would be far more likely to notice it in this thread and she is likely to be very interested in 21 across She's a bit of a tiganitomaniac.

*goes off to find the dictionary*

You won't find it in any dictionary as it's a word I've invented . Words ending with mania should have an ancient greek word at the beginning. I used the modern greek word instead.

Got it, i just said bonkers instead. I am not daft you know 

Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I started that post too!

You did indeed. I posted about it here as Summer would be far more likely to notice it in this thread and she is likely to be very interested in 21 across She's a bit of a tiganitomaniac.

*goes off to find the dictionary*

You won't find it in any dictionary as it's a word I've invented . Words ending with mania should have an ancient greek word at the beginning. I used the modern greek word instead.

Has it got anything to do with frying pans (pancake style)?

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I started that post too!

You did indeed. I posted about it here as Summer would be far more likely to notice it in this thread and she is likely to be very interested in 21 across She's a bit of a tiganitomaniac.

*goes off to find the dictionary*

You won't find it in any dictionary as it's a word I've invented . Words ending with mania should have an ancient greek word at the beginning. I used the modern greek word instead.

Got it, i just said bonkers instead. I am not daft you know 

I am!

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I started that post too!

You did indeed. I posted about it here as Summer would be far more likely to notice it in this thread and she is likely to be very interested in 21 across She's a bit of a tiganitomaniac.

*goes off to find the dictionary*

You won't find it in any dictionary as it's a word I've invented . Words ending with mania should have an ancient greek word at the beginning. I used the modern greek word instead.

Has it got anything to do with frying pans (pancake style)?

Sort of 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I started that post too!

You did indeed. I posted about it here as Summer would be far more likely to notice it in this thread and she is likely to be very interested in 21 across She's a bit of a tiganitomaniac.

*goes off to find the dictionary*

You won't find it in any dictionary as it's a word I've invented . Words ending with mania should have an ancient greek word at the beginning. I used the modern greek word instead.

Has it got anything to do with frying pans (pancake style)?

Sort of 

Okay Dokay.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

She's only a young girl Yogi and has a daughter of 16 months and she is her mum's carer too so she's got a lot on her plate and of course it will help that she can work from home.  I would never be able to make the cakes she does so it would be nice to see her business take off.

Gosh, she does have her hands full. I wish her every success with the business.

Seriously? Flat as a pancake?! I was just being daft when I posted that Lol Hehe I love it Yes I am bonkers, and I hope I always will be, in a good way of course I'm planning on having a little Xmas tree beside my bed, all year round, when I'm very old and in a care home.. of course I probably won't know what christmas is or who I am, but I'm sure I'll find it pretty I'm pleased I deleted mr selfridge before watching any of it- if you've all given up on it, it can't be good! I've recorded dancing on the edge, and series link worked on the very first attempt. I shall look forward to watching it Squiggle that cake is wonderful, I hope the young lady is hugely successful. It doesn't take long for word of mouth to spread, she'll have plenty of clients soon enough
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, we had some wintry showers overnight and there's still white spots here and there.  Take care and wrap up warm, and Yogi be careful in case there are any icy spots.


Oh how lovely Skylark, I wonder what to do.  That cake was a My Little Pony cake as you will have guessed.  I will phone my friend and see if she could do a cake for your granddaughter.  How could I put you two in touch I wonder?  And how long until the birthday?


Good morning everyone


Squiggle, your grandson's friend should do well - that looks a great cake


No snow expected here though may be some rain, and it's cold and quite windy.


Yesterday's University Challenge included one of the greatest wrong answers of all time in any quiz programme


Jeremy Paxman: "Timothy Dalton, Orson Welles, Toby Stephens and Michael Fassbender are among the actors who played which romantic figure, the creation of Charlotte Bronte?"


Then Peter Aronica of Imperial College London buzzes in with his answer which is truly staggering.

To get the true effect, it's best to watch the programme in iPlayer:

The question starts at 20 minutes 11 seconds

For those who want to see the answer without watching the programme, it follows here (but I've made it invisible so highlighting what follows will show it) :Inspector Clouseau

El Loro
Good morning sunny, windy and cold here. We had a very small amount of snow during the night, I hope we don't get much more Lol at your posts from last night! skylark I bet your lights look beautiful, and with such dark weather this time of year I'm sure they brighten up the room I'm pleased I'm not the only one who's about bonkers I actually told mr summer I might have them decorate my coffin like a Xmas present, he just said " that wouldn't surprise me at all" Yogi, I hope you don't need to go far today, but I bet Keira & Harvey would like to lol El how is your cough? Squiggle, tell your friend to get a website or fb page for her cakes, I know a lady who did that and she's now fully booked until march!
~Sparkling Summer~

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