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~Sweetie Pie~ posted:

Aw I bet it's really sweet I love how the younger royals look up to her, and are very affectionate when speaking about her 

 They love their granny - as all children should.

When youngest son tells me I'm as soft as butter with PB, I tell him it's because I want her to have nothing but happy memories of her times with granny.

~Sweetie Pie~ posted:

You can be as soft as you wish with your grandchildren yogi, it's her parents job to be the firm ones  

 That's what I've told the three boys. 


I once saw a granny with two young grandchildren in Dobbies garden centre. She did nothing but moan at them and tick them off the whole way round the shop, and I swore I would never be a grumpy granny like her with my grandchildren.


Makes you wonder why she has them if that's how she's going to be. 

One thing I loved about my Gran was that she took the time to explain things to us, so if we stepped out of line we knew how and why, and what to do to correct it. She was strict, but fair and lovely at the same time. 

I think you sound like a kind & very fun granny, and I bet you'll be the same with all your future grandchildren too 

~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweetie Pie~ posted:

Makes you wonder why she has them if that's how she's going to be. 

One thing I loved about my Gran was that she took the time to explain things to us, so if we stepped out of line we knew how and why, and what to do to correct it. She was strict, but fair and lovely at the same time. 

I think you sound like a kind & very fun granny, and I bet you'll be the same with all your future grandchildren too 

I bet the poor little souls' hearts sank when they heard she was taking them for the day!


Sounds like your gran got the balance right.

Fun and fair is the way to be.

velvet donkey posted:
Yogi19 posted:
~Sweetie Pie~ posted:

You can be as soft as you wish with your grandchildren yogi, it's her parents job to be the firm ones  

 That's what I've told the three boys. 


I once saw a granny with two young grandchildren in Dobbies garden centre. She did nothing but moan at them and tick them off the whole way round the shop, and I swore I would never be a grumpy granny like her with my grandchildren.

Life's too short Yogi. You are doing a great job and you're doing it right  

Thanks Velvet, I really appreciate you saying that.

velvet donkey posted:
Yogi19 posted:
velvet donkey posted:
Yogi19 posted:
~Sweetie Pie~ posted:

You can be as soft as you wish with your grandchildren yogi, it's her parents job to be the firm ones  

 That's what I've told the three boys. 


I once saw a granny with two young grandchildren in Dobbies garden centre. She did nothing but moan at them and tick them off the whole way round the shop, and I swore I would never be a grumpy granny like her with my grandchildren.

Life's too short Yogi. You are doing a great job and you're doing it right  

Thanks Velvet, I really appreciate you saying that.

The older you get the more you know it's about love    

 Very true.


I'm going to get off and read for a little while. 

Goodnight and sweet dreams Velvet and Summer.

Night owl hug for Ros and a hope-you-are-back-soon hug for Moonie.


Good morning everyone, rainy here but I can see all the plants trees and grass lapping it up so it's all good.


I hope you have a great day with PB Yogi, I think you're right about having fun with grandparents and also learning a few life lessons too.  I think our main advantage is that we have time and know that listening to children is very important.


Enjoy your day everyone


I've been running the monthly payroll for a client. It took a lot longer than normal. Firstly, as it was the first month of the new tax year, I had to "migrate" the standing data from the previous tax year. It was more complicated than normal as the employment allowance ceased to be available from April where the employer is a company with one director and no other employees. A couple of months ago I rang the payroll software people to as how to do this as I knew that a EPS form would have to be transmitted to HMRC electronically to notify them that the allowance had ceased. I was told that this would be done as part of the migration process.


When I ran the migration process I got a screen advising us of this change, I carried on and then got an error message - error number 5 with a message which meant little to me. I opened the current year's payroll and could see that the company was there so that I knew that it had been migrated. At the same time I got a message asking if I wanted to clear the flag re the employment allowance - Yes/No.


So I rang the payroll company. They said that the error message was in relation to the previous year so could be ignored. I was to click Yes as far as the flag message was concerned and on the following screen where it said Do I want to send an EPS to click No. I assumed that this would mean that rather than the EPS being sent immediately it would be sent when I ran the payroll for April.


So I then ran the payroll. Although I got confirmation that the ordinary monthly FPS had been sent, the EPS didn't appear to have. I had a look in the XML directory for the sofrware on my computer and could see that it had been created but not sent. So I rang the payroll people again. It took them about 10 minutes to sort it out (I gave them access to my computer for this). Clearly the instructions I was given earlier this morning were wrong and I wonder just how many other similar companies using this software will discover in months to come that they are wrongly getting the allowance though thought that they had notified HMRC.

El Loro

In today's bulletin from the AccountingWeb site I saw an item about this Employment Allowance and asking what needed to be done in terms of notifying HMRC about it no longer being available to one director only companies. So I've posted my last comment above there. I should explain that the employment allowance claim is automatically carried forward each tax year unless you tell the HMRC otherwise. I think many similar companies are going to get caught over the next few months.

El Loro

Good afternoon I'm just waiting to pick up my car, I'm pleased that it has passed its MOT  


el, you make me very glad that I pay my accountant to run payroll for me, they're worth every penny if it means saving me the stress of dealing with complications like that I very much hope that your feedback will help the error be corrected and that other companies might be saved the trouble! 


Yogi go I hope you are having a wonderdul

pb day

~Sparkling Summer~

Just been out and got my hair cut - does  the statutory twirl


On the way there when I got to the main road I waited for cars to go past, A van came behind me and honked at me to drive on. I didn't for the simple reason that I could see a cyclist just coming up on the main road. Once the cyclist had passed I moved on.


The question is would you:
do what I did and wait
or do what the van driver wanted me to do which was to hit the cyclist so that the van could move on, presumably over the cyclist.

El Loro

Salvador Dali's "slave market with the disappearing bust of Voltaire":

There's a BBC article today about how this painting has helped scientists work out how our brains communicate. Some people see something different in the painting from other people.


Note that the above image is a censored version of the painting which the BBC has used. The complete image can be seen on the following link. It's better quality than the above and is unlikely to offend any of you.

El Loro
squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, rainy here but I can see all the plants trees and grass lapping it up so it's all good.


I hope you have a great day with PB Yogi, I think you're right about having fun with grandparents and also learning a few life lessons too.  I think our main advantage is that we have time and know that listening to children is very important.


Enjoy your day everyone

On the button, Squiggle.

El Loro posted:

Just been out and got my hair cut - does  the statutory twirl


On the way there when I got to the main road I waited for cars to go past, A van came behind me and honked at me to drive on. I didn't for the simple reason that I could see a cyclist just coming up on the main road. Once the cyclist had passed I moved on.


The question is would you:
do what I did and wait
or do what the van driver wanted me to do which was to hit the cyclist so that the van could move on, presumably over the cyclist.

Lovely twirl, El.


I would have done the same as you and waited till the cyclist had passed. 


Fankoo Ros sweet dreams  


it was my intention to be here earlier but I have been asleep on the sofa I had a mug of hot chocolate after my dinner and that was it lol 

a friend recently gave me a sofa because she's moving in with her boyfriend.. It's ridiculously comfy and squishy, and will no doubt be the host of many, many snoozes for me Bramble has chosen to stay downstairs on it tonight 


yogi I'm glad you've had a lovely day it's always a pleasure to hear how the little ones are getting on 


velvet, well said, I hope Moonie is soon back with us too  


goodnight all

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, a lovely morning, blue sky, blue sea, birds singing, great start to the weekend.   I have just seen a pair of bullfinches, male and female so I think they are scoping out a nesting site.  I think they nested here last year.  Such breathtakingly beautiful birds.


Summer I think we all have sofa envy now, very squishy and very comfy sounds perfect   Goodness EL that payroll stuff sounds very complex, I wouldn't know where to start.


Well said Yogi, happy St. George's Day to everyone, I am glad you now have two bundles of joy to bless your day.


Enjoy your day everyone


Morning Buddies

Just popping in to say 'hello'

I am still alive and kicking but still not feeling that good tbh. I shall return 'proper' when I feel better


I am however keeping up with the Chronicles of PB and BB

Sweet, glad to see you are finally getting into your new place and sorting it out

Have a super weekend peeps. See you again soon

velvet donkey posted:
Moonie posted:

Morning Buddies

Just popping in to say 'hello'

I am still alive and kicking but still not feeling that good tbh. I shall return 'proper' when I feel better


I am however keeping up with the Chronicles of PB and BB

Sweet, glad to see you are finally getting into your new place and sorting it out


Have a super weekend peeps. See you again soon

I hope you feel better soon Moons   

And so say all of us


Last edited by squiggle

Cheltenham won again today and Forest Green lost leaving Cheltenham 12 points ahead of Forest Green. If Cheltenham win their last match next Saturday they'll break the 100 point barrier with 101 points. Forest Green haven't had a good run of matches having lost their last 2 matches and drawn the previous 5 so 2 points from 7 matches compared to Cheltenham's 15 points,


Gloucester City (in the league below Cheltenham) won their match which ensures their survival in that league.

El Loro

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