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Hi Hicky.

Glad the wedding went off well, and the rain stopped in time.
Hope the happy couple have a good honeymoon.

Nice photos on FB.

I've put in a friend request on Facebook.
I see you haven't got all the usual Chanelle bods on there, so if it's a family only page, then don't worry about it, but I see DJA's ugly mug on there......

It was another wet day here followed by a sunny evening. That seems to be the pattern lately, but it's no good for me, trying to get on.

They all seem to have been banned from nominating Sam Pepper next week, but I'm sure they'll find a way of getting him up somehow?

Only another 2 Â― weeks of BB11 left.
I'm already looking forward to the Ultimate Champion series, no matter who is on it.
Last edited by emptybox
Hi Emptybox.

On FB it's mainly Family, but also some of the DS FM's are on there, ones I've known for a number of years.
I don't use it a lot really, DJA is everywhere, always glad to hear from him.

It's turned out nicer today, one of my lads has just been with 3 young ones, they where passing time and after some food, his G/F is working, should be finished now.

My O/H is taking the newly weds to the Airport, not sure which one, the 2 young ones have gone for a weeks Holiday to Family in Wales.

I don't think there's enough to put Sam up this week, he'll get around the rest anyway.

Most won't be able to choose him for a swop either.
He is pretty entertaining though.
I've got a load of Wedding cake at home now.
O/H picked up what was left from the 'Saddle Club', I said Stirrup Club the other day, silly me.

But they cut the wronge section up.

By the time my lad went to tell them they were cutting up the top layers which were sponge, the bottom tier was fruit cake, so i've got a load of fruit cake as my O/H and Son don't like it.

A tricky question.
If my O/H pulls into her parking space at home in front of the front room and her car Fob won't operate to lock the car, when she gets in the front room and wants to turn the Sky+ on, it won't work, the remote control is dead.
When the car Fob won't work neither will the Sky+ Remote.
Explain that.
Last edited by Hicky
Hi Hicky.

Thanks for the FB add.
I don't use it much either, but nice to have another means of communication.

Was 'Saddle Club' the venue for the reception? I noticed there was horse racing stuff in the background in some of the pics. That would explain it.

It's been a nice warm day here. I went out for my weekly shop, but haven't done much else, although I'm going to try to do some ironing before my supper.

Not sure why there should be any connection between the car remote, and the Sky one?
The car one works on radio frequencies, and the telly ones are usually infra-red, I think?

Hope Mollie is having a good weekend.
Hi Emptybox.

Yes, the Saddle Club was were we had the Wedding and BBQ and evening reception, they just change the room round, small and intimate, it well booked up, years in advance, the wedding was on a Friday because the photographer didn't have any other spare time, and it's a friend of the Groom, she's was all booked up.
You have to book early these days.

It's been a lovely day here really, mostly Sunny, no rain anyway.

My O/H thinks I need to be looking at a size of about 4.8m x 4.8m so you can get a table on and enough seating capacity., plus room for Tubs with either flowers or tree's in.
Good Morning Emptybox & Mollie.

Happy Monday again.

Gery has released a list he says wo is going in the house for the last 2 weeks.
Not confirmed of course.
I'll post it anyway.
Interesting list, with Chantelle & Aisleyne on it as expected.

Channel 4 has yet to confirm the line up which will see old housemates and winners re-enter the house for one last time, so take the list with a pinch of salt for the moment.

    * Big Brother 1 winner, Craig Philips
    * Big Brother 1 ejectee Nasty Nick
    * Big Brother 2 winner Brian Dowling
    * Big Brother 5 winner Nadia
    * Big Brother 3â€ēs Alex Sibley
    * Big Brother 6â€ēs Makosi Musambasi
    * Big Brother 7 winner Pete Bennett
    * Big Brother 7â€ēs Nikki Grahame
    * Big Brother 7â€ēs Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace
    * Big Brother 8 winner Brian Belo
    * Big Brother 8â€ēs Charley Uchea
    * Big Brother 10 winner Sophie Reade
    * Big Brother 10â€ēs Siavash
    * Celebrity Big Brother 4 winner Chantelle Houghton
    * Big Brother 11 winner

According to Gerry the participants are being paid anywhere between ÂĢ4,000-ÂĢ10,000 – however some of them are doing the show for free!

Good morning all
hope you all enjoyed your weekend.

Glad to hear you enjoyed the wedding, and that is good that the sun came out when you needed it to. Thanks for the pics, I will enjoy going and and looking at the piccies when I finish posting.
that is strange about your OH's car key, and the Sky.
Thanks for the celeb list for BB.
Some of my faves there. Glad to see Chantelle, Nikki, BB2's Brian, and Alex amongst them. Wonder who will win this year?
I hope it is not John.
Corin has at least shown enthusiasm all the way through, and I like Sam too, he bought some life to the house.

hope it is dry for you in the day, so you dont get behind work wise. I know how quickly the grass is growing at the moment. Ours always seems to need a cut lately.
Gosh, only a couple of BB weeks left then. Looks like they will need to be doing a few quick evictions then.
I liked Rachel in her interviews, she is so lively.

We had a good weekend, nice weather, so out and about. Went to Cardiff, used our Tescos vouchers for a nice meal with all the family in Pizza Express. Lots of clothes sales on now, so bought a few things at knock down prices.
We have booked for a couple of nights at a B and B in Torquay next week, so we are lookiong forward to that.  OH hasnt had time off since he started this job in March, so thought it would be nice to take a couple of days off, to coincide with our Wedding anniversay.

Work day today Hicky?
Hope they dont overwork you, so you get time to livefeed. Wonder what they are doing to noms today? BBLB didnt tell us much, did they, other than they were doing something different.

have a good day.  xx
I enjoyed seeing those lovely pics.
I think the red theme looked lovely.
Your lads looked really smart too.
Yummy looking cake,Hope you enjoy all those lefeovers What a good idea to have little sweeties around it, because lots of kiddies dont like wedding cake, but I bet the kiddies liked the sweeties.

But no piccies or you and your OH?  But, I guess you were taking the pics, so couldnt be on them?
I would of liked to of seen you in your smart suit.

has your OH sent the pics to Australia for your lad to see?
How is he finding Darwin?
On Saturday, OH had a call on his mobile that took 3 go's to connect, It was my frind from Australia phoning on her Skype. She said she thinks it was free for her on Skype, I didnt' know you could phone mobiles with Skype?  I said to OH later, I wonder if we will have a big bill later for collecting the call?    If we do, she wouldnt of thought of that.
Hi Mollie.

I would like Corin to Win, but it's up to the Public so it could be anyone.

It will be nice for you having a few days in Torquay.
Don't think I'll be going anywhere just yet.
Am going to the Southport Flower show later in the Month, have been a few times, it's a good day out.

As you say, there's a lot of sales on just now, worth spending a few bob, I have plenty of trousers now.

The people cut the wrong layer of cake, they should have cut the bottom which was fruit but they cut the middle which was sponge.

I think Skype is free if you phone Skype to Skype mobiles, but if it isn't a Skype mobile you will probably be charged.
Nomination where done outside in the open with buckets of gunge.
Here's who gunged who.

Nomination decided by a bucket of gunge over their head in the garden.

Andrew - Sam, Steve
Corin  - Sam, Jo
Dave - Mario, Jo
JJ - Steve, Mario
Jo - Corin, Dave
John-J Corin, Mario
Josie - JJ, Andrew
Mario - Dave, JJ
Sam - Dave, Jo
Steve - JJ, Mario

Andrew 1, Corin 2, Dave 3, JJ 3, Jo 3, John-J 0, Josie 0, Mario 4, Sam 2, Steve 2

Hi guys.
Not a bad day here. We had a heavy shower at 6pm, but other than that, it was dry.
Got some work done anyway.

Glad you had a good weekend Mollie.
It's a good idea to get away for a few days for your anniversary. Hope you and your OH have a good time in Torquay.

I see mario won the S&R, and chose Sam, so it's Jo, Dave, Sam and JJ up for eviction.

Gerry's list is interesting Hicky, but it's based on HMs that were involved in a promoshoot, which was shot before Endemol asked anyone to take part.
So although it's a good indication of who is in the running, it's not a list of who is definitely going to be Ultimate HMs.
Indeed, Nick Bateman has said he has turned it down, and Sophie Reade has said she will be in the US at that time, so won't be doing it. Course they could be just flannelling?  
I still doubt they will have 3 from BB7, so Ash could lose out.
Hi Emptybox.

Don't think it rained here today.
It's a strange nomination selection this week.
I assume Jo with go, but would prefer Dave to go, had enough of him, he does such a lot of moaning and pulling everyone else down, pretending to be joking.

It will be interesting to see who goes in out of the ex HM's.

I think Ash will be in anyway, pretty sure of that.
Good afternoon all
showery and wet again here today, our grass is going to be very long whilst OH waits until it is dry enough to cut.

glad you manaanged to get some gardening done in between the rain yesterday.

the Southport flower show sounds good. I bet you will buy some nice stuff for your garden from there. Does it get very busy there?
Yes I did think skype woud only be  free for skype to skype, dont think my friend realised we would both get a big bill from it, she usually just emails me.

I dont like the fact Sam is up this week, hope he doesnt go. I think he is an ok young lad. I too wish Dave would go though. I did not like the way Dave was hurting Sam with that wedgie, and I know Dave has also hit Sam really hard with a coat hanger one night.
Looks like Jo will go, and we wil end up still stuck with Dave.
Would prefer Jo to stay though.

have a good day. xx
Good Afternoon Mollie.

It's been a nice day here today, no rain so far anyway.
Will have to recheck the dates of the Southport Flower Show, forgotten the date now.
It's massive, takes all day to see it, it gets a lot of visitors, think it's over 4 days, you park miles away in massive fields and get a free bus to the show.
Found the link, see here
It's the 19th to the 22nd August, a Web Cam but it only shows you a little bit of the area.

Emptied my spud bags out now, have got loads, just put them in the sun for a few hours to dry before I put them in the shed.

Have planted the ones for winter, 6 bags i've done.

It's looking like Jo will go Friday, but Dave is really getting on my nerves more and more, so hope he goes, be great if it was a double this week.

Will have to sort out what to have for tea, O/H got some more food this morning, have a selection of nice grub,
Have been feeding neighbours fish in the pond, they were all waiting for me this morning.
Last edited by Hicky
Raining here all day.
Got some ironing done, but little else.

I don't really mind who goes on Friday, but would probably rather it was Jo.
Sam still irritates me, but as you say Mollie, he is only a young lad.

Looking forward to the All-Stars.
With Michelle Bass, Chantelle Houghton and Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace all in the list of possibles, even if only one of them actually goes in, I should have someone to root for.

That reminds me Hicky. I'll have to dig some more of my tatties.
Good evening all

thanks for the Soutport link.  There is loads there, looks a great day out.  Do you get your tickets in advance? I see you save ÂĢ5 by buying early. .
I bet your own poatoes are dead yummy.
thanks for the Bb links too.
Another interesting task.
I have loved the tasks this year.
Funny how the fish have managed to work out when it is feed time. and are waiting for you to feed them. Do you give them special fish food?

hope it was dry for you today.
it was dry here today, after all that rain yesterday.
I hope you enjoy your potatoes when you get them sorted.

Dave is getting on my nerves more and more too Hicky.
Shame they think he will be staying though, I'd much prefer Jo to him.
but I really dont want Sam to go, he is bringing a lot of life to the house.
I saw him and Josie messing around a bit on livefeed today, and I think she likes him really.

I am hoping that it is chantelle Nikki, BB2 Brian, or Alex in Allstars.
Should be a good ending to BB.

nearly time for highlights.

goonight all xx
Hi Mollie.

I'll probably buy the tickets online, will have to see which day of the 4 O/H prefers.
She didn't want to buy them too early.

I give the fish special food, I was given loads of it, but don't give them too much, they go mad when I feed them though.

I have a feeling that those that appear on BBLB over the next couple of weeks will be the ones going in the house.
So I think it will be easy to see who will be going in.

It was great for John & JJ to get out to the races, it makes a change for them.
But think they were glad to get back.

Mostly dry today, although we had a couple of showers.
I got quite a lot done anyway.

That pantomime horse race should be good fun. Do we know how they did?

I watched BBLB. Kat with Zig&Zag was horrendous.
Her grasp of the English language seems far more tenuous than it was in the house.

I think Jo should go. She's being really miserable at the mo, and her blaming Corin for nominating her was very unjust.
Sam went in there with the intention to annoy everybody, but he ran out of steam very quickly. He's just a wee laddie really, but I don't mind him staying, I guess.
Dave? i still don't mind Dave. He only annoys me when he goes in for his religious stuff, and he's given that a rest lately.
Good morning all

yes, I bet you are right, and it will be the HM's that are on BBLB that will be going in.
As Alison was on last night, I hope she is one of them.
How long are you fish feeding for?
Have you finished feeding the chickens now?
It sounds like all of your neighbours know they can trust you to look after their wildlife.

glad you got a fair bit done yesterday.
hope it is dry again today.
Started off really hot and sunny here, but clouded over and feels cooler now.

Well after watching livefeed late into the early hours of today, I can say that Dave absolutely disgusts me.
I could not believe what I was watchiing.
And that JJ is too big for his boots too..
I really hope Dave goes, I cant bear to watch him.

Well today I am still behind with my paperwork, keep putting it off, but cant for much longer.
Sainbsurys man just been so perhaps I can treat myself to a bag of cheese and onion crips.

have a good day.
what days are you working Hicky?
Evening Emptybox & Mollie.

Well at least they came third as the pantomime horse.
Kat was as ridiculous as as she was in the house, enough said.

I agree Jo should go, but she should walk, Dave wants evicting.

I'm feeding the fish till they come back Sunday.

I only fed the Chickens for a week while they were away.

I was off today, no work till Monday.

Can't understand this Josie/John-J romance.

Puter want me to restart, it's just put 16 updates in.
Hi Hicky.
Just don't be tempted to put any of those fish in your freezer.

The pantomime horse race was funny, but I hear they got a lot of information from the producers etc while they were out, which wasn't a good idea.
Seemingly John James even claimed they had watched some of BBLB.
(just going by a thread on DS, i didn't see it myself)
Hi Emptybox.

The horse racing was good, they won't let the HM's find out much, but with it being the last they need to have some surprises.

Just ordered my Lawn edging, have found a lovely Pagoda Hex 3M, will show you the link later, got to go and order it.
Will be ordering the decking next week, 4.8m x 4.8m flat pack kit.
Hi Emptybox.

Interesting Picture, wonder who will go in then?.

I've ordered the Pogoda, it comes in the morning. Ha, that was quick.
It's this one, the Hex one on the left of the picture with netting curtains and panels in the sides.

I'm going to order the Decking kit next week, it's a 4.8m x 4.8 m one
It comes complete with Hand rails for 2 sides, I've got to sort out the area it will stand on of course, but with it being a kit it shouldn't be too bad.
I'm going to have to move some of my Trellis and a vine up onto the decking after it's up because the decking takes up that area.

I'm off in a minute to one of my Lads houses, to see his 3 little ones and have a meal or order one to be delivered.

I'll be back later to see the eviction, but it's all recorded anyway,
Hi Hicky.

That pagoda looks nice.
Is it a permanent feature, or do you take it down for the winter?

If the rumours are true, and BB have refused to pay the All-Stars HMs anything, then I wouldn't think we'd get any of the ones in the photo.
We'd just be left with the dregs.

Very grey and windy here today, with rain in the wind.
I got a bit done though, but I'll have to work tomorrow to try to get caught up a bit.

Enjoy your meal.
Hi Emptybox.

Think it's called a Gazebo, it's Pagoda that makes it, I should probably take it down for the winter, not sure if I will yet.
Here's the company that makes the decking, it's the 4.8 x 4.8 model, you can select and then you can hover over a few pics.

I wouldn't believe that BB won't pay them to go in, course they will, it's a job to them through their agent, they aren't a charity.

Not too nice a day here, not much rain.

Had a lovely meal at my Lads, Indian, Dopiaza & Mushroom fried rice, and the kids had the same.
Last edited by Hicky
Good evening all
hope you are having a good day.

that pergoda looks really lovely.  
I bet when the kiddies visit, they will think it is real fun.
are you having curtains too? you can have a nice picnic there , ideal for autumn.

thanks for the Allstars links.   I wonder which of those it will be? Chantelle hopefully amongst them.
  you are right, we won't get anyone much good in Allstars though, if they wont even pay them. What on earth are they thinking?
Hope you got some paperwork done.
Mine this time has been a bloomin nightmare. Lost one of the bank statements , took ages to find it. Then typed loads out, and accidently deleted it, so had to type it and add it all up again.   Nearly finished now, because  I have to post it tommorrow.

Shame it doesnt look like Dave is going..... is an expalnation of why he disgusted me the other night...He phsysically hurt Sam, holding him down, and badly nipple twisted Sam. Plus Dave with JJ1, also held Sam down on the floor and forced that foul tasting thumb sucking stuff in Sam's mouth, causing him to vomit in the sink, and of course none of this was shown on highlights. Nor was JJ2 threatenng Sam, that he'd have no teeth left. 
And Dave is still making me mad tonght on highlights, craftily stiring things up between Sam and JJ1.
I know Sam is annoying, but he is only a lad, and this is a shocking way for a 40 year old father to behave towards a lad half his age imo.

Enjoy higlights all.
dont like this idea of HM's chosing who to save.
Weekend at last.
And we go away Sunday.
Hi Mollie.

Hope you've got your paperwork finished tonight.
You should always save as you are going along, but i always forget to do that as well.
I haven't done mine yet, but it's just my monthly accounts. A wet afternoon would get it done.

I didn't see any of that nipple twisting stuff. Doesn't sound too good. But Sam is just soooo annoying.

They chose Josie to be immune next week. I doubt she would have been evicted anyway.
Looks like it's just a single eviction next week as well?
There's going to be far too many left for the final.

Hi Emptybox & Mollie.

I think Chantelle will be going in, hope so anyway.
Of course they will pay them.

Nothing worse than losing stuff you've typed Mollie, most programs save it though, and when you restart the program it asks if you want to use the saved section or not.

Thought Boring Jo would go.

Pity we couldn't get Dave out.

Sam is a strange lad isn't he?, hard to fathom out.

Having awful problems trying to post on here, don't know what is going on.
Sometimes the page won't come up, others the buttons are not active so can't post.
Have to go out and come back through the Forums etc.

Might get another section of decking as well for the other side of the Pagola, will have to move a vine as well as it would be in the shade on the decking with the Gazebo on as well, it would be sheltered.

Going to have an area with the blue slate, and an are with the 'Moodstone Flint', it's fantastic stuff.
The 4.8 sq decking is ÂĢ669 and the 2.4m x 4.8 is ÂĢ500

I edited my last post as it's so hard to post these days, when I refresh it goes all to pot.

Last edited by Hicky
Good evening all

shame you are still having problems posting on here. I think they have changed something on the site, because I have to log in each time,and I didnt used to.
Yes Sam is a strange lad, but I cant help liking him. He is mischievouls, and restless, but I dont feel he is nasty behind others backs. I think perhaps he has had a difficult upbring,  I heard him say he has never even met his father. I have noticed he is good at cooking and cleaning, When he vacuumed he did it far more throuroughly than anyone else has.

i know the decking is expensive, but I bet you will make good use of it. I know we did when we had ours done. OH had to stain (or treat?) it all when it was done. Will you need to do that too?

yes I am not surprised they saved Josie, they do seem to like her in there. I did think they might of gone for Steve.
Looks like they are getting rid of 4 Friday?
But when they opened the lines, they didnt say that? Strange, I thought they had to be upfront when asking people to vote. And I dont like the fact they arent voting to save yet either.

Got up at 6.30am to finish the accounts, and finally posted it off this morning.
So treated myself to a nice silky blouse reduced from ÂĢ32 to ÂĢ7. 

We are off to Torquay early tommorrow, back late Tuesday, so I wont be back till Wednesday. Torquay is about 2 and half hours drive from here, but may be longer if holiday traffic bad. One of the reasons we are going on a Sunday, is that traffic is awful on the M5 on Saturdays in summer.

So , be good and enjoy the rest of the weekend.

I think it will be great for sll 3 of us if chantelle goes in, because she is special to me, in that if it hadnt' of been for her, I wouldnt of met you two.  And of course I have been luckey enough to meet her in person, and she was so sweet.

Off to pack my pink bag, and to check the boys, because if I dont they always forget to pack something.
Hope you have a great time Mollie.

A bit showery today, so i didn't get the big job done that I had intended, but i did get a bit of work done.
Typically it was a nice evening, but that was too late for work.

Don't think they've ever evicted 4 before?
Why on earth did they pack all the newbies in, in the first place? 

You're having great fun planning your garden Hicky.
Looking forward to seeing the piccies when it's all finished.

Yes Chantelle is where it all started for us, back in early 2006. 4Â― years ago.
Hi Mollie.

It's letting me post for now
I'be been busy in the garden all day, moved a main vine again, and reposition another.
Put down an area of blue slate to put the trellis and vine on.

Sam is a strange lad, probably clever.
He sure seems to know how to cook, thats a good thing.

This decking is pretreated with it being a kit, might need to redo it after a year.

Yep, 4 going Friday, wish it was a vote to save, hate negative voting.
People aren't going to spend money on someone they don't like.
Crazy idea this negative voting.

See you when you get back Mollie.

Hope the weather holds for you, it was great today here.
This Forum still playing up, don't know whats up.

I think Chantelle will go back in, will be good anyway.
Hi Hicky.

It was a glorious day here. Sunny and warm.
Think the forecast for tomorrow is nice here as well.

I went into town for my weekly shop, then i gave the sills on my van a coat of paint, as there was a bit of surface rust appearing. Should stop it getting any worse over the winter.

I see from Ash's Twitter that she's been enjoying herself at Thorpe Park today with her mates. Think it's theme park with rides etc. Well she is only 31.

Looks like there's a danger of Sam going in the 4? At least it looks like Dave will be out as well.
Good Morning Everyone.

Happy Monday again.
Hope the weather picks up, wasn't too bad yesterday though.

Your supposed to remove the paint if there is rust Emptybox, and treat the area before you paint it.
Sounds as though you have just trapped the rust and covered it up, rust usually starts from a damaged area or a welded seam, or a sharp edge on the metal.
At least with the Landrover the metal doesn't rust, think it's zinc plated or something, have seen the metal offcuts from the press shop that get left over and going back to be melted down again and it's been outside in rain some of it for months at the side of the little rail carriages that carry the waste that then gets put into wagons.
Not a sign of rust anywhere.

I bet Ash enjoyed herself with her mates, when you get a few girls together they always have a good time.

I wouldn't like to predict who may or may not go Friday, when it's down to the public anything can happen.

I'm at the Southport Flower show Friday, but will be back for the evictions.

I'm at work today, should be a good day, one of the boss's that I get a lot of work off is on Holiday, Yippee.

Even more Live feed than usual.

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