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Everyone who does self-assessment tax returns will have received from HMRC a notice to complete a tax return. That happens every year in April.


Tucked away in the small print on the back page is this.

"Please note you'll no longer get a blank tax return from us in the post, and later this year we'll stop sending paper statements"


HMRC are in the process of forcing everyone online - that's why they are doing this.


The blank tax return aspect is irrelevant for me as I do every client online with HMRC anyway.


The cessation of paper statements is a different matter. Virtually everyone waits for those as that's what they use to remind them to pay on time.


I don't know if they will stop sending them out for the July tax bills. Looks certain that they will have by the bills for next January.


I will be alerting clients about this fairly soon. For those who have internet access they should get an online personal tax account set up with HMRC  if they haven't done so already. They'll be able to check that themselves as to the tax to pay. I always tell clients what their tax is but that's at the time I do their returns rather than when they have to pay. For those who don't have internet access I'll have to provide them with the amounts to pay and payslips a few weeks before the tax is due.

@~Sparkling Summer~ did you spot this change?

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

Just had an email from HMRC (sent to agents such as myself) about letting clients know about the self-employment income support scheme, their online tool for this, and advising clients to set up a Government Gateway account if they didn't already have one.


I'd done all that on Monday

Letā€™s hope they keep sending you stuff you have already sorted El 

@El Loro posted:

Everyone who does self-assessment tax returns will have received from HMRC a notice to complete a tax return. That happens every year in April.


Tucked away in the small print on the back page is this.

"Please note you'll no longer get a blank tax return from us in the post, and later this year we'll stop sending paper statements"


HMRC are in the process of forcing everyone online - that's why they are doing this.


The blank tax return aspect is irrelevant for me as I do every client online with HMRC anyway.


The cessation of paper statements is a different matter. Virtually everyone waits for those as that's what they use to remind them to pay on time.


I don't know if they will stop sending them out for the July tax bills. Looks certain that they will have by the bills for next January.


I will be alerting clients about this fairly soon. For those who have internet access they should get an online personal tax account set up with HMRC  if they haven't done so already. They'll be able to check that themselves as to the tax to pay. I always tell clients what their tax is but that's at the time I do their returns rather than when they have to pay. For those who don't have internet access I'll have to provide them with the amounts to pay and payslips a few weeks before the tax is due.

@~Sparkling Summer~ did you spot this change?

Your profession is a mind field. Good job youā€™re a good detector 


Morning troops    


Hope all are sound. The starlings certainly rise early - they've got a nest above my bedroom eaves. PVC - live and let live. Iridescent like maggies. The maggie can't get in no matter how he/she tries. Too small an opening. Nature eh?


Pretty dull atm. We need light      


Have a good one and a safe one  

yes we have starlings in our pvc eaves as well -gorgeous + noisy we are going to get it sorted but velvet food for thought-live and let live

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone


Forecast to be another warm sunny day here though there's a risk of rain or thunderstorms later.


Squiggle, the May Day bank holiday was an extra bank holiday introduced by Michael Foot in 1978. Over the years it's been suggested that, as there were the existing Good Friday, Easter Monday and Whitsun banks holidays, it could be changed to have a Trafalgar bank holiday around 21 October. Then there wouldn't be such a gap in bank holdays between the late August one and the ones at Christmas. Just referring to the ones in this country.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro
@squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone it looks like it could  be sunny today. Yesterday was showery and then sunny. It's very odd to have a Bank Holiday on a Friday without a Bank Holiday Monday to follow. I think they should have given us an extra Bank Holiday for VE Day. What does everyone else think?


Enjoy your day everyone

yes I do think we should have a VE bank holiday squiggle-so no-one forgets the sacrifices

Rocking Ros Rose

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