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@squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone it's another lovely bright morning.


I really do dislike magpies. We've been watching two young pigeons nest building all week. Yesterday there was an empty pigeon eggshell on the grass.


Enjoy your day everyone

Hi squiggle 

I came across a broken eggshell the other day too 

I hope all is well with you 


Good morning a bright and sunny day here, I’ve already been out walking among the bluebells and I’m about to hang some washing out.

how are you all doing? 
I loved the queens speech last night

Hi Sweet  

All okay here fankoo, “touch wood, taps head” 

I hope you enjoyed your walk. I trust Miss Bramble went with you too 


Afternoon all 

A bright and slightly breezy day.

Squiggle, as El mentioned, I think magpies are well known for raiding other bird’s nests.

Moonie, you were very early with your washing today 

Summer, your walk in the bluebells sounds wonderful 

A teenage girl had just ridden her horse down my street - I do like living in a rural area 

Have a good day and stay safe, all 


@Yogi19 posted:

Afternoon all 

A bright and slightly breezy day.

Squiggle, as El mentioned, I think magpies are well known for raiding other bird’s nests.

Moonie, you were very early with your washing today 

Summer, your walk in the bluebells sounds wonderful 

A teenage girl had just ridden her horse down my street - I do like living in a rural area 

Have a good day and stay safe, all 


Hi Yogi 

I was Indeed.its all dry and folded up now  

What a lovely surprise for you ðŸ˜Ū🙂


As others say, it's lovely walking past bluebells, Summer


Yogi, sometimes on recent years I've seen one or two local policewomen in my area on horseback.  There are a number of them in the local police mounted section.

The horses shown are Barton, Huntley and Teddington.
Barton would be named after a district of Gloucester, Huntley and Teddington after villages in Gloucestershire.
I think there are other horses. Apprarently one of them is called Boris. No place called that around here. Possibly names after someone though I have no idea as to who that might be

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

As others say, it's lovely walking past bluebells, Summer


Yogi, sometimes on recent years I've seen one or two local policewomen in my area on horseback.  There are a number of them in the local police mounted section.

The horses shown are Barton, Huntley and Teddington.
Barton would be named after a district of Gloucester, Huntley and Teddington after villages in Gloucestershire.
I think there are other horses. Apprarently one of them is called Boris. No place called that around here. Possibly names after someone though I have no idea as to who that might be

Nor me  


Good morning everyone it's supposed to be the last day with high temperatures before they plunge back down according to the forecast. 


My grandson has tried to fashion some twigs into a framework to stop the magpie. He reports 3 eggs still in the nest. A pigeon fluttered outside his window afterwards, we think she was thanking him.


Enjoy your day everyone


Evening all.

I have netting over my raised bed but the bit over the rhubarb had lifted and some sparrows had managed to fine a way under the netting and were eating my veg seeds.  As I went out to sort out the netting, one of the sparrows became entangled so I had to untangle him and set him free 

The years of handling my dads pigeons in my youth meant I had no problem handling the little sparrow.

@Yogi19 posted:

Evening all.

I have netting over my raised bed but the bit over the rhubarb had lifted and some sparrows had managed to fine a way under the netting and were eating my veg seeds.  As I went out to sort out the netting, one of the sparrows became entangled so I had to untangle him and set him free 

The years of handling my dads pigeons in my youth meant I had no problem handling the little sparrow.

Well rescued Yogi 

You are a lady of many talents  

@squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone it's supposed to be the last day with high temperatures before they plunge back down according to the forecast. 


My grandson has tried to fashion some twigs into a framework to stop the magpie. He reports 3 eggs still in the nest. A pigeon fluttered outside his window afterwards, we think she was thanking him.


Enjoy your day everyone

aww that is lovely squiggle - heartwarming in this horrible time

Rocking Ros Rose
@Moonie posted:

Good luck with your workload El  

Thanks Moonie .


Self-employment income support claim portal expected to launch on Wednesday though those claiming will be spread over several days from then to the 18th. The HMRC webpage on this hasn't changed since the 4th though I expect it to within the next 2 days.


I'm aware that at least one client has received the letter about this from HMRC. I haven't as yet though I should. As there was no letter post anywhere for Friday and Saturday, I would expect the letter either if or when I get post today or tomorrow. I wouldn't be justified in making a claim though as I can hardly say that my work has been scaled down or been stopped

El Loro

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