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Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Summer, I hope your head cold disappears soon.

I am keeping up with the MM thread. Not got a clue who the murderer is yet.

Moonie, how are you today?

 @ the bad bee keepers! Squiggle, I agree that it doesn't make sense to starve your bees, which will then reduce their honey output.

Hug for Skylark.



I haven't got a clue about the murder either Yogi. So you aren't alone

I'm feeling okay fankoo I hope your back is feeling better


Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Summer, I hope your head cold disappears soon.

I am keeping up with the MM thread. Not got a clue who the murderer is yet.

Moonie, how are you today?

 @ the bad bee keepers! Squiggle, I agree that it doesn't make sense to starve your bees, which will then reduce their honey output.

Hug for Skylark.



I haven't got a clue about the murder either Yogi. So you aren't alone

I'm feeling okay fankoo I hope your back is feeling better


I'm glad you're okay.

My back is still painful but better than it was this morning.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Summer, I hope your head cold disappears soon.

I am keeping up with the MM thread. Not got a clue who the murderer is yet.

Moonie, how are you today?

 @ the bad bee keepers! Squiggle, I agree that it doesn't make sense to starve your bees, which will then reduce their honey output.

Hug for Skylark.



I haven't got a clue about the murder either Yogi. So you aren't alone

I'm feeling okay fankoo I hope your back is feeling better


I'm glad you're okay.

My back is still painful but better than it was this morning.


I'm glad you back is feeling somewhat better than it was this morning

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Aww poor mum, imagine having a rhino on your nose


Not exactly a ickle baby either is it?

 It's still cute though.

I want one

 You do realise it will grow into a big one?


Off to get some dinner, see you later.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Aww poor mum, imagine having a rhino on your nose


Not exactly a ickle baby either is it?

 It's still cute though.

I want one

 You do realise it will grow into a big one?


Off to get some dinner, see you later.

yeah a HUGE rhino roaming round me loving room. Not good

Enjoy your dinner and will see you later

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Aww poor mum, imagine having a rhino on your nose


Not exactly a ickle baby either is it?

 It's still cute though.

I want one

 You do realise it will grow into a big one?


Off to get some dinner, see you later.

yeah a HUGE rhino roaming round me loving room. Not good

Enjoy your dinner and will see you later

 Pleased to see you've had a rethink.


I'm really tired so I'm going to have an early night - hope to get some sleep tonight!

Goodnight and sweet dreams, Moonie and Summer.


Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Aww poor mum, imagine having a rhino on your nose


Not exactly a ickle baby either is it?

 It's still cute though.

I want one

 You do realise it will grow into a big one?


Off to get some dinner, see you later.

yeah a HUGE rhino roaming round me loving room. Not good

Enjoy your dinner and will see you later

 Pleased to see you've had a rethink.


I'm really tired so I'm going to have an early night - hope to get some sleep tonight!

Goodnight and sweet dreams, Moonie and Summer.


Me too

Goodnight Yogi. I hope you sleep better tonight and that your back feels much  better tomorrow. Sleep well and have sweet dreams

Originally Posted by hagatha twisty:
Aaaw I want a rhino!!!!!!

Yogi I hope you sleep better tonight and hope your back eases up soon.

Just a thought- do you think the mm killer knows that they are the killer, or do you think they find out later on..?

@ Sweet. I thought that about a rhino until I realised how big they got

Good question Sweet


Good morning everyone


Dark and quite windy here but forecast is atrocious later today, Saturday is forecast to be worse in this part of the country than today. Longer term forecast is that it will remain very unsettled well into January.


Yogi, I hope your back is better today, and Summer I hope you are recovering from your cold

El Loro
Good morning
Aw poor yogi it sounds awful, I hope it starts to ease off soon. I hope you don't have too much of a list of things to do, and that you can rest

My nose has ran all night, again, but I still feel alright I'm hoping to pop to town today to see about booking a holiday!

Mr summer says it's very cold out today, I'd best get up and get bramble walked early before any bad weather hits us
Ten more mins
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


El, the weather here is just starting to get windy and the rain has just started


Yogi, I'm really pleased you managed to get a little sleep. I just hope you manage to recover before Christmas Glad you liked the owls too


Sweet, pleased you are still feeling okay *chases after Sweets running nose* Hoping you managed those few extra minutes in bed and have been and taken Bramble for her morning constitutional by now and are back in the warm


Squiggle, I hope your day goes well


Take care Buddies and if you have to go out again or at all today, wrap up warm and be careful.


See you later



Last edited by Moonie
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Moonie, you leave chasing after Summer's nose, Bramble will do that


I have to go out to see a client this evening for a meeting at 8. Although they are quite near, that is the time when the coming storm is forecast to be at its worst. Heavy rain and gusts up to 50mph, I can't postpone it.



you take very good care then El

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi all. bit of a flying visit. Bought some paint, so will be busy refreshing some rooms.
Hope Yogi and Summer feel better soon.
Take care El.
Love to all, will try to pop in soon. Till then take care

Hi Skylark I hope you are feeling much better now. I hope the painting goes well and is done quickly

Take care

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Moonie, you leave chasing after Summer's nose, Bramble will do that


I have to go out to see a client this evening for a meeting at 8. Although they are quite near, that is the time when the coming storm is forecast to be at its worst. Heavy rain and gusts up to 50mph, I can't postpone it.



you take very good care then El

Well said moonie, will you drive just to be on the safe side EL?  Let us know when you're back safely if you can.


Hope the painting goes well Skylark.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

It's just possible that I may miss the heaviest rain going to my client as the latest rainfall map shows a short lull in the rain at about 8. It then gets a lot heavier at about 8.30 and starts to ease around 9. It's not a long meeting and I'll try to avoid returning home when it's really heavy.


Good luck El

I hope your journey is safe El, and that you are soon back home in the warm.

I've had a busy day; I walked bramble and once the sudafed kicked in I was ready to go! So I went to town and booked a holiday then I lot candles in the cathedral, then went fun grocery shopping where I bumped into SIL, so we went for a snack... Then I unloaded the shopping, skyped my mum, wrapped little gifts while the bath ran, had my bath, and now here I am!
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
I hope your journey is safe El, and that you are soon back home in the warm.

I've had a busy day; I walked bramble and once the sudafed kicked in I was ready to go! So I went to town and booked a holiday then I lot candles in the cathedral, then went fun grocery shopping where I bumped into SIL, so we went for a snack... Then I unloaded the shopping, skyped my mum, wrapped little gifts while the bath ran, had my bath, and now here I am!

Blimey Sweet, that makes me tired just reading it
Good evening to you  


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