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Good morning everyone, a stiff breeze today blowing away all that humidity   Rotten news about Horlicks EL.  Same with Lucozade, my daughter loves the original Lucozade and they have completely revamped it, drastically reducing the sugar content and ruining the taste according to many.  There is outrage amongst its devotees.  I can't understand why they just didn't bring out a 'lite' version for the health conscious. My new Milly is on the shelf, might read it next or might wait a bit


Enjoy your day everyone


Yogi, good luck with your shopping and window cleaning


Summer, I hope it brightens up for you


Squiggle, I wonder if the company which makes Ovaltine will be interested in buying Horlicks. That's silly of Lucozade to reduce the sugar content. They should rename it. It was originally called Glucozade to show that it was based on glucose.

El Loro

Today is the 10th anniversary of the Gloucestershire floods. After the wettest June & July on record since they began in 1766, 78 mm of rain fell over a period of 12 hours. 3,966 houses and some 500 businesses were flooded. 3 people died.


Although I was not one of those flooded I knew many local people who were.


When the flood water coming down the rivers reached Tewkesbury, the water works there were submerged leaving some 350,000 people without clean running water for 18 days. Initially we relied on bottled water then water bowsers were set up for people to go to and collect water.


The Castle Mead electricity substation was also submerged leading to 48,000 people here having no power. Mine came back on after a few hours but my mother had to wait for a good day. I was able to boil some water and took some round to her house so that she could have some hot tea. She said that it was the best drink she had ever had in her life.


The Walham electricity substation was able to be saved from being submerged due to the efforts of the emergency services, the amed services and volunteers. Although both substations are not far from me, the Walham one is more important and provides power to half a million people and businesses.


I was told by someone who was helping that it came within half an inch of being submerged. If it had been submerged then it would have become necessary to evacuate the half a million people - it would have been the biggest evacuation since the blitz of WW2.

El Loro

A couple of extra notes regarding the Gloucestershire floods. Although there was an average of 78 mm in Gloucestershire, the heaviest recorded that day was at Pershore with 160 mm. Pershore in in Worcestershire and the river Avon flows through it. Further down at Tewkesbury the river merges with the river Severn. That's the main reason why the water treatment works there were submerged and further down the river Severn the electricity substations got hit.


Not surprisingly the main topic of discussion locally here today is the floods. My barber told me that the people trying to save the Walham substation were struggling to get the sandbags in place before the water reached the entrance to the substation. Then they got help from the Royal Gurkha Rifles regiment based in Kent. They are shorter than the average English person but they are very strong and agile. Most people could only move one sandbag at a time. The gurkhas lifted two sandbags at a time, one over each shoulder, dashed over to where they had to place them, laid them down, and dashed back and repeated this until it was done.

El Loro

If you've ever seen "Legally Blonde" you might agree with me that the trailers Channel 5 has been showing in the last few days are misleading. It's somewhat more intelligent than those indicate. Just to show how snippets of a film can be used to give a misleading impression here's a clip done of the film to give the impression of something very different:

El Loro

Evening all 

Nice twirl, El 

That would have been a massive evacuation - good job it never happened.

I've never seen the film Legally Blonde but I take your word that the trailer is misleading.

Summer, there is no doubt that Bramble has the friendly gene.

Squiggle, I don't understand why these companies change the recipes when the product is fine as it is. Before Humira, when I used to get severe spasms and vomiting for days , I would drink Lucozade after the symptoms had passed - a reduced sugar drink would not be beneficial.

I remember when Kellogs changed the Special K recipe - and made it worse, imo.


Good morning everyone


At present it's very breezy and cloudy but dry. Forecast is for heavy rain for much of the day, an inch of rain quite possible. Squiggle, I hope you don't have to go out today


Summer, the chocolate on Thorntons cakes is nice and they do make chocolate bars so you might want to try one of those,


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone. 

It's raining up here.

Summer, BB made those nominated wear t-shirts, with some of the reasons for their nomination printed on them. Let's just say, a few of them didn't take it well.

El, thank goodness that council saw sense and cancelled the little girl's fine.

Summer, I agree with El, Thornton's chocolate is yummy.

Waiting in for a meds delivery. There is a two hour delivery time between 10-noon, so at least I don't have to wait in all day.

Have a good day, everyone.

El Loro posted:

Yogi, I hope they don't delay your meds delivery

They are usually pretty good on delivery times, El.

Not been so good at arranging (what should be) automated prescriptions and deliveries the last twice. I've had to chase things up with numerous phone calls, and the last delivery arrived 30 minutes before I was due to take the meds.


Good morning everyone, you're right about the weather EL.  I don't think I have to go out, I've quickly scurried out to put the rubbish in the bin - we only get a collection every two weeks so I store the first week's bag in the wheelie bin.


I agree Summer, especially Cadbury's chocolate.  I quite like Lindt when I do have chocolate - once in a blue moon.


My meds delivery is very good, a little too efficient sometimes.  They took charge of it for a while and I think they got confused about how often they had to order, I get my prescriptions for two months and they were ordering every month so I was drowning in the stuff.


Enjoy your day everyone


Yogi, I hope your meds did arrive on time - that last time must have been somewhat scary for you


Lovely heartfelt song, Squiggle David Bruce was in three of Errol Flynn's films, the best known being the 1940 "The Sea Hawk".


I've never seen it but the 1979 film "The Rose" includes the song you mention but it's sung by the lead Bette Midler.

El Loro

Good morning everyone


Lors of rain here yesterday, about half an inch. Dry so far today but the forecast is for very heavy and possibly thundery showers.


Yogi, I was just jesting about the jousting I'm glad your meds came on time and the driver had that sharps bin


That cow seen in Coleford was photographed outside their cinema. It's not known which of Dunkirk, Despicable Me 3 or Planet of the Apes was of interest. The cow then wandered off to the car park at at the Forest of Dean District Council HQ where police kept watch and sent for the farmer.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Squiggle, I hope you and I don't get a repeat of the quantity of rain we had yesterday, though I think you probably got more than the half inch I got


Yogi, I hope you have a nice time with your son and your DIL if she pops in

The cow might have been interested in the Dunkirk film as it could remind if of a 1951 British film called Appointment with Venus. It's based on the evacuation of Aldnerny cattle during WW2. Venus is a prize pedigree cow which has been left behind following the Germans invading. Some British people decide to retrieve the cow, take it onto the beach and from there by boat back to Britain.

So it's the cow equivalent of Dunkirk.

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

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