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Originally Posted by El Loro:

I was checking my emails this afternoon and found an email in the spam folder. At first sight it appeared to be from Lloyds bank which is where I bank and was about a payment notification. It would have had a zip file attached but Virgin had suppressed it so my computer is safe. I've done a bit of research and it is a scam with a trojan virus attached. I think this is one which is aimed at businesses rather than the general public. One of the things which made me question it was that I could see that someone else with an email address alphabetically next to mine had also received the email.

You may remember my posting on 25 September.

I've now discovered what the scam probably was.

It's just as well that I didn't get taken in.


El Loro
*night owls in disguise!*

I was the inn keeper in my school nativity

Squiggle I'm really glad your boiler is fixed! and I hope you had a lovely afternoon.

I walked bramble, had to bath bramble, had lunch with friends, delivered a wreath, put up the Xmas tree, changed the bedding and now I'm relaxing!

Yogi, sweet dreams I hope you ache less today

Moonie, how's your cold? Did you have a rough night last night?

I wonder how skylark is today?

El, I hope you've had a lovely day
hagatha twisty
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


Dark clouds and windy here.


I must have been in a nativity play when I was very young but I can't remember what as, most likely a shepherd.


I can't remember my nativity either, but I'm sure we must have done nativity plays at Sunday School. All of my sons were shepherds in their school nativity  - I remember the required tea towel headwear.


Morning all 

I am feeling a lot better now, thanks all for asking x
Hope you feeling better too, moonie, and Yogi x
Got the tree up yesterday. I was so careful last year putting the lights away last year, but there were still in a tangle   Left it to my son, he has more patience than me 

Got stuff to catch up with, so i shall wish you a lovely day, and hope to be back later 


Good morning everyone, it's pouring with rain here with thick grey clouds.


I am glad everyone is feeling much better, I too cannot for the life of me remember a nativity play at all at school.  Mind you I did go to a rather odd little local private school just around the corner from my house run by a relative of the famous Captain Scott - I think she might have been a niece.  I remember she did once bring in one of her salmon pink corsets to show us I have not a clue why she would do that


I hope the weather is better where you all are, and that everyone has a good day.  I hope you are not run off your feet Summer with everyone wanting pre-Christmas haircuts.


Good morning Buddies

The weather is very wet and windy here and not looking like its gonna get much better today either


Yogi, that owl looks like its peeping out of the tree, doesn't it: My cod is a little better fankoo Good luck with the pressie hunting. Wrap up warm

Hagatha, I'm sure you would have made a beautiful 'Mary'

Have a great day Sweet


Skylark, so pleased you are feeling better I am the same with electrical cables. I put them away so carefully only to find they seem to have a mind of their own when it comes to using them again


Hope everyone has a good day

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by hagatha twisty:
I'm glad your cod is feeling better today moonie, I hope you remember to feed him

Skylark! lovely to have you back and I'm very glad to see you feel better. Lets hope it's out of your system now and you'll be fine for christmas

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Morning all 

I am feeling a lot better now, thanks all for asking x
Hope you feeling better too, moonie, and Yogi x
Got the tree up yesterday. I was so careful last year putting the lights away last year, but there were still in a tangle   Left it to my son, he has more patience than me 

Got stuff to catch up with, so i shall wish you a lovely day, and hope to be back later 

Good to have you back and I'm glad you're feeling better

Originally Posted by moonie:

I can't spell Skylark

Meh, motivation, who needs it?

Never mind the spelling, i nearly clicked on the report sign there! 
I need motivated, but cant get there. have got some washing on so thats a start!

Sorry your back not better Yogi, best to rest. Walking around busy shops wont help at all. Do you have a heat pad, or hot water bottle, it may help to ease it. Some ant-inflammatory tabs too, if your tummy is ok with them 

Originally Posted by El Loro:

I've just seen the postman with one of these:

First time I've seen this locally. They've generally used shoulder bags until now. Pushing a trolley like that all day long can't be good for their backs.


His posture is all wrong, he should be more upright, he will end up with back pain if he keeps that up

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by moonie:

I can't spell Skylark

Meh, motivation, who needs it?

Never mind the spelling, i nearly clicked on the report sign there! 
I need motivated, but cant get there. have got some washing on so thats a start!

Sorry your back not better Yogi, best to rest. Walking around busy shops wont help at all. Do you have a heat pad, or hot water bottle, it may help to ease it. Some ant-inflammatory tabs too, if your tummy is ok with them 

I've got a hot water bottle, and I'm on already on anti-inflammatory tabs for my Chrohns. I've taken some paracetamol, which are one of the few pain killers that don't upset my stomach and hubby is going to see if the chemist has some sort of cream, which doesn't stink like Ralgex.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by moonie:

I can't spell Skylark

Meh, motivation, who needs it?

Never mind the spelling, i nearly clicked on the report sign there! 
I need motivated, but cant get there. have got some washing on so thats a start!

Sorry your back not better Yogi, best to rest. Walking around busy shops wont help at all. Do you have a heat pad, or hot water bottle, it may help to ease it. Some ant-inflammatory tabs too, if your tummy is ok with them 

I've got a hot water bottle, and I'm on already on anti-inflammatory tabs for my Chrohns. I've taken some paracetamol, which are one of the few pain killers that don't upset my stomach and hubby is going to see if the chemist has some sort of cream, which doesn't stink like Ralgex.

Ah yes of course. 
Yes some of the creams are a bit iffy! Hope hubby finds something suitable for you.

That post trolley looks heavy, maybe some kind of waterproof fabric would be better. I feel for them at this time of year, carrying those heavy bags, moreso when its full of junk mail. My postman says they have to post all the mail, even if its junk. They can face disciplinary action if they dont , which means they have to go around every door, even if they dont deliver regular mail 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by moonie:

I can't spell Skylark

Meh, motivation, who needs it?

Never mind the spelling, i nearly clicked on the report sign there! 
I need motivated, but cant get there. have got some washing on so thats a start!

Sorry your back not better Yogi, best to rest. Walking around busy shops wont help at all. Do you have a heat pad, or hot water bottle, it may help to ease it. Some ant-inflammatory tabs too, if your tummy is ok with them 

*goes to have a look to see if it was that bad*

You have made a good start now then Skylark

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I've just seen the postman with one of these:

First time I've seen this locally. They've generally used shoulder bags until now. Pushing a trolley like that all day long can't be good for their backs.


His posture is all wrong, he should be more upright, he will end up with back pain if he keeps that up

Aren't they battery operated Squiggle?

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by moonie:

I can't spell Skylark

Meh, motivation, who needs it?

Never mind the spelling, i nearly clicked on the report sign there! 
I need motivated, but cant get there. have got some washing on so thats a start!

Sorry your back not better Yogi, best to rest. Walking around busy shops wont help at all. Do you have a heat pad, or hot water bottle, it may help to ease it. Some ant-inflammatory tabs too, if your tummy is ok with them 

I've got a hot water bottle, and I'm on already on anti-inflammatory tabs for my Chrohns. I've taken some paracetamol, which are one of the few pain killers that don't upset my stomach and hubby is going to see if the chemist has some sort of cream, which doesn't stink like Ralgex.

Feel better soon

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by moonie:

I can't spell Skylark

Meh, motivation, who needs it?

Never mind the spelling, i nearly clicked on the report sign there! 
I need motivated, but cant get there. have got some washing on so thats a start!

Sorry your back not better Yogi, best to rest. Walking around busy shops wont help at all. Do you have a heat pad, or hot water bottle, it may help to ease it. Some ant-inflammatory tabs too, if your tummy is ok with them 

I've got a hot water bottle, and I'm on already on anti-inflammatory tabs for my Chrohns. I've taken some paracetamol, which are one of the few pain killers that don't upset my stomach and hubby is going to see if the chemist has some sort of cream, which doesn't stink like Ralgex.

Feel better soon

 Thank you.

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I've just seen the postman with one of these:

First time I've seen this locally. They've generally used shoulder bags until now. Pushing a trolley like that all day long can't be good for their backs.


His posture is all wrong, he should be more upright, he will end up with back pain if he keeps that up

Aren't they battery operated Squiggle?

Ah, so is he running to catch up with it then? Maybe has to put it in first gear?


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