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If you haven't seen her thread, Summer is having major problems in getting on to any threads - that's why she opened a new thread as that was the only way she could post anything. I've put a posting on a thread she started in the technical pages to alert Lori. Apart from her one post, she's posted nothing in the last 24 hours.


El Loro

Morning everyone.    It's grey and miserable here again today.  I suppose the sunshine will return sometime!!


Enjoyed our visit to the holiday home, although the weather was poor.  Nice and snug inside and I did have a great steak and chips meal with all the trimmings on Saturday evening, so that was great.


Will catch up later.  Off to the shops shortly. 


Good morning everyone


Sunny morning after a night of rain.


Glad to see you were eventually able to get on, Summer. I agree with Ros, I think it's a server issue. I've seen this morning on the Social Strata help site that another forum has been having problems - it's an Eve site rather than a site like this so different software, but Brian Lenz replied saying amongst other things that part of their problems has been caused by servers. He said that they are now in the process of increasing the number of servers they have.


The other thought I had was that could you have a broadband usage cap in place for your iPhone? Although the videos you've uploaded aren't big, if you have a very low usage cap, then your ISP provider could have enforced the cap which is why things have been a problem. I think it's more likely though to be a server problem rather than that.


Joyron, I'm glad you were able to enjoy your break even if the weather was poor.


Yogi, I hope you are feeling better today.


Squiggle, I hope all goes well for your dental visit this afternoon.

El Loro

Good morning everyone.  Yogi I hope you are feeling refreshed this morning and hopefully no headache .  Some good advice from EL, and I'm glad you made it into the thread Summer, you know we miss you when you're not here.  Glad that at least you had a great meal Joyron and it's nice that you were warm and snug inside, I love that when the rain is pouring down and you are all tucked up inside, especially if your family are there too.  Like you Ros I am on pooter and FF and so far no problems.  Thank you for you good wishes EL I am sure it will all go well.


Good morning everyone. Sun is shining but there are grey clouds hovering.

Thank you all, I'm happy to report that my headache has disappeared.

I hope the posting problems get sorted out soon. I'm on the laptop and FF, and the only problem I have experienced is that sometimes the larger threads are taking a while to load up. Summer, hope you manage to post today.

Harvey has arrived for daycare - he and Keira are having a nap, atm.

Is it just a check-up at the dentist, Squiggle? Hope it all goes well.

I need to make an appointment for my check-up, too. I've been putting it off for the last fortnight.

Hi everyone

I've managed to load the mobile version of the site today.

Joyron, I'm glad you had a lovely break despite the weather, steak is one of my favourite meals what cut was it? And how do you like it cooked?
I like fillet or sirloin, always cooked rare

Yogi I'm glad you feel better today how are the dogs?

Squiggle I hope your tooth isn't going to be too much trouble good luck today

El I don't think the broadband should be a factor, I'm having the same problems using both wifi and 3G. Will keep you posted though and thank you for the tech updates
~Sparkling Summer~

Hi Summer, I'm glad you've been able to get in today. I thought your broadband was the less likely cause.


There are ways in which one can increase the internet timeout for trying to connect to websites but they are very technical - on Windows computers it involves changing the registry settings. As any mistake in changing registry settings can easily cause far worse problems, I am not going to go into any details. It's not sometime that I would try to do on my own computer.


El Loro

El, many thanks for the video, aren't they cute?

Until recently, I had never had siskins or a redpoll in my garden and the goldfinches visited very rarely. When I put the niger feeder out, there was no activity near it for ages - at one point, I thought the seed had become stuck or blocked because it never needed topping up. Then suddenly the goldfinches (4) and siskins(2) discovered the feeder and have been returning every day. I'm hoping the redpoll does the same.


Summer, pleased to see you can post today, we did miss you.

The dogs are fine. However I can't make them understand that even though the sun is shining atm, it has been pouring with rain and the grass is soaking wet, so they can't lie out in the garden.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, you were lucky to see a redpoll - I've never seen one.


Nor me, you are very lucky Yogi.


I have to have the tooth out, I've got an appointment in another month.  Not looking forward to it but in a way I will be relieved to be without the blessed thing, it's been nothing but trouble for years now.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, you were lucky to see a redpoll - I've never seen one.


Nor me, you are very lucky Yogi.


I have to have the tooth out, I've got an appointment in another month.  Not looking forward to it but in a way I will be relieved to be without the blessed thing, it's been nothing but trouble for years now.

Sounds like you will be better off without it, Squiggle.


I was over the moon to see the redpoll and it has returned a few times today. I am hoping it will be a regular visitor and I can get a pic of it. I had never seen one before and had to look it up in one of my bird books.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

That's so exciting when you see a new bird.  I have a bird book with a list in the back where you can tick off the birds you have seen (sounds like I-Spy ) which is interesting.

I remember the old I Spy books from when I was a child. I probably had a dozen of them, most of them I got nowhere near completing, but one book either I did complete it or virtually complete it. It was possibly a wild animals one as I went to Bristol Zoo many times as a child. I see that Michelin relaunched them a few years ago.

El Loro
Squiggle sorry to hear they have to extract the tooth, I too think it sounds like you'll be better off without it after all the trouble you've had. Is it in the back? Yogi, mr summer would be very excited by your bird sighting! He too has lots of bird books and that's a stunning bird, I'm thrilled you have seen one and hope it returns Lovely video el I loaded the thread with no problems at all just now
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by squiggle:

The weather here is similar to you both Yogi and EL, getting worse this afternoon, I have to go out on a short journey so I hope I can get lucky and avoid heavy rain.


Good luck with your client EL and hope you get back before the rain really gets going.  Yogi is your garden all planted now?

I've potted up my planters and planted a few wild meadow flower seeds in a tiny corner of my small garden, so I hope they take.

I did order some carnation plug plants the other day but I have no idea where to put them when they arrive - I just love carnations!

My tomato, cucumber and chilli plants are still waiting to go into the greenhouse (they are in my hall atm) but hopefully they'll go in later this week.

The veggies in the raised bed seem to be thriving and growing well, in spite of the lack of sunshine.

Good morning I'm in Yogi, carnations are my favourite! My dad used to grow them and I grow them now to honour his memory. I also think they're beautiful, smell good and last well in vases I copied this picture for you; My cousin in new York state took the photo, it's an Oriole in his garden I'd never heard of it, I think it's beautiful. El I hope you stay dry and have a good meeting Squiggle I hope your tooth feels ok this morning, did they give you a temporary filling? My mum had a tooth extracted yesterday. How peculiar with the timing! For all of bramble's aunties;
~Sparkling Summer~

Before I went to Prague in March, there was an offer in a newspaper for seed packets (you had to collect tokens and send off ÂĢ1.08 for p&p). Well, no seeds arrived and I forgot all about it - until today! I have received nine packets of seed which I requested.

I have absolutely no idea where I can plant them, I may need to buy some more planters.


You are doing really well Yogi.  Although my garden was laid down mainly to shrubs by the previous owner, which my gardener just keeps trimmed back I am very lucky in that I get lots of wildflowers self-seeding.  Whether that's because of the location or because of the large numbers of birds we get where the seeds are spread by their little messages I don't know. 


I have no idea of what they are but in the bank opposite my side window where I am desperately trying to get climbing fuchsia and a rambling rose to take hold I am thrilled to see two very pretty flowers have taken hold and are steadily advancing and will hopefully colonise the bank in a couple of years.  I remember I had a clump of honesty take root a while back and that might be one of them, they are both different shades of purple. A patch of bluebells popped up on the very edge of the lawn this year too.  Oh and I love carnations and pinks, one of my favourite smells.


I have just spotted your post Summer, Bramble is such a cutie and I would love to have that bird at my bird table.


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