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Evening all

Very wet and windy weather.

I’m sorry you are still feeling poorly, Moonie. Migraines can be very debilitating. I hope you feel better soon.

I won’t be on the forum at 8pm as I’m not watching the Sewing Bee programme. Instead, I’ll catch up on the Christmas episode of Call The Midwife. Regardless of whether the storylines are heartwarming or heartbreaking, I need a box of tissues.

Have a good evening, everyone, goodnight and sweet dreams.

@Yogi19 posted:

Evening all

Very wet and windy weather.

I’m sorry you are still feeling poorly, Moonie. Migraines can be very debilitating. I hope you feel better soon.

I won’t be on the forum at 8pm as I’m not watching the Sewing Bee programme. Instead, I’ll catch up on the Christmas episode of Call The Midwife. Regardless of whether the storylines are heartwarming or heartbreaking, I need a box of tissues.

Have a good evening, everyone, goodnight and sweet dreams.

Fankoo Yogi

Here is a pressie for you for tonight...


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Last edited by Moonie

Good morning everyone it's a wet and breezy morning much colder too. I hope you feel a little better today Moonie so disappointing when you were enjoying Christmas.

Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning everyone

Calmer and colder here than it was now that Storm Bella has passed over. A wet night (13.2 mm) but could have been more, and the highest gust 42.6 mph so lower than the forecasts.

I hope that Storm Bella hasn't caused problems for anyone here

I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone

We have sunshine, a breeze and I don’t know if it’s cold outside but according to the weather forecast it will be

Fankoo squiggle

El, it was cold, wet and very windy last night here

Tomorrow, we have a weather warning for snow and ice

Hope no one had any trouble with Storm Bella

When I saw the name of the storm I immediately thought of Bella Emberg, Blunderwoman in the Russ Abbot show

Have a lovely day everyone

Last edited by Moonie
@El Loro posted:

Mmmoie, that snow and ice warning covers here as well for tomorrow which is expected to be a cold day, fractionally warmer on Tuesday.

I never saw that Russ Abbot show

He had a character called Basildon Bond, a ‘send-up’ of James Bond

Last edited by Moonie
@El Loro posted:

I had heard of that

Of course, there's the well known stationery paper of that name

There was indeed

I bet he never ran out of writing paper

I have just been out to the recycling bin and it is cold


Good afternoon beautiful people how are you all? I hope you’re relaxing and feeling alright.

Moonie I hope you’re feeling better by now, those migraines are rotten things

My mum is still here, she’s enjoying herself and a friend of ours joined us for Xmas dinner. I’ve enjoyed cooking at home and hosting this year, but it sure is a lot of work lol

~Sparkling Summer~

Moonie, normally my recycling box gets emptied once a week on Monday. Last Monday, they ignored it (it was still dark so they might not have seen it). The collection tomorrow has been moved to Tuesday and only the wheelie (for the stuff which can't be recycled) and the food caddy will get enptied. So it won't be until the following Monday that my recycling box will be emplied, It doesn't matter much as it's always nearly empty. (paper goes in a separate sack, so the only items are plastic and tins/aluminium foil, or alternatively glass bottles/jars - same box used but here we can't mix plastic/metal with glass in the same box).

El Loro

Good afternoon beautiful people how are you all? I hope you’re relaxing and feeling alright.

Moonie I hope you’re feeling better by now, those migraines are rotten things

My mum is still here, she’s enjoying herself and a friend of ours joined us for Xmas dinner. I’ve enjoyed cooking at home and hosting this year, but it sure is a lot of work lol

Summer, I'm glad you are having a nice time

El Loro

Good afternoon beautiful people how are you all? I hope you’re relaxing and feeling alright.

Moonie I hope you’re feeling better by now, those migraines are rotten things

My mum is still here, she’s enjoying herself and a friend of ours joined us for Xmas dinner. I’ve enjoyed cooking at home and hosting this year, but it sure is a lot of work lol

Hi Sweet and Miss Bramble

Yes they are. Sometimes they go in a short while. Other times they linger for a couple of days

I’m glad you was able to get together with your mum and friend

@El Loro posted:

Moonie, normally my recycling box gets emptied once a week on Monday. Last Monday, they ignored it (it was still dark so they might not have seen it). The collection tomorrow has been moved to Tuesday and only the wheelie (for the stuff which can't be recycled) and the food caddy will get enptied. So it won't be until the following Monday that my recycling box will be emplied, It doesn't matter much as it's always nearly empty. (paper goes in a separate sack, so the only items are plastic and tins/aluminium foil, or alternatively glass bottles/jars - same box used but here we can't mix plastic/metal with glass in the same box).

Our collection for household waste and recycling is on a Tuesday every week. The garden recycling waste is collected every two weeks on a Tuesday


Evening all

We’ve had a couple of snow showers. Not enough to settle but it’s very chilly.

I’m glad you are having a good time with your mum, Summer

Moonie, hope that migraine is easing off

El, I used to buy Basildon Bond writing paper when Mr Y was in the forces. I wrote so many letters, I ought to have had shares in the company
We’ve had a quiet day - we watched The Sound of Music for the millionth time

@Yogi19 posted:

Evening all

We’ve had a couple of snow showers. Not enough to settle but it’s very chilly.

I’m glad you are having a good time with your mum, Summer

Moonie, hope that migraine is easing off

El, I used to buy Basildon Bond writing paper when Mr Y was in the forces. I wrote so many letters, I ought to have had shares in the company
We’ve had a quiet day - we watched The Sound of Music for the millionth time

Hi Yogi

No snow here, it’s to cold for that

Is Julie Andrews still looking as young as she use too?

@El Loro posted:

Moonie, I'm not intending to go out either
Slushy rain here now and it's forecast to turn to snow in a few hours time.

We are sensible El

But I guess if you need to go out then you do

We are forecast to get snow and fog later

That has changed from earlier on

Last edited by Moonie
@Moonie posted:

We are sensible El

But I guess if you need to go out then you do

We are forecast to get snow and fog later

That has changed from earlier on

There's warnings of snow and ice for the southern part of the UK through to Thursday

El Loro
@Moonie posted:

I’ve just been down the garden to feed the birds, Baby Cyril and friends

It’s actually not too cold, which was surprising

Here’s a new one for you. Darts on the radio

Thanks for the warning

El Loro
@Yogi19 posted:

Good evening all

It has been cold and frosty up here.
lol Darts on the radio, that’s a new one.

I hope you’ve all had a good day

Belated hi Yogi

My day was good fankoo, I hope yours was good


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