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Had one of those electricity tariff phone calls today. First one for quite a few weeks. I ended the call quickly and had a look at the phone number on the caller display. Previous cphone numbers have been randon land line numbers but this time it was a mobile phone number.


Did a search on that number and found that there have been quite a number of reports made regarding that number - but about the computer tech support scams.


Shows what I suspected all along. Those electricity tariff phone calls are scammers.

El Loro

Not had a scammer for ages    


When a scammer deletes your phone number you are truly alone.

It's been weeks since I had one and I may know why you and I haven't. The majority of those calls seem to come from India. Because of the lockdown there, people haven't been able to go to where they work. Lockdown is starting to be lifted so these scam calls could start to increase. I'm not saying this is definite but it does seem plausible.

El Loro

Latest film I've seen from the Talking Pictures channel was "Cloak and Dagger" (1946). Directed by Fritz Lang, one of his lesser films, but still of interest. Could be regarded as his third of a trilogy of World War 2 based spy thrillers. First was Man Hunt (1941) and second was Ministry of Fear (1944) which are very good films.


Gary Cooper as a scientist called up by the American OSS to meet a former colleague in Switzerland who has escaped from Germany - the Germans are working to create some nuclear bombs. The OSS was the American equivalent of MI6. Film is sort of a precursor to a James Bond film. There's even a fight scene which is a bit reminiscent of a Sean Connery fight scene.


Lead woman was played by Lilli Palmer. For those of you with long memories she was in the short lived TV series "The Zoo Gang" (1974), only 6 episodes were made. The other members of the Zoo Gang were Brian Keith, Barry Morse and John Mills.


Also in the cast was Robert Alda. I've hardly ever seen him. 36 at the time of the film and I could see the similarity between him at that age and his son Alan Alda who was of the same age when he started in M*A*S*H (the series, not the film).

El Loro

Not much on there at the mo. Recorded a doc about the Burmese war yesterday.

Didn't record that though I see it was directed by Roy Boulting. I see from the schedule that Tallking Pictures later showed Suddenly (1954). Frank Sinatra as an out and out baddy. Only seen it once and I don't want to re-see it but it's got quite a notorious reputation as it's the film that Lee Harvey Oswald supposedly watched before assassinating JFK. A black and white film though there's a colourised version in which Sinatra's eyes are coloured brown.

El Loro
@Yogi19 posted:

Good morning all 

I’m glad to say, it’s sunny up here today 

Moonie, I’ve got a load in the washing machine and it will soon be hanging on the line 

Have a good day and stay safe, everyone 

Good morning Yogi 

Excellent. I’m pleased you have the weather for hanging washing out today 

Coffs...first lot of washing on the line, second and final lot in the washer  


EDIT...the first lot was done overnight though  

Last edited by Moonie

Actually I am washing my handkerchief/mask as present as I've just been shopping at the local Co-op.

Although they have put direction arrows on the floor between aisles they haven't really thought about it:

Say there are 6 aisles the markings are:

Front of shop
⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇓
Back of shop

with the result rhat the arrows are near useless

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

Actually I am washing my handkerchief/mask as present as I've just been shopping at the local Co-op.

Although they have put direction arrows on the floor between aisles they haven't really thought about it:

Say there are 6 aisles the markings are:

Front of shop
⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇓
Back of shop

with the result rhat the arrows are near useless

You have joined the Yogi, Bazzy and myself washing club El 

I agree about the marking arrows 


That's good memory    


Didn't he take time out from filming and lie in a bath getting hammered? Or is it a myth?


Hope all are hunky dory.

Fury is a memorable film. I knew that I had seen it on BBC on a Saturday. The BBC Genome site is a database of Radio Times editions covering BBC television and radio and it was fairly easy to do a search to get the exact date and time.

According to Wiki, Tracy could stay off drink for months, even years but then would relapse and binge drink. Don't know if what you posted is true or not but it could be.

El Loro

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