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Good morning everyone


Warm and sunny here at present.


In the USA, two astronauts have arrived at the Kennedy Space Center to go to the ISS next week. For the first time they will get there by a rocket made by a commercial company rather than by NASA.
What that article doesn't mention is that the commercial company, SpaceX was created by Elon Musk.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone it's a little cloudy this morning but I don't think there's any rain in the forecast. 


In our tiny village the 'clap to show  support for the NHS' has taken a novel twist which makes me smile. As everyone claps, bangs saucepans etc the lambs join in and bleat away happily for about a minute or more. Very sweet. 


Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning a sunny but windy day here, a great day for blowing away cobwebs!!! I’m waiting for a parcel delivery before I can go for a walk. I must catch the butchers before they close though so I may have to just hope a neighbour will take in my parcel.


how are you all? 

squiggle I absolutely love that your local lambs are joining in!

~Sparkling Summer~

Summer, I hope your parcel arrives soon enough for you be be able to get out


Just filed a very complex corporation tax return for a client with HMRC. I'll need to check some time next week to see it it looks to have gone through correctly.
From the chancellor's 2016 budget speech:

"And lastly we’re going to modernise the way we treat losses. We’re going to allow firms to use losses more flexibly in a way that will help over 70,000 mostly British companies.

But with these new flexibilities in place, we’ll do what other countries do and restrict the maximum amount of profits that can be offset using past losses to 50%.

This will only apply to the less than 1% of firms making profits over ÂĢ5m – and the existing rules for historic losses in the banking sector will be tightened to 25%."

What used to be very straightforward to do in corporation tax returns is now throughly complex and time consuming as a direct result of the above

El Loro
@squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone it's a little cloudy this morning but I don't think there's any rain in the forecast. 


In our tiny village the 'clap to show  support for the NHS' has taken a novel twist which makes me smile. As everyone claps, bangs saucepans etc the lambs join in and bleat away happily for about a minute or more. Very sweet. 


Enjoy your day everyone

aww love the lambs bleating squiggle

Rocking Ros Rose
Last edited by Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone


Showery start here, doesn't seem to be as breezy as yesterday.


Yogi, I hope I know what I'm doing I'll need to follow up to see if the return has been processed to give the result I intended. Sent it in earlier than I needed to so that there's time to try to get it corrected if that's needed.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

At present, each week, my church is emailing us items such as prayer lists, a sermon, a simple service sheet and prayers. Here's a prayer I've been sent this week. I don't know the writer, could be from anywhere in the country.


A personal prayer
When we grow tired of looking out on a world of desperation,
may we look up to a God from whom we can seek inspiration,
and to the skies that God created.
May we find hope in what we see above,
whether viewed by day or night.

In those skies we see migrating birds and moving clouds,
which are no respecters of boundaries.
Unlike our world, defined by borders that can exclude some –
though not viruses.

In those skies we now glimpse an occasional airplane,
perhaps carrying returning passengers, stranded overseas,
or those coming to help with the harvest.

In those skies, we consider the joy of a child flying a kite,
watching as it twists and turns on the winds;
appearing as free as a bird, yet shackled by a string.

And in those skies, there are things that we struggle to see,
especially with the naked eye:
rain clouds emerging from the sea,
or tiny ice crystals forming snow.
Much like life, some things are not easy to comprehend.

Yet, in all of this, we thank you Lord, for life
in all its beauty,
in all its complexity,
and pray for the strength to cope with all its challenges.

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

I see that BBC Two is showing "Some Like It Hot" (1959) next Saturday afternoon (Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis, Marilyn Monroe and Joe E Brown; directed by Bill Wilder). Many consider it to be one of the best comedy films ever made. My parents disliked it (but they also disliked Breakfast at Tiffany's).


Not to be confused with:

No, I've never seen it either

El Loro
@Yogi19 posted:

Good morning everyone 

It’s pouring with rain today.

El, I have complete faith in your abilities 

What a lovely prayer. âĪïļ
Moonie, I’ve missed you! I hope you have a good weekend too
Stay safe everyone 

Thank you 

I hope your weekend is a good one too 


Night night, sleep well, sweet dreams Yogi, Rosss and visitors  

Last edited by Moonie

Good morning everyone


A mix of blue sky and clouds here, less breezy than yesterday.


Watched the original "Creature from the Black Lagoon" (1954) which I recorded some months ago. The man who played the Gill Man in the underwater scenes was an ucredited Ricou Browning. Years later he was a co-creator of the television series "Flipper".


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

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